The GOP's New Ten Commandments


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
They seem to believe -- or at least dare not say that they DON'T believe -- in a new Ten Commandments. Ironically, there is plenty of "Big Government" on their stone tablets, at least in the form of proposed new constitutional amendments that would override the freedom of the states to set their own rules on social behavior. "States rights" is no longer necessarily a high priority in every or even most respects.

Instead, the contenders are adhering to the following guidelines:

•Thou Shalt Not Raise ANY Taxes
•Thou Shalt Pass a Constitutional Amendment to Make Abortion Illegal
•Thou Shalt Pass a Constitutional Amendment to Define Marriage as the Union of a Man and a Woman
•Thou Shalt Repeal "ObamaCare," AKA the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
•Thou Shalt Repeal The Dodd-Frank Banking Regulation Act
•Thou Shalt Pass a Constitutional Amendment to Balance the Federal Budget
•Thou Shalt Only Give Military Support to "Our Friends"
•Thou Shalt Limit the Power of -- If Not Entirely Abolish -- the EPA
•Thou Shalt Drill, Mine and Frak to the Widest Extent Possible
•Thou Shalt Take the Name of President Obama in Vain

MORE (by Howard Fineman): GOP Presidential Primary: New Rules Of The Race Emerge
Too bad their would be no taxes to pay for the stone tablet. Well: you could take it up with the new Moses
•Thou Shalt Not Raise ANY Taxes

Why raise taxes? In this economy is raising taxes really the answer?

Typical liberal logic. Raise taxes and everything will be fine. Washington doesn't have a revenue problem, Washington has a spending problem, and before we even think of raising taxes we need to get that spending under control.

•Thou Shalt Pass a Constitutional Amendment to Make Abortion Illegal

Abortion is murder. It should never have been made legal.

Why do liberals find such joy in attacking traditional values. Marriage is between a man and a woman and wanting it to be something else doesn't change that.

Obamacare is a jobs killing, unconstitutional piece of legislation. It is incredible that liberals can actually defend this piece of amphibian shit with a straight face.

Why not? Seems to make sense that what this country needs is a balanced budget amendment when the federal government has been running amock for so many years, spending us into oblivion.

Yeah... would you prefer we give military support to our enemies?

The EPA is a jobs killing machine, with far over reaching powers not granted by the constitution to impose restrictions at will.

It should be shut.

•Thou Shalt Drill, Mine and Frak to the Widest Extent Possible

Yep, we need to expand our own oil supply. End of story.

•Thou Shalt Take the Name of President Obama in Vain

You're damn right, he is a disgrace to this country and is destroying it. He undermines the values of Christian Western society and the constitution, but don't worry liberals he'll be leaving next year so you can get out your fascist accusation headlines against the new REPUBLICAN CONSERVATIVE ADMINISTRATION :cool:

Rich people aren't "making jobs". They are "hoarding money" and I heard that from a Republican. Oops.

Republicans only care about children BEFORE they are born.

Lt. Gov. Andre Bauer declared the Republicans position, "Feed the poor and they'll BREED". That includes children, obviously.
These don't seem at all new to me. Certainly, since the midterm elections occurred and the primary race began in earnest, the principles listed above have been more or less uniform among serious contenders for the nomination. As the author points out, only Paul and Huntsman are likely to oppose any of them.

It seems like that's always the way it is, especially for Republicans. Clear pluralities of primary-goers have well-defined opinions on subjects and only vote for candidates that share those opinions. Even on the Democratic side, I don't remember many policy differences among candidates in 2008.
They seem to believe -- or at least dare not say that they DON'T believe -- in a new Ten Commandments. Ironically, there is plenty of "Big Government" on their stone tablets, at least in the form of proposed new constitutional amendments that would override the freedom of the states to set their own rules on social behavior. "States rights" is no longer necessarily a high priority in every or even most respects.

Instead, the contenders are adhering to the following guidelines:

•Thou Shalt Not Raise ANY Taxes
•Thou Shalt Pass a Constitutional Amendment to Make Abortion Illegal
•Thou Shalt Pass a Constitutional Amendment to Define Marriage as the Union of a Man and a Woman
•Thou Shalt Repeal "ObamaCare," AKA the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
•Thou Shalt Repeal The Dodd-Frank Banking Regulation Act
•Thou Shalt Pass a Constitutional Amendment to Balance the Federal Budget
•Thou Shalt Only Give Military Support to "Our Friends"
•Thou Shalt Limit the Power of -- If Not Entirely Abolish -- the EPA
•Thou Shalt Drill, Mine and Frak to the Widest Extent Possible
•Thou Shalt Take the Name of President Obama in Vain

MORE (by Howard Fineman): GOP Presidential Primary: New Rules Of The Race Emerge
DAMN STRAIGHT!!I am going to hang that on my door!!!:clap2:
The fact that there is little or no debate over any of these issues in the presidential campaign means two things: The primary season is going to be mostly a personality and look-at-my-record race, full of references to titanium spines and jobs created. And, once the GOP victor gets the nomination, he or she is going to have to not only move to the left, but run there.

It will be fascinating to watch.

More like it will be revolting to watch.

But the point is well made, the unwillingness of the GOP to engage in meaningful, substantive, debate is clear. Everyone must adhere blindly to accepted dogma, the heresy of independent though will not be tolerated.

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