Funding The ACA One-On-One


Sep 23, 2010
I have to say that Bill O’Reilly’s Talking Points Memo last night was outstanding:

I don’t want to spoil Bumptious Bill with undiluted praise; so let me make a few adjustments to his otherwise terrific observations on the Affordable Care Act.

1. Mr O. avoided calling Socialists parasites although he did use the phrase Socialism/Communism rather than say Socialism and Communism. Socialism/Communism is the contemporary worldwide foundation for the eternal parasite class. “Worldwide” is the first time in history that parasite ideology spread beyond national borders. Parasite ideology can be expressed in six words: A benign totalitarian government is possible.

2. “The strategy is largely kept quiet, but there have been hints.”

O’Reilly must have been talking about the media keeping it quiet. Every American knows the strategy without requiring hints. I am not exaggerating when I say “Every American” because conservatives have been opposing the strategy for decades, while parasites have openly preached Socialism/Communism long before they got the Affordable Care Act passed. Did the press really not see it!

3. Bernie Sanders, Dennis Kucinich, Sheila Jackson Lee, and Melissa Harris-Perry talk about constitutional Rights, but they were espousing the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights. O’Reilly should have pointed out that not one constitutional Right requires tax dollar funding, while the UN demands tax dollars to enforce the Rights it preaches.

4. “Obamacare is all about taking from those who can afford health care to provide for those who cannot.”

After O’Reilly played the clips of Sanders, Kucinich, Lee, and Harris-Perry he missed a golden opportunity to reduce Socialism’s ideology to one-on-one. Example: A parasite knocks on your door and aggressively demands that you give him cash to pay for part of his healthcare. After you stop laughing you would certainly kick him in the ass and send him packing. The real problem lies in the government knocking on your door on behalf of the parasites. How does one kick individual parasites in the ass and send them packing when armed government agents come knocking?

5. “Slick politicians on both sides can easily obscure the truth.”

That’s true on most policies. Democrats and Republicans collaborate on screwing private sector Americans; especially on economic policies. It’s not so true on socialized medicine. Not one Republican voted for the ACA. Every Republican wants it repealed.

Taqiyya lies told by Democrats is a more accurate description of slick politicians obscuring the truth. See this thread for a detailed analysis of taqiyya lies.


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