The evolution of a dangerous farce

Well, well, another abysmally stupid person displays their ignorance for all to see. Of course, the fact that every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University states that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger means nothing. All those scientists from every culture and political system on earth are in on a grand conspiracy just to fool little old you.

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

Weak and baseless ad hominems, and citing the very government funded organizations to which I referred, does not prove your case nor does it effectively argue against my point. Simply pointing to "these functionaries said so, and so as a drone I must believe" doesn't impress, and does not prove.

But more to the point, you think "government" is the answer? Of course you do. And because you have no other solution/answer to appease your false fears, you are left with insulting a person about whom you know absofreakinglylootly not a wit. Kinda makes you look bad, don't ya think? Oh wait, I just inserted the word think....sorry. Don't ya feel?

Gee whiz, you are certainly a stupid bastard. That site is from the American Institute of Physics. And I can post policy statements for the American Geophysical Union, the Geological Society of America, and the Royal Society of Great Britain that say the same.

And I am supposed to believe your drivel? Cite some real evidence. From peer reviewed scientfic journals, not obese junkies on the radio, or undegreed ex-TV weathermen.

Real evidence? you have no idea what real evidence looks like! hahahaahahahahahahahahaha. You're a trip s0n! Tell you what, why don't you provide the evidence we've been asking you for for over six months.
Well, well, another abysmally stupid person displays their ignorance for all to see. Of course, the fact that every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University states that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger means nothing. All those scientists from every culture and political system on earth are in on a grand conspiracy just to fool little old you.

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

In order to claim a clear and present danger, one must have clear and unambiguous evidence to support the claim. Lets see it. What's that? You don't have any to show? Not to worry, none was expected.

Tell you what, in lieu of any evidence that would support the claim of "clear and present danger", lets see the peer reviewed study that quantifies the greenhouse effect that the claim of a clear and present danger is based upon. Can you do that for us bucky?

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