The facts prove that we must gut entitlement programs if we are to survive


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
The numbers don't lie....

While lawmakers from both parties squabble over tax rates, a fiscal crisis is looming on the horizon. Entitlement programs -- Social Security and Medicare to be precise -- have unfunded obligations of $48 trillion. By comparison, the fiscal cliff carries a price tag of roughly $650 billion.

Over the next 75 years, Social Security will owe an estimated $11.3 trillion more in benefits than it will receive in payroll taxes. It has been running deficits since 2010, according to the Social Security Administration.

Morning Bell: 3 Simple Solutions for Fixing Social Security
Let's take from the poor and give to the rich, the theme of this thread and a motto long held by the Callous Conservatives, a set devoid of empathy and kindness -- dirtbags all.
Let's take from the poor and give to the rich, the theme of this thread and a motto long held by the Callous Conservatives, a set devoid of empathy and kindness -- dirtbags all.

Yes, they act all big and bad now but oh lord will they complain when they can't even afford soylent green in their old age.
What do you want to see done to SS and medicare?

Me? I'd like to see those unconstitutional pieces of garbage sent through the shredder.

More realistically (thanks to the parasites in this country), there are a wide range of reforms that can be done that both preserve the programs but stop the nation collapsing fiscal crisis behind them.

(Hint: click the link that was posted - it's what the entire article is about).
The numbers don't lie....

While lawmakers from both parties squabble over tax rates, a fiscal crisis is looming on the horizon. Entitlement programs -- Social Security and Medicare to be precise -- have unfunded obligations of $48 trillion. By comparison, the fiscal cliff carries a price tag of roughly $650 billion.

Over the next 75 years, Social Security will owe an estimated $11.3 trillion more in benefits than it will receive in payroll taxes. It has been running deficits since 2010, according to the Social Security Administration.

Morning Bell: 3 Simple Solutions for Fixing Social Security

There is no doubt we cannot fund these programs, Medicare specifically, for the long term as they are currently set up. Something will have to give. That does not mean we need to dismantle these programs. The easiest fix is to raise the retirement age. People are living much longer than they used to, so the retirement age should be raised. If we make people wait a few extra years to collect benefits, then two things happen. First off, they receive less of a payout over the long haul since we cut a few years off. Secondly, many will continue to work and by doing so will continue to put money into the system for those few extra years. It's a double bonus.

Disability benefits for those who are truly disabled and are incapable of working longer would have to be discusses, and employers would need to be on board with the idea of retaining older workers longer. No matter how we end up addressing this problem, health care costs cannot continue to eat up a bigger and bigger percentage of GDP. Otherwise, there is nothing we will be able to do in the long run. The system as we know it will surely collapse.
Numbers often lie.

Does anyone add less useful drivel to a thread than you? When faced with numbers you can't dispute, all you can do is post "numbers often life"? Why bother commenting at all? Just move on to another thread.

You prove yourself to be the idiot we believe when you can't dispute the facts so you add mindless drivel.
Let's take from the poor and give to the rich, the theme of this thread and a motto long held by the Callous Conservatives, a set devoid of empathy and kindness -- dirtbags all.

No, you stupid asshole. What it says is LETS NOT TAKE FROM ANYONE.

Amazing how the parasitic liberal was never taught by their parents that you don't take what doesn't belong to you.

By the way, who is less callous and devoid of empathy than the parasitic liberal who only wants to help with someone else's money? Why don't you get off your fat ass and feed the hungry, house the homeless, and care for the sick YOURSELF, you lazy fuck'n liberal....
If we are to survive, we need to develop private charity. We need to develop private systems to help others and teach the people not to expect the government to support them.
Numbers often lie.

Does anyone add less useful drivel to a thread than you? When faced with numbers you can't dispute, all you can do is post "numbers often life"? Why bother commenting at all? Just move on to another thread.

You prove yourself to be the idiot we believe when you can't dispute the facts so you add mindless drivel.

Eat shit asshole, numbers always lie when people like you use them to support their monstrous positions.
Junk 'em.

Ya can't fix it, fuck it.

Well, i think that is as likely as the world ending tonight.
It's inevitable...Both programs are completely unsustainable, given the demograpics.

Deal with the unpleasant truth today, or lie to yourself and deal and get a currency debacle.

Those are your choices...There is no in between.

You're a fool. Tens of millions of people live off of their Social Security without any other source of income. The future would be no better for young people caught in the crossfire. Assume we end the program for everyone under the age of 35 or phase it out gradually depending on age. Now consider that everyone must continue contributing to support current enrollees plus save for their own retirement at the same time. Since these programs are pay as we go, younger people would get screwed royally.

But besides all that, the idea that we cannot save these programs shows an inability to perform basic math functions. By simply increasing the retirement age, both programs would easily remain solvent for everyone. If necessary, benefits to the wealthy could be adjusted or eliminated. There are all kinds of solutions. The only issue is getting people to accept that we do need to make some changes. But scrapping the programs, that's for ideologues who have no interest in the welfare of anyone other than themselves.
Well, i think that is as likely as the world ending tonight.
It's inevitable...Both programs are completely unsustainable, given the demograpics.

Deal with the unpleasant truth today, or lie to yourself and deal and get a currency debacle.

Those are your choices...There is no in between.

You're a fool. Tens of millions of people live off of their Social Security without any other source of income. The future would be no better for young people caught in the crossfire. Assume we end the program for everyone under the age of 35 or phase it out gradually depending on age. Now consider that everyone must continue contributing to support current enrollees plus save for their own retirement at the same time. Since these programs are pay as we go, younger people would get screwed royally.

But besides all that, the idea that we cannot save these programs shows an inability to perform basic math functions. By simply increasing the retirement age, both programs would easily remain solvent for everyone. If necessary, benefits to the wealthy could be adjusted or eliminated. There are all kinds of solutions. The only issue is getting people to accept that we do need to make some changes. But scrapping the programs, that's for ideologues who have no interest in the welfare of anyone other than themselves.
Don't care how many people live off of what.

Demographics make the Socialist Insecurity and Medicare Ponzi schemes unsustainable and, ultimately, doomed.

That's the mathematical fact, Jack....Face up to it.
Numbers often lie.

Does anyone add less useful drivel to a thread than you? When faced with numbers you can't dispute, all you can do is post "numbers often life"? Why bother commenting at all? Just move on to another thread.

You prove yourself to be the idiot we believe when you can't dispute the facts so you add mindless drivel.

Eat shit asshole, numbers always lie when people like you use them to support their monstrous positions.

Because you never support monstrous positions, right?
Social Security currently has a $2.7 trillion surplus and doesn't cost the government one penny - and is okay until 2033 even without any changes. Sooo, what's the problem?

Cut defense in Half.

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