The Freddie Gray Six... half are black!

If an unarmed suspect dies during an arrest or in custody, the police have fucked up, regardless of whether the arrestee was a criminal.
Seems to me that it was the criminal that was resisting arrest that fucked up by being a career criminal that resisted arrest.
An incident can have more than one fuck up. Which is worse the resistance or the death? Take the Branch Davidians. They resisted, but the right blames the government for the deaths. If they hadn't resisted wouldn't they still be alive? The big difference in that case is that they WERE armed and killed federal officers, but some still blame Clinton and Reno.
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And the guy charged with driving the van and 2nd degree murder is BLACK!!!
So how can there be an issue here???
Facing the most serious charge, one of second-degree murder, is Officer Caesar Goodson, the driver of the van that transported Gray to a police station.
Six Baltimore police officers charged over Freddie Gray death - Yahoo News
View attachment 40702

It's never really been about racism, it's the black attitude, 'I'm black so I shouldn't be arrested'.

Freddie Gray was arrested without cause and killed. I doubt you'd appreciate that happening to you.
If an unarmed suspect dies during an arrest or in custody, the police have fucked up, regardless of whether the arrestee was a criminal.
Seems to me that it was the criminal that was resisting arrest that fucked up by being a career criminal that resisted arrest.
An incident can have more than one fuck up. Which is worse the resistance or the death? Take the Branch Davidians. They resisted, but the right blames the government for the deaths If they hadn't resisted wouldn't they still be alive? The big difference in that case is that they WERE armed and killed federal officers, but some still blame Clinton and Reno.

They were also white. There's no chance in hell that Waco would have become a rightwing cause celebre if Koresh and his nutty followers had been black.
It's about institutionalized racism against blacks. Apparently you don't get what that means.

No point in explaining it to teapers...hate misguides their thought process and they can't see past their own hateful noses.

How can a system run entirely by black people be racist against blacks?

??? because the anti-police liberals say it i so????

Why couldn't it be? Can you prove that a black government official, including police, are incapable of being biased against black citizens?


Poor Gilligan...

Go ahead and prove it, instead of babbling incoherently.

ROFLMNAO! It still has no idea.

And the guy charged with driving the van and 2nd degree murder is BLACK!!!
So how can there be an issue here???
Facing the most serious charge, one of second-degree murder, is Officer Caesar Goodson, the driver of the van that transported Gray to a police station.
Six Baltimore police officers charged over Freddie Gray death - Yahoo News
View attachment 40702

It's never really been about racism, it's the black attitude, 'I'm black so I shouldn't be arrested'.

Freddie Gray was arrested without cause and killed. I doubt you'd appreciate that happening to you.

There was cause... which is what initiated his arrest. He died because he was an idiot who set himself into dangerous positions, which has always and will always increase the odds of dying. Never fails...
If an unarmed suspect dies during an arrest or in custody, the police have fucked up, regardless of whether the arrestee was a criminal.
Seems to me that it was the criminal that was resisting arrest that fucked up by being a career criminal that resisted arrest.
An incident can have more than one fuck up. Which is worse the resistance or the death? Take the Branch Davidians. They resisted, but the right blames the government for the deaths If they hadn't resisted wouldn't they still be alive? The big difference in that case is that they WERE armed and killed federal officers, but some still blame Clinton and Reno.

They were also white. There's no chance in hell that Waco would have become a rightwing cause celebre if Koresh and his nutty followers had been black.


More straw reasoning from the Board's Buffoon... .
If an unarmed suspect dies during an arrest or in custody, the police have fucked up, regardless of whether the arrestee was a criminal.
Seems to me that it was the criminal that was resisting arrest that fucked up by being a career criminal that resisted arrest.
An incident can have more than one fuck up. Which is worse the resistance or the death? Take the Branch Davidians. They resisted, but the right blames the government for the deaths. If they hadn't resisted wouldn't they still be alive? The big difference in that case is that they WERE armed and killed federal officers, but some still blame Clinton and Reno.

That's only because the charges were actually false, and the Feds actually did acted 'stupidly'.

But how cool is it that the Left chooses to compare Law enforcement to a thoroughly corrupt regime who were setting up innocent people as a stalking horse?

Take Fast and Furious as a classic example, wherein the obama cult; which is a carbon copy of the Clinton cult, hatched in the same ideological cesspool, sought to frame INNOCENT PEOPLE for crimes >THEY ACTUALLY AND QUITE LITERALLY COMMITTED< under the guise of a duly sworn 'law enforcement operation'.

Proving AGAIN... that the reason that the Left sees corruption everywhere, is that THEY ARE CORRUPT.

(And Yes... The Waco Davidian case, is the predecessor to Fast and Furious... which was perpetrated as a means to show FIRE ARMS VIOLATIONS BY US CITIZENS AS A FOIL TO PROVOKE LEGAL RESTRICTIONS ON THE MEANS OF US CITIZENS TO OWN AND EFFECTIVELY USE FIREARMS IN DEFENSE OF THEIR LIVES AND THEIR MEANS TO EXERCISE THEIR RIGHTS. Not at all distinct from the Reichstag fire. Same cult, doing the same things at different times.)
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It's about institutionalized racism against blacks. Apparently you don't get what that means.

No point in explaining it to teapers...hate misguides their thought process and they can't see past their own hateful noses.

How can a system run entirely by black people be racist against blacks?

??? because the anti-police liberals say it i so????

Why couldn't it be? Can you prove that a black government official, including police, are incapable of being biased against black citizens?


Poor Gilligan...

Go ahead and prove it, instead of babbling incoherently.

Prove what Gilligan? That you're an imbecile? You're doing a fine job there.

If you're hoping to spin the notion that you're the one claiming that black people can't be prejudiced against other blacks... there's no reason to prove it, because it is absurd on its face. Jesse Jackson, of the infamous Race Hustlin' Jacksons... has publicly admitted that when he is walking down a dark street and sees a group of young people coming, he is always relieved to find that those young people are white. And he is so relieved, because the likelihood of his being molested by those young people, becomes virtually non-existent, the moment they are found to be white. This in direct contract to the odds of probability being a near certainty that he'll be molested by the group, the moment they're found to be BLACK.

So, Jesse Jackson himself has publicly professed that he is prejudiced against blacks... and he IS SO... because it is reasonable to BE SO.
]An incident can have more than one fuck up. Which is worse the resistance or the death? Take the Branch Davidians. They resisted, but the right blames the government for the deaths. If they hadn't resisted wouldn't they still be alive? The big difference in that case is that they WERE armed and killed federal officers, but some still blame Clinton and Reno.
That's only because the charges were actually false, and the Feds actually did acted 'stupidly'.
There was nothing right about killing federal officers. How come you don't consider that "acting stupidly"? Can I shoot any police officer that comes to my door? I think not, but the wingnuts apparently give the BDs that right. What if they'd been black, in an inner city compound? people like you would have been screaming to burn it down. I never hear righties standing up for MOVE in Philadelphia. Why not?
MOVE - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Yes, 3 of the cops were black.

typically stupidly educated liberdummy.., how about they ARE black and one is a female, so that also makes it a sexist case ! :up:

............................ :up_yours:

Can you prove that black cops are incapable of racial bias against black citizens?

why the fuck do you always ask posters to prove something ? shove your "prove it" shit right up your fucking :asshole:

:up_yours: .... fucktard and :fu:
]An incident can have more than one fuck up. Which is worse the resistance or the death? Take the Branch Davidians. They resisted, but the right blames the government for the deaths. If they hadn't resisted wouldn't they still be alive? The big difference in that case is that they WERE armed and killed federal officers, but some still blame Clinton and Reno.
That's only because the charges were actually false, and the Feds actually did acted 'stupidly'.
There was nothing right about killing federal officers.

False... Those officers were there, to enforce, what the Davidians knew to be false charges... They could have gone through the process, which they knew would be decided in the same government which was advancing the false charges and they chose to fight. Their decision was made in the full light of reason that where they did so, they would not prevail and they would surely die as a consequence. They acted WELL WITHIN THEIR RIGHTS TO DEFEND THEMSELVES AGAINST TYRANY.

The Government knew that they had no means to prove their case... and with the event having been so heavily publicized, they had no choice but to murder the Davidians... and they did so, having injected chlorine powder into a building which was heated through open flame devices, and when burned the chlorine powder becomes cyanide gas, then commencing to tearing the structures down... igniting the structures which were currently subjected to high winds common to the area where the incident occurred.

The Clinton Cult committed mass-murder in Waco. And they did so because they wanted to show 'extremism' on the part of Mid-western Americans.

Of course, Mid-western Americans are EXTREME... just like every other American, no matter where they're found.

Stack up on my front door and you'll get the same result... and like the Davidians, I'll die exercising my God-given rights. And it works out the same at the front door of every American.

Of course, the coolest part is, that THAT is why the clinton and obama cults want those guns GONE. The math says that if ya go down that road, you'll run out of cops willing to stack up on the doors of Americans, before ya run out of Americans... and once ya run out of Cops... You're good and FUCKED!
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Yes, 3 of the cops were black.

typically stupidly educated liberdummy.., how about they ARE black and one is a female, so that also makes it a sexist case ! :up:

............................ :up_yours:

Can you prove that black cops are incapable of racial bias against black citizens?

why the fuck do you always ask posters to prove something ? shove your "prove it" shit right up your fucking :asshole:

:up_yours: .... fucktard and :fu:


LOL! Of course to prove a negative ya simply have to convert it into a positive. Then rule out all of the possibilities... which is usually Millions if not BILLIONS of possibilities, so it takes a while.

It's just easier to point out the foolish nature of the demand, than to go through the exercise.

Stack up on my front door and you'll get the same result... and like the Davidians, I'll die exercising my God-given rights. And it works out the same at the front door of every American.


Will you cowardly hide behind innocent women and children when you do this, the way your idols did?
If an unarmed suspect dies during an arrest or in custody, the police have fucked up, regardless of whether the arrestee was a criminal.
So we should live forever in prison I suppose. Dumb and impossible expectation.
You know that's not what I meant. No wonder the discussion is so rancorous when the right keeps twisting the story to fit their biases.
It was a stupid statement none-the-less. If some guy is shooting it out with the cops, the cops only fail if one of theirs dies. If the criminal dies, I think we can agree that society has been done a favor.

Stack up on my front door and you'll get the same result... and like the Davidians, I'll die exercising my God-given rights. And it works out the same at the front door of every American.


Will you cowardly hide behind innocent women and children when you do this, the way your idols did?

Stack up on my door and you'll find out what I'm hiding behind... of course you'll be unable to tell anyone what it was. But you'll at least have that instant wherein ya possess that knowledge... maybe. You won't like it much, on that you can rest assured.

With regard to the Davidian men, they did not hide behind anyone. They're women and children were on the property that was being assaulted. Who the clinton-cult gassed and burned alive... including a dozen babies.

So violent was the cyanide gas attack on their little bodies, that the muscles contracted with such force, that their femurs were snapped, along with every other large bone and spines. This occurred well in advance of the fire burning them. The pain they endured, is beyond the means to express verbally, it's literally incalculable.

This was an evil that would have made Hitler blush... as even that Leftist fuck didn't go that low.
What is it that we supposedly don't get?

They don't know.
It's about institutionalized racism against blacks. Apparently you don't get what that means.

No point in explaining it to teapers...hate misguides their thought process and they can't see past their own hateful noses.

How can a system run entirely by black people be racist against blacks?

??? because the anti-police liberals say it i so????

Why couldn't it be? Can you prove that a black government official, including police, are incapable of being biased against black citizens?

Is it possible that a black cop can be racist against possible? I suppose, but according to physicists it's theoretically possible for a glass of milk that dropped to the floor and shattered can spontaneously reassemble itself. The odds are a million, billion, billion, trillion to one, but it's possible.

Liberal turds have been saying for years that cities need to hire black officers to prevent racism. Now you seem to be saying that was all bullshit.

Why should voters listen to anything liberals have to say on this subject?
It was a stupid statement none-the-less. If some guy is shooting it out with the cops, the cops only fail if one of theirs dies. If the criminal dies, I think we can agree that society has been done a favor.
You're the one making stupid statements. Read with understanding. I was talking about unarmed arrestees and you're talking about a shoot out. No wonder we've got problems. You're twisting things to fit your own agenda.
It was a stupid statement none-the-less. If some guy is shooting it out with the cops, the cops only fail if one of theirs dies. If the criminal dies, I think we can agree that society has been done a favor.
You're the one making stupid statements. Read with understanding. I was talking about unarmed arrestees and you're talking about a shoot out. No wonder we've got problems. You're twisting things to fit your own agenda.
Sorry, Officer Wilson did not fail. He is still alive and Michael Brown is dead, When the officer dies it is always failure, so we can deem that altercation a success

Stack up on my front door and you'll get the same result... and like the Davidians, I'll die exercising my God-given rights. And it works out the same at the front door of every American.


Will you cowardly hide behind innocent women and children when you do this, the way your idols did?

Stack up on my door and you'll find out what I'm hiding behind... of course you'll be unable to tell anyone what it was. But you'll at least have that instant wherein ya possess that knowledge... maybe. You won't like it much, on that you can rest assured.

With regard to the Davidian men, they did not hide behind anyone. They're women and children were on the property that was being assaulted. Who the clinton-cult gassed and burned alive... including a dozen babies.

So violent was the cyanide gas attack on their little bodies, that the muscles contracted with such force, that their femurs were snapped, along with every other large bone and spines. This occurred well in advance of the fire burning them. The pain they endured, is beyond the means to express verbally, it's literally incalculable.

This was an evil that would have made Hitler blush... as even that Leftist fuck didn't go that low.

The Waco cult was gassed with cyanide.

Whoa, Gollum, you've added another one to your list.

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