The Founding Fathers Explain The Second Amendment

You seem to not pick up on nuance?
If the ONLY job of the SCOTUS, to interpret the Constitution, and nothing else?
You're the one who said it was nothing else. You seem to not pick up on facts. It is not the job of the Courts to interpret the Constitution.
What I obviously mean was, "And clearly I did not say the SCOTUS job was JUST to interpret the Constitution."
Once again, you twist your own words to cover up your error and you lie like a Biden.

It's not that you left out the word "just", implying that you meant that interpreting the Constitution was just one part of what they do. You said, explicitly, it is "all" they are supposed to do. There was no oversight, no grammatical error, no forgotten words or typographical errors. You said that interpreting the Constitution is ALL they're supposed to do.

A lot of folks have a problem admitting their mistakes. Many on Internet forums just ignore the corrections and don't respond because they are embarrassed. I'm OK with that; being wrong can be embarrassing. Many, though, will admit their error, sometimes with just a like or a "Good point" reply to the one who taught them what they didn't know. There are a few, though, Joe Biden and you included, who simply lie to cover up the mistake and refuse to admit what's right there in the public record, quoting the public record and saying it doesn't say what it says or that the words used don't mean the thing they mean. You and Biden... Neither of you will ever learn anything, you will never be smarter, or should I say less ignorant, than you are today because you can never admit to being wrong.
You're the one who said it was nothing else. You seem to not pick up on facts. It is not the job of the Courts to interpret the Constitution.

Of course it is the job of the federal courts to interpret the constitution, but that is not their only job.
Of course it is the job of the federal courts to interpret the constitution, but that is not their only job.
Well, I guess this is your way of admitting you were wrong when you said that it was their only job.

In any case, can you tell where in the Constitution they get that authority?

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