The GOPs scramble for the stupid vote


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
The GOP s scramble for the stupid vote

Dinesh D’Souza is no one’s idea of a thoughtful participant in the nation’s public conversation. Still, his tweet on Wednesday morning may have set a new low for the right-wing rabble-rouser. Commenting on a widely circulated image of President Obama taking a picture of himself with selfie stick, D’Souza tweeted the following message: “YOU CAN TAKE THE BOY OUT OF THE GHETTO... Watch this vulgar man show his stuff, while America cowers in embarrassment.”
The tweet has created quite a stir, especially among people who think it demonstrates D’Souza’s racism. But I think it reveals something that might actually be worse: his willingness to pander shamelessly to racists in order to increase his own power and influence.

And then there’s Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, who’s already in the lead to win this election cycle’s award for Achievements in Pandering.
Exhibit A is a form of groveling that these days just about every Republican engages in when asked if he or she accepts the truth of Darwinian evolution. Walker played this sorry game on his recent trip to London, when the question was posed to him by a reporter and he chose to “punt.”
That’s Exhibit B: Walker’s effort to cut $300 million from the budget for the University of Wisconsin system — coincidentally at the precise moment he’s gearing up to compete in the notoriously far-right GOP Iowa caucuses.
I have no idea if Walker actually believes professors are parasites on the Wisconsin state budget — or if he’s merely ingratiating himself to those who do. What matters is that in taking this stance he’s allied himself with the forces in American society that consider Advanced Placement history courses to be a problem rather than a plus, and who know so little about university life that they actually think professors are coddled wards of the state instead of richly educated researchers and teachers who work endless hours for modest pay and (thanks in part to slanderous statements by public figures like Scott Walker) precious little social esteem.
And then there’s Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, who’s already in the lead to win this election cycle’s award for Achievements in Pandering.
Exhibit A is a form of groveling that these days just about every Republican engages in when asked if he or she accepts the truth of Darwinian evolution. Walker played this sorry game on his recent trip to London, when the question was posed to him by a reporter and he chose to “punt.”

Remember when the right crucified President Obama for his "above my paygrade" flippancy? Walker actually used the word "punt"...

Is he going to punt when they ask him that question during a Primary debate like they asked all the candidates?
And then there’s Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, who’s already in the lead to win this election cycle’s award for Achievements in Pandering.
Exhibit A is a form of groveling that these days just about every Republican engages in when asked if he or she accepts the truth of Darwinian evolution. Walker played this sorry game on his recent trip to London, when the question was posed to him by a reporter and he chose to “punt.”
After the failure of bengazi, you will vote for Hillary. Talk about stupid, she couldn't keep four people safe.
And then there’s Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, who’s already in the lead to win this election cycle’s award for Achievements in Pandering.
Exhibit A is a form of groveling that these days just about every Republican engages in when asked if he or she accepts the truth of Darwinian evolution. Walker played this sorry game on his recent trip to London, when the question was posed to him by a reporter and he chose to “punt.”

Remember when the right crucified President Obama for his "above my paygrade" flippancy? Walker actually used the word "punt"...

Is he going to punt when they ask him that question during a Primary debate like they asked all the candidates?
Walker has the right to punt any stupid questions he wants to.
And then there’s Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, who’s already in the lead to win this election cycle’s award for Achievements in Pandering.
Exhibit A is a form of groveling that these days just about every Republican engages in when asked if he or she accepts the truth of Darwinian evolution. Walker played this sorry game on his recent trip to London, when the question was posed to him by a reporter and he chose to “punt.”

Remember when the right crucified President Obama for his "above my paygrade" flippancy? Walker actually used the word "punt"...

Is he going to punt when they ask him that question during a Primary debate like they asked all the candidates?
Walker has the right to punt any stupid questions he wants to.

Not if he wants to be a nominee for President he doesn't.
And then there’s Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, who’s already in the lead to win this election cycle’s award for Achievements in Pandering.
Exhibit A is a form of groveling that these days just about every Republican engages in when asked if he or she accepts the truth of Darwinian evolution. Walker played this sorry game on his recent trip to London, when the question was posed to him by a reporter and he chose to “punt.”

Remember when the right crucified President Obama for his "above my paygrade" flippancy? Walker actually used the word "punt"...

Is he going to punt when they ask him that question during a Primary debate like they asked all the candidates?
Obama was awarded lie of the year, yet you still trust him. Gruber described you well.
The GOP s scramble for the stupid vote

Dinesh D’Souza is no one’s idea of a thoughtful participant in the nation’s public conversation. Still, his tweet on Wednesday morning may have set a new low for the right-wing rabble-rouser. Commenting on a widely circulated image of President Obama taking a picture of himself with selfie stick, D’Souza tweeted the following message: “YOU CAN TAKE THE BOY OUT OF THE GHETTO... Watch this vulgar man show his stuff, while America cowers in embarrassment.”
The tweet has created quite a stir, especially among people who think it demonstrates D’Souza’s racism. But I think it reveals something that might actually be worse: his willingness to pander shamelessly to racists in order to increase his own power and influence.

nobody is dumber than a liberal !!! let me educate your stupid ass !! 1st there is a difference between a man and a woman .2nd,higher taxes hurt business ,3rd Islamic terrorists are the enemy not Jews and Christians .
How is that man allowed to tweet. Isn't he in prison?
Ahh libturd wants to shut down free speech, aint she special.

So you think people in prison should be allowed social media? You don't think they should get to vote though do you?
Community Confinement is not prison. Damn you are dumb.

Dumb, no...ignorant of where he is serving his term, yes. Thanks so much for "educating" me.

By all means, the dumbass can tweet away.
And then there’s Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, who’s already in the lead to win this election cycle’s award for Achievements in Pandering.
Exhibit A is a form of groveling that these days just about every Republican engages in when asked if he or she accepts the truth of Darwinian evolution. Walker played this sorry game on his recent trip to London, when the question was posed to him by a reporter and he chose to “punt.”
After the failure of bengazi, you will vote for Hillary. Talk about stupid, she couldn't keep four people safe.

Just a hint

The Benghazi attacks happened two months before the 2012 election. The public didn't care and voted Obama in by a landslide

What makes you think they will care in 2016?
The GOP s scramble for the stupid vote

Dinesh D’Souza is no one’s idea of a thoughtful participant in the nation’s public conversation. Still, his tweet on Wednesday morning may have set a new low for the right-wing rabble-rouser. Commenting on a widely circulated image of President Obama taking a picture of himself with selfie stick, D’Souza tweeted the following message: “YOU CAN TAKE THE BOY OUT OF THE GHETTO... Watch this vulgar man show his stuff, while America cowers in embarrassment.”
The tweet has created quite a stir, especially among people who think it demonstrates D’Souza’s racism. But I think it reveals something that might actually be worse: his willingness to pander shamelessly to racists in order to increase his own power and influence.

nobody is dumber than a liberal !!! let me educate your stupid ass !! 1st there is a difference between a man and a woman .2nd,higher taxes hurt business ,3rd Islamic terrorists are the enemy not Jews and Christians .

Republicans want your vote
And then there’s Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, who’s already in the lead to win this election cycle’s award for Achievements in Pandering.
Exhibit A is a form of groveling that these days just about every Republican engages in when asked if he or she accepts the truth of Darwinian evolution. Walker played this sorry game on his recent trip to London, when the question was posed to him by a reporter and he chose to “punt.”

Remember when the right crucified President Obama for his "above my paygrade" flippancy? Walker actually used the word "punt"...

Is he going to punt when they ask him that question during a Primary debate like they asked all the candidates?
Walker has the right to punt any stupid questions he wants to.

Not if he wants to be a nominee for President he doesn't.
Obama has set the bar so low to be president, Charlie Brown is more qualified and would probably do better.
So you think people in prison should be allowed social media? You don't think they should get to vote though do you?

Only if they promise to vote Republican. Republicans could offer a get out of jail free card for voting Republican.
Wonder if they are looking in to that?

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