The GOP, Fox political purge


Active Member
Dec 3, 2012
Republicans and Fox News are moving to purge the controversial political creatures they created.

Both were damaged badly in 2012 by loud, partisan voices that stoked the base — but that scared the hell out of many voters. Now, the GOP, with its dismal image, and Fox News, with its depressed ratings in January, are scrambling to dim those voices. To wit:
Fox ousted contributors Sarah Palin and Dick Morris, two of the most obnoxiously partisan figures on the network’s air.
Karl Rove, himself sidelined by Fox after the election, has helped start a new super PAC, the Conservative Victory Fund, designed to keep controversial conservatives like Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) from winning Senate primaries.
Senate GOP leaders created what amounts to a buddy system with their caucus’s most popular tea party members, Sens. Rand Paul of Kentucky and Ted Cruz of Texas, to get their help in taming anti-establishment conservatives.
Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal has been running around the country warning anyone who will listen that Republicans must quit being the “stupid party” that nominates nutty candidates.

“The fact that we lost a winnable election has caused Republicans to take this very, very seriously,” Jindal told us in an interview. “I don’t think it’s just a marketing change. I don’t think it’s just cosmetic changes. It is going to require some serious changes, not in principles, but in the way we talk and act.”

Read more: Behind the Curtain: The GOP, Fox political purge -

designed to keep "controversial" candidates from winning...well how LOVELY..they can go to hell

I don't take everything you get off Politico as the truth all the time, they've been know to be biased in their reporting

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You won the freaking election lefties. Start acting like winners instead of whiners.

they don't know how, like they really care what Fox is doing...

I heard CNN is doing a little shake up also, big deal
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You won the freaking election lefties. Start acting like winners instead of whiners.

They're whining because they tackled an issue that is always a loser for them, Gun control... And they know it. And they know the rest of us do too.
this op has a bad hardon for Fox, what is this about the TENTH thread he's posted on them?

and then he blesses us here with crap from the hufferpost..

quite pathetic
Wouldn't they have had to create something first? They had nothing to do with grass roots movement. And they've been too arrogant to take advantage of it.
Wouldn't they have had to create something first? They had nothing to do with grass roots movement. And they've been too arrogant to take advantage of it.

Is it your position that the GOP and Fox didn't nuture and build the Tea Party movement in order to let the Tea Party sling the mud in the hopes that none of the mud would splash back on the GOP and Fox?
Wouldn't they have had to create something first? They had nothing to do with grass roots movement. And they've been too arrogant to take advantage of it.

Is it your position that the GOP and Fox didn't nuture and build the Tea Party movement in order to let the Tea Party sling the mud in the hopes that none of the mud would splash back on the GOP and Fox?

yeah. It is. You honestly think they encouraged the Tea Party to run against the establishment candidates they thought would win?
Wouldn't they have had to create something first? They had nothing to do with grass roots movement. And they've been too arrogant to take advantage of it.

Is it your position that the GOP and Fox didn't nuture and build the Tea Party movement in order to let the Tea Party sling the mud in the hopes that none of the mud would splash back on the GOP and Fox?

sheesh, you know this for a fact or are you repeating what you have been fed?

could you post the link that verifies this?
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