The Food Stamps Party

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Is the Democratic Party.. the Party of Food Stamps...?

Does the Democratic Party prefer to have Americans dependent on the government or self reliant and employed?

Newt & Nancy disagree...
There was a blurp on the news one day last week that said a large amount of the money paid out for food stamps had ended up in Vegas, Florida and on cruise ships. I didn't know people went shopping for food in those places.
Isn't Hopey Changey fun? More people in this country are now living in poverty than ever recorded before. The number of people living in poverty is the highest in the 50yrs of poverty record-keeping. "Hope & Change" has failed miserably. The Democrats gotta go.
Yeah. I heard that on the news last night.

Seems the poor and downtrodden are vacationing in Vegas and taking cruises.

Our tax dollar at work.

Makes me so proud that I'm forced to give charity to these poor folks. NOT. Jeeze.
Guys, while I understand the outrage that stories about trips to Vegas etc bring about, let's remember that these are incredibly hard economic times. Don't tar everyone who is receiving food stamps with the same brush... It's the lefties who do that. Let's not stoop to their level. Millions of Americans are out of work and need help to survive. I, for one, do not begrudge them.... as long as it is a step forward and not a career choice. For most of them, it is temporary. Let's try to remember those people.
Nancy says...Class Warfare

"There is some subliminal message that is being sent out there about us and them, meaning people who need food stamps and the rest of the country, which I think is an unfortunate course to go down," Pelosi said.

"It is the biggest bang for the buck when you do food stamps and unemployment insurance — the biggest bang for the buck," she added.

Nancy Pelosi accuses Newt Gingrich of waging class warfare - Meredith Shiner -
Guys, while I understand the outrage that stories about trips to Vegas etc bring about, let's remember that these are incredibly hard economic times. Don't tar everyone who is receiving food stamps with the same brush... It's the lefties who do that. Let's not stoop to their level. Millions of Americans are out of work and need help to survive. I, for one, do not begrudge them.... as long as it is a step forward and not a career choice. For most of them, it is temporary. Let's try to remember those people.

I believe in giving people that need it a "hand up" - not a "hand out".
Nancy thinks the best stimulus programs the government can do are to hand out unemployment benefits and food stamps.

How utterly clueless.
Guys, while I understand the outrage that stories about trips to Vegas etc bring about, let's remember that these are incredibly hard economic times. Don't tar everyone who is receiving food stamps with the same brush... It's the lefties who do that. Let's not stoop to their level. Millions of Americans are out of work and need help to survive. I, for one, do not begrudge them.... as long as it is a step forward and not a career choice. For most of them, it is temporary. Let's try to remember those people.

I believe in giving people that need it a "hand up" - not a "hand out".

I agree. We should all just bear in mind that, there but for the grace of God, go any of us. Many are there through no real fault of their own. I find it offensive that any decent conservative would use their plight to beat up the Democrats. The Democrat Party would prefer the 'hand out' - We prefer the 'hand up'. That is what food stamps are to the majority who receive them.
Well.. most people would like a paycheck... no doubt..
Nancy thinks the best stimulus programs the government can do are to hand out unemployment benefits and food stamps.

How utterly clueless.

I'll tell you what I'd like to have seen some of that stimulus money go on.... Giving those who want to improve their education a helping hand. At least then we'd have more skilled people available when the economy starts to turn. That, to me, would be investing in America and Americans. Why the fuck are we spending money on shit when we could be using it to educate our workforce? This is not rocket science. It's common sense.

*Holy shit, I think I just agreed with something Glen Beck said a while ago - spend money educating the workforce. Oops! My Bad!!!
If Bloomberg gets his way, soda will not be a food stamp purchased item for the next two years in NYC. Pretty soon you'll have to buy food with the darn things.
Is the Democratic Party.. the Party of Food Stamps...?

Does the Democratic Party prefer to have Americans dependent on the government or self reliant and employed?

Newt & Nancy disagree...

I think this has been answered by Queen Pelosi herself.
I guess that makes the Republican party, the party of Guns over people. Or how about Money over health. Or how about religion over common sense. Or the party of the unborn over those that have been born. I can keep going if you want...
I guess that makes the Republican party, the party of Guns over people. Or how about Money over health. Or how about religion over common sense. Or the party of the unborn over those that have been born. I can keep going if you want...

Here, use the big shovel. Maybe make the hole wider too.
I guess that makes the Republican party, the party of Guns over people. Or how about Money over health. Or how about religion over common sense. Or the party of the unborn over those that have been born. I can keep going if you want...

Hey RDD! Look at my thumb!

Gee, You're Dumb.
Or the party of corporate rights over individual rights...

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