Zone1 the framers dealing with slavery


Diamond Member
Mar 24, 2020

back in 1787-88. Read the link of James Madison in this article. Most of the framers felt slavery needed to be abolished (why we had slavery in the first place is another story) and tried to set a time frame for its abolition.

back in 1787-88. Read the link of James Madison in this article. Most of the framers felt slavery needed to be abolished (why we had slavery in the first place is another story) and tried to set a time frame for its abolition.
Slavery has been gone a long time now.
But the Left will never forgive America.
Slavery has been gone a long time now.
But the Left will never forgive America.
Which is rich, considering the fact that the left supports Hamas and Islam.....which still to this day supports slavery.

The left would be the first to go under Sharia Law. An illustration of diversity, equity, inclusion, and communist brainwashing techniques.
This discussion could bring America's endemic racism problem out into the light of day. Slavery is being accepted as the cause and so it can progress on now to placing the blame.

Who can make the best case for blaming the other political side and make it convincing that it's not just Americans in general?

Start now!

The American thinker is a right wing extremist site. The real reason for the end of slave importation was that coninued importation drobe down the price of slaves.

Read-Ned & Constance Sublette, The American Slave Coast: A History of the Slave -Breeding Industry
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Slavery has been gone a long time now.
But the Left will never forgive America.
the dems are the ones who fought to keep slavery .. today they claim there was some switch scheme where racist dems left the party and joined the pro abolition republican party and i guess said republicans joined the dem party .. or some ridiculous shit like that .. since its what the what the dems call [their truth] it must be true ..
Inevitable Result of the Emancipation Proclamation
They would have made it to, if it wasn’t for the liberalism that gutted the black family. The left teaches them they are victims and that whites are the villains. The right knows that America was founded on the recognition of their equality. The black community also knew this all the way up to the cultural revolution of the 1960’s. The idiot loser hippy generation socially paved the way for the shallowness and decadence we see today.
the dems are the ones who fought to keep slavery .. today they claim there was some switch scheme where racist dems left the party and joined the pro abolition republican party and i guess said republicans joined the dem party .. or some ridiculous shit like that .. since its what the what the dems call [their truth] it must be true ..
"The Democrats Used to Be on the Side of White People and Should Never Be Forgiven for That"
This discussion could bring America's endemic racism problem out into the light of day. Slavery is being accepted as the cause and so it can progress on now to placing the blame.

Who can make the best case for blaming the other political side and make it convincing that it's not just Americans in general?

Start now!

"The historians John Thornton and Linda Heywood of Boston University estimate that 90 percent of those shipped to the New World were enslaved by Africans and then sold to European traders. The sad truth is that without complex business partnerships between African elites and European traders and commercial agents, the slave trade to the New World would have been impossible, at least on the scale it occurred."
"The historians John Thornton and Linda Heywood of Boston University estimate that 90 percent of those shipped to the New World were enslaved by Africans and then sold to European traders. The sad truth is that without complex business partnerships between African elites and European traders and commercial agents, the slave trade to the New World would have been impossible, at least on the scale it occurred."
I try to avoid racists and racism. There are plenty of others that are willing and so you don't need me.
"The historians John Thornton and Linda Heywood of Boston University estimate that 90 percent of those shipped to the New World were enslaved by Africans and then sold to European traders. The sad truth is that without complex business partnerships between African elites and European traders and commercial agents, the slave trade to the New World would have been impossible, at least on the scale it occurred."
Historians from Africa like Walter Rodney say this:

“One major author on the slave trade (appropriately titled Sins of Our Fathers) explained how many white people urged him to state that the trade was the responsibility of African chiefs, and that Europeans merely turned up to buy captives- as though without European demand there would have been captives sitting on the beach by the millions! - Walter Rodney

Things were not as simple as your comments make them. For example, Africans would enslave criminals as punishment for crime. Or they were war captives. And you have the introduction of guns by whites who would arm tribes in return for captives. In some cases when tribal members refused to sell the slaves, they would get killed. And yes there were a few sellouts who made agreements, specifically the Kingdom of Dahomey, but that really was not the norm. So things just are not so simple as many of the comments made by members here.

back in 1787-88. Read the link of James Madison in this article. Most of the framers felt slavery needed to be abolished (why we had slavery in the first place is another story) and tried to set a time frame for its abolition.
Heiristocrats Believe They Have Evolved Into a Separate and Superior Race

So the Founding Fodder were race-traitors, too. They wanted to imitate the tyranny of the British aristocracy, which had always treated all other Whites as trash. Even when America was a colony, they feared the colonists and favored the Indians. They literally wanted to create a Two-State Solution.

If truth could be told instead of sold, it would be common knowledge that the War for Independence was provoked by the British proclamation that no Whites were allowed to settle beyond the coastal states, the rest of the territory being given over to what the degenerate slumming nobility called "noble savages."
Historians from Africa like Walter Rodney say this:

“One major author on the slave trade (appropriately titled Sins of Our Fathers) explained how many white people urged him to state that the trade was the responsibility of African chiefs, and that Europeans merely turned up to buy captives- as though without European demand there would have been captives sitting on the beach by the millions! - Walter Rodney

Things were not as simple as your comments make them. For example, Africans would enslave criminals as punishment for crime. Or they were war captives. And you have the introduction of guns by whites who would arm tribes in return for captives. In some cases when tribal members refused to sell the slaves, they would get killed. And yes there were a few sellouts who made agreements, specifically the Kingdom of Dahomey, but that really was not the norm. So things just are not so simple as many of the comments made by members here.
You oppose the academics whose study this is with Walter Rodney. Logically, even if what he says were true, that does not invalidate the work of Heywood and Thornton using the monumental Slave Trade database.
You oppose the academics whose study this is with Walter Rodney. Logically, even if what he says were true, that does not invalidate the work of Heywood and Thornton using the monumental Slave Trade database.
Walter Rodney was born in 1942 into a working-class family in Georgetown, Guyana.[citation needed] He attended the University College of the West Indies in 1960 and was awarded a first-class honours degree in history in 1963. He earned a PhD in African History in 1966 at the School of Oriental and African Studies in London, England, at the age of 24. His dissertation, which focused on the slave trade on the Upper Guinea Coast, was published by the Oxford University Press in 1970 under the title A History of the Upper Guinea Coast 1545–1800 and was widely acclaimed for its originality in challenging the conventional wisdom on the topic.

Walter Rodney is a scholar. Just as much as the white scholars you named. And their work will be slanted in order so whites do not look bad. Rodney had the slave database and African tribal information whites do not use. Furthermore I used Information from 2 white academics that had slave ship records. The fact is that 389,000 slaves came here. More than 3 million were produced in the 62 years between 1808 and 1860 and they were not bought here by Africans.

back in 1787-88. Read the link of James Madison in this article. Most of the framers felt slavery needed to be abolished (why we had slavery in the first place is another story) and tried to set a time frame for its abolition.
This is true. The Framers were born into a world culture in which slavery was accepted as a way of life almost everywhere. Our own Native Americans practiced it long before the first settlers arrived at Plymouth Rock in the early 17th Century. And it was early in the 17th Century that the British delivered the first black slaves to their American colonies.

By the time the Framers signed the Declaration of Independence from British rule in 1776, the Revolutionary War was initiated, and work was beginning on a U.S. Constitution, the Framers to a man had come to believe slavery was immoral and debated how it should end. Slavery was still common throughout the world at that time. It would be 1833 before Canada abolished slavery. Mexico did so in 1837. Most South Americans countries had done so from the mid to late 19th Century.

Had the much richer northern states not treated the southern states as unwanted step children, it is almost certain the U.S. would have abolished slavery peacefully and without war and in a way much less damaging to the slaves themselves. But that's another story in history.

The Founders were tasked with writing a Constitution that would enable a strong, free, secure, prosperous America with choices, options, opportunity for all but had to accommodate points of view in 13 different sovereign states in order to knit them into one strong functioning country. That made it impossible to ban slavery in the original Constitution but the new government did ban the import of any new slaves to America and no states rising out of existing American territories would be allowed to be slave states.

I am pretty sure they figured that the slave states that existed would eventually abolish slavery or a Constitutional amendment would pass that would accomplish that.
The American thinker is a right wing extremist site. The real reason for the end of slave importation was that coninued importation drobe down the price of slaves.

Read-Ned & Constance Sublette, The American Slave Coast: A History of the Slave -Breeding Industry
I'll take what Madison said who was actually there.
The American thinker is a right wing extremist site. The real reason for the end of slave importation was that coninued importation drobe down the price of slaves.

Read-Ned & Constance Sublette, The American Slave Coast: A History of the Slave -Breeding Industry
I'll take what Madison said who was actually there.

You're going to take the reality that between 1808-1860 there were 10 times more slaves produced than were imported here.

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