The failure of Community Colleges, and how the Federal Gov't ruined them


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
Awhile back I looked up the graduation rate of a nearby community college (Indianapolis Ivy Tech) and was stunned to see the graduation rate only 16%. That excludes transfers. That is kids who attended there, and never finished there or anywhere else on record.
I thought wow..what a colossal failure and waste of taxpayer money as the school is overwhelmingly federally funded.
So today I started looking at other community colleges around the country. It is the same everywhere.
Chicago, the BEST grad rate is at Kennedy (25%) and the worst is...wait for it... Malcom X - 9%!!! Average enrollment at this worthless school is about 7,700. On average 3,500 flunk out every freaking year.
According to their own website 83% of the population is receiving financial aid, at an average per student of $5,563 annually.
So on average 6,391 students receive a total of $35,553,133 ANNUALLY. Of that, just over $32,000,000 is a complete waste as the student drops out.
And this is not, at all, uncommon.
Look up your own community colleges.
It is way, way, way past time to stop wasting $billions every semester sending kids to college that have almost no chance of succeeding.
Meanwhile there is a shortage of skilled labor, plumbers, carpenters, electricians all over the country.
Awhile back I looked up the graduation rate of a nearby community college (Indianapolis Ivy Tech) and was stunned to see the graduation rate only 16%. That excludes transfers. That is kids who attended there, and never finished there or anywhere else on record.
I thought wow..what a colossal failure and waste of taxpayer money as the school is overwhelmingly federally funded.
So today I started looking at other community colleges around the country. It is the same everywhere.
Chicago, the BEST grad rate is at Kennedy (25%) and the worst is...wait for it... Malcom X - 9%!!! Average enrollment at this worthless school is about 7,700. On average 3,500 flunk out every freaking year.
According to their own website 83% of the population is receiving financial aid, at an average per student of $5,563 annually.
So on average 6,391 students receive a total of $35,553,133 ANNUALLY. Of that, just over $32,000,000 is a complete waste as the student drops out.
And this is not, at all, uncommon.
Look up your own community colleges.
It is way, way, way past time to stop wasting $billions every semester sending kids to college that have almost no chance of succeeding.
Meanwhile there is a shortage of skilled labor, plumbers, carpenters, electricians all over the country.
Awhile back I looked up the graduation rate of a nearby community college (Indianapolis Ivy Tech) and was stunned to see the graduation rate only 16%. That excludes transfers. That is kids who attended there, and never finished there or anywhere else on record.
I thought wow..what a colossal failure and waste of taxpayer money as the school is overwhelmingly federally funded.
So today I started looking at other community colleges around the country. It is the same everywhere.
Chicago, the BEST grad rate is at Kennedy (25%) and the worst is...wait for it... Malcom X - 9%!!! Average enrollment at this worthless school is about 7,700. On average 3,500 flunk out every freaking year.
According to their own website 83% of the population is receiving financial aid, at an average per student of $5,563 annually.
So on average 6,391 students receive a total of $35,553,133 ANNUALLY. Of that, just over $32,000,000 is a complete waste as the student drops out.
And this is not, at all, uncommon.
Look up your own community colleges.
It is way, way, way past time to stop wasting $billions every semester sending kids to college that have almost no chance of succeeding.
Meanwhile there is a shortage of skilled labor, plumbers, carpenters, electricians all over the country.
Oh my gosh, I just looked up Prince George's Community College where I went before entering engineering at U of Md. The graduation rate is 9 PERCENT! That is shocking and sad.
Not surprising at all. Often times people go to community colleges to take specific classes as opposed to obtaining a degree. They may only want to learn to weld. Their employer might send them to learn how to use a specific software. They might be seniors or empty nesters who take hobby classes like history or art.
Awhile back I looked up the graduation rate of a nearby community college (Indianapolis Ivy Tech) and was stunned to see the graduation rate only 16%. That excludes transfers. That is kids who attended there, and never finished there or anywhere else on record.
I thought wow..what a colossal failure and waste of taxpayer money as the school is overwhelmingly federally funded.
So today I started looking at other community colleges around the country. It is the same everywhere.
Chicago, the BEST grad rate is at Kennedy (25%) and the worst is...wait for it... Malcom X - 9%!!! Average enrollment at this worthless school is about 7,700. On average 3,500 flunk out every freaking year.
According to their own website 83% of the population is receiving financial aid, at an average per student of $5,563 annually.
So on average 6,391 students receive a total of $35,553,133 ANNUALLY. Of that, just over $32,000,000 is a complete waste as the student drops out.
And this is not, at all, uncommon.
Look up your own community colleges.
It is way, way, way past time to stop wasting $billions every semester sending kids to college that have almost no chance of succeeding.
Meanwhile there is a shortage of skilled labor, plumbers, carpenters, electricians all over the country.

This is what happened when they lowered admission standards to prey upon those who really aren't college material by giving them false hope.

It had just started when I was in school, that was quite some time ago..:oops:
Not surprising at all. Often times people go to community colleges to take specific classes as opposed to obtaining a degree. They may only want to learn to weld. Their employer might send them to learn how to use a specific software. They might be seniors or empty nesters who take hobby classes like history or art.
Actually not.
That is Full time students, Part-time/temporary students are counted in separately.
The graduation rate counts full time students only.
Awhile back I looked up the graduation rate of a nearby community college (Indianapolis Ivy Tech) and was stunned to see the graduation rate only 16%. That excludes transfers. That is kids who attended there, and never finished there or anywhere else on record.
I thought wow..what a colossal failure and waste of taxpayer money as the school is overwhelmingly federally funded.
So today I started looking at other community colleges around the country. It is the same everywhere.
Chicago, the BEST grad rate is at Kennedy (25%) and the worst is...wait for it... Malcom X - 9%!!! Average enrollment at this worthless school is about 7,700. On average 3,500 flunk out every freaking year.
According to their own website 83% of the population is receiving financial aid, at an average per student of $5,563 annually.
So on average 6,391 students receive a total of $35,553,133 ANNUALLY. Of that, just over $32,000,000 is a complete waste as the student drops out.
And this is not, at all, uncommon.
Look up your own community colleges.
It is way, way, way past time to stop wasting $billions every semester sending kids to college that have almost no chance of succeeding.
Meanwhile there is a shortage of skilled labor, plumbers, carpenters, electricians all over the country.

This is what happened when they lowered admission standards to prey upon those who really aren't college material by giving them false hope.

It had just started when I was in school, that was quite some time ago..:oops:

When I went I remember the graduation rate was 66%...which scared me. I remember thinking wow...40% of the kids can't finish.
91% not finishing???????
How the hell is this not in the news???
It just shows how social engineering policies DO NOT WORK.
Liberal social policies cost $billions upon $billions a year and either fail, or actually make matters worse.
Community Colleges really fell on hard times in 2008, when it was discovered that the Well-Hated Sarah Palin was an alumni of community colleges and the whole idea had to be thoroughly trashed. An alumni of community college couldn't be seem as competent, particularly in comparison to "elites" like B. Hussein O.
There used to be competition to get in-now there is a college for everybody and money to go with it.
$Billions of dollars a year so liberals can feel good about themselves. never mind the policies achieve nothing.
Not surprising at all. Often times people go to community colleges to take specific classes as opposed to obtaining a degree. They may only want to learn to weld. Their employer might send them to learn how to use a specific software. They might be seniors or empty nesters who take hobby classes like history or art.
Actually not.
That is Full time students, Part-time/temporary students are counted in separately.
The graduation rate counts full time students only.

The school you mentioned is 16% within 150% of the normal time but has a 50% retention rate. people are just taking longer than 3 years to get a two year degree. Our local CC has a 33% 150% graduation rate, 8% transfer out rate and retains 63% of its full time students.

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