The end of the autism/vaccine debate?

If the vaccines have nothing to do with autism, why the rider attached to the Patriot Act at the last minuted by a senator who then retired, that protects Ely Lily, the makers of thermerosal from being sued specifically for causing autism?

Why do the professionals in the business wait until their kids are 3 to get them vaccinated?

Why don't they tell us this stuff before the vaccines?
Because it DOESNT cause autism, yet people like you are dumb enough to sue people from legitimate medical practices anyway. And since when and how could politics possibly prove this issue either way?

Which "professionals" wait till age 3? Once again I find myself asking if you have a LICK of support to ANYTHING you think. Ignorance isn't bliss in this case, it's hysterics and horrible diseases affecting our children.

Oh you've went to "seminars"? Lead by who? MDs or PhDs? Or cooks with no degree selling you something? Because I've attended lectures from the leading experts across the country, and have heard the exact opposite of your unsupported claims.

Pregnant women are told not to eat fish because of mercury yet they inject that same mercury directly into the infants, even before they leave the hospital and then they wonder why autism now affects one on 166 people.
Actually, they do NOT inject the same mercury directly into infants OR vaccines. As I just explained in a previous post, thimerosal is a completely different compound from your run of the mill Mercury poisoning. One is the ethyl variety, and one is the methyl type. Similarly, simple alcohol can be divided in the same manner. Methyl alcohol makes people blind. They are NOT the same. Not by structure, not by profile, and not by any evidence we have documented.

I have attended many seminars, almost all of which have lectures by doctors, psychiatrists, etc. And yes, the people in the business will tell you on the books that it isn't the vaccines, but off the books, it's another story. Let's face it, our government wants our kids taking those vaccines and they will do all in the power to make sure that happens.

I have two children on both ends of the autism spectrum and until the Patriot act, I didn't think it was the vaccines...but face it, we already have a law that requires those who bring nuisance lawsuits to pay for all the court costs, there was no excuse for that rider protecting Ely Lilly, unless they actually did cause autism and it wasn't a coincidence that the politician responsible retired right after.

You can believe as you wish, but you aren't dealing with autism on a day to day basis, you haven't studied it like I have and you didn't make the mistake of getting all the pertinent vaccines at once instead of one at a time. I would have done things much differently if I had another chance. Do I feel guilty? HELL YEAH!!!!!

As for those who claim that the vaccines don't give everyone Autism, smoking doesn't give everyone lung cancer but that doesn't mean it's not responsible for lung cancer.

I advise all new parents to wait until their children are 3, then get the vaccines one at a time. Don't listen to people like Hick as they don't know what they are talking about. Autism is a lifelong illness, there is no remission, there is no cure and you don't want that hanging over your head.

No offense man, But the fact that you have 2 kids with autism actually means you are rather biased on this subject, and may be letting emotion get in the way or reason.

The fact is there have been multiple studies that all show no connection, and that People are now starting to suffer from and die from preventable Illnesses now, because less people are getting vaccinated.

best of luck to you and your family, Having had a scare with aspergers myself I really feel for you man.

By the way have you watched the movie Temple Grandin? Not sure if that how you spell the last name.

Very inspiring movie.
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I have attended many seminars, almost all of which have lectures by doctors, psychiatrists, etc. And yes, the people in the business will tell you on the books that it isn't the vaccines, but off the books, it's another story. Let's face it, our government wants our kids taking those vaccines and they will do all in the power to make sure that happens.

I have two children on both ends of the autism spectrum and until the Patriot act, I didn't think it was the vaccines...but face it, we already have a law that requires those who bring nuisance lawsuits to pay for all the court costs, there was no excuse for that rider protecting Ely Lilly, unless they actually did cause autism and it wasn't a coincidence that the politician responsible retired right after.

You can believe as you wish, but you aren't dealing with autism on a day to day basis, you haven't studied it like I have and you didn't make the mistake of getting all the pertinent vaccines at once instead of one at a time. I would have done things much differently if I had another chance. Do I feel guilty? HELL YEAH!!!!!

As for those who claim that the vaccines don't give everyone Autism, smoking doesn't give everyone lung cancer but that doesn't mean it's not responsible for lung cancer.

I advise all new parents to wait until their children are 3, then get the vaccines one at a time. Don't listen to people like Hick as they don't know what they are talking about. Autism is a lifelong illness, there is no remission, there is no cure and you don't want that hanging over your head.

The cigarette analogy isn't a good one. While not everyone that smokes gets lung cancer, there is a definitive link between smoking and lung cancer. There is absolutely no link between vaccines and autism.

Their is also no "off book" advice on this. No physician with a shred of integrity would tell someone to do something to their child that they thought was too unsafe to do to their own child. The official word on this is via the American Association of Pediatrics and that vaccines are safe:

Facts for Parents About Vaccine Safety

Any contrary advice from any single or group of physicians is just noise that is their personal opinion, but is not scientifically supported. When you speak of the "autism business", I suspect you are correct and people are making good money by chucking the standards of the profession out the window and hawking bad advice.

On the last, I can only find homeopathic and naturopathic "doctors" who wholesale advise against vaccinations. Homeopaths and naturopaths are not considered to be physicians in any manner of the word by the medical establishment. They do not have floor rights at any hospital and the degree is viewed as worthless. They (or any MD, DO, or PhD) certainly can not support their beliefs through any scientific study.

Finally, while I am sorry that you have to experience two children with autism; that does not make you a medical professional nor does it qualify you to dispense medical advice. It's a shame that you choose to do so, which is compounded by the fact that you are giving out bad advice. Like Jenny McCarthy, you are part of the problem.

By the time a child is three, they no longer would get the rotavirus or the HiB vaccines because their immune systems are sufficient to ward off these pathogens. These bugs strike within the first year of life (especially HiB). That means you've unnecessarily exposed children to two highly dangerous bugs for no good damn reason. When a child gets epiglottitis from HiB, the first step in treatment is to have a crash cart and intubation team standing by (before you even look in their mouth if you are able to figure out the diagnosis without looking) as any contact (even breath) with the larynx causes a violent laryngiospasm that will cut off the airway and kill the child.

You might know about living with autism from personal experience, but you know squat about the other diseases that could be prevented by vaccination.
I have attended many seminars, almost all of which have lectures by doctors, psychiatrists, etc. And yes, the people in the business will tell you on the books that it isn't the vaccines, but off the books, it's another story. Let's face it, our government wants our kids taking those vaccines and they will do all in the power to make sure that happens.
Oh? What kind of doctors? I'm guessing they don't have MDs, because MDs have had their licenses revoked for spewing that kind of crap. So tell me: how much did you PAY for these "seminars"? Because it sounds to me like you first MADE a conclusion in your own mind to blame someone else for your children's problems, THEN found and paid some QUACK to tell you, without any scientific study whatsoever, WHAT YOU WANT TO BELIEVE.

And as someone else mentioned: this is where the entirety of scientific knowledge can somehow be debunked by a single uneducated parent's situation.

You didn't stop to think that since BOTH of your children have it, maybe it has something to do with GENETICS?! No no, you're too busy looking to blame someone else for your life's problems.

You want to compare it to smoking? Let's do that. This link shows 32,128 different articles and studies which show more cancer happens in smokers compared to matched non-smokers. How many studies do you have that shows more autism occurs in vaccinated children? Oh yes that's right: NONE. And why not? Any researcher who could prove it would make a lot of money and fame off it. So there's incentive and yet not a SINGLE study shows it.

Oh but a few housewives can disprove all of science based on their own narrow vision of the world. PEOPLE GET SICK. It sucks, but it happens. Deal with it. Stop blaming others for it.

So these are the questions I have for you still:
1. How much did you pay for your "seminars"?
2. What degrees did these "doctors" hold?
3. What incentive do you believe the government has to "lie" to everyone?
4. Why would doctors "lie" about when they give vaccines?
5. What evidence do you have that doctors give their children vaccines at different schedules?
6. What study do you have that shows vaccines cause autism?

Good luck with those.
Because it DOESNT cause autism, yet people like you are dumb enough to sue people from legitimate medical practices anyway. And since when and how could politics possibly prove this issue either way?

Which "professionals" wait till age 3? Once again I find myself asking if you have a LICK of support to ANYTHING you think. Ignorance isn't bliss in this case, it's hysterics and horrible diseases affecting our children.

Oh you've went to "seminars"? Lead by who? MDs or PhDs? Or cooks with no degree selling you something? Because I've attended lectures from the leading experts across the country, and have heard the exact opposite of your unsupported claims.

Actually, they do NOT inject the same mercury directly into infants OR vaccines. As I just explained in a previous post, thimerosal is a completely different compound from your run of the mill Mercury poisoning. One is the ethyl variety, and one is the methyl type. Similarly, simple alcohol can be divided in the same manner. Methyl alcohol makes people blind. They are NOT the same. Not by structure, not by profile, and not by any evidence we have documented.

I have attended many seminars, almost all of which have lectures by doctors, psychiatrists, etc. And yes, the people in the business will tell you on the books that it isn't the vaccines, but off the books, it's another story. Let's face it, our government wants our kids taking those vaccines and they will do all in the power to make sure that happens.

I have two children on both ends of the autism spectrum and until the Patriot act, I didn't think it was the vaccines...but face it, we already have a law that requires those who bring nuisance lawsuits to pay for all the court costs, there was no excuse for that rider protecting Ely Lilly, unless they actually did cause autism and it wasn't a coincidence that the politician responsible retired right after.

You can believe as you wish, but you aren't dealing with autism on a day to day basis, you haven't studied it like I have and you didn't make the mistake of getting all the pertinent vaccines at once instead of one at a time. I would have done things much differently if I had another chance. Do I feel guilty? HELL YEAH!!!!!

As for those who claim that the vaccines don't give everyone Autism, smoking doesn't give everyone lung cancer but that doesn't mean it's not responsible for lung cancer.

I advise all new parents to wait until their children are 3, then get the vaccines one at a time. Don't listen to people like Hick as they don't know what they are talking about. Autism is a lifelong illness, there is no remission, there is no cure and you don't want that hanging over your head.

No offense man, But the fact that you have 2 kids with autism actually means you are rather biased on this subject, and may be letting emotion get in the way or reason.

The fact is there have been multiple studies that all show no connection, and that People are now starting to suffer from and die from preventable Illnesses now, because less people are getting vaccinated.

best of luck to you and your family, Having had a scare with aspergers myself I really feel for you man.

By the way have you watched the movie Temple Grandin? Not sure if that how you spell the last name.

Very inspiring movie.

No, I've not seen the movie. I have read one of her books, many years ago. Yes, I am biased when it comes to the subject. And I didn't blame the vaccines until the Patriot Act. I still advise people to get the vaccines, just not so early and one at a time. If you can't stay home with your child until he or she is 3, or keep your child away from the public, maybe you shouldn't have a child.

Did you know that when my youngest was born, the only cause of polio in our country was the oral polio vaccine? Yep....and I couldn't find anybody that would give the killed vaccine. I ended up finally going with the oral vaccine. Now they give out the killed vaccine to everyone instead of the oral vaccine. That's how ahead of things I am...I research, I checked into things and if I'd known those vaccines contained mercury, I wouldn't have give them to my kids and quite possibly they'd be "normal" now. The only reason the mercury was in those vaccines was to preserve them, sorry, I'd rather have a fresh vaccine.

Our family doctor offered me some research material on Autism he'd gotten off of a website that is only available to doctors. He then started to say that if I need anything explained .....then he said oh never-mind, you'll understand it.

At one point, he was referring his patients with special needs kids to me as I was a community liaison of Parents are Vital in Education. I'm not stupid and I was very involved though I have become a little lazy of late on the subject. I tried to get the teach program in our public schools when my son was in first grade, they finally instituted it when he was in 10th.

The only school in this country that specialized in Autism is the Higashi school in Boston and many years ago tuition was $56,000 a year. We didn't even make that much. And that was for kids who commuted, not for kids who stayed at the school.

Oh, and btw, while this country prevents me from suing Ely Lilly, I could go to England and sue them and win, many have. We aren't the only country that suffers from Autism. Did you know there was no autism in China until we sent them our vaccines?

No offense, but while I admit being biased, I think you've only been exposed to biased research, the kind our government wants you to be exposed to, try to do a little research on your own, you'll be surprised what's out there.
I have attended many seminars, almost all of which have lectures by doctors, psychiatrists, etc. And yes, the people in the business will tell you on the books that it isn't the vaccines, but off the books, it's another story. Let's face it, our government wants our kids taking those vaccines and they will do all in the power to make sure that happens.
Oh? What kind of doctors? I'm guessing they don't have MDs, because MDs have had their licenses revoked for spewing that kind of crap. So tell me: how much did you PAY for these "seminars"? Because it sounds to me like you first MADE a conclusion in your own mind to blame someone else for your children's problems, THEN found and paid some QUACK to tell you, without any scientific study whatsoever, WHAT YOU WANT TO BELIEVE.

And as someone else mentioned: this is where the entirety of scientific knowledge can somehow be debunked by a single uneducated parent's situation.

You didn't stop to think that since BOTH of your children have it, maybe it has something to do with GENETICS?! No no, you're too busy looking to blame someone else for your life's problems.

You want to compare it to smoking? Let's do that. This link shows 32,128 different articles and studies which show more cancer happens in smokers compared to matched non-smokers. How many studies do you have that shows more autism occurs in vaccinated children? Oh yes that's right: NONE. And why not? Any researcher who could prove it would make a lot of money and fame off it. So there's incentive and yet not a SINGLE study shows it.

Oh but a few housewives can disprove all of science based on their own narrow vision of the world. PEOPLE GET SICK. It sucks, but it happens. Deal with it. Stop blaming others for it.

So these are the questions I have for you still:
1. How much did you pay for your "seminars"?
2. What degrees did these "doctors" hold?
3. What incentive do you believe the government has to "lie" to everyone?
4. Why would doctors "lie" about when they give vaccines?
5. What evidence do you have that doctors give their children vaccines at different schedules?
6. What study do you have that shows vaccines cause autism?

Good luck with those.

Nice try, but I didn't believe autism was caused by the vaccines until the Patriot Act.

I paid various amounts from the seminars from $75 to $300. The doctors held different degrees, I have a book by one of them called "Neurobiological disorders in children and adolescent." I forget her name, but she and a college authored the book, it was used as a textbook for doctors at the UW which is were I had to go to get a copy.

Why would the government lie? Because they want everyone to have the vaccines, they figure having 1 in 166 people with autism is better than an epidemic. And it may be better, by the numbers but it sure as heck isn't better for the parents of the autistic children.

I do not believe the doctors giving the vaccines are "lying" I don't think they know the truth.

I can't show you evidence, only those I've spoken to personal and off the books.

As for studies, everytime one comes up, it disappears very quickly. Do your own research. And if you have kids and they don't have autism, more power to you, but if you have a baby, I highly advise you to wait until they are 3 for those vaccines and then one at a time. Don't you think it would be better to be safe than sorry?
Oh, and btw, while this country prevents me from suing Ely Lilly, I could go to England and sue them and win, many have. We aren't the only country that suffers from Autism. Did you know there was no autism in China until we sent them our vaccines?

I am not a lawyer, but I would think you would have a hard time claiming damages in an English court as an American citizen and when the act that you deemed to be damaging happened on American soil to another American citizen.

You don't get to "judge shop" and I would venture to guess that you don't get to jurisdiction shop either.

As for your source, this was the only think I could find:

Which is a study from India with the following objective:

To ascertain the prevalence of active epilepsy, febrile seizures (FS), cerebral palsy (CP) and tic disorders (TD) in aged 19 years or less.

Nothing about autism.

Why would the government lie? Because they want everyone to have the vaccines, they figure having 1 in 166 people with autism is better than an epidemic.

Since autism is a relatively new diagnosis, we really can't claim that it's an epidemic. It stands to reason that the incidence of autism has "magically" gone up since the 60s when it was first reported and written about as it becomes more and more known about. This is further complicated by the fact that, like all psych disorders, there are no quantitative tests to diagnose autism. Frankly, we how many children truly have autism and how many have been misdiagnosed. Consider this: Jenny McCarthy claimed that she "cured" her child of autism. If that is the case, he will have been the first child to be cured of this. Don't you suppose it's more likely that he was misdiagnosed?

It is not known if the increase of autism cases is due to an environmental factor (other than vaccines which have been ruled out) or some confounding factor.

It's not a good disease to draw a line in the sand and start screaming "epidemic!" simply because it is not a discrete pathology.
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Did you know that when my youngest was born, the only cause of polio in our country was the oral polio vaccine?
So you're saying a horrible epidemic was wiped from the face of your country due to vaccinations? Oh and they stopped using oral vaccine based on RESEARCH and EVIDENCE? Hmmm.... it's almost as if scientific investigation and vaccination is a good thing.....

The only reason the mercury was in those vaccines was to preserve them, sorry, I'd rather have a fresh vaccine.
Preserve them against bacteria and other pathogens? Yeah that sounds horrible. You seem very fixated on the mercury. It's an atom. An element. One of many in a substance, much like oxygen, carbon, and nitrogen, each of which are also atoms, and can also be used to create a handful of toxic or harmless substances. Perhaps you should educate yourself a bit more on chemistry to focus on the greater molecule rather than the atoms that comprise it.

Oh, and btw, while this country prevents me from suing Ely Lilly, I could go to England and sue them and win, many have. We aren't the only country that suffers from Autism. Did you know there was no autism in China until we sent them our vaccines?
There was also no obesity in china until we sent them vaccines too. Oh and no iphones too. :lol:

Once again you seem incapable of distinguishing correlation from causation. In your mind, things occur around the same time, and so they must therefore cause one another. This is foolish reasoning.

Nice try, but I didn't believe autism was caused by the vaccines until the Patriot Act.
So your beliefs are not based on evidence or research, but on politics. I feel bad for your children.

I paid various amounts from the seminars from $75 to $300. The doctors held different degrees, I have a book by one of them called "Neurobiological disorders in children and adolescent." I forget her name
$300 per seminar?! How many of these did you go to? I figure if 100 people went to a $300 seminar, that's $30,000 for one night. Lady if you want to pay me that amount, I'd tell you whatever you want to hear too. Why don't you be a dear and open that book you have to "remember" the name. I am seeking a degree not "doctors held different degrees". You can call yourself a doctor with a PhD in English literature. Heck you can call yourself a doctor without ANY degree. So let's drop the vague hand-waiving and start producing some names and concrete credentials.

Why would the government lie? Because they want everyone to have the vaccines, they figure having 1 in 166 people with autism is better than an epidemic.
So you understand that it is a larger public service to prevent thousands of childhood deaths and hundreds of thousands of childhood illnesses than to "prevent 1/166 cases of autism"? So once again I ask: why would the government lie? Even IF vaccines cause 1/166 cases of autism, which it doesn't, and prevent 1/5 life-threatening illnesses, why would the government need to lie about it? Why do you think the government has ANYTHING to do with scientific reasoning and evidence based medicine?

I do not believe the doctors giving the vaccines are "lying" I don't think they know the truth.
As I've mentioned before: every doctor in every children's hospital in this country states that vaccines are safe. So you're saying your minuscule "education", comprised of paying people hundreds of dollars to tell you what you want to believe, is better suited for decision making compared to every pediatrician in this country, with years of formal medical and scientific training and hands on experience? Such an idea is just as cracked as the quack seminars you reference.

I can't show you evidence
Now why is that? Odd. You have no evidence. I have mountains of it. Yet you still think you're right for some reason. The word "delusional" comes to mind.

As for studies, everytime one comes up, it disappears very quickly. Do your own research.
I have done my own research. So where are these studies? Where do they disappear to? Do men in black suits from the government go to the scientists homes and silence them? Are the publications and writeups of the research somehow removed from all online databases? Does the in-print version of these publications magically disappear from pages? I can tell you the original scare story that produced this whole mess was retracted as being falsified, the author of which had his medical license revoked. So why can't you point to any other studies? Why can't you name a single scientist or group, whether published in peer reviewed scientific journals or even backwater blogs?

The truth comes back to what you said before: "I can't show you evidence". Lucky for the welfare of this country's children, we do not base our medical decisions off the hunches of undereducated housewives who pay people to tell them what they want to hear based off absolutely no evidence whatsoever. The fact still remains that our medical practices are based off evidence, not politics; that doctors are highly trained and educated in all the research available on the topic; that doctors strongly recommend vaccinations for their patients and their own children on the SAME schedule; and that no practicing pediatrician at any children's hospital in this country believes vaccines cause autism.
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Can show me the part of the Patriot Act that deals with vaccines?

It's a rider that was attached at the last minute that protects Ely Lilly, the makers of thermerosal specifically for causing autism. 8 years ago, I could have given you a site, today, I'm too lazy to do the work, look it up for yourself.
Oh, and btw, while this country prevents me from suing Ely Lilly, I could go to England and sue them and win, many have. We aren't the only country that suffers from Autism. Did you know there was no autism in China until we sent them our vaccines?

I am not a lawyer, but I would think you would have a hard time claiming damages in an English court as an American citizen and when the act that you deemed to be damaging happened on American soil to another American citizen.

You don't get to "judge shop" and I would venture to guess that you don't get to jurisdiction shop either.

As for your source, this was the only think I could find:

Neurological disorders in children and adolescents. [Indian J Pediatr. 2009] - PubMed result

Which is a study from India with the following objective:

To ascertain the prevalence of active epilepsy, febrile seizures (FS), cerebral palsy (CP) and tic disorders (TD) in aged 19 years or less.

Nothing about autism.

Actually, having been born in England, I could claim English citizenship. That's why I chose England.
Oh, and btw, while this country prevents me from suing Ely Lilly, I could go to England and sue them and win, many have. We aren't the only country that suffers from Autism. Did you know there was no autism in China until we sent them our vaccines?

I am not a lawyer, but I would think you would have a hard time claiming damages in an English court as an American citizen and when the act that you deemed to be damaging happened on American soil to another American citizen.

You don't get to "judge shop" and I would venture to guess that you don't get to jurisdiction shop either.

As for your source, this was the only think I could find:

Neurological disorders in children and adolescents. [Indian J Pediatr. 2009] - PubMed result

Which is a study from India with the following objective:

To ascertain the prevalence of active epilepsy, febrile seizures (FS), cerebral palsy (CP) and tic disorders (TD) in aged 19 years or less.

Nothing about autism.

Believe as you will, it's your children you are putting at risk. Even if I'm wrong, what harm does it do to wait until they are 3 and then get the vaccines 1 at a time?

I would think you would do whatever you can for the safety of your children, I know I would do things differently if I had it to do over. I have two children with autism, I prefer not to have your kids or anyone else's join mine. Which is why I speak up whenever someone starts claiming it's not the vaccines. Why take chances? Autism is a lifelong disorder, it doesn't ever go away, there is no cure.

Autism was first diagnosed when the vaccines came out, and then in wealthy families (the ones most likely to get the vaccines). There was no autism in China until we sent them our vaccines. Again, why take chances? Isn't it better to be safe than sorry?
Oh, and btw, while this country prevents me from suing Ely Lilly, I could go to England and sue them and win, many have. We aren't the only country that suffers from Autism. Did you know there was no autism in China until we sent them our vaccines?

I am not a lawyer, but I would think you would have a hard time claiming damages in an English court as an American citizen and when the act that you deemed to be damaging happened on American soil to another American citizen.

You don't get to "judge shop" and I would venture to guess that you don't get to jurisdiction shop either.

As for your source, this was the only think I could find:

Neurological disorders in children and adolescents. [Indian J Pediatr. 2009] - PubMed result

Which is a study from India with the following objective:

To ascertain the prevalence of active epilepsy, febrile seizures (FS), cerebral palsy (CP) and tic disorders (TD) in aged 19 years or less.

Nothing about autism.

Actually, having been born in England, I could claim English citizenship. That's why I chose England.

Assuming your children aren't English citizens and the vaccinations happened here, you still run into the same problem.
Believe as you will, it's your children you are putting at risk. Even if I'm wrong, what harm does it do to wait until they are 3 and then get the vaccines 1 at a time?

This is the thing that is fucking maddening to us (and you really should watch the Penn and Teller clip which explains this). You are putting them in a lot of harm. This is not a "better to err on the side of caution" issue. If it was, then it would be a simple answer. I've already given you two examples of infectious diseases that are readily avoidable by vaccination that strike within the first year of life. You obviously ignored them, so I'll give them to you again:

Epiglottitis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(Ask your pediatrician what life was like prior to the advent of the HiB vaccine)

Rotavirus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Furthermore, the morbidity and mortality of diseases like the flu and HepB is drastically higher in infants who don't have a fully developed immune system.

Case in point, what are the odds that a child will come into contact with the HepB virus? Very low. Why do we vaccinate them for it in the hospital? Because if a neonate develops HepB, unlike adults, it will certainly go chronic and they will have liver failure at a very early age. Unlike most adults, that are able to clear the virus, you can basically say it will result in 100% liver failure in children.

I would think you would do whatever you can for the safety of your children, I know I would do things differently if I had it to do over. I have two children with autism, I prefer not to have your kids or anyone else's join mine. Which is why I speak up whenever someone starts claiming it's not the vaccines. Why take chances? Autism is a lifelong disorder, it doesn't ever go away, there is no cure.

And if there was any good evidence (other then anecdotes) that vaccines caused autism, you would certainly have a good point.

Again, I am sorry that you have two children with autism. It doesn't change the basic facts around this issue.

Autism was first diagnosed when the vaccines came out, and then in wealthy families (the ones most likely to get the vaccines).

Autism was first used in medical language in 1943. Jenner figured out how to vaccinate for smallpox in the 1700s. Your assertion is not correct. Since Autism was only recognized in the 40s, then by your logic we could attribute autism to anything in our society that children came into contact with that was around before the 40s.

Since we are throwing darts, why not go with gasoline vapor?

There was no autism in China until we sent them our vaccines. Again, why take chances? Isn't it better to be safe than sorry?

Again, you confound the facts. There was no "autism" in China until the 80's when Drs started diagnosing it. Did autism exist in China prior to the 80's? Certainly. Did autism exist in this country before Drs. started diagnosing it? Again, yes. The same can be said for any disease. HIV was HIV before Doctors knew what it was.

Statistics of Autism in China - Autism-World
Believe as you will, it's your children you are putting at risk. Even if I'm wrong, what harm does it do to wait until they are 3 and then get the vaccines 1 at a time?
GTH pointed this out several times. There are life threatening diseases that occur in that time period. Why do you think 3 years is the magic number? You and a bunch of quacks pulled that out of thin air.

I have two children with autism, I prefer not to have your kids or anyone else's join mine. Which is why I speak up whenever someone starts claiming it's not the vaccines. Why take chances?

Excellent question. When the first rumor of this surfaced, the medical community reacted the same way, and pulled thimerosal from all vaccines. Guess what happened? Kids still got autism. Then there were bad parents such as yourself who, under the ignorance of caring for their children, decided not to vaccinate them. Guess what happened then? KIDS STILL GOT AUTISM.

You may have no evidence, but I do; evidence which shows autism happens regardless of vaccine or no vaccine at all, irrespective of the ridiculous 3 year mark you continually reference.

Autism is a lifelong disorder, it doesn't ever go away, there is no cure.

And Hib, measles, mumps, rubella, pertussus, and tetanus are life-ENDING diseases. Perhaps you would rather children die than get autism? Because that is the unavoidable outcome for many children in a nation that doesn't vaccinate.
Believe as you will, it's your children you are putting at risk. Even if I'm wrong, what harm does it do to wait until they are 3 and then get the vaccines 1 at a time?
GTH pointed this out several times. There are life threatening diseases that occur in that time period. Why do you think 3 years is the magic number? You and a bunch of quacks pulled that out of thin air.

I have two children with autism, I prefer not to have your kids or anyone else's join mine. Which is why I speak up whenever someone starts claiming it's not the vaccines. Why take chances?

Excellent question. When the first rumor of this surfaced, the medical community reacted the same way, and pulled thimerosal from all vaccines. Guess what happened? Kids still got autism. Then there were bad parents such as yourself who, under the ignorance of caring for their children, decided not to vaccinate them. Guess what happened then? KIDS STILL GOT AUTISM.

You may have no evidence, but I do; evidence which shows autism happens regardless of vaccine or no vaccine at all, irrespective of the ridiculous 3 year mark you continually reference.

Autism is a lifelong disorder, it doesn't ever go away, there is no cure.

And Hib, measles, mumps, rubella, pertussus, and tetanus are life-ENDING diseases. Perhaps you would rather children die than get autism? Because that is the unavoidable outcome for many children in a nation that doesn't vaccinate.

So you admit that there is a link between autism and the vaccines?


3 years old is the magic number because at that point the body can sluff off the mercury that would be absorbed into an infants body.

BTW, my kids were vaccinated......according to you I'm a good parent for getting them vaccinated but a bad parent because they have autism. Thanks for that unique perspective.
So you admit that there is a link between autism and the vaccines?

No. Where did you see me say that? Please quote it. Perhaps you mistook your grasping for straws or my contrasting fact with your views to actual reality in this case.

3 years old is the magic number because at that point the body can sluff off the mercury that would be absorbed into an infants body.
Oh? Do they not have livers until 3 years old? What grows or develops in that time that isn't there from birth? Please go on. I'd love to hear more of your magical made up medicine ideas.

BTW, my kids were vaccinated......according to you I'm a good parent for getting them vaccinated but a bad parent because they have autism. Thanks for that unique perspective.
You're a bad parent for foregoing evidence based medicine. LUCKILY for your children, the educated logical world had sense enough to vaccinate them. I dare give you credit for that. You are a bad parent for ignoring every pediatrician in the country. While you may not have acted yet on your poor reasoning abilities, having a mother that ignores modern medical knowledge does leave your children at risk in the future. But luckily they are alive and healthy, despite the bad genes and environment which likely lead to the autism.

Have you found that book with the author's name and credentials yet?
Sorry bout that,

1. Autisum is caused by vaccines, fucking *CASE CLOSED*!!!!!
2. Now its time the fucking government stop forcing all these vacciness onto our children!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3. You fucking stupid bastards,....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,..... oh yeah,...and,...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,...and yeah, ........FUCK YOU BASTARDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek:
4. Any quetions?

Sorry bout that,

1. Autisum is caused by vaccines, fucking *CASE CLOSED*!!!!!
2. Now its time the fucking government stop forcing all these vacciness onto our children!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3. You fucking stupid bastards,....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,..... oh yeah,...and,...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,...and yeah, ........FUCK YOU BASTARDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek:
4. Any quetions?


Yes. Is it hard making it through life being totally and completely fucktarded?

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