The GOPs scramble for the stupid vote

The GOP s scramble for the stupid vote

Dinesh D’Souza is no one’s idea of a thoughtful participant in the nation’s public conversation. Still, his tweet on Wednesday morning may have set a new low for the right-wing rabble-rouser. Commenting on a widely circulated image of President Obama taking a picture of himself with selfie stick, D’Souza tweeted the following message: “YOU CAN TAKE THE BOY OUT OF THE GHETTO... Watch this vulgar man show his stuff, while America cowers in embarrassment.”
The tweet has created quite a stir, especially among people who think it demonstrates D’Souza’s racism. But I think it reveals something that might actually be worse: his willingness to pander shamelessly to racists in order to increase his own power and influence.

We would actually prefer you stay where you are, Wanger.
Dinesh D’Souza has made his money throwing red meat to the far right conservatives.Much the same act that Sara Palin has

Obama sucks, Obama is a failure, Obama is the worst President ever and the conservatives eat it up. The problem is you turn into a one trick pony and the public gets tired of your act

As a result, you get the Obama ghetto type remarks as the only way to still get attention
Sadly, its all their base requires. They don't require a middle class, or healthcare, or regulating white collar crime on Wall St., or.....etc...
Obama sucks, Obama is a failure, Obama is the worst President ever and the conservatives eat it up. The problem is you turn into a one trick pony and the public gets tired of your act

Wow, the hypocrisy to say this after 14 years and running of Democrats and W. W hasn't been President for six years and it's still W, W, W. You have no self awareness at all. It's remarkable
Dinesh D’Souza has made his money throwing red meat to the far right conservatives.Much the same act that Sara Palin has

Obama sucks, Obama is a failure, Obama is the worst President ever and the conservatives eat it up. The problem is you turn into a one trick pony and the public gets tired of your act

As a result, you get the Obama ghetto type remarks as the only way to still get attention
Sadly, its all their base requires. They don't require a middle class, or healthcare, or regulating white collar crime on Wall St., or.....etc...

Yes, the 1% of the country that are rich, white Republicans are out voting the other 99%. You're all over this aren't you, Scooter?
The GOP s scramble for the stupid vote

Dinesh D’Souza is no one’s idea of a thoughtful participant in the nation’s public conversation. Still, his tweet on Wednesday morning may have set a new low for the right-wing rabble-rouser. Commenting on a widely circulated image of President Obama taking a picture of himself with selfie stick, D’Souza tweeted the following message: “YOU CAN TAKE THE BOY OUT OF THE GHETTO... Watch this vulgar man show his stuff, while America cowers in embarrassment.”
The tweet has created quite a stir, especially among people who think it demonstrates D’Souza’s racism. But I think it reveals something that might actually be worse: his willingness to pander shamelessly to racists in order to increase his own power and influence.


Wow you got all of that out of a single tweet? That is impressive sleuth work, Looks like you've uncovered a new right wing plot.
And then there’s Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, who’s already in the lead to win this election cycle’s award for Achievements in Pandering.
Exhibit A is a form of groveling that these days just about every Republican engages in when asked if he or she accepts the truth of Darwinian evolution. Walker played this sorry game on his recent trip to London, when the question was posed to him by a reporter and he chose to “punt.”

Remember when the right crucified President Obama for his "above my paygrade" flippancy? Walker actually used the word "punt"...

Is he going to punt when they ask him that question during a Primary debate like they asked all the candidates?
Walker has the right to punt any stupid questions he wants to.

Evolution is stupid?

What if he is asked about Gravity.....will he punt on that too?

Walker is pretty good at ducking questions but so is Jeb.

Actually, the ability to run from scrutiny is a requirement for Repubs.
And then there’s Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, who’s already in the lead to win this election cycle’s award for Achievements in Pandering.
Exhibit A is a form of groveling that these days just about every Republican engages in when asked if he or she accepts the truth of Darwinian evolution. Walker played this sorry game on his recent trip to London, when the question was posed to him by a reporter and he chose to “punt.”

Remember when the right crucified President Obama for his "above my paygrade" flippancy? Walker actually used the word "punt"...

Is he going to punt when they ask him that question during a Primary debate like they asked all the candidates?
Walker has the right to punt any stupid questions he wants to.

Evolution is stupid?

What if he is asked about Gravity.....will he punt on that too?

Walker is pretty good at ducking questions but so is Jeb.

Actually, the ability to run from scrutiny is a requirement for Repubs.
I'm sure the would be more truthful than the liar in chief we have now.
Dinesh D’Souza has made his money throwing red meat to the far right conservatives.Much the same act that Sara Palin has

Obama sucks, Obama is a failure, Obama is the worst President ever and the conservatives eat it up. The problem is you turn into a one trick pony and the public gets tired of your act

As a result, you get the Obama ghetto type remarks as the only way to still get attention
Sadly, its all their base requires. They don't require a middle class, or healthcare, or regulating white collar crime on Wall St., or.....etc...

Yes, the 1% of the country that are rich, white Republicans are out voting the other 99%. You're all over this aren't you, Scooter?
I was referring to the Indies & Undecideds rw boi. Thanks for proving how out-to-lunch you rw types are on election basics :thup: kaz
Dinesh D’Souza has made his money throwing red meat to the far right conservatives.Much the same act that Sara Palin has

Obama sucks, Obama is a failure, Obama is the worst President ever and the conservatives eat it up. The problem is you turn into a one trick pony and the public gets tired of your act

As a result, you get the Obama ghetto type remarks as the only way to still get attention
Sadly, its all their base requires. They don't require a middle class, or healthcare, or regulating white collar crime on Wall St., or.....etc...

Yes, the 1% of the country that are rich, white Republicans are out voting the other 99%. You're all over this aren't you, Scooter?
I was referring to the Indies & Undecideds rw boi. Thanks for proving how out-to-lunch you rw types are on election basics :thup: kaz

The "base are independents and undecideds who are in the 1%, that's how they win elections. Thanks for esplainin that, it makes sense now
Dinesh D’Souza has made his money throwing red meat to the far right conservatives.Much the same act that Sara Palin has

Obama sucks, Obama is a failure, Obama is the worst President ever and the conservatives eat it up. The problem is you turn into a one trick pony and the public gets tired of your act

As a result, you get the Obama ghetto type remarks as the only way to still get attention
Sadly, its all their base requires. They don't require a middle class, or healthcare, or regulating white collar crime on Wall St., or.....etc...

Yes, the 1% of the country that are rich, white Republicans are out voting the other 99%. You're all over this aren't you, Scooter?
I was referring to the Indies & Undecideds rw boi. Thanks for proving how out-to-lunch you rw types are on election basics :thup: kaz

The "base are independents and undecideds who are in the 1%, that's how they win elections. Thanks for esplainin that, it makes sense now
I said the rw, you are one of them, have no trouble getting their base to vote for their zany rw candidates. Its the Indies & Undecideds that aren't easily going to fall for your war against the middle class platform. Stop backpedaling. You already lost son.
Dinesh D’Souza has made his money throwing red meat to the far right conservatives.Much the same act that Sara Palin has

Obama sucks, Obama is a failure, Obama is the worst President ever and the conservatives eat it up. The problem is you turn into a one trick pony and the public gets tired of your act

As a result, you get the Obama ghetto type remarks as the only way to still get attention
Sadly, its all their base requires. They don't require a middle class, or healthcare, or regulating white collar crime on Wall St., or.....etc...

Yes, the 1% of the country that are rich, white Republicans are out voting the other 99%. You're all over this aren't you, Scooter?
I was referring to the Indies & Undecideds rw boi. Thanks for proving how out-to-lunch you rw types are on election basics :thup: kaz

The "base are independents and undecideds who are in the 1%, that's how they win elections. Thanks for esplainin that, it makes sense now
I said the rw, you are one of them, have no trouble getting their base to vote for their zany rw candidates. Its the Indies & Undecideds that aren't easily going to fall for your war against the middle class platform. Stop backpedaling. You already lost son.
What has Obama done for the middle-class?
Obama sucks, Obama is a failure, Obama is the worst President ever and the conservatives eat it up. The problem is you turn into a one trick pony and the public gets tired of your act

Wow, the hypocrisy to say this after 14 years and running of Democrats and W. W hasn't been President for six years and it's still W, W, W. You have no self awareness at all. It's remarkable

Where did I say "W" ???
if they keep coming up w/ their clown car Primary candidates, some of the mouth-breathers may even stay home DESPITE their bottomless hate and fear.
if they keep coming up w/ their clown car Primary candidates, some of the mouth-breathers may even stay home DESPITE their bottomless hate and fear.
Your clown car has Hillary and Biden in it. I think I would keep my mouth shut.

I'm willing to go with that clown car any day

Republicans can't beat either one of them
if they keep coming up w/ their clown car Primary candidates, some of the mouth-breathers may even stay home DESPITE their bottomless hate and fear.
Your clown car has Hillary and Biden in it. I think I would keep my mouth shut.

I'm willing to go with that clown car any day

Republicans can't beat either one of them
Please go with that. Biden a plagiarist and a doofus. Hillary who couldn't keep four Americans safe and married to a child molester and a sexual predator. I have to say they represent liberal morals to a tee.

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