The Elites De-Population Agenda......

Dale Smith

Platinum Member
Sep 10, 2015
Dallas, Texas
As I continue to read, research and put the pieces of the puzzle together and though there are a few that I haven't been able to fit......the picture has totally taken shape to me. The funny thing is that you will get to a point where the stuff becomes too real and you want to "back off" and out of desperation? You start looking for any information that will "walk you off the ledge" because reality has smacked you upside the head. Been there, done that, got the t-shirt, the commemorative coffee mug and home version of the game and a hearty handshake and "thanks for playing" but here is my conclusion as to what we are up against.

What we are truly facing is horrific and hard for me to put into words. Think of it like this....let's say that you were privy to information that the company you were working for was about to "downsize" and streamline their operation which meant that a LOT of people were going to lose their jobs because they were no longer an asset and easily replaced by would you feel? Would you keep it to yourself in hopes of protecting your own job and position or would you give your fellow workmates that are totally oblivious a "heads up"???

Well, that is what we are facing as a human race/ resource with what they say has only diminishing returns because of the coming robotic age...... and they are slowly poisoning us in a litany of ways. They will not use nukes to de-populate because that means destroying the infrastructure and poisoning the soil for a thousand years with nuclear fall-out. So, they are using the "death by a thousand cuts" technique. It's not any particular cut that leads to death but rather an accumulative effect. All of our DNA responds differently to poison. Some become sick suddenly and quite early in life while others, it takes a lot longer to finally succumb to the toxic environment we live in.

Some of you may scoff at this but the picture is crystal clear to me. I attended a major league baseball game recently and I was stunned at the amount of "out of shape" patrons with disproportionate physiques lining up at the concession stands to consume food with no nutritional value like a junkie needing a fix......btw, the opium epidemic in this country is brought in by the CIA...drug running, arms dealing and human trafficking fund the black ops of these corporate alphabet agencies........all of this happened right under our noses as we chased the fiat Federal Reserve note that has no intrinsic value.

I was just reading an article on pre puberty issues with early onset aging. It was explaining how certain chemicals in foods not only cause early puberty but speed the aging process and may well lead to shorter life spans!
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These threads are great.

They flush out the true crazies on the board.
Yanno, that's how these elites get away with so much.....all of the apathetic saps that can't grasp exactly how evil humans can become.
I, however, have seen this evil personally, and it's not a myth.
These threads are great.

They flush out the true crazies on the board.
Yanno, that's how these elites get away with so much.....all of the apathetic saps that can't grasp exactly how evil humans can become.
I, however, have seen this evil personally, and it's not a myth.

The OP postulates a global conspiracy by the elites to reduce the world's population.

What have you seen personally of a planned conspiracy by the "global elites" to reduce the population of the earth.

Were you in on the meetings when they made these plans?

Did you receive orders to deliver opiates to the countryside from the CIA?

Were you involved in human trafficking by government agencies?

Were you in the board rooms when decisions were made by corporate executives, in conjunction with the government, to deliberately increase the rate of cardiovascular disease in this country?

Or are they merely a confluence of events that have nothing to do with one another, driven by motivations that have nothing to do with any elaborate global conspiracy, and those who are conspiratorial-minded, who have no tangible proof of evidence of their theories, are seeing something when nothing is there, and you are extrapolating the evil that you've seen to support this non-existent conspiracy because it reinforces your political ideology and worldview?

Please tell us more.
These threads are great.

They flush out the true crazies on the board.
Yanno, that's how these elites get away with so much.....all of the apathetic saps that can't grasp exactly how evil humans can become.
I, however, have seen this evil personally, and it's not a myth.

The OP postulates a global conspiracy by the elites to reduce

What have you seen personally of a planned conspiracy by the "global elites" to reduce the population of the earth.

Were you in on the meetings when they made these plans?

Did you receive orders to deliver opiates to the countryside from the CIA?

Were you involved in human trafficking by government agencies?

Were you in the board rooms when decisions were made by corporate executives, in conjunction with the government, to deliberately increase the rate of cardiovascular disease in this country?

Or are they merely a confluence of events that have nothing to do with one another, driven by motivations that have nothing to do with any elaborate global conspiracy, and those who are conspiratorial-minded, who have no tangible proof of evidence of their theories, are seeing something when nothing is there, and you are extrapolating the evil that you've seen to support this non-existent conspiracy because it reinforces your political ideology and worldview?

Please tell us more.
Bill Gates actually voiced this conspiracy out in the open.
He planned on using flue shot vaccinations to cause the deaths of the weak and the elderly. Bill Gates says vaccines can help reduce world population
The Clintons used tainted blood donated by inmates in an Arkansas prison to spread AIDs and Hepatitis.
These threads are great.

They flush out the true crazies on the board.
Yanno, that's how these elites get away with so much.....all of the apathetic saps that can't grasp exactly how evil humans can become.
I, however, have seen this evil personally, and it's not a myth.

The OP postulates a global conspiracy by the elites to reduce the world's population.

What have you seen personally of a planned conspiracy by the "global elites" to reduce the population of the earth.

Were you in on the meetings when they made these plans?

Did you receive orders to deliver opiates to the countryside from the CIA?

Were you involved in human trafficking by government agencies?

Were you in the board rooms when decisions were made by corporate executives, in conjunction with the government, to deliberately increase the rate of cardiovascular disease in this country?

Or are they merely a confluence of events that have nothing to do with one another, driven by motivations that have nothing to do with any elaborate global conspiracy, and those who are conspiratorial-minded, who have no tangible proof of evidence of their theories, are seeing something when nothing is there, and you are extrapolating the evil that you've seen to support this non-existent conspiracy because it reinforces your political ideology and worldview?

Please tell us more.

You are truly naive and your child-like faith that all the shit like wars and global financial collapses is all just "happenstance" because not enough taxes are put in place. Seriously, dude....I have provided so much source documentation that is easily verifiable but you would rather wander around with your cyber britches saggin' low thinking to yourself that you look so fucking "cool" while some that have to interact with you just shake their heads in disgust and the others just laugh at you behind your back.
These threads are great.

They flush out the true crazies on the board.

Is this "crazy", Toro????? Is it?? Plenty of more examples.......

That is not an example of your OP.

Your OP says there is a global conspiracy to reduce the population of the earth.

Army tests 60 years ago do not prove this.

Perhaps you don't understand what it is that you are asserting in your OP.

Because if you did, you wouldn't have posted that video since it is irrelevant to your argument.
Bill Gates actually voiced this conspiracy out in the open.
He planned on using flue shot vaccinations to cause the deaths of the weak and the elderly. Bill Gates says vaccines can help reduce world population
The Clintons used tainted blood donated by inmates in an Arkansas prison to spread AIDs and Hepatitis.

Like many conspiracy theorists, you are misinterpreting and not understanding the context in what Gates says. Gates is talking about reducing the birth rate in Africa, as it has been reduced in the Americas, Europe and Asia. That's a big focus of the Gates Foundation, which is doing more to improve health in Africa than anyone else on earth. He is not talking about reducing the population.

The piece then makes this enormous - and erroneous - leap in logic that vaccines are designed to reduce the human population. That is dangerous ignorance. It's a candidacy for the Darwin Awards.
These threads are great.

They flush out the true crazies on the board.

Is this "crazy", Toro????? Is it?? Plenty of more examples.......

That is not an example of your OP.

Your OP says there is a global conspiracy to reduce the population of the earth.

Army tests 60 years ago do not prove this.

Perhaps you don't understand what it is that you are asserting in your OP.

Because if you did, you wouldn't have posted that video since it is irrelevant to your argument.

There is a global conspiracy by the elites to de-populate the planet and they use clandestine means to carry it out. It is a soft-kill genocide program. Africa is specifically being targeted. How many hundreds of thousands of people have died in Iraq alone and what will become of future populations due to depleted uranium used in a bogus war on terrorism? Vaccines, poisoning the water, chemical dumps using stratospheric aerosol spraying, genetically modified foods that do not provide nutrients and have addictive qualities. Atrazine, a chemical known to cause gender confusion and under-development of male genitalia in amphibians and 50 percent of all corn crops are sprayed by this shit.

The video I posted was just a small sample and it is only because of the FOIA that we even know what we do. Let me get another thing personally straight so that there is NO misunderstanding....I don't give a shit about spending any more time than is necessary on this prison planet but I do care about the young people I am leaving behind. If I found out tomorrow that I had terminal cancer, it would be like hitting the lottery to me. I'd have a "Dale Farewell Tour" and party my ass off. Unfortunately, it looks like I am going to be around to the bitter end unless enough people wake the fuck up. One thing that I have learned about having clarity of thought is that it is a really lonely fucking place to be.
Bill Gates actually voiced this conspiracy out in the open.
He planned on using flue shot vaccinations to cause the deaths of the weak and the elderly. Bill Gates says vaccines can help reduce world population
The Clintons used tainted blood donated by inmates in an Arkansas prison to spread AIDs and Hepatitis.

Like many conspiracy theorists, you are misinterpreting and not understanding the context in what Gates says. Gates is talking about reducing the birth rate in Africa, as it has been reduced in the Americas, Europe and Asia. That's a big focus of the Gates Foundation, which is doing more to improve health in Africa than anyone else on earth. He is not talking about reducing the population.

The piece then makes this enormous - and erroneous - leap in logic that vaccines are designed to reduce the human population. That is dangerous ignorance. It's a candidacy for the Darwin Awards.
Why would anyone try to reduce the world's population?
Because you think that too many people means too much CO2.
This is the whole push behind the Global Warming issue.
Anyone who believes in Man-made Global Climate change tends to believe that mankind is a virus that needs to be removed from the planet.
They think plants and animals have more rights than human-beings.
This is why they throw an army of lawyers at companies that build roads and drill for oil.
They always have to do studies on environmental effects before the project can move forward.
As I continue to read, research and put the pieces of the puzzle together and though there are a few that I haven't been able to fit......the picture has totally taken shape to me. The funny thing is that you will get to a point where the stuff becomes too real and you want to "back off" and out of desperation? You start looking for any information that will "walk you off the ledge" because reality has smacked you upside the head. Been there, done that, got the t-shirt, the commemorative coffee mug and home version of the game and a hearty handshake and "thanks for playing" but here is my conclusion as to what we are up against.

What we are truly facing is horrific and hard for me to put into words. Think of it like this....let's say that you were privy to information that the company you were working for was about to "downsize" and streamline their operation which meant that a LOT of people were going to lose their jobs because they were no longer an asset and easily replaced by would you feel? Would you keep it to yourself in hopes of protecting your own job and position or would you give your fellow workmates that are totally oblivious a "heads up"???

Well, that is what we are facing as a human race/ resource with what they say has only diminishing returns because of the coming robotic age...... and they are slowly poisoning us in a litany of ways. They will not use nukes to de-populate because that means destroying the infrastructure and poisoning the soil for a thousand years with nuclear fall-out. So, they are using the "death by a thousand cuts" technique. It's not any particular cut that leads to death but rather an accumulative effect. All of our DNA responds differently to poison. Some become sick suddenly and quite early in life while others, it takes a lot longer to finally succumb to the toxic environment we live in.

Some of you may scoff at this but the picture is crystal clear to me. I attended a major league baseball game recently and I was stunned at the amount of "out of shape" patrons with disproportionate physiques lining up at the concession stands to consume food with no nutritional value like a junkie needing a fix......btw, the opium epidemic in this country is brought in by the CIA...drug running, arms dealing and human trafficking fund the black ops of these corporate alphabet agencies........all of this happened right under our noses as we chased the fiat Federal Reserve note that has no intrinsic value.

As always, great to have you around.

When both the Democrats and Republicans passed that,
FDA Food Safety Modernization Act

I knew we were all goners and that we had lost. Rima Laibow had warned us for some time that the globalists had their plans and that this was in the works for us. If you hadn't been familiar with Codex Alimentarius by that point, you should be familiar with it by now. After that act was passed, I had my kid start taking a daily vitamin and we started drinking spring water.

This is just the beginning of them trying to kill you.

FDA Declares Form of Vitamin B6 a Drug, Effectively Banning Pyridoxamine from Dietary Supplements
Bill Gates actually voiced this conspiracy out in the open.
He planned on using flue shot vaccinations to cause the deaths of the weak and the elderly. Bill Gates says vaccines can help reduce world population
The Clintons used tainted blood donated by inmates in an Arkansas prison to spread AIDs and Hepatitis. Clinton blood scandal exposed in new film

Like many conspiracy theorists, you are misinterpreting and not understanding the context in what Gates says. Gates is talking about reducing the birth rate in Africa, as it has been reduced in the Americas, Europe and Asia. That's a big focus of the Gates Foundation, which is doing more to improve health in Africa than anyone else on earth. He is not talking about reducing the population.

The piece then makes this enormous - and erroneous - leap in logic that vaccines are designed to reduce the human population. That is dangerous ignorance. It's a candidacy for the Darwin Awards.
Why would anyone try to reduce the world's population?
Because you think that too many people means too much CO2.
This is the whole push behind the Global Warming issue.
Anyone who believes in Man-made Global Climate change tends to believe that mankind is a virus that needs to be removed from the planet.
They think plants and animals have more rights than human-beings.
This is why they throw an army of lawyers at companies that build roads and drill for oil.
They always have to do studies on environmental effects before the project can move forward.

Look into Agenda 21.

I heard a report on NPR this morning that those fires out west were being a great opportunity for rebuilding the west in the model that they have always wanted.


It sort of makes me think maybe all those "wild fires" maybe weren't so "wild" after all. . ? :tinfoil:
Bill Gates actually voiced this conspiracy out in the open.
He planned on using flue shot vaccinations to cause the deaths of the weak and the elderly. Bill Gates says vaccines can help reduce world population
The Clintons used tainted blood donated by inmates in an Arkansas prison to spread AIDs and Hepatitis. Clinton blood scandal exposed in new film

Like many conspiracy theorists, you are misinterpreting and not understanding the context in what Gates says. Gates is talking about reducing the birth rate in Africa, as it has been reduced in the Americas, Europe and Asia. That's a big focus of the Gates Foundation, which is doing more to improve health in Africa than anyone else on earth. He is not talking about reducing the population.

The piece then makes this enormous - and erroneous - leap in logic that vaccines are designed to reduce the human population. That is dangerous ignorance. It's a candidacy for the Darwin Awards.
Why would anyone try to reduce the world's population?
Because you think that too many people means too much CO2.
This is the whole push behind the Global Warming issue.
Anyone who believes in Man-made Global Climate change tends to believe that mankind is a virus that needs to be removed from the planet.
They think plants and animals have more rights than human-beings.
This is why they throw an army of lawyers at companies that build roads and drill for oil.
They always have to do studies on environmental effects before the project can move forward.

Look into Agenda 21.

I heard a report on NPR this morning that those fires out west were being a great opportunity for rebuilding the west in the model that they have always wanted.


It sort of makes me think maybe all those "wild fires" maybe weren't so "wild" after all. . ? :tinfoil:

Yeah, funny how those fires left trees standing while homes were left in piles of rubbish.

BTW, I am not one of your peers....I haven't learned enough to put myself on the same plateau as you....but I am making up for lost time and attempting to make up ground as best I can.
Dale, Truth is not a conspiracy.

The Population Control Holocaust

My humble opinion is that wealthy people simply want more and will pull every trick in the book to get it.
It does appear that the wealthy at times believe that it is their right to determine what is best for other peeps. It also bothers me somewhat that religious peeps seem to think that it is their duty to "manage" people via their religion.
Bill Gates actually voiced this conspiracy out in the open.
He planned on using flue shot vaccinations to cause the deaths of the weak and the elderly. Bill Gates says vaccines can help reduce world population
The Clintons used tainted blood donated by inmates in an Arkansas prison to spread AIDs and Hepatitis. Clinton blood scandal exposed in new film

Like many conspiracy theorists, you are misinterpreting and not understanding the context in what Gates says. Gates is talking about reducing the birth rate in Africa, as it has been reduced in the Americas, Europe and Asia. That's a big focus of the Gates Foundation, which is doing more to improve health in Africa than anyone else on earth. He is not talking about reducing the population.

The piece then makes this enormous - and erroneous - leap in logic that vaccines are designed to reduce the human population. That is dangerous ignorance. It's a candidacy for the Darwin Awards.
Why would anyone try to reduce the world's population?
Because you think that too many people means too much CO2.
This is the whole push behind the Global Warming issue.
Anyone who believes in Man-made Global Climate change tends to believe that mankind is a virus that needs to be removed from the planet.
They think plants and animals have more rights than human-beings.
This is why they throw an army of lawyers at companies that build roads and drill for oil.
They always have to do studies on environmental effects before the project can move forward.

Look into Agenda 21.

I heard a report on NPR this morning that those fires out west were being a great opportunity for rebuilding the west in the model that they have always wanted.


It sort of makes me think maybe all those "wild fires" maybe weren't so "wild" after all. . ? :tinfoil:

Yeah, funny how those fires left trees standing while homes were left in piles of rubbish.

BTW, I am not one of your peers....I haven't learned enough to put myself on the same plateau as you....but I am making up for lost time and attempting to make up ground as best I can.
Here's that book if you need it. Well worth it.

Folks think the Nazi's or the commies were responsible; Nope, we created the regimented group think, they learned everything they needed from 5th Avenue. We gave them the tools they needed to create WWII and that cold war.

Propaganda by Edward Bernays (1928)
Bill Gates actually voiced this conspiracy out in the open.
He planned on using flue shot vaccinations to cause the deaths of the weak and the elderly. Bill Gates says vaccines can help reduce world population
The Clintons used tainted blood donated by inmates in an Arkansas prison to spread AIDs and Hepatitis. Clinton blood scandal exposed in new film

Like many conspiracy theorists, you are misinterpreting and not understanding the context in what Gates says. Gates is talking about reducing the birth rate in Africa, as it has been reduced in the Americas, Europe and Asia. That's a big focus of the Gates Foundation, which is doing more to improve health in Africa than anyone else on earth. He is not talking about reducing the population.

The piece then makes this enormous - and erroneous - leap in logic that vaccines are designed to reduce the human population. That is dangerous ignorance. It's a candidacy for the Darwin Awards.
Why would anyone try to reduce the world's population?
Because you think that too many people means too much CO2.
This is the whole push behind the Global Warming issue.
Anyone who believes in Man-made Global Climate change tends to believe that mankind is a virus that needs to be removed from the planet.
They think plants and animals have more rights than human-beings.
This is why they throw an army of lawyers at companies that build roads and drill for oil.
They always have to do studies on environmental effects before the project can move forward.

Look into Agenda 21.

I heard a report on NPR this morning that those fires out west were being a great opportunity for rebuilding the west in the model that they have always wanted.


It sort of makes me think maybe all those "wild fires" maybe weren't so "wild" after all. . ? :tinfoil:

Yeah, funny how those fires left trees standing while homes were left in piles of rubbish.

BTW, I am not one of your peers....I haven't learned enough to put myself on the same plateau as you....but I am making up for lost time and attempting to make up ground as best I can.
Here's that book if you need it. Well worth it.

Folks think the Nazi's or the commies were responsible; Nope, we created the regimented group think, they learned everything they needed from 5th Avenue. We gave them the tools they needed to create WWII and that cold war.

Propaganda by Edward Bernays (1928)

Thank you....I am very familiar with his work at the Tavistock Institute but you have provided me with a source that goes deeper. I greatly appreciate the source material you have provided me over the last two years. You have helped me navigate some serious rabbit holes for sure and helped to get me up to speed on a variety of topics.

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