Trump The Evil that is Trump


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017
No one should be surprised at anything Trump does. Hitler wrote a book and told the world what was coming. Trump bellowed daily on the campaign trail about what was coming if he was elected. The evil that he has sown in only 8 months is truly beyond the pale; the man has no heart and no conscience, fully demonstrated by his racial hatred of blacks and Mexicans. His issues with blacks go back to his racist father and was fully nurtured by his own history of discrimination. But, where did his hatred of Mexicans originate? It appears to be fully racial, epitomized by his want for a wall and his abominable treatment of the Dreamers.

It would be easy to excuse some of his failures in office due to his inexperience and his having to follow one of the best Presidents in our history. President Obama left a great table for Trump, and Trump has tried his best to completely destroy it. Oh well, that is just Trump being Trump. What can't be overlooked is the abundant evil in his heart and soul, on display every day for all Americans and the world to see. Sad, so sad. Bigly.
If only there was a way to make Mexico a nice place to live
Hitler equals Trump in the second sentence.

We might have a winner !

Yes Trump's obsession for a wall is purely "racial'. If only Mexicans were White, then he would be no problem with the drugs flowing across the border and all the White illegals filling our hospitals, schools, low income neighborhoods and prisons because HEY they're White so it's cool.
No one should be surprised at anything Trump does. Hitler wrote a book and told the world what was coming. Trump bellowed daily on the campaign trail about what was coming if he was elected. The evil that he has sown in only 8 months is truly beyond the pale; the man has no heart and no conscience, fully demonstrated by his racial hatred of blacks and Mexicans. His issues with blacks go back to his racist father and was fully nurtured by his own history of discrimination. But, where did his hatred of Mexicans originate? It appears to be fully racial, epitomized by his want for a wall and his abominable treatment of the Dreamers.

It would be easy to excuse some of his failures in office due to his inexperience and his having to follow one of the best Presidents in our history. President Obama left a great table for Trump, and Trump has tried his best to completely destroy it. Oh well, that is just Trump being Trump. What can't be overlooked is the abundant evil in his heart and soul, on display every day for all Americans and the world to see. Sad, so sad. Bigly.
Trump is God's answer to American's prayers.

He's kinda like David with a worse body.
Yes Trump's obsession for a wall is purely "racial'. If only Mexicans were White, then he would be no problem with the drugs flowing across the border and all the White illegals filling our hospitals, schools, low income neighborhoods and prisons because HEY they're White so it's cool.

If only they were rich.
Oh well - maybe you'll get over yourself sometime soon. Given the sorry
excuses the DIMOCRATS have for leadership; it's likely you will have to
suffer through another 7 years with President Trump.

By the way - that closet Homo Obama was THE WORST PRESIDENT EVER!
Obama is a hard act to follow.

Yes he is if you like Do Nothing failures!

In case you haven't noticed it, almost everything he "accomplished" - and I use
that term loosely - is being terminated or undone.

So far not the Iran Deal or the ACA. He has done nothing that can't be undone. The Nafta was Bush SR and Bush JR. The Paris Agreement, the companies are moving ahead with clean energy anyway.

Deregulation of the banks is the big one and a huge mistake. If T gets the tax cuts there will be upheaval as we do know they benefit the elites.

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