The future of America is extremely politicized thanks to liberals


Platinum Member
Dec 25, 2009
The day is coming when you will be discriminated against by government agencies, corporations and non-profits IF, for instance, you oppose abortion, same-sex marriage, open borders, etc. If you hold such views, you will be deemed as evil and intolerant and ostracizing you from society will be seen as justified and necessary. Everyone must toe the line of the more enlightened, tolerant, inclusive, loving-left lest you be banned from the greater society. We already see this now. Many liberals go all-out to destroy conservatives for simply having a different view.

Historically, unfettered leftists eventually create totalitarian states wherein the state has all the authority and citizens are merely subjects of the state. This is the path we are on thanks to the left in America. Thanks liberals.
You'd be closer to the truth to simply call it the fault of the Political Class in America. Actually you could blame the US citizenry because we're allowing them to play us.
Yeah, the right never politicizes anything.

"There was a school shooting today in..."

"Gun free zone! Gun free zone!"

"A vehicle struck a crowd today killing..."

"Awww better ban cars."

"An illegal immigrant killed a woman..."

"I told ya! I told ya!"

"A bomb went off in..."

"Gotta be a Muslim!"
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Conservatives are playing the long game, liberals will be destroyed and erased from history.

Nah. The battle between those that support and oppose personal liberty will continue as long as mankind exists, just as it always has. Sometimes the leftists win (Nazi Germany, Soviet Union, China, North Korea, Cuba, etc.) and sometimes those that want freedom win.
Conservatives are playing the long game, liberals will be destroyed and erased from history.

Nah. The battle between those that support and oppose personal liberty will continue as long as mankind exists, just as it always has. Sometimes the leftists win (Nazi Germany, Soviet Union, China, North Korea, Cuba, etc.) and sometimes those that want freedom win.

Trust me nature has selected liberals for extinction, I'm surprised these snowflakes can tie their own shoe laces.

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