The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

Think healthcare costs are soaring Think again. - Dec. 4 2014
Premiums for private health insurance grew 2.8% last year, compared to a 4% increase in 2012. Low overall enrollment growth, greater usage of high deductible plans and other benefit design changes and the health law's medical loss ratio and rate review provisions contributed to the decline, the Centers found.

Consumer out-of-pocket spending -- including co-payments and deductibles or payments for services not covered by a consumer's health insurance -- grew 3.2% in 2013, down from the 3.6% growth in both 2011 and 2012.

Spending for physician and clinical services grew 3.8% last year, a slowdown from 2012 when spending grew 4.5%. Expenditures for hospital care increased 4.3%, slower than the 5.7% rate of growth in 2012.
Catastrophic failure.............I think not.
But then, having evidence shown to those like you are of no consequence.


As the Dumbocrats on USMB love to crow about - Obamacare was passed into law by Congress, signed into law by the president, and upheld by the Supreme Court. So why exactly does the federal government have to piss away billions to promote an existing law?!? Has this ever been done with any other law in U.S. history?

They begged the NBA to help promote it and the NBA said yes. They begged the NFL to help promote it, and the NFL told them to go fuck themselves (doh!). So why are they so desperate to reach people through Hollywood and sports? Because even the Dumbocrats know this is a miserable failure, and they know it is going to be repealed eventually unless they can do major damage control and brainwash the masses (especially the young and impressionable - hence the NBA, NFL, etc.) that this is a "good" thing.

Super Bowl champ Baltimore Ravens getting paid $130,000 to promote Obamacare |
Think healthcare costs are soaring Think again. - Dec. 4 2014
Premiums for private health insurance grew 2.8% last year, compared to a 4% increase in 2012. Low overall enrollment growth, greater usage of high deductible plans and other benefit design changes and the health law's medical loss ratio and rate review provisions contributed to the decline, the Centers found.

Consumer out-of-pocket spending -- including co-payments and deductibles or payments for services not covered by a consumer's health insurance -- grew 3.2% in 2013, down from the 3.6% growth in both 2011 and 2012.

Spending for physician and clinical services grew 3.8% last year, a slowdown from 2012 when spending grew 4.5%. Expenditures for hospital care increased 4.3%, slower than the 5.7% rate of growth in 2012.
Catastrophic failure.............I think not.
But then, having evidence shown to those like you are of no consequence.


As the Dumbocrats on USMB love to crow about - Obamacare was passed into law by Congress, signed into law by the president, and upheld by the Supreme Court. So why exactly does the federal government have to piss away billions to promote an existing law?!? Has this ever been done with any other law in U.S. history?

They begged the NBA to help promote it and the NBA said yes. They begged the NFL to help promote it, and the NFL told them to go fuck themselves (doh!). So why are they so desperate to reach people through Hollywood and sports? Because even the Dumbocrats know this is a miserable failure, and they know it is going to be repealed eventually unless they can do major damage control and brainwash the masses (especially the young and impressionable - hence the NBA, NFL, etc.) that this is a "good" thing.

Super Bowl champ Baltimore Ravens getting paid $130,000 to promote Obamacare |

Missed that point on people delaying care, did you ?
Oh the irony.....

Single Tear Harvard Faculty Upset Over Obamacare s Impact - Guy Benson

For years, Harvard’s experts on health economics and policy have advised presidents and Congress on how to provide health benefits to the nation at a reasonable cost. But those remedies will now be applied to the Harvard faculty, and the professors are in an uproar. Members of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, the heart of the 378-year-old university, voted overwhelmingly in November to oppose changes that would require them and thousands of other Harvard employees to pay more for health care. The university says the increases are in part a result of the Obama administration’s Affordable Care Act, which many Harvard professors championed. The faculty vote came too late to stop the cost increases from taking effect this month, and the anger on campus remains focused on questions that are agitating many workplaces: How should the burden of health costs be shared by employers and employees? If employees have to bear more of the cost, will they skimp on medically necessary care, curtail the use of less valuable services, or both?
Why is your lawyer relevant in this conversation? No one cares if your lawyer was on Dr Phil. The discussion is about Harvard professors unhappy with obamacare. Are you drunk?
Why is your lawyer relevant in this conversation? No one cares if your lawyer was on Dr Phil. The discussion is about Harvard professors unhappy with obamacare. Are you drunk?

He's a 28 year old spoiled rotten kid who thinks everything should be about him.
I bet my lawyer can beat up his lawyer. I'll further posit that if the big bad "business owner" acted how he does here in my place of business, my employees would be escorting him out of the building post haste. Resistance is futile at Doc's.
Everybody warned these types that their Health Care cost would go up, but no the far left Harvard Professors believed their lies.
Now they are upset about it?
Tough Professors, deal with it or join the ones who want to repeal it and actually get a great one for all of us.
There are way to many problems with it to fix it.
Liberals, i want a better healthcare system that invests in the latest innovation in the field. I want America to be number one...Don't you??

Great! So how can we do this through FREE MARKET and not tangle it up in more govt or political bureaucracy than people are willing to mess with.

How can we make it so free choice that if
you want to go through public options and gov you can do that,
if you want to go through churches, charities, businesses, schools or nonprofits
to set up health care and medical education and services to reach all people,
that you can invest in any part of such a network and not be fined by the IRS for not paying for health care by ACA limitations.

Currently you either pay thousands for insurance, or pay 1% of your salary to the govt and those are your only choices.

How do we free the taxpayers and businesses to invest in medical services, facilities and developing programs directly?

ACA has already cost taxpayers billions if not trillions in money given to insurance companies
who only agreed if the mandates were put in the bill and forced onto taxpayers.

Not to mention 24 billion cost to taxpayers ovver the deadlock in Congress over the budget
due to the conflict over the ACA having unconstitutional mandates costing citizens our liberty without due process
of law to prove we had committed any crimes before punishing us with loss of free choice in how to pay for health care.

Matthew would you be willing to stand with me
and demand that the same billions the govt paid or lost or wasted
be reimbursed to taxpayers as credits through the Federal Reserve,
and we can organize by teams per state, district or party to
delegate those credits into solutions we believe will work better than ACA.

So people can have the CHOICE to go through ACA exchanges,
or the CHOICE to invest in other solutions for health care and not be fined or forced to pay into other systems
we don't believe in funding.

As a fellow Democrat, do you believe in free choice
without govt threatening fines or penalties on how we pay for those choices?
"The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount"

The glaring evidence that continues to mount is how utterly wrong the OP is.
The glaring fault is nobody wants to pay for it.
Only want to make other people pay for it.

Havent found a single person willing
To pay but all in it to complain.

Left wants Singlepayer, not paying Insurance companies writing off their losses for us

Right doesnt believe in govt forcing you to buy insurance.

If neither side agrees to.corporate insurance companies inserting themselves then why not agree to
Remove that? Too busy hoping and waiting someone else will fix it first
Yep, Obummercare is the gift that keeps on giving!

List of tax hikes ignored in the CBO half-score of Obamacare

-3.8 percent surtax on investment income
-Hike in top Medicare payroll tax rate to 3.8 percent
-Medicine cabinet tax
-Additional surtax on health savings account (HSA) distributions
-Cap on flexible spending accounts (FSAs)
-Medical device tax
-High medical bills tax
-Tanning tax
-Tax on employer retiree drug coverage in Medicare
-Charitable hospital tax
-Pharmaceutical manufacturers tax
-Health insurance tax
-Tax on executive compensation in the health sector
-"Black liquor" tax hike
-Codification of "economic substance doctrine"

All these tax increases can be read about in detail here.

Read more: CBO Still Refuses to Score Obamacare Ignores 15 Tax Hikes in Healthcare Law Americans for Tax Reform
Follow us: @taxreformer on Twitter
And if that doesnt cover all costs, then put a tax on these taxes.
Raise the minimum wage,
and increase taxes on that.

You don't own your body anymore.
Since Govt is in charge of paying for your health care, all labor and means to pay for it have to meet
Federal regulations. you have no natural rights and freedoms except what we dictate by law.

You will have voting rights but no gun rights.

Right to choose abortion and birth control, but not life which is not a right unless you kill someone and end up on death row. Then you have the right to life, only after you are sentenced to death.

If you are Atheist you can't be forced to look at a cross or to listen to Christian prayer, but if you are a Christian business, you can be forced to bake cakes or photograph weddings or else forced to pay fines.

If you want freedom to pay for health care, too bad, your beliefs don't count and you willbe subject to give your labor to pay taxes or insurance as the only way to pay. However if you commit a crime and land in prison, you can't be forced into labor, but your health care and housing is paid by other people's labor who can work since they didn't commit crimes.
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"The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount"

The glaring evidence that continues to mount is how utterly wrong the OP is.
What a bizarre response. This thread is filled with thousands of facts illustrating what an overwhelming failure Obamacare has been and you didn't even attempt to dispute one of them, yet you want to attack the "OP"?!?

You just proved the time tested saying: "If you want to make a conservative angry, lie to him. If you want to make a liberal angry, tell him the truth".

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