The Failed Trump ‘administration.’


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2011
In a Republic, actually
What a Failed Trump Administration Looks Like

“Trump’s White House staff is at war with itself. His poll ratings are falling at unprecedented speed. His policy agenda is stalled. F.B.I. investigations are just beginning. This does not feel like a sustainable operation.

On the other hand, I have trouble seeing exactly how this administration ends. Many of the institutions that would normally ease out or remove a failing president no longer exist.

There are no longer moral arbiters in Congress like Howard Baker and Sam Ervin to lead a resignation or impeachment process. There is no longer a single media establishment that shapes how the country sees the president. This is no longer a country in which everybody experiences the same reality.

Everything about Trump that appalls 65 percent of America strengthens him with the other 35 percent, and he can ride that group for a while. Even after these horrible four weeks, Republicans on Capitol Hill are not close to abandoning their man.

The likelihood is this: We’re going to have an administration that has morally and politically collapsed, without actually going away.”

Brooks is of course spot-on – particularly with regard to a Republican Congress devoid of morality and courage, unwilling to challenge a reckless, irresponsible, and unfit president the likes of Trump, for no other reason than he’s a Republican.
David Brooks. LMAO!!

Soros, Obama, and Obama holdovers are attempting to disrupt, obstruct, and overthrow the newly elected President. Everyone sees it. They are amateurishly trying to hide it, but the news, and evidence, is out.

The Democratic Party, ex-President, and Obama loyalisys, along with the Fake News / All-In Propaganda Arm of the DNC will not even let Trump complete filling his Cabinet to even BEGIN rightfully running this country, after being duly / legally elected.

The DNC has been exposed as betraying, seditious, treasonous domestic enemies who are attempting to project their agenda upon the Trump administration while they carry out their 'soft coup'.
Soros, Obama, and Obama holdovers are attempting to disrupt, obstruct, and overthrow the newly elected President. Everyone sees it. They are amateurishly trying to hide it, but the news, and evidence, is out.

The Democratic Party, ex-President, and Obama loyalisys, along with the Fake News / All-In Propaganda Arm of the DNC will not even let Trump complete filling his Cabinet to even BEGIN rightfully running this country, after being duly / legally elected.

The DNC has been exposed as betraying, seditious, treasonous domestic enemies who are attempting to project their agenda upon the Trump administration while they carry out their 'soft coup'.

From the poll numbers, it's the majority of Americans working to dump the fool.
If it's failed... why can't they stop winning?

Why don't we ask "winner" Flynn that question?

Presidency hasn't failed yet, but Trump simply can't help himself to break his life long habit of pissing into the wind...under a full spotlight nowadays.
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What a Failed Trump Administration Looks Like

“Trump’s White House staff is at war with itself. His poll ratings are falling at unprecedented speed. His policy agenda is stalled. F.B.I. investigations are just beginning. This does not feel like a sustainable operation.

On the other hand, I have trouble seeing exactly how this administration ends. Many of the institutions that would normally ease out or remove a failing president no longer exist.

There are no longer moral arbiters in Congress like Howard Baker and Sam Ervin to lead a resignation or impeachment process. There is no longer a single media establishment that shapes how the country sees the president. This is no longer a country in which everybody experiences the same reality.

Everything about Trump that appalls 65 percent of America strengthens him with the other 35 percent, and he can ride that group for a while. Even after these horrible four weeks, Republicans on Capitol Hill are not close to abandoning their man.

The likelihood is this: We’re going to have an administration that has morally and politically collapsed, without actually going away.”

Brooks is of course spot-on – particularly with regard to a Republican Congress devoid of morality and courage, unwilling to challenge a reckless, irresponsible, and unfit president the likes of Trump, for no other reason than he’s a Republican.
Soros, Obama, and Obama holdovers are attempting to disrupt, obstruct, and overthrow the newly elected President. Everyone sees it. They are amateurishly trying to hide it, but the news, and evidence, is out.

The Democratic Party, ex-President, and Obama loyalisys, along with the Fake News / All-In Propaganda Arm of the DNC will not even let Trump complete filling his Cabinet to even BEGIN rightfully running this country, after being duly / legally elected.

The DNC has been exposed as betraying, seditious, treasonous domestic enemies who are attempting to project their agenda upon the Trump administration while they carry out their 'soft coup'.

From the poll numbers, it's the majority of Americans working to dump the fool.
How exactly are they doing that?
Soros, Obama, and Obama holdovers are attempting to disrupt, obstruct, and overthrow the newly elected President. Everyone sees it. They are amateurishly trying to hide it, but the news, and evidence, is out.

The Democratic Party, ex-President, and Obama loyalisys, along with the Fake News / All-In Propaganda Arm of the DNC will not even let Trump complete filling his Cabinet to even BEGIN rightfully running this country, after being duly / legally elected.

The DNC has been exposed as betraying, seditious, treasonous domestic enemies who are attempting to project their agenda upon the Trump administration while they carry out their 'soft coup'.

From the poll numbers, it's the majority of Americans working to dump the fool.
How exactly are they doing that?

Only 38% of people approve of that orange fool. This is historically the high point for incoming presidents, and their approval only falls thereafter. The idiot isn't far from the bottom.
Soros, Obama, and Obama holdovers are attempting to disrupt, obstruct, and overthrow the newly elected President. Everyone sees it. They are amateurishly trying to hide it, but the news, and evidence, is out.

The Democratic Party, ex-President, and Obama loyalisys, along with the Fake News / All-In Propaganda Arm of the DNC will not even let Trump complete filling his Cabinet to even BEGIN rightfully running this country, after being duly / legally elected.

The DNC has been exposed as betraying, seditious, treasonous domestic enemies who are attempting to project their agenda upon the Trump administration while they carry out their 'soft coup'.
You're slipping a little gin in on those shit sundaes you're slurping, aren't you! Your entire post is full of horseshit! Blaming everyone else for Trump's shortcomings shows your own failure to grasp the fucking truth! Pathetic!
Soros, Obama, and Obama holdovers are attempting to disrupt, obstruct, and overthrow the newly elected President. Everyone sees it. They are amateurishly trying to hide it, but the news, and evidence, is out.

The Democratic Party, ex-President, and Obama loyalisys, along with the Fake News / All-In Propaganda Arm of the DNC will not even let Trump complete filling his Cabinet to even BEGIN rightfully running this country, after being duly / legally elected.

The DNC has been exposed as betraying, seditious, treasonous domestic enemies who are attempting to project their agenda upon the Trump administration while they carry out their 'soft coup'.

From the poll numbers, it's the majority of Americans working to dump the fool.
How exactly are they doing that?

Only 38% of people approve of that orange fool. This is historically the high point for incoming presidents, and their approval only falls thereafter. The idiot isn't far from the bottom.
I heard that number was much much lower in the illegal alien community.

Soros, Obama, and Obama holdovers are attempting to disrupt, obstruct, and overthrow the newly elected President. Everyone sees it. They are amateurishly trying to hide it, but the news, and evidence, is out.

The Democratic Party, ex-President, and Obama loyalisys, along with the Fake News / All-In Propaganda Arm of the DNC will not even let Trump complete filling his Cabinet to even BEGIN rightfully running this country, after being duly / legally elected.

The DNC has been exposed as betraying, seditious, treasonous domestic enemies who are attempting to project their agenda upon the Trump administration while they carry out their 'soft coup'.

From the poll numbers, it's the majority of Americans working to dump the fool.
50%+ approval rating?!

Soros, Obama, and Obama holdovers are attempting to disrupt, obstruct, and overthrow the newly elected President. Everyone sees it. They are amateurishly trying to hide it, but the news, and evidence, is out.

The Democratic Party, ex-President, and Obama loyalisys, along with the Fake News / All-In Propaganda Arm of the DNC will not even let Trump complete filling his Cabinet to even BEGIN rightfully running this country, after being duly / legally elected.

The DNC has been exposed as betraying, seditious, treasonous domestic enemies who are attempting to project their agenda upon the Trump administration while they carry out their 'soft coup'.

From the poll numbers, it's the majority of Americans working to dump the fool.
How exactly are they doing that?

Only 38% of people approve of that orange fool. This is historically the high point for incoming presidents, and their approval only falls thereafter. The idiot isn't far from the bottom.
Fake news
Soros, Obama, and Obama holdovers are attempting to disrupt, obstruct, and overthrow the newly elected President. Everyone sees it. They are amateurishly trying to hide it, but the news, and evidence, is out.

The Democratic Party, ex-President, and Obama loyalisys, along with the Fake News / All-In Propaganda Arm of the DNC will not even let Trump complete filling his Cabinet to even BEGIN rightfully running this country, after being duly / legally elected.

The DNC has been exposed as betraying, seditious, treasonous domestic enemies who are attempting to project their agenda upon the Trump administration while they carry out their 'soft coup'.
You're slipping a little gin in on those shit sundaes you're slurping, aren't you! Your entire post is full of horseshit! Blaming everyone else for Trump's shortcomings shows your own failure to grasp the fucking truth! Pathetic!
Sorry, it has already been Proven Soros and Obama are invested in ensuring Trump fails, Obama holdovers are causing the trouble, the exposed fake news media seeks revenge, and the DNC is fighting extinction...over 1,000 seats lost under Obama.

Seditious enemies of the state have joined forces to detroy the newly elected government.

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