The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
As the Dumbocrats on USMB love to crow about - Obamacare was passed into law by Congress, signed into law by the president, and upheld by the Supreme Court. So why exactly does the federal government have to piss away billions to promote an existing law?!? Has this ever been done with any other law in U.S. history?

They begged the NBA to help promote it and the NBA said yes. They begged the NFL to help promote it, and the NFL told them to go fuck themselves (doh!). So why are they so desperate to reach people through Hollywood and sports? Because even the Dumbocrats know this is a miserable failure, and they know it is going to be repealed eventually unless they can do major damage control and brainwash the masses (especially the young and impressionable - hence the NBA, NFL, etc.) that this is a "good" thing.

Super Bowl champ Baltimore Ravens getting paid $130,000 to promote Obamacare |
14 Planned Parenthood Organizations Are Obamacare Navigators

Pretend you’re shocked.


- See more at: Weasel Zippers | Scouring the bowels of the internet | Weasel Zippers
It is sad that this has to happen.

It's also sad that the GOP has convinced people of "death panels", "losing freedom" and all the other hysterical nonsense that you sheep believe, that have actually made you think you hate a law that is a Republican idea.

So yeah, it's sad that a campaign needs to be waged to combat such blatant misinformation.
14 Planned Parenthood Organizations Are Obamacare Navigators

Pretend you’re shocked.


- See more at: Weasel Zippers | Scouring the bowels of the internet | Weasel Zippers

Isn't it amazing that Dumbocrats cried in the streets like little girls over terrorists being interrogated with some slightly (and I stress slightly) harsh tactics, but they celebrate the murder of an American baby?

I mean, if you value life so much that you weep over a vicious terrorist having water splashed in his face, how the fuck do you celebrate, support, and fund an innocent baby being brutally and horrifically murdered? :cuckoo:
14 Planned Parenthood Organizations Are Obamacare Navigators

Pretend you’re shocked.


- See more at: Weasel Zippers | Scouring the bowels of the internet | Weasel Zippers

Isn't it amazing that Dumbocrats cried in the streets like little girls over terrorists being interrogated with some slightly (and I stress slightly) harsh tactics, but they celebrate the murder of an American baby?

I mean, if you value life so much that you weep over a vicious terrorist having water splashed in his face, how the fuck do you celebrate, support, and fund an innocent baby being brutally and horrifically murdered? :cuckoo:

the party is infallible
14 Planned Parenthood Organizations Are Obamacare Navigators

Pretend you’re shocked.


- See more at: Weasel Zippers | Scouring the bowels of the internet | Weasel Zippers

Isn't it amazing that Dumbocrats cried in the streets like little girls over terrorists being interrogated with some slightly (and I stress slightly) harsh tactics, but they celebrate the murder of an American baby?

I mean, if you value life so much that you weep over a vicious terrorist having water splashed in his face, how the fuck do you celebrate, support, and fund an innocent baby being brutally and horrifically murdered? :cuckoo:

LOL. Drama Queen much?
It is sad that this has to happen.

It's also sad that the GOP has convinced people of "death panels", "losing freedom" and all the other hysterical nonsense that you sheep believe, that have actually made you think you hate a law that is a Republican idea.

So yeah, it's sad that a campaign needs to be waged to combat such blatant misinformation.

Wait - let me get this straight - you believe you're not losing freedom under Obamacare [MENTION=23461]RDD_1210[/MENTION]?!? :lmao:

The federal government now forces you to make a purchase. How is that not losing freedom in your mind? I can't wait to hear this absurd explanation.

By the way - "death panels" are a 100% certainty and now that they've passed Obamacare, the left has even admitted as much. Perhaps you need to wake up to reality? When the federal government has limited funds and unlimited health issues to address, they will have to decide who gets treatment and who doesn't (just like the do in Canada, just like they do in England, just like they do in <insert idiot socialized medicine nation here>, etc.).

You are one willfully ignorant buffoon, aren't you? Oh well, ignorance is bliss I guess...
14 Planned Parenthood Organizations Are Obamacare Navigators

Pretend you’re shocked.


- See more at: Weasel Zippers | Scouring the bowels of the internet | Weasel Zippers

Isn't it amazing that Dumbocrats cried in the streets like little girls over terrorists being interrogated with some slightly (and I stress slightly) harsh tactics, but they celebrate the murder of an American baby?

I mean, if you value life so much that you weep over a vicious terrorist having water splashed in his face, how the fuck do you celebrate, support, and fund an innocent baby being brutally and horrifically murdered? :cuckoo:

LOL. Drama Queen much?

Yes. Yes you Dumbocrats do "drama queen" MUCH! Remember all of you little bitches in the streets during the Bush Administration? I sure do... :lol:
It is sad that this has to happen.

It's also sad that the GOP has convinced people of "death panels", "losing freedom" and all the other hysterical nonsense that you sheep believe, that have actually made you think you hate a law that is a Republican idea.

So yeah, it's sad that a campaign needs to be waged to combat such blatant misinformation.

Wait - let me get this straight - you believe you're not losing freedom under Obamacare [MENTION=23461]RDD_1210[/MENTION]?!? :lmao:

The federal government now forces you to make a purchase. How is that not losing freedom in your mind? I can't wait to hear this absurd explanation.

By the way - "death panels" are a 100% certainty and now that they've passed Obamacare, the left has even admitted as much. Perhaps you need to wake up to reality? When the federal government has limited funds and unlimited health issues to address, they will have to decide who gets treatment and who doesn't (just like the do in Canada, just like they do in England, just like they do in <insert idiot socialized medicine nation here>, etc.).

You are one willfully ignorant buffoon, aren't you? Oh well, ignorance is bliss I guess...

Obama should make a law saying breathing oxygen is mandated. You idiots would hold your breath while claiming your freedoms are being taken away.
Isn't it amazing that Dumbocrats cried in the streets like little girls over terrorists being interrogated with some slightly (and I stress slightly) harsh tactics, but they celebrate the murder of an American baby?

I mean, if you value life so much that you weep over a vicious terrorist having water splashed in his face, how the fuck do you celebrate, support, and fund an innocent baby being brutally and horrifically murdered? :cuckoo:

LOL. Drama Queen much?

Yes. Yes you Dumbocrats do "drama queen" MUCH! Remember all of you little bitches in the streets during the Bush Administration? I sure do... :lol:

Of course you remember. You had nothing else to do and your life has amounted to being a professional (unpaid) complainer.
It is sad that this has to happen.

It's also sad that the GOP has convinced people of "death panels", "losing freedom" and all the other hysterical nonsense that you sheep believe, that have actually made you think you hate a law that is a Republican idea.

So yeah, it's sad that a campaign needs to be waged to combat such blatant misinformation.

Wait - let me get this straight - you believe you're not losing freedom under Obamacare [MENTION=23461]RDD_1210[/MENTION]?!? :lmao:

The federal government now forces you to make a purchase. How is that not losing freedom in your mind? I can't wait to hear this absurd explanation.

By the way - "death panels" are a 100% certainty and now that they've passed Obamacare, the left has even admitted as much. Perhaps you need to wake up to reality? When the federal government has limited funds and unlimited health issues to address, they will have to decide who gets treatment and who doesn't (just like the do in Canada, just like they do in England, just like they do in <insert idiot socialized medicine nation here>, etc.).

You are one willfully ignorant buffoon, aren't you? Oh well, ignorance is bliss I guess...

Obama should make a law saying breathing oxygen is mandated. You idiots would hold your breath while claiming your freedoms are being taken away.

Ahahaha!!!! I asked a straight forward, simple question and you know the answer buries you as a liar, so you avoided it and gave a stupid ass, snarky, nonsensical response. Thank you for proving we are right and you're a lying propagandist.

Game. Set. Match.

LOL. Drama Queen much?

Yes. Yes you Dumbocrats do "drama queen" MUCH! Remember all of you little bitches in the streets during the Bush Administration? I sure do... :lol:

Of course you remember. You had nothing else to do and your life has amounted to being a professional (unpaid) complainer.

If it's "unpaid", then it is not "professional"... :lmao:

A little confused on the meaning of "professional" are we?

It's amazing that you people post "the Republicans have no ideas", that we're the party of "NO", and that we are "happy with the status quo" and then you turn around and claim we "complain".

Do you see how you are the party of projecting? You actually wrongfully accuse everyone else of your own flaws.
Wait - let me get this straight - you believe you're not losing freedom under Obamacare [MENTION=23461]RDD_1210[/MENTION]?!? :lmao:

The federal government now forces you to make a purchase. How is that not losing freedom in your mind? I can't wait to hear this absurd explanation.

By the way - "death panels" are a 100% certainty and now that they've passed Obamacare, the left has even admitted as much. Perhaps you need to wake up to reality? When the federal government has limited funds and unlimited health issues to address, they will have to decide who gets treatment and who doesn't (just like the do in Canada, just like they do in England, just like they do in <insert idiot socialized medicine nation here>, etc.).

You are one willfully ignorant buffoon, aren't you? Oh well, ignorance is bliss I guess...

Obama should make a law saying breathing oxygen is mandated. You idiots would hold your breath while claiming your freedoms are being taken away.

Ahahaha!!!! I asked a straight forward, simple question and you know the answer buries you as a liar, so you avoided it and gave a stupid ass, snarky, nonsensical response. Thank you for proving we are right and you're a lying propagandist.

Game. Set. Match.


Yup, you're the winner alright! Good for you. Pat yourself on the back.

And as your prize, I get to subsidize your mooching ass for your healthcare needs when you insist on not having health insurance. You're welcome moocher.
Obama should make a law saying breathing oxygen is mandated. You idiots would hold your breath while claiming your freedoms are being taken away.

By the way, it is drop-down-on-the-floor-rolling hilarious that you didn't even understand this is true when you posted it.

You're absolutely correct - if Obama mandated my oxygen intake (and don't think for a moment he won't either now that Obamacare stipulates that the government gets to control your healthcare), that would be a major loss of my freedom. If I don't want to breathe in oxygen, who the fuck is the federal government to tell me otherwise?

That's the problem with you ignorant Dumbocrats. You don't realize that the federal government answers to me. I do not answer to the federal government. You were born believing you're a slave and you're happy to continue playing the serf in exchange for your pathetic government table scraps.
Obama should make a law saying breathing oxygen is mandated. You idiots would hold your breath while claiming your freedoms are being taken away.

By the way, it is drop-down-on-the-floor-rolling hilarious that you didn't even understand this is true when you posted it.

You're absolutely correct - if Obama mandated my oxygen intake (and don't think for a moment he won't either now that Obamacare stipulates that the government gets to control your healthcare), that would be a major loss of my freedom. If I don't want to breathe in oxygen, who the fuck is the federal government to tell me otherwise?

That's the problem with you ignorant Dumbocrats. You don't realize that the federal government answers to me. I do not answer to the federal government. You were born believing you're a slave and you're happy to continue playing the serf in exchange for your pathetic government table scraps.

Hahahahaahahahahah. I had to quote this so you can't try and delete this in the future.

Fuck, you people are pure comedy gold.
Obama should make a law saying breathing oxygen is mandated. You idiots would hold your breath while claiming your freedoms are being taken away.

Ahahaha!!!! I asked a straight forward, simple question and you know the answer buries you as a liar, so you avoided it and gave a stupid ass, snarky, nonsensical response. Thank you for proving we are right and you're a lying propagandist.

Game. Set. Match.


Yup, you're the winner alright! Good for you. Pat yourself on the back.

And as your prize, I get to subsidize your mooching ass for your healthcare needs when you insist on not having health insurance. You're welcome moocher.

Uh - excuse me - you're the moron's who created the mooching system. I do not believe you should ever subsidize me or anyone else. Want to try again [MENTION=23461]RDD_1210[/MENTION]?

By the way, the reality is quite the opposite. I had the ultimate cadillac healthcare plan. Key word *had*. Thanks to Obamacare, I lost that because Obama - in his profound ignorance - penalized cadillac healthcare plans in Obamacare while claiming the point of the bill was to provide "quality, affordable healthcare" :bang3:

I've got $1,000 right here and now that says you're too willfully ignorant to explain why Obama and the Dumbocrats did that.
Obama should make a law saying breathing oxygen is mandated. You idiots would hold your breath while claiming your freedoms are being taken away.

By the way, it is drop-down-on-the-floor-rolling hilarious that you didn't even understand this is true when you posted it.

You're absolutely correct - if Obama mandated my oxygen intake (and don't think for a moment he won't either now that Obamacare stipulates that the government gets to control your healthcare), that would be a major loss of my freedom. If I don't want to breathe in oxygen, who the fuck is the federal government to tell me otherwise?

That's the problem with you ignorant Dumbocrats. You don't realize that the federal government answers to me. I do not answer to the federal government. You were born believing you're a slave and you're happy to continue playing the serf in exchange for your pathetic government table scraps.

Hahahahaahahahahah. I had to quote this so you can't try and delete this in the future.

Fuck, you people are pure comedy gold.

Why would I delete something that is accurate and exposes you for the willfully ignorant serf that you are? :cuckoo:

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