The George Zimmerman ~ Kyle Rittenhouse Juxtaposition


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
George Zimmerman was not a police officer.
He was neighborhood watch.
He wanted to protect / defend his neighborhood.
He saw a stranger
He called it in to the police.
His job was done....but he decided to do more..
He decided to confront the perp....

Trayvon Martin was in a neighborhood not his own
He spotted Zimmerman
He decided to confront Zimmernan.
He decided to teach Zimmerman a lesson.
He hid, jumped out at Zimmerman

Martin & Zimmerman grappled for the gun.
Martin was killed in the struggle.

Had Zimmernan waited for the police
Had Zimmerman not chosen to confront Martin
Had Zimmerman not had a gun....

Had Martin not chosen to confront Zimmerman
Had Martin not had and lied In wait for Zimmerman
Had Martin just continued on his way home.

The incident was completely avoidable
No one Had to die
Both parties made decisions, foolish choices
Both sides are irreversibly, permanently affected
Zimmermann has to live with having killed a child
Martin's family must live with the loss of a child

All was a huge, miserable, avoidable tragedy....

So was the Rittenhouse incident.....

George Zimmerman was not a police officer.
He was neighborhood watch.
He wanted to protect / defend his neighborhood.
He saw a stranger
He called it in to the police.
His job was done....but he decided to do more..
He decided to confront the perp....

Trayvon Martin was in a neighborhood not his own
He spotted Zimmerman
He decided to confront Zimmernan.
He decided to teach Zimmerman a lesson.
He hid, jumped out at Zimmerman

Martin & Zimmerman grappled for the gun.
Martin was killed in the struggle.

Had Zimmernan waited for the police
Had Zimmerman not chosen to confront Martin
Had Zimmerman not had a gun....

Had Martin not chosen to confront Zimmerman
Had Martin not had and lied In wait for Zimmerman
Had Martin just continued on his way home.

The incident was completely avoidable
No one Had to die
Both parties made decisions, foolish choices
Both sides are irreversibly, permanently affected
Zimmermann has to live with having killed a child
Martin's family must live with the loss of a child

All was a huge, miserable, avoidable tragedy....

So was the Rittenhouse incident.....

Had Rittenhouse or Zimmermann not had a gun, then it would have been a fist fight. The person carrying a gun when the other guy is obviously unarmed carries the blame when they murder someone.
Zimmerman is vastly different...
Zimmerman had little man syndrome...and has been in several more conflicts since that trial as a result.
I'm guessing but still assuming that Kyle is going to be out of town for a while but not doing anything untoward...for a long time.

He is honest to a fault...
Zimmerman has no such conscience.
George Zimmerman was not a police officer.
He was neighborhood watch.
He wanted to protect / defend his neighborhood.
He saw a stranger
He called it in to the police.
His job was done....but he decided to do more..
He decided to confront the perp....

Trayvon Martin was in a neighborhood not his own
He spotted Zimmerman
He decided to confront Zimmernan.
He decided to teach Zimmerman a lesson.
He hid, jumped out at Zimmerman

Martin & Zimmerman grappled for the gun.
Martin was killed in the struggle.

Had Zimmernan waited for the police
Had Zimmerman not chosen to confront Martin
Had Zimmerman not had a gun....

Had Martin not chosen to confront Zimmerman
Had Martin not had and lied In wait for Zimmerman
Had Martin just continued on his way home.

The incident was completely avoidable
No one Had to die
Both parties made decisions, foolish choices
Both sides are irreversibly, permanently affected
Zimmermann has to live with having killed a child
Martin's family must live with the loss of a child

All was a huge, miserable, avoidable tragedy....

So was the Rittenhouse incident.....

Thug life ain't easy!!
Rittenhouse was a firefighter 'cadet'
Kyle was a trained lifeguard
Kyle received life guard life-saving training
Kyle was / is not a firefighter
Kyle was / s not a policeman
Kyle was / is not an EMT
Kyle was a 17yo kid who wanted to help
Kyle was not trained to deal with/help in a riot
Kyle was not ready for what he faced

Kyle took his weapon Knowing the situation he was going into was unstable, volatile, and could be dangerous....which is why he took his weapon

He did not go looking to kill anyone

He fully intended to help....but he did know hi a life could be In danger, which is why he took his AR-15... to protect himself in case his life was in danger

He did not expect to have to defend his life ... but he knew it was a possibility, which is why he took his weapon.

IMO had Rittenhouse walked around with a med kit and no gun he would not have been attacked ... but that is my own opinion that will never be tested/ proven

Many don't like to hear this, but:
- Had Kyle stayed away 2 people would not be dead by his hand

- Had Kyle stayed at the building/ business he was there to guard these shootings probably would not have happen

Rittenhouse did have the right to be there, though

Regarfing the individual Kyle shot:

Had they not been there they would not have been shot...

Had the individuals chosen NOT to be there they would have not been shot...
- But they had as much right to be there as Kyle

- Had they not made the conscious decision to force an altercation with Rittenhiuse they would not be dead / wounded....

- Had they not made the conscious decision to attack, chase, beat, attempt to disarm. Stomp, and / or murder Rittenhouse they would not be dead / shot.

- The defense witness / a victim not, as he testified to doing, pulled a weapon loaded with hollow points ammo Rittenouse would not have shot him...
-- The witness testified that Rittenhouse spared his life after seeing that he had no gun and shot him only after he pulled out his weapon and began to aim it at Rittenhouse.

This incident, like the Zimmerman-Martin lethal shooting, was preventable, should never have happened, and there were so many chances all parties had to de-escalate and walk away without violence and death.

No one had to die.

Everything leading up to the shootings has little significance in regards to the actual shooting in this fact....Kyle is on trial for the six minutes In which he was ambushed / attacked, chased, struck, beaten, kicked....during which time he fired in self-defense at his attackers.

IMO Rittenhouse will be exonernated.

The shootings, the wounding, the death...were all preventable, a waste of pecious life, no matter what the decision is...just like in the Trayvon Martin case.
Zimmerman is vastly different...
Zimmerman had little man syndrome...and has been in several more conflicts since that trial as a result.
I'm guessing but still assuming that Kyle is going to be out of town for a while but not doing anything untoward...for a long time.

He is honest to a fault...
Zimmerman has no such conscience.
The only real comparisons in the 2 events I am making are:

Both shooting cases did not have to happen

Poor choices were made by both sides in each case...

The shootings were preventable, as was the loss in lives...

No one had to die in both cases but did due to those mistakes in judgement / decision-making

...that's all - those were my points nothing more.

George Zimmerman was not a police officer.
He was neighborhood watch.
He wanted to protect / defend his neighborhood.
He saw a stranger
He called it in to the police.
His job was done....but he decided to do more..
He decided to confront the perp....

Trayvon Martin was in a neighborhood not his own
He spotted Zimmerman
He decided to confront Zimmernan.
No. The plan was to get Zimmerman' gun, so he could be king of the South Florida Bloods. His father was a gang member and put the plan together. Trayvon looks like the other kid, and he was friends with Zimmerman. Trayvon didn't know what side the gun was, and reached the wrong side, which gave Zimmerman time to pull it. Zimmerman thought he shot the other kid who didn't get his Skittles and supposedly never told his parents that Trayvon went out for Skittles and never came back. Trayvon's father supposedly never questioned where or what happened to his innocent boy until the next morning.
George Zimmerman was not a police officer.
He was neighborhood watch.
He wanted to protect / defend his neighborhood.
He saw a stranger
He called it in to the police.
His job was done....but he decided to do more..
He decided to confront the perp....

Trayvon Martin was in a neighborhood not his own
He spotted Zimmerman
He decided to confront Zimmernan.
He decided to teach Zimmerman a lesson.
He hid, jumped out at Zimmerman

Martin & Zimmerman grappled for the gun.
Martin was killed in the struggle.

Had Zimmernan waited for the police
Had Zimmerman not chosen to confront Martin
Had Zimmerman not had a gun....

Had Martin not chosen to confront Zimmerman
Had Martin not had and lied In wait for Zimmerman
Had Martin just continued on his way home.

The incident was completely avoidable
No one Had to die
Both parties made decisions, foolish choices
Both sides are irreversibly, permanently affected
Zimmermann has to live with having killed a child
Martin's family must live with the loss of a child

All was a huge, miserable, avoidable tragedy....

So was the Rittenhouse incident.....

One key difference you ignored... there was no video of the altercation between Zimmerman and Martin.
George Zimmerman was not a police officer.
He was neighborhood watch.
He wanted to protect / defend his neighborhood.
He saw a stranger
He called it in to the police.
His job was done....but he decided to do more..
He decided to confront the perp....

Trayvon Martin was in a neighborhood not his own
He spotted Zimmerman
He decided to confront Zimmernan.
He decided to teach Zimmerman a lesson.
He hid, jumped out at Zimmerman

Martin & Zimmerman grappled for the gun.
Martin was killed in the struggle.

Had Zimmernan waited for the police
Had Zimmerman not chosen to confront Martin
Had Zimmerman not had a gun....

Had Martin not chosen to confront Zimmerman
Had Martin not had and lied In wait for Zimmerman
Had Martin just continued on his way home.

The incident was completely avoidable
No one Had to die
Both parties made decisions, foolish choices
Both sides are irreversibly, permanently affected
Zimmermann has to live with having killed a child
Martin's family must live with the loss of a child

All was a huge, miserable, avoidable tragedy....

So was the Rittenhouse incident.....

Martin did not hide or attack Zimmerman. Zimmerman followed Martin against instrutions by police dispatch. Had Zimmerman done what he was told there would have been no death.

Rittenhouse bought a gun, drove 20 miles and then tried pretending he was law enforcement. Haf he stayed his teenage ass home, there would have been no deaths.
Yes, he did. His girlfriend who he was on the phone with testified, said he told her he was being followed, that he was going to hide, and that he was going to 'teach this guy a lesson'.

Stupid ... fatal ... deision...
Again, Zimmerman followed Martin against the instructions told to him by police dispatch. Secondly, he violate Neighborhood Watch rules because they state that NW participabts are not to act as police.
George Zimmerman was not a police officer.
He was neighborhood watch.
He wanted to protect / defend his neighborhood.
He saw a stranger
He called it in to the police.
His job was done....but he decided to do more..
He decided to confront the perp....

Trayvon Martin was in a neighborhood not his own
He spotted Zimmerman
He decided to confront Zimmernan.
He decided to teach Zimmerman a lesson.
He hid, jumped out at Zimmerman

Martin & Zimmerman grappled for the gun.
Martin was killed in the struggle.

Had Zimmernan waited for the police
Had Zimmerman not chosen to confront Martin
Had Zimmerman not had a gun....

Had Martin not chosen to confront Zimmerman
Had Martin not had and lied In wait for Zimmerman
Had Martin just continued on his way home.

The incident was completely avoidable
No one Had to die
Both parties made decisions, foolish choices
Both sides are irreversibly, permanently affected
Zimmermann has to live with having killed a child
Martin's family must live with the loss of a child

All was a huge, miserable, avoidable tragedy....

So was the Rittenhouse incident.....

Except that isn't what happened with Zimmerman. Zimmerman called police dispatch and told them that he saw someone suspicious...dispatch said that it wasn't necessary to follow him...Zimmerman responded ok and you can hear in the recorded call that Zimmerman was no longer following violent criminal Trayvon.

Instead Zimmerman tried to explain his location to dispatch so that the cops en route could find him to get a statement from him---------to expedite things, zimmerman offered to locate a house number and you can clearly hear him searching for a house number (this is why cops arrived so quickly after trayvon was killed.)

Unbeknown to Zimmerman, Trayvon had circled around while he was on the phone with his girlfriend. Trayvon hid in the bushes listening to Zimmerman's phone call with police dispatch plotting with his girlfriend to get this cracker who dared called the cop (as per the supposed girlfriends testimony in court) As soon as Zimmerman hung up the phone, Trayvon jumped from the bushes and attacked Zimmerman exactly as he done a bus driver who pissed him as well just weeks earlier.

Now everyone remembers the fat ugly STOOPID woman who testified as Trayvon's girlfriend. Funny thing is that the Beitch wasn't his girlfriend and trayvons whole family knew this as they play along with this bitch making all sorts of lies. This ugly bitch was the step or 1/2 sister of Trayvon's real girlfriend. When Trayvon jumped out of the Bushes and attacked Zimmerman, he was on the phone with his g/f---the phone went dead as the attack started. His bitch real girlfriend did not call police...which is something that she would have done if thug Trayvon was the one being attacked and not doing the attacking. She not only didn't call police that night, she didn't call them when she found out that trayvon was dead, and then she hid from the cops and had her sister lie over and over and over again including up past the court hearing.
Except that isn't what happened with Zimmerman. Zimmerman called police dispatch and told them that he saw someone suspicious...dispatch said that it wasn't necessary to follow him...Zimmerman responded ok and you can hear in the recorded call that Zimmerman was no longer following violent criminal Trayvon.

Instead Zimmerman tried to explain his location to dispatch so that the cops en route could find him to get a statement from him---------to expedite things, zimmerman offered to locate a house number and you can clearly hear him searching for a house number (this is why cops arrived so quickly after trayvon was killed.)

Unbeknown to Zimmerman, Trayvon had circled around while he was on the phone with his girlfriend. Trayvon hid in the bushes listening to Zimmerman's phone call with police dispatch plotting with his girlfriend to get this cracker who dared called the cop (as per the supposed girlfriends testimony in court) As soon as Zimmerman hung up the phone, Trayvon jumped from the bushes and attacked Zimmerman exactly as he done a bus driver who pissed him as well just weeks earlier.

Now everyone remembers the fat ugly STOOPID woman who testified as Trayvon's girlfriend. Funny thing is that the Beitch wasn't his girlfriend and trayvons whole family knew this as they play along with this bitch making all sorts of lies. This ugly bitch was the step or 1/2 sister of Trayvon's real girlfriend. When Trayvon jumped out of the Bushes and attacked Zimmerman, he was on the phone with his g/f---the phone went dead as the attack started. His bitch real girlfriend did not call police...which is something that she would have done if thug Trayvon was the one being attacked and not doing the attacking. She not only didn't call police that night, she didn't call them when she found out that trayvon was dead, and then she hid from the cops and had her sister lie over and over and over again including up past the court hearing.

My point is still valid. Martin's death was avoidable. There was no need for it- a waste of life.
Martin did not hide or attack Zimmerman. Zimmerman followed Martin against instrutions by police dispatch. Had Zimmerman done what he was told there would have been no death.

Rittenhouse bought a gun, drove 20 miles and then tried pretending he was law enforcement. Haf he stayed his teenage ass home, there would have been no deaths.
Im2, you are an idiot. Try listening to the phone call to police dispatch that was recorded that night. Zimmerman wasn't even following the thug Trayvon. Trayvon circled around, hid in the bushes, listened as Zimmerman made his call to the cops, waited till Zimmerman got off the phone (this should be a lesson to those that call cops after being victimized btw showing that you should stay on the line with dispatch), and then jumped out of the bushes and attacked Zimmerman---almost identically to same exact way that Trayvon had attacked a bus driver weeks earlier.
My point is still valid. Martin's death was avoidable. There was no need for it- a waste of life.
Trayvon was a going to die...he was out of control and kept upping his criminal antics---he was always bound to go out like the stupid thug that he was by early death or prison. Even if Zimmerman wasn't there------trayvon was likely still to be just a body laying cold in a gutter.
Rittenhouse was a firefighter 'cadet'
Kyle was a trained lifeguard
Kyle received life guard life-saving training
Kyle was / is not a firefighter
Kyle was / s not a policeman
Kyle was / is not an EMT
Kyle was a 17yo kid who wanted to help
Kyle was not trained to deal with/help in a riot
Kyle was not ready for what he faced

Kyle took his weapon Knowing the situation he was going into was unstable, volatile, and could be dangerous....which is why he took his weapon

He did not go looking to kill anyone

He fully intended to help....but he did know hi a life could be In danger, which is why he took his AR-15... to protect himself in case his life was in danger

He did not expect to have to defend his life ... but he knew it was a possibility, which is why he took his weapon.

IMO had Rittenhouse walked around with a med kit and no gun he would not have been attacked ... but that is my own opinion that will never be tested/ proven

Many don't like to hear this, but:
- Had Kyle stayed away 2 people would not be dead by his hand

- Had Kyle stayed at the building/ business he was there to guard these shootings probably would not have happen

Rittenhouse did have the right to be there, though

Regarfing the individual Kyle shot:

Had they not been there they would not have been shot...

Had the individuals chosen NOT to be there they would have not been shot...
- But they had as much right to be there as Kyle

- Had they not made the conscious decision to force an altercation with Rittenhiuse they would not be dead / wounded....

- Had they not made the conscious decision to attack, chase, beat, attempt to disarm. Stomp, and / or murder Rittenhouse they would not be dead / shot.

- The defense witness / a victim not, as he testified to doing, pulled a weapon loaded with hollow points ammo Rittenouse would not have shot him...
-- The witness testified that Rittenhouse spared his life after seeing that he had no gun and shot him only after he pulled out his weapon and began to aim it at Rittenhouse.

This incident, like the Zimmerman-Martin lethal shooting, was preventable, should never have happened, and there were so many chances all parties had to de-escalate and walk away without violence and death.

No one had to die.

Everything leading up to the shootings has little significance in regards to the actual shooting in this fact....Kyle is on trial for the six minutes In which he was ambushed / attacked, chased, struck, beaten, kicked....during which time he fired in self-defense at his attackers.

IMO Rittenhouse will be exonernated.

The shootings, the wounding, the death...were all preventable, a waste of pecious life, no matter what the decision is...just like in the Trayvon Martin case.
Both Zimmerman and Rittenhouse took action to make their cities better. They are both to be commended.
George Zimmerman was not a police officer.
He was neighborhood watch.
He wanted to protect / defend his neighborhood.
He saw a stranger
He called it in to the police.
His job was done....but he decided to do more..
He decided to confront the perp....

Trayvon Martin was in a neighborhood not his own
He spotted Zimmerman
He decided to confront Zimmernan.
He decided to teach Zimmerman a lesson.
He hid, jumped out at Zimmerman

Martin & Zimmerman grappled for the gun.
Martin was killed in the struggle.

Had Zimmernan waited for the police
Had Zimmerman not chosen to confront Martin
Had Zimmerman not had a gun....

Had Martin not chosen to confront Zimmerman
Had Martin not had and lied In wait for Zimmerman
Had Martin just continued on his way home.

The incident was completely avoidable
No one Had to die
Both parties made decisions, foolish choices
Both sides are irreversibly, permanently affected
Zimmermann has to live with having killed a child
Martin's family must live with the loss of a child

All was a huge, miserable, avoidable tragedy....

So was the Rittenhouse incident.....

Sorry, I don't see it that way. Treyvon Martin would have died anyway. If not in his assault on Zimmerman, he'd probably would have been dead by now either committing a robbery or in a drug disputer. He was a bad apple.

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