The Effort


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2011
Among the many benefits of (often highly) competitive school sports is introducing kids to truly hard work. These days, it's possible for many young people to reach chronological adulthood without ever truly pushing themselves physically or mentally. This can have dire consequences for society. Sport can provide an invaluable opportunity for people to learn about life and about themselves.
Among the many benefits of (often highly) competitive school sports is introducing kids to truly hard work. These days, it's possible for many young people to reach chronological adulthood without ever truly pushing themselves physically or mentally. This can have dire consequences for society. Sport can provide an invaluable opportunity for people to learn about life and about themselves.
Playing team sports is important to human development.
Sports is very important in many aspects until the participation trophy nonsense is introduced. Learning to accept loss is as important as anything else sports can teach you.
The participation trophy is one of the worst things ever introduced to sports. Most player at younger ages don't give a fig about winning or losing, all they care about is playing. And a phony trophy that some think will keep their child self esteem up is misguided. Life is about ups and downs and how to deal with them.
Among the many benefits of (often highly) competitive school sports is introducing kids to truly hard work. These days, it's possible for many young people to reach chronological adulthood without ever truly pushing themselves physically or mentally. This can have dire consequences for society. Sport can provide an invaluable opportunity for people to learn about life and about themselves.
Sports is very important in many aspects until the participation trophy nonsense is introduced. Learning to accept loss is as important as anything else sports can teach you.

NEVER accept loss, not ever. Use it to fuel you, drive you, will you to conquer it. Of course you will sometimes lose and growing up is learning how to shake your opponent's hand, however badly you want to kill him. But in order to rise above the mediocre, you must focus on your weaknesses and hone them into tools for success. In athletics, find those who can teach you to be quicker, more accurate, and find early success you can build on. These people may not be the teachers or coaches around you. They may be a guy who works as a welder who but for a blown-out knee could have been a pro athlete. They could be anybody....ask around....and remember, those who could do it aren't always those who can teach it. The most important factor is endurance...Napoleon said it was more important to a soldier than courage. There isn't a single sport or discipline you can't improve yourself in by becoming more fit with a quicker "second wind". I once asked an SFG snake-eater how far he could run and he said he no least until he got where he was going.
Among the many benefits of (often highly) competitive school sports is introducing kids to truly hard work. These days, it's possible for many young people to reach chronological adulthood without ever truly pushing themselves physically or mentally. This can have dire consequences for society. Sport can provide an invaluable opportunity for people to learn about life and about themselves.

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