Ilhan Omar Says Quoting Her Is ‘Dangerous Incitement’

" That she would liken 9/11 to “some people did something” tells you all you need to know about her and what she thinks of America. As an American and a New Yorker I couldn’t be more offended by this bullshit, but of course Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi and their band of liberal clowns will do nothing, and the media will try to make her some sort of hero to cover her hatred of this great country and it’s people." - Trump
Wonder how a slug to the head compares with "Dangerous Incitement??"

Death cult.
See what happens when Democrats obtain a little power?

Threats and retaliation for quoting them.

Straight out of their socialist tyranny handbook.

Ilhan Omar Says Quoting Her Is ‘Dangerous Incitement’.

To hell with this Isis whore. That is all . . .

She is a perfect representation of the dimocrap scum party.

I LOVE her
---------------------------------- yeah , immigration advocates just getting what they Deserve .
it is dangerous.

someone may think *I* said that stupid shit.
There are few things that raise my blood pressure more points than that mud-slime arrogant, grievance-mongering, perpetually butthurt victim-prancing. These subhuman inbreds seriously don't realize how jaw-droppingly full of shit they sound. These poor, poor muslim babies, my heart bleeds so much.

At any rate these humanoids need to be marginalized into second-class citizens (which muslims do to the non-muslims they allow to live as dhimmis) with no rights and Mecca needs some H-bomb therapy to permanently cripple and demoralize the world's most ultimate hate ideology. Brute force is the only thing these creatures' rudimentary brains understand.
More Muzzie anti-American Trojan Horses are on the way to be fully embraced by the Democrat Party and deified by the MSM.
See what happens when Democrats obtain a little power?

Threats and retaliation for quoting them.

Straight out of their socialist tyranny handbook.

Ilhan Omar Says Quoting Her Is ‘Dangerous Incitement’.
ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY. Rep. Rashida Tlaib makes stunning accusation about Democratic Party leadership:

Amid controversy between President Donald Trump and Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) — stemming from the president criticizing remarks Omar made recently when she refused to denounce the 9/11 attackers as terrorists — Tlaib launched a broadside at her party’s leadership.

The Michigan lawmaker is seemingly upset over what she believes is a failure by Democratic leadership to properly condemn Omar’s critics.

“They put us in photos when they want to show our party is diverse. However, when we ask to be at the table, or speak up about issues that impact who we are, what we fight for & why we ran in the first place, we are ignored,” Tlaib charged. “To truly honor our diversity is to never silence us.”

As Stephen Miller tweets in response, “You mean Democrats are just using people of color and ethnic minorities as props? GTFO!”
But her saying it to begin with, doesn’t...

BECAUSE REPUBLICANS ARE ICKY AND ORANGE MAN BAD: Why Does Rep. Omar’s Life Matter More Than Republicans?



In early April, a woman was arrested for sending a white powder to Senator Susan Collins’ office. The Collins letter claimed that it was coated in ricin and declared, “Good luck to you Susan, in the next life.” Another letter implied that it had a fatal dose of anthrax inside.

After the senator’s husband opened the letter, hazmat teams went to the house. Her husband and the dog, a lab named Pepper, had to be quarantined. A screening system was set up at the local post office where employees also feared being exposed to hazardous materials. The attacker is allegedly a member of the leftist Green Party who was angry about the senator’s vote to confirm Justice Kavanaugh.

The same media outlets that have behaved as if Rep. Omar might be killed at any moment because she received a threatening phone call have showed very little interest in a potential anthrax or ricin attack on a senator. And the media, which helped whip up the hysteria over Kavanaugh and Collins, has accused President Trump of incitement for merely quoting Omar’s hateful words about 9/11.

Why Does Rep. Omar’s Life Matter More Than Republicans?

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