The game is rigged against Trump


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2009
I am sure that he feels like the Lord did in a baseball game the Devil.

I, as many Americans were, was intrigued by Donaldo's original theme of making "America Great Again". That made me consider, as to how, America is no longer "great"? Honestly, considering this nations history and the state of affairs internally, we are today as strong both financially and militarily as we ever were. Many folks in other nations still view the basic freedoms which we as American's take for granted, as worth gaining by by coming here. Our industrial base is not what it was in past years, largely due to the electronic and computer era and the loss of the steel industry, coal industry and the basic labor intensive industries, however the move has not been the loss that labor wishes to stress. In terms of dollar to dollar, the tons of steel produced is outclassed by the numbers and retail costs of the electronic's produced. Sure enough, the the incandesant light bulb was well proven but the current standard, which in my opinion is a lesser value, does allow me to read as much and as well, at less over all cost with regards to lifespan and electrical consumption, over the previous standard. So what is it that Drumph wants to make the U.S. great again?

Here is what I believe the primary motivation involved with making America great is, restoring the average citizens pride and self awareness to levels seen in recent past. The morale, welfare and respect of America within the nation it's self. Americans are bummed out and at a loss to explain that fact effectively. Respect of person has been placed on a back burner which remains unlit. There is much truth in the statement made by the comic strip character Pogo years ago, that being "We have met the enemy, and he is us". We here are so successful that we cannot see the forest for the trees. Me, myself and I have replaced We, Us and ourselves. We have no pride in ourselves and as a result have no pride in anything and as a result are ripe for a big dose of Socialism. Too bad!

Finally, is Trumph the man to rebuild that feeling of pride in this nation. Certainly Clinton, Sanders, Cruz, are not! But, is Trump the person we need to rebuild our pride. Obama also indicated he was the man for the job but has failed miserably as seen over the past eight years. What will Trump do differently?

In summation, I have yet to pick a candidate I am comfortable with and will in all likelihood go to the polls with that fact alive and well. It may just boil down to ennie, meenie, minee, moe. What a sad state of affairs!

I am simply rambling as I have no real idea as to which current candidate is the proper pick based upon those available. A make me feel good about myself candidate would be nice, right about now. H/she may not accomplish much, but at least I would feel good about it! I am sick and tired of being sick and tired.

Best regards to all and to all .....:night:.

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