The failed " Insurance Policy coup" a commentary on current events


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
This is not my title....I am stealing it from another poster here who typed it out in a response post a few months ago. I was so impressed with it that I thought it should be
the official name of the phony Russia Collusion Scamvestigation. I can't off hand remember who it was that coined the phrase but I think it fits.

The Democrat house is dedicated to the coup. They are not going to stop insisting that a crime was committed. There are a few dimwitts who actually think that an Obstruction case can be brought even if there was no underlying crime and have cited examples to that effect. Sorry folks...I'm going with William Barr's opinion on that matter. I think he just might have a little more experience than the average post-bot here about that subject. It is worth mentioning however that none of those examples are without definite proof of crime. In the Scamvesitigation there never was any proof. Additionally I submit to you that ahem " No reasonable prosecutor will bring charges to that ".... it amounts to a process better than a perjury trap.

Now that the IG is well into his investigation we may well have some proof...but not of collusion the proof instead will be of attempted Coup. Kudos to Peter Strzok for naming it the " Insurance policy ".

All Insurance policies are to protect against failure. The question is here ... failure of what? That answer attempted coup ... The coup isn't just about Trump either. It is also about all the illegalities that were proffered to destroy Bernie Sanders and Install Hillary Cliinton....that was actually the Beginning of this thing. Sanders should actually be throwing in with Trump to fight it because he is about to be victimized by the very same camp of the Traitorous and Treasonous once again! After Sanders was dealt an insurance policy, just in case Trump became a threat...there was the Russian Collusion Lie.

So this Coup attempt started with the defamation and destruction of Bernie Sanders, the co-opting of the DNC to do Illegal activities in the Dem Primary.... and finally the attack on Trump though weaponized federal agencies that had become politically oriented. All of this was further, Illegally extended by the Mueller Investigation which is nothing more than an arm of the original failed coup attempt. Now that the Mueller investigation is dead we have the predictable hangers on who want to breath life back into La Revolucione! As it passes into history they will mourn the loss of it!

But take heart! We still we have the hopeful! There are a few still waiting for the 2016 to be overturned. They will wait and hope right up till Feb 21, 2021. They sit at home, unemployed, high on pot and wearing a Che Guevera T shirt that needed to be laundered like...a week ago. Then they sign into USMB and post garbage from discontented minds full of hate.


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The president should order some 5 AM arrests of these clowns, Strzok, Brennan, Clapper and whoever else.
And send the SWAT team with a Fox News film crew on scene the way the FBI arrested Roger Stone with a CNN crew

That should melt down the snowflakes real fast.
The president should order some 5 AM arrests of these clowns, Strzok, Brennan, Clapper and whoever else.
And send the SWAT team with a Fox News film crew on scene the way the FBI arrested Roger Stone with a CNN crew

That should melt down the snowflakes real fast.

Obama left behind a small army of
traitors. They have no respect for the 2016 election. They still take orders from him IMO.

The president should order some 5 AM arrests of these clowns, Strzok, Brennan, Clapper and whoever else.
And send the SWAT team with a Fox News film crew on scene the way the FBI arrested Roger Stone with a CNN crew

That should melt down the snowflakes real fast.

Obama left behind a small army of
traitors. They have no respect for the 2016 election. They still take orders from him IMO.

And Bush didn't ?
Geithner, Gates and a bunch of them hung around after 2008.
Bolton (lurking in the shadows for 8 years), Petraeus ....

Obama was controlled whereas Trump is more or less a loose cannon to them, and I'll be honest. If I were Trump I would start flying my own private plane and have my own Secret Service at some point. ( although there's no love from them for Hillary )
The president should order some 5 AM arrests of these clowns, Strzok, Brennan, Clapper and whoever else.
And send the SWAT team with a Fox News film crew on scene the way the FBI arrested Roger Stone with a CNN crew

That should melt down the snowflakes real fast.

Obama left behind a small army of
traitors. They have no respect for the 2016 election. They still take orders from him IMO.

And Bush didn't ?
Geithner, Gates and a bunch of them hung around after 2008.
Bolton (lurking in the shadows for 8 years), Petraeus ....

Obama was controlled whereas Trump is more or less a loose cannon to them, and I'll be honest. If I were Trump I would start flying my own private plane and have my own Secret Service at some point. ( although there's no love from them for Hillary )

Hmmm.....Glad you posted this..... in retrospect I have to say you're probably right about that. Good subject for an entire post on whether or not former POTUS people actually do that kind of thing on a regular basis. I'm giving you a star on that post dude.

You know it occurs to me that many of the people involved in the insurance policy probably thought they were being patriotic. Not sure how they justified what they did the Bernie though.
It's happening again too....I'm not a sanders man but I sure might get out and vote for him in the primary because right now he's under more of a screw Job than Trump. I just can't believe they're doing this to him again.

Unlike the dimocrats’ devastating ‘defeat’ from the findings of the Mueller report, I think our side will be very satisfied with the findings of the Horowitz report due soon. Very, very satisfied.
Unlike the dimocrats’ devastating ‘defeat’ from the findings of the Mueller report, I think our side will be very satisfied with the findings of the Horowitz report due soon. Very, very satisfied.

Trump is unloading the History of the Fisa fiasco on the public while Graham has asked Roberts to do a full Review on what happened to his judges. Why do I think Roberts was in on this too?
Unlike the dimocrats’ devastating ‘defeat’ from the findings of the Mueller report, I think our side will be very satisfied with the findings of the Horowitz report due soon. Very, very satisfied.

Trump is unloading the History of the Fisa fiasco on the public while Graham has asked Roberts to do a full Review on what happened to his judges. Why do I think Roberts was in on this too?
Other than appointing the judges I highly doubt Roberts was involved in any shenanigans in the FISA fuckup. That rope’s got Comey’s name all over it and hard to see how it’s not turned into a noose to hang him with in light of his complete disregard for some if not all the FISA warrant requirements for making a request.

And of course the real fun part is any investigation into FISA can’t help but bring up the d-word, as in dossier. And what’s the origin of the dossier? That arrow points directly to the Hildebeast and the DNC just for starters.

The Horowitz report is a horror show coming their way IMO.

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