The GOP candidates would have us at war with Iran over the sailors


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
who could not navigate due to the engine problems on a boat. Its embarrassing for the US to have a faulty boat and sailors out there so dependent on navigation equip, they didn't know where they were. Shame on Cruz and the rest for wanting to start a war over this. Its unbelievable. Its so SICKENING TO HEAR THE GOP SPIN ON THIS INCIDENT. THANK GOODNESS FOR DIPLOMACY OF THE OBAMA ADMIN.

A search-and-rescue effort was launched -- including sending a U.S. Navy vessel inside Iranians waters due to concern the sailors could have been overboard and in the water. The U.S. Navy informed Iranian military vessels in the area they were coming in for a search-and-rescue, the official said. There were "robust bridge-to-bridge communications" during that time, but there was no trouble, the official said.

But when they got so close to Farsi Island, and were approached by the Iranians, it is believed the U.S. boats could not rapidly get out of way because of that engine trouble.

Iranian territorial waters extend for three miles around Farsi Island, according to the official. The boats were supposed to stay out of that area. Farsi Island is a naval base for Iran's naval component of the Revolutionary Guard Corps and is considered extremely sensitive.

Commanders in the U.S. Navy's Fifth Fleet in the region became alarmed when the sailors missed a planned check-in call on their radios. At that point, commanders checked the GPS system tied to the boats and realized they were off course and inside Iranian waters.

Carter: 'Navigational error' led sailors to Iran waters -
You're right that it's embarrassing this administration has neglected our military to the point that our sailors are out there without the equipment they need to know where exactly the fuck they're at.

It's SHAMEFUL that political hacks such as yourself, will exploit this to try and bash Republicans who are sick and tired of watching our servicemen on their knees fearing for their lives at the hands of radical Islamic terrorists.

We don't have to "go to war" with any goddamn body over there. We have the military capability to turn that entire region into a giant oil-filled glass fishbowl. You can't wage war if you're a fucking grease spot.
So you don't mind seeing our people on their knees, forced to wear a headscarf, groveling to an enemy who want's to wipe us and Israel off the map. so much for caring about human rights eh? you people are hysterical. you have NO PROOF FOR spreading that lie around but crystal ball predicting
You're right that it's embarrassing this administration has neglected our military to the point that our sailors are out there without the equipment they need to know where exactly the fuck they're at.

It's SHAMEFUL that political hacks such as yourself, will exploit this to try and bash Republicans who are sick and tired of watching our servicemen on their knees fearing for their lives at the hands of radical Islamic terrorists.

We don't have to "go to war" with any goddamn body over there. We have the military capability to turn that entire region into a giant oil-filled glass fishbowl. You can't wage war if you're a fucking grease spot.

The GOP candidates are sick to think the US should start a war over this. I do hope people read a bit and do not believe the GOP take on this story. Its really a good thing we are able to talk with the Iranians now , and use diplomacy , instead of having more dead and maimed young men.

Its people with your mentality that are destroying this earth.

PS: I hope you volunteer to help the disable veterans.
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You're right that it's embarrassing this administration has neglected our military to the point that our sailors are out there without the equipment they need to know where exactly the fuck they're at.

It's SHAMEFUL that political hacks such as yourself, will exploit this to try and bash Republicans who are sick and tired of watching our servicemen on their knees fearing for their lives at the hands of radical Islamic terrorists.

We don't have to "go to war" with any goddamn body over there. We have the military capability to turn that entire region into a giant oil-filled glass fishbowl. You can't wage war if you're a fucking grease spot.

The GOP candidates are sick to think the US should start a war over this. I do hope people read a bit and do not believe the GOP take on this story. Its really a good thing we are able to talk with the Iranians now , and use diplomacy , instead of having more dead and maimed young men.

Its people with your mentality that are destroying this earth.
Iran got everything it had hoped for, and after funding terrorism across the globe. Diplomacy to the left is bending over and grabbing your ankles. It's the reason things are spiraling out of control, the left lies, capitulates and blames the evil GOP monster.
So you don't mind seeing our people on their knees, forced to wear a headscarf, groveling to an enemy who want's to wipe us and Israel off the map. so much for caring about human rights eh? you people are hysterical. you have NO PROOF FOR spreading that lie around but crystal ball predicting

Nope , we would do the same. When you in another country you abide by their laws, the same as we do not tolerate sharia law here. A headscarf , please, how petty can you get. Kneeling and holding arms in the air, cops have citizens do that here. Man you warlords are crazy.

You mean something spoke years ago about wiping the "Israel regime" off the map. Have they done anything to Israel?? NOPE.

Your taking sound bites and from years ago. and by the way, its been Israel since the early 90's that have put the fear of God that Iran is near having the bomb, wanting the US to fight with them. Israel is the terrorists.
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Pennyloafer is just doing her duty. She's probably payed in pot by the DNC.

Quite contraire, I have voted once for a Dem and that was for Gore, and then after the nightmare of Bush Jr. I then voted twice more for the GOP candidates, but never again, unless I may vote for Trump. Heck , I never voted for Clinton.

I have finally come to realize the Christian right is no different than Isis, they'd have us living like SA, not Sharia law, but Christian law. Death to homosexuals, hey one even said Benghazi was due to the sins of Americans. Nuts.
There were 2 US boats. Both navigation systems went down at the same time? One boat couldn't tow the other? Sounds like BS. I don't believe that's what happened at all.
You're right that it's embarrassing this administration has neglected our military to the point that our sailors are out there without the equipment they need to know where exactly the fuck they're at.

It's SHAMEFUL that political hacks such as yourself, will exploit this to try and bash Republicans who are sick and tired of watching our servicemen on their knees fearing for their lives at the hands of radical Islamic terrorists.

We don't have to "go to war" with any goddamn body over there. We have the military capability to turn that entire region into a giant oil-filled glass fishbowl. You can't wage war if you're a fucking grease spot.

The GOP candidates are sick to think the US should start a war over this. I do hope people read a bit and do not believe the GOP take on this story. Its really a good thing we are able to talk with the Iranians now , and use diplomacy , instead of having more dead and maimed young men.

Its people with your mentality that are destroying this earth.
Iran got everything it had hoped for, and after funding terrorism across the globe. Diplomacy to the left is bending over and grabbing your ankles. It's the reason things are spiraling out of control, the left lies, capitulates and blames the evil GOP monster.

he's setting us up for another 9/11 as soon as he leaves office. the same way Bill Clinton set up for the first TWO world trade center bombings
There were 2 US boats. Both navigation systems went down at the same time? One boat couldn't tow the other? Sounds like BS. I don't believe that's what happened at all.

What do you really think happened?
Pennyloafer is just doing her duty. She's probably payed in pot by the DNC.

Quite contraire, I have voted once for a Dem and that was for Gore, and then after the nightmare of Bush Jr. I then voted twice more for the GOP candidates, but never again, unless I may vote for Trump. Heck , I never voted for Clinton.

I have finally come to realize the Christian right is no different than Isis, they'd have us living like SA, not Sharia law, but Christian law. Death to homosexuals, hey one even said Benghazi was due to the sins of Americans. Nuts.
I doubt very seriously that you ever voted for anyone but a liberal. You know absolutely nothing about Christianity. Smash mouth is ALL you have to offer anyone.
You're right that it's embarrassing this administration has neglected our military to the point that our sailors are out there without the equipment they need to know where exactly the fuck they're at.

It's SHAMEFUL that political hacks such as yourself, will exploit this to try and bash Republicans who are sick and tired of watching our servicemen on their knees fearing for their lives at the hands of radical Islamic terrorists.

We don't have to "go to war" with any goddamn body over there. We have the military capability to turn that entire region into a giant oil-filled glass fishbowl. You can't wage war if you're a fucking grease spot.

The GOP candidates are sick to think the US should start a war over this. I do hope people read a bit and do not believe the GOP take on this story. Its really a good thing we are able to talk with the Iranians now , and use diplomacy , instead of having more dead and maimed young men.

Its people with your mentality that are destroying this earth.
Iran got everything it had hoped for, and after funding terrorism across the globe. Diplomacy to the left is bending over and grabbing your ankles. It's the reason things are spiraling out of control, the left lies, capitulates and blames the evil GOP monster.

he's setting us up for another 9/11 as soon as he leaves office. the same way Bill Clinton set up for the first TWO world trade center bombings

Your crazy. Most of us realize it was all a planned demolition, done under the Bush Admin, you can bet the neocons and Zionist were involved.
You're right that it's embarrassing this administration has neglected our military to the point that our sailors are out there without the equipment they need to know where exactly the fuck they're at.

It's SHAMEFUL that political hacks such as yourself, will exploit this to try and bash Republicans who are sick and tired of watching our servicemen on their knees fearing for their lives at the hands of radical Islamic terrorists.

We don't have to "go to war" with any goddamn body over there. We have the military capability to turn that entire region into a giant oil-filled glass fishbowl. You can't wage war if you're a fucking grease spot.

The GOP candidates are sick to think the US should start a war over this. I do hope people read a bit and do not believe the GOP take on this story. Its really a good thing we are able to talk with the Iranians now , and use diplomacy , instead of having more dead and maimed young men.

Its people with your mentality that are destroying this earth.
Iran got everything it had hoped for, and after funding terrorism across the globe. Diplomacy to the left is bending over and grabbing your ankles. It's the reason things are spiraling out of control, the left lies, capitulates and blames the evil GOP monster.

he's setting us up for another 9/11 as soon as he leaves office. the same way Bill Clinton set up for the first TWO world trade center bombings
Could well be. The enemy grows stronger under Democrat leadership. Carter was in the same boat and America woke up in time. But now the left has much more media to propagandize with.
Pennyloafer is just doing her duty. She's probably payed in pot by the DNC.

Quite contraire, I have voted once for a Dem and that was for Gore, and then after the nightmare of Bush Jr. I then voted twice more for the GOP candidates, but never again, unless I may vote for Trump. Heck , I never voted for Clinton.

I have finally come to realize the Christian right is no different than Isis, they'd have us living like SA, not Sharia law, but Christian law. Death to homosexuals, hey one even said Benghazi was due to the sins of Americans. Nuts.
I doubt very seriously that you ever voted for anyone but a liberal. You know absolutely nothing about Christianity. Smash mouth is ALL you have to offer anyone.

Pennyloafer is just doing her duty. She's probably payed in pot by the DNC.

Quite contraire, I have voted once for a Dem and that was for Gore, and then after the nightmare of Bush Jr. I then voted twice more for the GOP candidates, but never again, unless I may vote for Trump. Heck , I never voted for Clinton.

I have finally come to realize the Christian right is no different than Isis, they'd have us living like SA, not Sharia law, but Christian law. Death to homosexuals, hey one even said Benghazi was due to the sins of Americans. Nuts.
I doubt very seriously that you ever voted for anyone but a liberal. You know absolutely nothing about Christianity. Smash mouth is ALL you have to offer anyone.

I know the Christian zealots are crazy, I thank God I was raised RC.
You're right that it's embarrassing this administration has neglected our military to the point that our sailors are out there without the equipment they need to know where exactly the fuck they're at.

It's SHAMEFUL that political hacks such as yourself, will exploit this to try and bash Republicans who are sick and tired of watching our servicemen on their knees fearing for their lives at the hands of radical Islamic terrorists.

We don't have to "go to war" with any goddamn body over there. We have the military capability to turn that entire region into a giant oil-filled glass fishbowl. You can't wage war if you're a fucking grease spot.

The GOP candidates are sick to think the US should start a war over this. I do hope people read a bit and do not believe the GOP take on this story. Its really a good thing we are able to talk with the Iranians now , and use diplomacy , instead of having more dead and maimed young men.

Its people with your mentality that are destroying this earth.
Iran got everything it had hoped for, and after funding terrorism across the globe. Diplomacy to the left is bending over and grabbing your ankles. It's the reason things are spiraling out of control, the left lies, capitulates and blames the evil GOP monster.

he's setting us up for another 9/11 as soon as he leaves office. the same way Bill Clinton set up for the first TWO world trade center bombings

Your crazy. Most of us realize it was all a planned demolition, done under the Bush Admin, you can bet the neocons and Zionist were involved.
Ah, a 9/11 Truther. Which conspiracies DON'T you believe?
You're right that it's embarrassing this administration has neglected our military to the point that our sailors are out there without the equipment they need to know where exactly the fuck they're at.

It's SHAMEFUL that political hacks such as yourself, will exploit this to try and bash Republicans who are sick and tired of watching our servicemen on their knees fearing for their lives at the hands of radical Islamic terrorists.

We don't have to "go to war" with any goddamn body over there. We have the military capability to turn that entire region into a giant oil-filled glass fishbowl. You can't wage war if you're a fucking grease spot.

The GOP candidates are sick to think the US should start a war over this. I do hope people read a bit and do not believe the GOP take on this story. Its really a good thing we are able to talk with the Iranians now , and use diplomacy , instead of having more dead and maimed young men.

Its people with your mentality that are destroying this earth.
Iran got everything it had hoped for, and after funding terrorism across the globe. Diplomacy to the left is bending over and grabbing your ankles. It's the reason things are spiraling out of control, the left lies, capitulates and blames the evil GOP monster.

he's setting us up for another 9/11 as soon as he leaves office. the same way Bill Clinton set up for the first TWO world trade center bombings
Could well be. The enemy grows stronger under Democrat leadership. Carter was in the same boat and America woke up in time. But now the left has much more media to propagandize with.

yep, and we had citizens who actually cared about the treatment of their military men and women and stood up for their country. look at them today. Obama sitting back watching our military having to grovel to EVIL
Pennyloafer is just doing her duty. She's probably payed in pot by the DNC.

Quite contraire, I have voted once for a Dem and that was for Gore, and then after the nightmare of Bush Jr. I then voted twice more for the GOP candidates, but never again, unless I may vote for Trump. Heck , I never voted for Clinton.

I have finally come to realize the Christian right is no different than Isis, they'd have us living like SA, not Sharia law, but Christian law. Death to homosexuals, hey one even said Benghazi was due to the sins of Americans. Nuts.
I doubt very seriously that you ever voted for anyone but a liberal. You know absolutely nothing about Christianity. Smash mouth is ALL you have to offer anyone.

Pennyloafer is just doing her duty. She's probably payed in pot by the DNC.

Quite contraire, I have voted once for a Dem and that was for Gore, and then after the nightmare of Bush Jr. I then voted twice more for the GOP candidates, but never again, unless I may vote for Trump. Heck , I never voted for Clinton.

I have finally come to realize the Christian right is no different than Isis, they'd have us living like SA, not Sharia law, but Christian law. Death to homosexuals, hey one even said Benghazi was due to the sins of Americans. Nuts.
I doubt very seriously that you ever voted for anyone but a liberal. You know absolutely nothing about Christianity. Smash mouth is ALL you have to offer anyone.

I know the Christian zealots are crazy, I thank God I was raised RC.
You were raised Catholic and believe Christians want to kill homosexuals? You are a full on, no holds barred, nutjob.
You're right that it's embarrassing this administration has neglected our military to the point that our sailors are out there without the equipment they need to know where exactly the fuck they're at.

It's SHAMEFUL that political hacks such as yourself, will exploit this to try and bash Republicans who are sick and tired of watching our servicemen on their knees fearing for their lives at the hands of radical Islamic terrorists.

We don't have to "go to war" with any goddamn body over there. We have the military capability to turn that entire region into a giant oil-filled glass fishbowl. You can't wage war if you're a fucking grease spot.

The GOP candidates are sick to think the US should start a war over this. I do hope people read a bit and do not believe the GOP take on this story. Its really a good thing we are able to talk with the Iranians now , and use diplomacy , instead of having more dead and maimed young men.

Its people with your mentality that are destroying this earth.
Iran got everything it had hoped for, and after funding terrorism across the globe. Diplomacy to the left is bending over and grabbing your ankles. It's the reason things are spiraling out of control, the left lies, capitulates and blames the evil GOP monster.

he's setting us up for another 9/11 as soon as he leaves office. the same way Bill Clinton set up for the first TWO world trade center bombings

Your crazy. Most of us realize it was all a planned demolition, done under the Bush Admin, you can bet the neocons and Zionist were involved.

Laugh but I wouldn't doubt if the GOP planned this little sailing fiasco as well, to make the Dems look bad. The timing is so perfect.
Pennyloafer is just doing her duty. She's probably payed in pot by the DNC.

Quite contraire, I have voted once for a Dem and that was for Gore, and then after the nightmare of Bush Jr. I then voted twice more for the GOP candidates, but never again, unless I may vote for Trump. Heck , I never voted for Clinton.

I have finally come to realize the Christian right is no different than Isis, they'd have us living like SA, not Sharia law, but Christian law. Death to homosexuals, hey one even said Benghazi was due to the sins of Americans. Nuts.
I doubt very seriously that you ever voted for anyone but a liberal. You know absolutely nothing about Christianity. Smash mouth is ALL you have to offer anyone.

Pennyloafer is just doing her duty. She's probably payed in pot by the DNC.

Quite contraire, I have voted once for a Dem and that was for Gore, and then after the nightmare of Bush Jr. I then voted twice more for the GOP candidates, but never again, unless I may vote for Trump. Heck , I never voted for Clinton.

I have finally come to realize the Christian right is no different than Isis, they'd have us living like SA, not Sharia law, but Christian law. Death to homosexuals, hey one even said Benghazi was due to the sins of Americans. Nuts.
I doubt very seriously that you ever voted for anyone but a liberal. You know absolutely nothing about Christianity. Smash mouth is ALL you have to offer anyone.

I know the Christian zealots are crazy, I thank God I was raised RC.
You were raised Catholic and believe Christians want to kill homosexuals? You are a full on, no holds barred, nutjob.

that's the words of the brainwashed. Iran throws homosexuals off building or swing them hanging from cranes. yet they are here saying Christians are the same . that is sick

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