The GOP's New Fake Racial History

1964, though, is what changed everything. In signing the Civil Rights Act, LBJ cemented the Democrats as a civil rights party. And in nominating anti-civil rights Barry Goldwater for president (instead of pro-civil rights Nelson Rockefeller) the GOP cast its future fortunes with the white electorate of the South. LBJ trounced Goldwater nationally that fall, winning more than 60 percent of the popular vote. But in the South, voters flocked to the Republican nominee, with Goldwater carrying five states in the region. Mississippi, the same state that had given FDR 97 percent of its votes 28 years earlier, now gave Goldwater 87 percent. That fall, Thurmond, now a senator, renounced his Democratic affiliation once and for all and signed up for Goldwater's GOP. The realignment was well underway, and it had everything to do with race.

Yeah that about sums up the change in both parties that specific platform.

The excesses of the Democratically controlled federal government didn't stop there though.

The DEMS were arrogant enough to imagine that they could change the social dynamic of this nation in a LOT of areas that were bound to lose them support.

Regardless of what we might personally think about the agenda, Feminism, which challenged long cherished beliefs about society, ALSO alienated a huge segment of the working class population that had formerly been solidly Democratic voters.

Gays right further alienated deeply religous people who'd formerly been Dems.

The Dems stance on guns rights also alienated rural voters who'd previously seen the Republican party for what it is...the party of the rich.

Throw in the continued assault on American industry called FREE TRADE (remember that the Dems organized though unions for decades) and we find that the Dems shot themselves in the foot by losing those blue collar voters, too.

Politically, the Dems did so many things to alienate so many differnt blocks of voters, it would be surprising that Obama won the last election if one didn't know how badly Bush II's administration screwed things up.

Despite all the populist rhetoric we hear from both parties, America basically now has TWO parties working for the rich, now.

Neither of them really has natural consituents (other than the super wealthy) but they still have about half the potential voters (more than enough to insure that one party or the other will win) who are clueless enough to imagine that those parties are working on their behalf.

The Dems lost their way, folks

As a female, I say FUCK traditional sensibilities and the demographic they represent.
Truly, madly, and DEEPLY.
If the dems stuck to representing the under served, those ignored by society in the definition of "all" promised in our nations Preamble, they would have more than a plurality of the vote.
They do not stick to that though, they waffle and waiver, compromise and SUCK societies loudest and seemingly most influential dicks. Those compromises make the under served in our nation shrug when it comes time to vote their interests, as there seems NO party truly represents THEM, and they are the majority.
Apparently the GOP feels the need to have its Southern members like Haley Barbour go out and spread the lie that it wasn't race that caused the Democrats in the South to go running full-speed to the Republican party. It was....some other reason.

Can you believe that tripe? Read it and weep.

The GOP's new fake racial history - War Room -


This article is supposed to prove what exactly?

“I’ll have those ******* voting Democratic for the next 200 years.”
- Lyndon B. Johnson

“Jews — that’s J-E-W-S.”
- State Senator Bill McKinney explaining why his daughter Cynthia lost in 2002

“Civil rights laws were not passed to protect the rights of white men and do not apply to them.”
- Mary Frances Berry, Chairwoman, US Commission on Civil Rights

The white man is our mortal enemy, and we cannot accept him. I will fight to see that vicious beast go down into the lake of fire prepared for him from the beginning, that he never rise again to give any innocent black man, woman or child the hell that he has delighted in pouring on us for 400 years.”
- Louis Farrakhan

“White folks was in caves while we was building empires… We taught philosophy and astrology and mathematics before Socrates and them Greek homos ever got around to it.”
- Rev. Al Sharpton

“The white race is the cancer of human history.”
- Susan Sontag

These negros, they’re getting pretty uppity these days and that’s a problem for us since they’ve got something now they’ve never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness.

“I am not going to use the federal government’s authority deliberately to circumvent the natural inclination of people to live in ethnic homogeneous neighborhoods.”
- Jimmy Carter

I mean, you’ve got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.”
- Joe Biden (referring to Barack Obama)

“Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.”
- Robert Byrd

“I am a former kleagle of the Ku Klux Klan in Raleigh County and the adjoining counties of the state …. The Klan is needed today as never before and I am anxious to see its rebirth here in West Virginia …. It is necessary that the order be promoted immediately and in every state of the Union. Will you please inform me as to the possibilities of rebuilding the Klan in the Realm of W. Va …. I hope that you will find it convenient to answer my letter in regards to future possibilities.”
- Robert Byrd

“You’d find these potentates from down in Africa, you know, rather than eating each other, they’d just come up and get a good square meal in Geneva.”
- Senator Fritz Hollings
Other than DISPEL the MYTH that Southern Republicans like Barbour and his ilk are spreading as fact...nothing.

What are your quotes trying to prove?
Apparently the GOP feels the need to have its Southern members like Haley Barbour go out and spread the lie that it wasn't race that caused the Democrats in the South to go running full-speed to the Republican party. It was....some other reason.

Can you believe that tripe? Read it and weep.

The GOP's new fake racial history - War Room -


This article is supposed to prove what exactly?

“I’ll have those ******* voting Democratic for the next 200 years.”
- Lyndon B. Johnson

“Jews — that’s J-E-W-S.”
- State Senator Bill McKinney explaining why his daughter Cynthia lost in 2002

“Civil rights laws were not passed to protect the rights of white men and do not apply to them.”
- Mary Frances Berry, Chairwoman, US Commission on Civil Rights

The white man is our mortal enemy, and we cannot accept him. I will fight to see that vicious beast go down into the lake of fire prepared for him from the beginning, that he never rise again to give any innocent black man, woman or child the hell that he has delighted in pouring on us for 400 years.”
- Louis Farrakhan

“White folks was in caves while we was building empires… We taught philosophy and astrology and mathematics before Socrates and them Greek homos ever got around to it.”
- Rev. Al Sharpton

“The white race is the cancer of human history.”
- Susan Sontag

These negros, they’re getting pretty uppity these days and that’s a problem for us since they’ve got something now they’ve never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness.

“I am not going to use the federal government’s authority deliberately to circumvent the natural inclination of people to live in ethnic homogeneous neighborhoods.”
- Jimmy Carter

I mean, you’ve got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.”
- Joe Biden (referring to Barack Obama)

“Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.”
- Robert Byrd

“I am a former kleagle of the Ku Klux Klan in Raleigh County and the adjoining counties of the state …. The Klan is needed today as never before and I am anxious to see its rebirth here in West Virginia …. It is necessary that the order be promoted immediately and in every state of the Union. Will you please inform me as to the possibilities of rebuilding the Klan in the Realm of W. Va …. I hope that you will find it convenient to answer my letter in regards to future possibilities.”
- Robert Byrd

“You’d find these potentates from down in Africa, you know, rather than eating each other, they’d just come up and get a good square meal in Geneva.”
- Senator Fritz Hollings
Other than DISPEL the MYTH that Southern Republicans like Barbour and his ilk are spreading as fact...nothing.

What are your quotes trying to prove?


"I shall never fight in the armed forces with a Negro by my side ... Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds." — Robert C. Byrd (D-WV)
Apparently the GOP feels the need to have its Southern members like Haley Barbour go out and spread the lie that it wasn't race that caused the Democrats in the South to go running full-speed to the Republican party. It was....some other reason.

Can you believe that tripe? Read it and weep.

The GOP's new fake racial history - War Room -


that's their story and they're sticking with it, huh:?

There are so many mis statements and untruths in the article cited it would be hard to know where to begin.
Heres the electoral map of the election of 1976, well after the South supposedly became Republican:
How many governors of southern states have been Democrats? Most of them. The South divided up, with local elections going to Democrats and national ones to Republicans (except 1976).
The whole thesis is absurd. The entire gist of the article is to attack Haley Barbour, who hasn't announced he is running btw (despite the article's claim that he presumes to challenge the first Black president).
Pure unadulterated hackery. And MarcATL once again demonstrates his stupidity.
Southern Republicans STILL don't get it.


Apparently the GOP feels the need to have its Southern members like Haley Barbour go out and spread the lie that it wasn't race that caused the Democrats in the South to go running full-speed to the Republican party. It was....some other reason.

Can you believe that tripe? Read it and weep.

The GOP's new fake racial history - War Room -


This article is supposed to prove what exactly?

“I’ll have those ******* voting Democratic for the next 200 years.”
- Lyndon B. Johnson

“Jews — that’s J-E-W-S.”
- State Senator Bill McKinney explaining why his daughter Cynthia lost in 2002

“Civil rights laws were not passed to protect the rights of white men and do not apply to them.”
- Mary Frances Berry, Chairwoman, US Commission on Civil Rights

The white man is our mortal enemy, and we cannot accept him. I will fight to see that vicious beast go down into the lake of fire prepared for him from the beginning, that he never rise again to give any innocent black man, woman or child the hell that he has delighted in pouring on us for 400 years.”
- Louis Farrakhan

“White folks was in caves while we was building empires… We taught philosophy and astrology and mathematics before Socrates and them Greek homos ever got around to it.”
- Rev. Al Sharpton

“The white race is the cancer of human history.”
- Susan Sontag

These negros, they’re getting pretty uppity these days and that’s a problem for us since they’ve got something now they’ve never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness.

“I am not going to use the federal government’s authority deliberately to circumvent the natural inclination of people to live in ethnic homogeneous neighborhoods.”
- Jimmy Carter

I mean, you’ve got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.”
- Joe Biden (referring to Barack Obama)

“Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.”
- Robert Byrd

“I am a former kleagle of the Ku Klux Klan in Raleigh County and the adjoining counties of the state …. The Klan is needed today as never before and I am anxious to see its rebirth here in West Virginia …. It is necessary that the order be promoted immediately and in every state of the Union. Will you please inform me as to the possibilities of rebuilding the Klan in the Realm of W. Va …. I hope that you will find it convenient to answer my letter in regards to future possibilities.”
- Robert Byrd

“You’d find these potentates from down in Africa, you know, rather than eating each other, they’d just come up and get a good square meal in Geneva.”
- Senator Fritz Hollings
Other than DISPEL the MYTH that Southern Republicans like Barbour and his ilk are spreading as fact...nothing.

What are your quotes trying to prove?

The quotes are from your beloved democrats and it shows just how they are not racist or bigots.
LBJ and other Democrats changed their views. It's what people of good faith do.

It's more likely what people who want votes do.

Maybe today, but BACK in "the" day, politicians could still have a conscience, and they could still LEAD based on that. Today, in the 30 second sound bite, and in the corporate media, any one of them from either side that does so unscripted faces a backlash that the majority of the American Republic responds to as Pavlov's dogs.
Its synchronized swimming people, and as much as we're victims TO it, we're participants IN it.

Sit down, one day, and write down the following:
The time your favorite program starts. How long until the first commercials. How long those commercials last, what they are selling, HOW the products are sold, and what ELSE is sold WITH them. Your favorite 1/2 hour program is MAYBE 10 minutes long. The rest is advertising. Scrutinize that, study it. THINK about it, for your own sake.
This article is supposed to prove what exactly?

“I’ll have those ******* voting Democratic for the next 200 years.”
- Lyndon B. Johnson

“Jews — that’s J-E-W-S.”
- State Senator Bill McKinney explaining why his daughter Cynthia lost in 2002

“Civil rights laws were not passed to protect the rights of white men and do not apply to them.”
- Mary Frances Berry, Chairwoman, US Commission on Civil Rights

The white man is our mortal enemy, and we cannot accept him. I will fight to see that vicious beast go down into the lake of fire prepared for him from the beginning, that he never rise again to give any innocent black man, woman or child the hell that he has delighted in pouring on us for 400 years.”
- Louis Farrakhan

“White folks was in caves while we was building empires… We taught philosophy and astrology and mathematics before Socrates and them Greek homos ever got around to it.”
- Rev. Al Sharpton

“The white race is the cancer of human history.”
- Susan Sontag

These negros, they’re getting pretty uppity these days and that’s a problem for us since they’ve got something now they’ve never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness.

“I am not going to use the federal government’s authority deliberately to circumvent the natural inclination of people to live in ethnic homogeneous neighborhoods.”
- Jimmy Carter

I mean, you’ve got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.”
- Joe Biden (referring to Barack Obama)

“Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.”
- Robert Byrd

“I am a former kleagle of the Ku Klux Klan in Raleigh County and the adjoining counties of the state …. The Klan is needed today as never before and I am anxious to see its rebirth here in West Virginia …. It is necessary that the order be promoted immediately and in every state of the Union. Will you please inform me as to the possibilities of rebuilding the Klan in the Realm of W. Va …. I hope that you will find it convenient to answer my letter in regards to future possibilities.”
- Robert Byrd

“You’d find these potentates from down in Africa, you know, rather than eating each other, they’d just come up and get a good square meal in Geneva.”
- Senator Fritz Hollings
Other than DISPEL the MYTH that Southern Republicans like Barbour and his ilk are spreading as fact...nothing.

What are your quotes trying to prove?

The quotes are from your beloved democrats and it shows just how they are not racist or bigots.

So your logic is that political parties are stuck in a time warp, and never change? Interesting that Haley Barbour still goes to those Council of Conservative Citizens events, knowing that they're just Klan gatherings.

As for your quote:

“I’ll have those ******* voting Democratic for the next 200 years.”
- Lyndon B. Johnson​

The actual quote was:

"We have lost the South for a generation"​

Yet, dispite the fact that Johnson was essentially a Southern racist for years, showed the leadership needed to do the right thing, and arm twist congress into passing the most sweeping civil rights legislation since Lincoln. Too many right wingers will never forgive him for making them share their water fountains.
LBJ and other Democrats changed their views. It's what people of good faith do.

It's more likely what people who want votes do.

Maybe today, but BACK in "the" day, politicians could still have a conscience, and they could still LEAD based on that. Today, in the 30 second sound bite, and in the corporate media, any one of them from either side that does so unscripted faces a backlash that the majority of the American Republic responds to as Pavlov's dogs.
Its synchronized swimming people, and as much as we're victims TO it, we're participants IN it.

Sit down, one day, and write down the following:
The time your favorite program starts. How long until the first commercials. How long those commercials last, what they are selling, HOW the products are sold, and what ELSE is sold WITH them. Your favorite 1/2 hour program is MAYBE 10 minutes long. The rest is advertising. Scrutinize that, study it. THINK about it, for your own
The bolded is what the average RightWinger does NOT understand nor comprehend. When they say "them against us" they THINK the "them" is other people with different ideologeos than themselves, when the "them" is really Big Corpa. They just don't get it, and they frankly don't want to.

Damn shame.

So there are folks that don't know about "The Southern Strategy"? Wow.

I know in 2008 I got a kick out of folks that said that it was impossible for Obama to get elected President because he wouldn't carry a Southern State. Call them on why he wouldn't, and suddenly things got interesting.
Apparently the GOP feels the need to have its Southern members like Haley Barbour go out and spread the lie that it wasn't race that caused the Democrats in the South to go running full-speed to the Republican party. It was....some other reason.

Can you believe that tripe? Read it and weep.

The GOP's new fake racial history - War Room -


Haley wants people to deny reality. Like when Lyndon Johnson and Justice Black warned about the reactions of their southern brethren

ahhh yes, democrats and their enablers and race baiting hustlers....lets see, was that Justice Black, former of the KKK you are referring to btw? :lol:

Or wait no that was Supreme Court Justice Holmes, yea thats him ;" Three generations of imbeciles are enough" ...and compulsory sterilization was upheld, :meow:

I Love how dems give some of themselves and their own passes while vilifying everyone else...give me a break please.

Was dreary old Princeton man Wilson a southerner? No, but he did keep servcies segregated andso did dear old FDR and when the president of the Pullman Porters assoc. A. Philip Randolph, came to FDR in 41 and said they had waited long enough and were going to strike, he got the back hand from old Franklin too...
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Other than DISPEL the MYTH that Southern Republicans like Barbour and his ilk are spreading as fact...nothing.

What are your quotes trying to prove?

The quotes are from your beloved democrats and it shows just how they are not racist or bigots.

So your logic is that political parties are stuck in a time warp, and never change? Interesting that Haley Barbour still goes to those Council of Conservative Citizens events, knowing that they're just Klan gatherings.

As for your quote:

“I’ll have those ******* voting Democratic for the next 200 years.”
- Lyndon B. Johnson​

The actual quote was:

"We have lost the South for a generation"​

Yet, dispite the fact that Johnson was essentially a Southern racist for years, showed the leadership needed to do the right thing, and arm twist congress into passing the most sweeping civil rights legislation since Lincoln. Too many right wingers will never forgive him for making them share their water fountains.

No, the actual quote was “I’ll have those ******* voting Democratic for the next 200 years.”

Stop lying
LBJ and other Democrats changed their views. It's what people of good faith do.

It's more likely what people who want votes do.

of course, but one does not negate the other. On issues as important as racial equality I believe most racists who became leaders have tried to make up for their pasts.

I truly believe Wallace had a change of heart and was not a racist who changed his views merely to get elected.

As much as I have contempt for people and groups, I do believe in a sort or redemption of the soul.

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