The GOP will win the Senate....but

Just because they win a Battle does not mean they win the war. The demographics and an entrenched dogma within the party will soon leave them on the outside looking in. National races will be the first to go. And when the affects of their gerrymandering are muted through population shifts, their efforts to control state governments will begin to fail.

It may not be too late, if the GOP would only widen their umbrella of acceptance and revisit some of their outdated dogma.

But the days are growing short for the GOP....
America as it was intended to be is no more. Both parties have their own agenda. Repubs backed by big business, dimwits backed by commies.

Both parties are backed by big business.
Let's see.....why would immigrants vote Democratic?
Let's imagine you were an Immigrant to a country, any country, let's call it "DimLandia" and one political party promised you free welfare if you voted for them.

Which way would YOU vote?
OK, so if Republicans take the Senate it doesnt mean much. If Democrats hold it, it's huge. I can tell the Dems are already scaling up for the biggest electoral defeat in generations.
The truth is that immigrants will tend to vote GOP, because they are the part of opportunity and business. Dems are the party of repression and big government.
But in general the failures, consistent and unstopping, of Democratic policy is obvious to all at this point. The Dems will be sent out to the wilderness the same way the GOP was after 2006.
The GOP is well aware of the writing on the wall, still it's not going to make them shift policy or actively go after new voters, it would be an admission that they are currently on the wrong path. They can only go on so long scaring white people into voting for them. ISIS!!! EBOLA!!!!! OBAMA!!!!!!! BOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!

And the far left celebrates Obama as a failure claiming these failures as a winning strategy.
No Jim, minorities are gaining in numbers so the Dems will win back the House and make gains in the Senate. 6 years of Liberal Democrat success will mean that Evil White Conservatives will be driven into the streets come November!

If that doesn't happen that can only mean one thing: Minorities and Liberals aren't voting for Democrats and they're losing interest in the Party.

Which is a Nightmare Scenario for Democrats.

With more Democrat toss up seats up for grabs this time around, with their Senator representatives choosing to step down to an unfamiliar Democrat. Purple states are swaying red in favor of Republicans with voters concerned for the economy reflected with Obama's low approval ratings, Democrats are clearly on the strong defensive to hold on.

But we will be worse off as a nation.
We might not be as a nation. The democrats claim a majority. It's a bare majority. As it is a mere difference of some opinion can obstruct enough to be a headache. An entrenched opposition can completely paralyze the entire nation until it cracks from the strain. If foreign interests put additional pressure, the democrats may indeed control the whole country but it will be a country in ruins.
No Jim, minorities are gaining in numbers so the Dems will win back the House and make gains in the Senate. 6 years of Liberal Democrat success will mean that Evil White Conservatives will be driven into the streets come November!

If that doesn't happen that can only mean one thing: Minorities and Liberals aren't voting for Democrats and they're losing interest in the Party.

Which is a Nightmare Scenario for Democrats.

With more Democrat toss up seats up for grabs this time around, with their Senator representatives choosing to step down to an unfamiliar Democrat. Purple states are swaying red in favor of Republicans with voters concerned for the economy reflected with Obama's low approval ratings, Democrats are clearly on the strong defensive to hold on.

100% correct.
No Jim, minorities are gaining in numbers so the Dems will win back the House and make gains in the Senate. 6 years of Liberal Democrat success will mean that Evil White Conservatives will be driven into the streets come November!

If that doesn't happen that can only mean one thing: Minorities and Liberals aren't voting for Democrats and they're losing interest in the Party.

Which is a Nightmare Scenario for Democrats.

With more Democrat toss up seats up for grabs this time around, with their Senator representatives choosing to step down to an unfamiliar Democrat. Purple states are swaying red in favor of Republicans with voters concerned for the economy reflected with Obama's low approval ratings, Democrats are clearly on the strong defensive to hold on.

100% correct.

Says the one that will vote far left no matter what..
60 million illegals in America with drivers Licenses and now they can vote.

That means Super Majorities in Congress! Let's celebrate Jim!

Let's see.....why would immigrants vote Democratic? Maybe because the GOP loathes anyone who doesn't fit their idea of an "American?". Maybe because the GOP continually blocks legislation to address the faults in the immigration system? Maybe because it becomes more and more obvious each election cycle that the GOP represents the 1% first?

So tell me MS, who will be to blame when the GOP is an "also ran?"

I know I could never support a party that openly neglects Federal immigration laws, favors one immigrant group while spitting in the face of those immigrants overseas who actually take the time to respect and follow the law, and uses various forms of "pathway to citizenship" strictly for the purpose of attaining a group as a faithful voting block for political power.

In that respect ... the view of illegals for power have become to Democrats, what favoring religious groups have been to Republicans.
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But we will be worse off as a nation.
We might not be as a nation. The democrats claim a majority. It's a bare majority. As it is a mere difference of some opinion can obstruct enough to be a headache. An entrenched opposition can completely paralyze the entire nation until it cracks from the strain. If foreign interests put additional pressure, the democrats may indeed control the whole country but it will be a country in ruins.
you just described the republican party
Absolute proof that Dracula was a Democrat................


But we will be worse off as a nation.
We might not be as a nation. The democrats claim a majority. It's a bare majority. As it is a mere difference of some opinion can obstruct enough to be a headache. An entrenched opposition can completely paralyze the entire nation until it cracks from the strain. If foreign interests put additional pressure, the democrats may indeed control the whole country but it will be a country in ruins.
you just described the republican party

The far left is the Republican party? Who knew..

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