The Future

First of all, good health precedes everything else. The current ideologies are in conflict, the Democratic Party supports the ACA goals, and the Republican Party seeks to put profit before good health for all.

The only argument the Republican Party can offer is to claim government's intercession on the repeal of the ACA is it is Socialism. A claim which is absurd and an appeal to emotions.

Our government was founded by We the people to, "form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity".

Common sense suggests the current iteration of Republicans (RINO's) have move so far to the dark side, that the meaning of the Preamble has been lost.

What do I mean by the Dark Side?

The R. Party's use of Wedge Issues, their lust for power and greed. No one will be able to equate any of the visions highlighted in the Preamble which is part of the current ideology under Trump and the miss-named Freedom Caucus.

Not sure that the ACA is the best we can do but yea, these right wingers can't point to one thing the republican party has done for the average income American, themselves included. The power of decades of right wing radio and t.v. has done it's damage.

It’s not the job of government to “do” things for anybody...They are suppose to create a platform of governance that allows citizens to “do” for themselves. Those who need to be spoon fed by Father Government can’t wrap their head around you need to be spoon fed?
First of all, good health precedes everything else. The current ideologies are in conflict, the Democratic Party supports the ACA and the Republican Party seeks to put profit before good health.

and neither of them realize its not their job to be involved in healthcare

so fuck off you commie pricks,,,both of you

It's the government's job to do what ever most of the country wants, so fuck off yourself, dumb ass.

Pass an amendment!

It's not necessary. People like you use COTUS to fit your ideology, the ideology of the Federalist Society.

Reading the Preamble, the wording on defense and general Welfare are not exclusive to war with a foreign power, or giving free things to every citizen. The Polio Vaccine is the classic example of defending all of our citizens from a horrible disease, and promotes the general Welfare of the nation.
First of all, good health precedes everything else. The current ideologies are in conflict, the Democratic Party supports the ACA and the Republican Party seeks to put profit before good health.

and neither of them realize its not their job to be involved in healthcare

so fuck off you commie pricks,,,both of you

It's the government's job to do what ever most of the country wants, so fuck off yourself, dumb ass.

Pass an amendment!

It's not necessary. People like you use COTUS to fit your ideology, the ideology of the Federalist Society.

Reading the Preamble, the wording on defense and general Welfare are not exclusive to war with a foreign power, or giving free things to every citizen. The Polio Vaccine is the classic example of defending all of our citizens from a horrible disease, and promotes the general Welfare of the nation.

its not in the general welfare for government to fuck things up for everybody because it feels good

and the constitution is the law not an ideology
Some people think good health can be promoted by government, others have been brainwashed by the special interests and the pols who benefit from their dollars.

“promoted by government”....haha
Cut the bullshit, what you really mean is “some people think Father Government should force wealthy people to provide free healthcare for bottom feeders and wetbacks.”
First of all, good health precedes everything else. The current ideologies are in conflict, the Democratic Party supports the ACA goals, and the Republican Party seeks to put profit before good health for all.

The only argument the Republican Party can offer is to claim government's intercession on the repeal of the ACA is it is Socialism. A claim which is absurd and an appeal to emotions.

Our government was founded by We the people to, "form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity".

Common sense suggests the current iteration of Republicans (RINO's) have move so far to the dark side, that the meaning of the Preamble has been lost.

What do I mean by the Dark Side?

The R. Party's use of Wedge Issues, their lust for power and greed. No one will be able to equate any of the visions highlighted in the Preamble which is part of the current ideology under Trump and the miss-named Freedom Caucus.

Not sure that the ACA is the best we can do but yea, these right wingers can't point to one thing the republican party has done for the average income American, themselves included. The power of decades of right wing radio and t.v. has done it's damage.

It’s not the job of government to “do” things for anybody...They are suppose to create a platform of governance that allows citizens to “do” for themselves. Those who need to be spoon fed by Father Government can’t wrap their head around you need to be spoon fed?

So those kids who get the Measles, and pregnant women who get Rubella ought to cure themselves? Or do we allow the former to die and the women's fetus to suffer for a lifetime?

You're really quite stupid to buy into the meme that all of us are an island.
First of all, good health precedes everything else. The current ideologies are in conflict, the Democratic Party supports the ACA and the Republican Party seeks to put profit before good health.

and neither of them realize its not their job to be involved in healthcare

so fuck off you commie pricks,,,both of you

Thanks once again for proving how truly ignorant you are.
you should have followed that up with why and how I'm ignorant,,,

Your posts - all of them - are self evident proof of your ignorance. Admit you've never taken Econ 101 and don't know the difference between Micro and Macro?
Some people think good health can be promoted by government, others have been brainwashed by the special interests and the pols who benefit from their dollars.

We know good healthcate can be promoted by govt. There's successful models all around the world.
First of all, good health precedes everything else. The current ideologies are in conflict, the Democratic Party supports the ACA and the Republican Party seeks to put profit before good health.

and neither of them realize its not their job to be involved in healthcare

so fuck off you commie pricks,,,both of you

It's the government's job to do what ever most of the country wants, so fuck off yourself, dumb ass.

Pass an amendment!

It's not necessary. People like you use COTUS to fit your ideology, the ideology of the Federalist Society.

Reading the Preamble, the wording on defense and general Welfare are not exclusive to war with a foreign power, or giving free things to every citizen. The Polio Vaccine is the classic example of defending all of our citizens from a horrible disease, and promotes the general Welfare of the nation.

The U.S. Supreme Court has held the mention of the clause in the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution "has never been regarded as the source of any substantive power conferred on the Government of the United States or on any of its Departments.
First of all, good health precedes everything else. The current ideologies are in conflict, the Democratic Party supports the ACA and the Republican Party seeks to put profit before good health.

and neither of them realize its not their job to be involved in healthcare

so fuck off you commie pricks,,,both of you

Thanks once again for proving how truly ignorant you are.
you should have followed that up with why and how I'm ignorant,,,

Your posts - all of them - are self evident proof of your ignorance. Admit you've never taken Econ 101 and don't know the difference between Micro and Macro?

its not about the economy,,,its about the rule of law

you should check yourself before calling others ignorant,,,
First of all, good health precedes everything else. The current ideologies are in conflict, the Democratic Party supports the ACA goals, and the Republican Party seeks to put profit before good health for all.

The only argument the Republican Party can offer is to claim government's intercession on the repeal of the ACA is it is Socialism. A claim which is absurd and an appeal to emotions.

Our government was founded by We the people to, "form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity".

Common sense suggests the current iteration of Republicans (RINO's) have move so far to the dark side, that the meaning of the Preamble has been lost.

What do I mean by the Dark Side?

The R. Party's use of Wedge Issues, their lust for power and greed. No one will be able to equate any of the visions highlighted in the Preamble which is part of the current ideology under Trump and the miss-named Freedom Caucus.

Not sure that the ACA is the best we can do but yea, these right wingers can't point to one thing the republican party has done for the average income American, themselves included. The power of decades of right wing radio and t.v. has done it's damage.

It’s not the job of government to “do” things for anybody...They are suppose to create a platform of governance that allows citizens to “do” for themselves. Those who need to be spoon fed by Father Government can’t wrap their head around you need to be spoon fed?

So those kids who get the Measles, and pregnant women who get Rubella ought to cure themselves? Or do we allow the former to die and the women's fetus to suffer for a lifetime?

You're really quite stupid to buy into the meme that all of us are an island. people are so predictable...always use the two percentile to sell your bullshit, you forget that we know there’s another ninety eight percent.
Hopefully you begging socialists are starting to realize that those tens of millions of wetbacks you had to have are fucking you out of more free shit for yourselves and your families. I and those like me can only provide you beggars with so much free shit bud.
Some people think good health can be promoted by government, others have been brainwashed by the special interests and the pols who benefit from their dollars.
So it's only one or the other?

(note: this is how one goes about using the identification of a logical fallacy to question an argument. Simply stating "false dichotomy fallacy" is grossly insufficient and demonstrates one's pathetic ignorance).
Some people think good health can be promoted by government, others have been brainwashed by the special interests and the pols who benefit from their dollars.

We know good healthcate can be promoted by govt. There's successful models all around the world.
no there isnt,,,

Show us.
Show us a costlier, govt run system with worse treatment outcomes.
all of them,,,

and its about freedom from government
Some people think good health can be promoted by government, others have been brainwashed by the special interests and the pols who benefit from their dollars.

We know good healthcate can be promoted by govt. There's successful models all around the world.

Do those “models” include 80-100 million illegal and barely legal thirdworlders? Does more than half their nation pay zero in income taxes? Isn’t their minimum tax rate 30-40%?
Wake up simply can not have socialism and a wide open border between us and disgusting thirdworlders.
First of all, good health precedes everything else. The current ideologies are in conflict, the Democratic Party supports the ACA and the Republican Party seeks to put profit before good health.

and neither of them realize its not their job to be involved in healthcare

so fuck off you commie pricks,,,both of you

It's the government's job to do what ever most of the country wants, so fuck off yourself, dumb ass.

Pass an amendment!

It's not necessary. People like you use COTUS to fit your ideology, the ideology of the Federalist Society.

Reading the Preamble, the wording on defense and general Welfare are not exclusive to war with a foreign power, or giving free things to every citizen. The Polio Vaccine is the classic example of defending all of our citizens from a horrible disease, and promotes the general Welfare of the nation.

The U.S. Supreme Court has held the mention of the clause in the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution "has never been regarded as the source of any substantive power conferred on the Government of the United States or on any of its Departments.

They're founding principles. Context with which to conduct the rest.

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