The Enemy Within


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
The Enemy Within

For too long, we have been forced to tolerate the intolerable. Time to fight back.​

March 18, 2019 ~~ By Michael Oberndorf
Without further ado, let’s cut to the chase: The left in America is inches away from winning. Repeat: The left in America is inches away from winning.
Evidence: Millions of students, kindergarten through graduate school who, due to brainwashing and indoctrination by a leftist dominated educational system, believe socialism is The Way and that “the planet” is in immanent danger of environmental destruction; millions of criminal invaders, entirely unvetted, possibly disease carrying, allowed to roam free, murdering, raping, stealing at will, and adding the coup de grace, voting in our elections in massive numbers; dozens of high government officials who are known to have indisputably committed multiple felonies, breaking a myriad of federal laws, continuing to hold positions of power, and/or walking around free and unindicted; an out of control deficit and a similarly out of control federal budget; leftist terrorists, by the government’s own definition, allowed to continue violent attacks on conservatives with little, but mostly no punishment; a media engaged in 24/7/365 dissemination of lies, slander, libel, disinformation, distortion, obfuscation, and propaganda; the Democrat Party, encouraging, funding, instigating, covering up for, constantly lying about, and engaging in all of the above; a judiciary dominated by leftist judges who regularly and without fear of consequences, create law from their personal political agendas; and, pathetically sad to say, the Republican Party doing nothing of substance to slow, much less stop this, and worse, often aiding and abetting.
When a single leftist hack judge overrules what is clearly legal – which they do nearly every day – we need to practice civil disobedience, and ignore his or her illegal ruling. Same for clearly unconstitutional laws passed by the seditious Congress. For too long, we have been forced to tolerate the intolerable. Time to fight back.

Great article by M. Oberndorf. He's correct in that the uneducated gov`t inculcated school students have NO clue regarding the subject. I have said many times, the gov`t has to indoctrinate to create a herd of dumb ass sheep. Educated people will stand their ground for their freedoms, their Constitution, their country and an Imperial Monarchy does not cater to that kind of learned resistance. It would take many, many years to undo the damaged done to our country and educating the newer generations, if it is even possible. Keep up the good work.
The average American has no clue to the depth of corruption that both parties are involved in The election of President Trump has brought these traitors out into the open. The raging hate for him and 'We The People' who elected him knows no limits. The next two years will decide the fate of our Republic. Every dirty evil unconstitutional trick will be used to destroy President Trump and our country. To stand by and not fight is not an option. We fight or we die, period! As for me I would rather die on my feet than live on my knees.
Rabid right wing free style writing? Just let yer feelings flow......
The Enemy Within

For too long, we have been forced to tolerate the intolerable. Time to fight back.

March 18, 2019 ~~ By Michael Oberndorf
Without further ado, let’s cut to the chase: The left in America is inches away from winning. Repeat: The left in America is inches away from winning.
Evidence: Millions of students, kindergarten through graduate school who, due to brainwashing and indoctrination by a leftist dominated educational system, believe socialism is The Way and that “the planet” is in immanent danger of environmental destruction; millions of criminal invaders, entirely unvetted, possibly disease carrying, allowed to roam free, murdering, raping, stealing at will, and adding the coup de grace, voting in our elections in massive numbers; dozens of high government officials who are known to have indisputably committed multiple felonies, breaking a myriad of federal laws, continuing to hold positions of power, and/or walking around free and unindicted; an out of control deficit and a similarly out of control federal budget; leftist terrorists, by the government’s own definition, allowed to continue violent attacks on conservatives with little, but mostly no punishment; a media engaged in 24/7/365 dissemination of lies, slander, libel, disinformation, distortion, obfuscation, and propaganda; the Democrat Party, encouraging, funding, instigating, covering up for, constantly lying about, and engaging in all of the above; a judiciary dominated by leftist judges who regularly and without fear of consequences, create law from their personal political agendas; and, pathetically sad to say, the Republican Party doing nothing of substance to slow, much less stop this, and worse, often aiding and abetting.
When a single leftist hack judge overrules what is clearly legal – which they do nearly every day – we need to practice civil disobedience, and ignore his or her illegal ruling. Same for clearly unconstitutional laws passed by the seditious Congress. For too long, we have been forced to tolerate the intolerable. Time to fight back.

Great article by M. Oberndorf. He's correct in that the uneducated gov`t inculcated school students have NO clue regarding the subject. I have said many times, the gov`t has to indoctrinate to create a herd of dumb ass sheep. Educated people will stand their ground for their freedoms, their Constitution, their country and an Imperial Monarchy does not cater to that kind of learned resistance. It would take many, many years to undo the damaged done to our country and educating the newer generations, if it is even possible. Keep up the good work.
The average American has no clue to the depth of corruption that both parties are involved in The election of President Trump has brought these traitors out into the open. The raging hate for him and 'We The People' who elected him knows no limits. The next two years will decide the fate of our Republic. Every dirty evil unconstitutional trick will be used to destroy President Trump and our country. To stand by and not fight is not an option. We fight or we die, period! As for me I would rather die on my feet than live on my knees.

Be sure to live stream your "fighting" back so we can see how you are living up to your post.
I love how 80 year olds think the young are brainwashed when the republican party has been purposely vilifying American youth for 50 years. I sincerely hope I live long enough to see the last cowardly entitled boomer die.
Apparently the dreaded enemy within has stolen Mr. Oberndorf's ability to form a proper sentence. What a run-on mess.
I love how 80 year olds think the young are brainwashed when the republican party has been purposely vilifying American youth for 50 years. I sincerely hope I live long enough to see the last cowardly entitled boomer die.
Well that was certainly bipartisan and tolerant.
No it wasn't. Been waiting all my life for the people brought up on red scares, reefer madness and HeeHaw to fucking die and quit voting their fear.

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