The Dutch government is Putler´s Bitc& , Role crime cartel Ozero money in Europe & USA


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
The Dutch government is Putler´s Bitc& , Role crime cartel Ozero money in Europe & USA

new i understand why The Dutch government is sOOOOO SOFT ON OZERO ...

whats about your country? is it also has been penetrated by Ozero crime cartel ?

" The CSIS Europe Program, in partnership with the Center for the Study of Democracy, is releasing The Kremlin Playbook 2: The Enablers. It builds on the first Kremlin Playbook, which described the patterns of Russian economic influence in five Central and Eastern European countries. This new report, with six new case studies, exposes how countries can either be targets or enablers of Russian malign economic influence by allowing their financial systems to shelter profits for Russian companies and facilitate tax avoidance or illicit financial activity in Europe. The Kremlin Playbook 2 highlights the nexus between illicit finance and national security, describes the adaption of Russian tactics, and underscores the democratic imperative of greater institutional transparency against complex illicit schemes. The panel will discuss the ongoing challenge of Russian economic influence in Europe and what the transatlantic community must do to counter these tactics, from new legislation and organizational structures to better governmental prioritization and targeted action."


Ozero - Wikipedia

Ozero (Russian: О́зеро, lit. lake) is a dacha housing cooperative associated with Vladimir Putin's inner circle. Contents. 1 History; 2 Ozero members; 3 Security ...
Litwin, I've never heard of the "Ozero crime cartel" before reading your interesting post, and I had to look up "dacha," at, which says, "a Russian country cottage used especially in the summer." Your Wikipedia said this about Putin's dacha in 1996: "His dacha burned down in 1996 but was rebuilt later that year." It also said his friends built dachas there afterward and formed a gated community. If that were my house that burned down, I'd be pretty unhappy too. The committee describes membership as Putin, the leader of the largest-sized country in the world (Russia,) and his pals who are (1) Russian minister of science and education; (2) Leader of the media and a football team, (3) A top banker who is also Russia's consul in Thailand,(4) An Investment company head who also is majority holder in an important Russian insurance company, (5) President Vladimir Putin himself, (6) Nicolay Shamilov, Shipping Magistrate, (7) Vladimir Smirnov nuclear trade company, and Vladimir Yakunin, Transportation minister and owner of a Russian railways company. It sounds innocent enough, like any of our presidential cabinets, except all of these guys decided to band together in a protective housing situation after Putin lost his house to a fire. It sounds like the leader of the world's largest country has some pretty influential men, just like Amerea. Now that took me half an hour to figure out due to having to look up a few terms that were unfamiliar to me and they're all wearing sunglasses which protects sensitive eyes and or makes them leaders not quite as easy as to recognize by a hostile assassin as they would be by showing their full faces.

The description of the group according to Wikipedia is: "Some observers hint that the roots of Putin's power may lie in Ozero camaraderie."
Some observers hint that the roots of Putin's power may lie in Ozero camaraderie.[3][d]

The Ozero cooperative society holds a bank account at the Leningrad Oblast Bank. The financial transactions of the Ozero cooperative are unknown. By law any of the members would be able to deposit and withdraw funds for his own use. Karen Dawisha, director of the Havighurst Center for Russian and Post-Soviet Studies at Miami University, concluded that "in Russia a cooperative arrangement is another way for Putin to avoid being given money directly, while enjoying the wealth shared among co-owners".[8]

Putin. Corruption, an independent report published by the opposition People's Freedom Party, is about the alleged corruption in Vladimir Putin's inner circle and has a chapter about Ozero.

So there is a "playbook" out there, hm? Is it a football game play book, or something more sinister? Please tell us.

We have spent years of our time trying to Understand the Russians, and it looks to me like they will take a risk, like moving into Panama, one of our former partial-territories due to the big canal we built, or some former American ally, like Venezuela before they began developing a weaponized hatred for America under Hugo Chavez.

Do you think they want to build a world based on America's gift of information of yankee inventions and patents? What I mean, do you think they are going to state a world war like Hitler did back in the late 1930s after his Nazi Party came into national favor? I didn't think Russia cared very much for Hitler nor his takeover ways. Have they changed their minds?

Well, be back later. I will pray for world peace some more this afternoon and morning.
Litwin, I've never heard of the "Ozero crime cartel" before reading your interesting post, and I had to look up "dacha," at, which says, "a Russian country cottage used especially in the summer." Your Wikipedia said this about Putin's dacha in 1996: "His dacha burned down in 1996 but was rebuilt later that year." It also said his friends built dachas there afterward and formed a gated community. If that were my house that burned down, I'd be pretty unhappy too. The committee describes membership as Putin, the leader of the largest-sized country in the world (Russia,) and his pals who are (1) Russian minister of science and education; (2) Leader of the media and a football team, (3) A top banker who is also Russia's consul in Thailand,(4) An Investment company head who also is majority holder in an important Russian insurance company, (5) President Vladimir Putin himself, (6) Nicolay Shamilov, Shipping Magistrate, (7) Vladimir Smirnov nuclear trade company, and Vladimir Yakunin, Transportation minister and owner of a Russian railways company. It sounds innocent enough, like any of our presidential cabinets, except all of these guys decided to band together in a protective housing situation after Putin lost his house to a fire. It sounds like the leader of the world's largest country has some pretty influential men, just like Amerea. Now that took me half an hour to figure out due to having to look up a few terms that were unfamiliar to me and they're all wearing sunglasses which protects sensitive eyes and or makes them leaders not quite as easy as to recognize by a hostile assassin as they would be by showing their full faces.

The description of the group according to Wikipedia is: "Some observers hint that the roots of Putin's power may lie in Ozero camaraderie."
Some observers hint that the roots of Putin's power may lie in Ozero camaraderie.[3][d]

The Ozero cooperative society holds a bank account at the Leningrad Oblast Bank. The financial transactions of the Ozero cooperative are unknown. By law any of the members would be able to deposit and withdraw funds for his own use. Karen Dawisha, director of the Havighurst Center for Russian and Post-Soviet Studies at Miami University, concluded that "in Russia a cooperative arrangement is another way for Putin to avoid being given money directly, while enjoying the wealth shared among co-owners".[8]

Putin. Corruption, an independent report published by the opposition People's Freedom Party, is about the alleged corruption in Vladimir Putin's inner circle and has a chapter about Ozero.

So there is a "playbook" out there, hm? Is it a football game play book, or something more sinister? Please tell us.

We have spent years of our time trying to Understand the Russians, and it looks to me like they will take a risk, like moving into Panama, one of our former partial-territories due to the big canal we built, or some former American ally, like Venezuela before they began developing a weaponized hatred for America under Hugo Chavez.

Do you think they want to build a world based on America's gift of information of yankee inventions and patents? What I mean, do you think they are going to state a world war like Hitler did back in the late 1930s after his Nazi Party came into national favor? I didn't think Russia cared very much for Hitler nor his takeover ways. Have they changed their minds?

Well, be back later. I will pray for world peace some more this afternoon and morning.

New Documentary Delves Into Dark Side Of Putin's Rise - RFE/RL

Dec 30, 2015 - The new documentary Who Is Mr. Putin looks at the Russian ... of fresh reports detailing allegations of corruption and links to organized crime. .... his team went to Ozero (Lake), a dacha cooperative that Putin and a group of ...

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