The DragQueening of American Children

There is nothing wrong with teaching children to believe in God. Teaching them that a trinity diddled a virgin to become fully God and fully human only to be sacrificed so that believers can sin with impunity for life, and the devil is an invisible disembodied entity that tries to dissuade them from believing making them think that every rational thought or objection to that belief that arises in their own mind is a demonic attack, it turns the mind against itself and fosters mental illnesses.
You sound like you might actually believe that. Pity, really. Now, who has the responsibility to teach children, their own parents who sacrifice for them or someone else who has no stake in their development?
You sound like you might actually believe that. Pity, really. Now, who has the responsibility to teach children, their own parents who sacrifice for them or someone else who has no stake in their development?

Many parents don't know how to read, don't know history, science, math or how to tell the difference between a fairy tale and a historical record.

You want to fuck up your own children's minds with religious flotsam? No one is stopping you, but why do you think schools exist if not because parents don't have the knowledge or time to teach?
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This is not accidental people. It is not confined to just blue areas. They want our kids.

Back in the early 1990s, some men I knew when I worked in San Francisco performed as part of a Drag Queen acapella group. Unlike many of the drag queens parading around today, these guys were actually talented performers, so I enjoyed the first show I attended. By the second show, though, I’d had enough. While some songs were clever parodies of pop culture issues, way too many were obsessed with gay sex (in more detail than most people should ever want to know), fecal matter, and STDs. That’s when I realized that people who define themselves by non-traditional (some might say deviant) sexuality, tend to obsess about that sexuality and, moreover, seem to have stopped developmentally at the “poo-poo is funny” stage of humor (around 3 years old).

Armed with that knowledge, I’ve found very disturbing the number of drag queens swarming children’s reading rooms. Were my kids still small, I wouldn’t want them under the tutelage of someone whose entire identity revolves around his genitals and what he does with them. However, when parents objected, they were schooled as “transphobes” and “homophobes” and, of course, most backed down.

So, the drag queens have continued to dig their way into children’s lives. It’s not just at libraries. The big children’s entertainment media companies are on board. Andrew Levitt, an untalented drag performer but highly talented self-promoter, inveigled his way into Nickelodeon, appearing on the children’s show Blue’s Clues and You and singing about LGBTQ identities in a video aimed at children. And now Disney+ has Levitt urging little children to celebrate gay pride and drag queens with him.

The rest of this insanity in all its 'GLORY' can be found at the link.

Don't be scared. The drag queens won't hurt you. They might critique your clothing choices, but I am reasonably certain you will survive their harshness.
You sound like you might actually believe that. Pity, really.

Have you ever heard of a disorder called "Scrupulosity"? Yes, it is a legitimate part of OCD. It can be hideously crippling as OCD often is. Scrupulosity is the "religious OCD" variant in which people live in abject horror of thinking a "blaspehmous thought" or "thinking the wrong way about God". I've met some sufferers of this and let me tell you, it sounds like it would be not a big deal but you have no idea how crippling this can be. Imagine if your "faith" was morphed by brain chemistry into the most terrifying thing you can imagine and it haunted you every minute of every day.

Say all you want about "how" these people believe in's a mental disorder that latches onto religious thought. Making religious thought effectively a torment.

To that end the poster was not TOO far off (granted it was a bit hyperbolic and was kind of slagging Christianity), but it is kind of a thing.

I don't care what your drag queen bros do there Carminative. But I know one won't be pulling my kids into that filthy lifestyle.
I don't care what your drag queen bros do there Carminative.

They mostly "vogue" around these parts. We set aside some open land for them out near the airport.

But I know one won't be pulling my kids into that filthy lifestyle.

Actually any professional will tell you that drag queens are extremely well groomed and keep themselves clean. Always with the grooming.

But they can get down and dirty every once in a while.

Either way there isn't much you're going to be able to do once legislation is passed that FORCES all children to become trans.
You set aside special land for them?? even you don't want to be around them heh?

No, we just felt that they should have their own open space to vogue without running the risk of innocent bystanders getting served or hit by a flying jazz-hand.

Most elementary schools take all their kids to the "Drag Racing Grounds" at least once a week here. The stated goal of the city government is to induce in all children a desire to become a drag queen. Some of the local doctors will prescribe "Dragulotabs" which are a new monoclonal antibody that causes a pre-teen's body chemistry to irreversibly change and makes them want to mime to every Mariah Carrey song known to man.

Honestly, it's a great place to live. And don't get me started about the Forced Gay Marriage ballot initiative! Exciting times!
Many parents don't know how to read, don't know history, science, math or how to tell the difference between a fairy tale and a historical record.

You want to fuck up your own children's minds with religious flotsam? No one is stopping you, but why do you think schools exist if not because parents don't have the knowledge or time to teach?
They sacrifice for their children. The agenda driven who are trying to get access to the children sacrifice nothing. It is the parents' prerogative what and how their children learn.
That is indeed child abuse. The effects are lifelong.
Parents like this used to be arrested and put in jail while the children were taken away from them. Now, the parents and children are glorified. Even some of the gay community now are speaking out against the woke Transgender movement that it's gone way overboard and it could eventually affect the gay community in a negative way. I sure hope so. It's madness.
There is nothing wrong with teaching children to believe in God. Teaching them that a trinity diddled a virgin to become fully God and fully human only to be sacrificed so that believers can sin with impunity for life, and the devil is an invisible disembodied entity that tries to dissuade them from believing making them think that every rational thought or objection to that belief that arises in their own mind is a demonic attack, it turns the mind against itself and fosters mental illnesses.
That's so not true. What fosters mental illness is woke information at a young age that confuses children about their born identities. Keeping children away from each other because of adult paranoia over a virus and forcing small children to mask up, unable to communicate with their friends. Your scientific world threatening their existence over false climate change crap breeds mental fear and illness. Atheists forcing children that they cannot believe in God causes mental illness as well. Your kind is the promoters of mental illness, not God and not the religious.
Once again, there was no sexual intercourse that impregnated Mary. The Holy Ghost performed a simple in vitro fertilization of Mary with the sperm of Heavenly Father. That's it.
Once again, there was no sexual intercourse that impregnated Mary. The Holy Ghost performed a simple ... in vitro fertilization of Mary with the sperm of Heavenly Father. That's it.

Okey dokey. Sperm of the Heavenly Father. Got it...:shok: And you're worried about drag queens?

Worry about yourself.

You, once again, have provided the best argument against religious indoctrination because, as you have clearly shown, it produces dimwits. And I suspect that's exactly what the churches want like any corrupt government or criminal organization. Easy to be led around by the nose and fleeced.
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Okey dokey. Sperm of the Heavenly Father. Got it...:shok: And you're worried about transgenders?

Worry about yourself.

You, once again, have provided the best argument against religious indoctrination because, as you have clearly shown, it produces dimwits. And I suspect that's exactly what the churches want.
Have you met or seen Heavenly Father? If not, how do you know if he's a glorified human being from a world like ours or not? Man is now as God once was. As God is now, man may become. This is true and now make sense on how Mary became pregnant with Jesus. Through in vitro fertilization performed by the Holy Ghost when in the Bible it says Mary was overcome by the Holy Ghost. No sexual intercourse.

You can continue to use the word indoctrination, but it isn't. Parents have the right to teach their children about God, religion or no religion. But, if you continue down this stupid hole, then you have to stop teaching against God and teach no science. Because you are actually guilty of indoctrination by doing so in schools.
Man is now as God once was. As God is now, man may vitro fertilization performed by the Holy Ghost when in the Bible it says Mary was overcome by the Holy Ghost. No sexual intercourse.
There never was and never will be a human being that was God or became God either before during or after their human existence. You are insane, under a delusion at best, and it's for no reason other than indoctrination. You have allowed Satan to enter your mind to perpetuate lies.

You fucked up. You have been deceived by charlatans. Is that really too hard for you to believe?

If so, read your own words, the incoherent vile and loathsome garbage that you just regurgitated.
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Okey dokey. Sperm of the Heavenly Father. Got it...:shok: And you're worried about drag queens?

Worry about yourself.

You, once again, have provided the best argument against religious indoctrination because, as you have clearly shown, it produces dimwits. And I suspect that's exactly what the churches want like any corrupt government or criminal organization. Easy to be led around by the nose and fleeced.

What a really intelligent tough guy you think you are.
There never was and never will be a human being that was God or became God either before during or after their human existence. You are insane, under a delusion at best, and it's for no reason other than indoctrination. You have allowed Satan to enter your mind to perpetuate lies.

You fucked up. You have been deceived by charlatans. Is that really too hard for you to believe?

If so, read your own words, the incoherent vile and loathsome garbage that you just regurgitated.

How can there be a Satan if there is no God?
There never was and never will be a human being that was God or became God either before during or after their human existence. You are insane, under a delusion at best, and it's for no reason other than indoctrination. You have allowed Satan to enter your mind to perpetuate lies.

You fucked up. You have been deceived by charlatans. Is that really too hard for you to believe?

If so, read your own words, the incoherent vile and loathsome garbage that you just regurgitated.
I have it on perfect word that God lives, Jesus is the Christ.
It's hilarious that you would try to justify your insane indoctrination against the existence of God by using Satan as a reason. Then, you can't express yourself unless you use four letter single syllable words. :dev3:
How can there be a Satan if there is no God?

I said that there is no such thing as a triune god that became a man. There is only one unequalled God who is incorporeal with no visible shape or material form and there is no other god in existence either above or below him.

It says so in the bible, so I believe. lol..You don't believe in my God, the only God in existence.

And Satan is real alright ,even if just a metaphor for any person condemned by God who gets dimwits like you to defy his law and whore after false gods like the virgin diddling edible triune mangod that you profess to believe in and worship yet does not correspond to any real living being ever in existence.

Whoever murdered your mind is a direct descendant of that talking serpent of old, Satan, a murderer from the beginning.

Satan is only invisible to the blind, the dead, and the sleeping. Which type of fool are you?
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I said that there is no such thing as a triune god that became a man. There is only one unequalled God who is incorporeal with no visible shape or material form and there is no other god in existence either above or below him.

It says so in the bible, so I believe. lol..You don't believe in my God, the only God in existence.

And Satan is real alright ,even if just a metaphor for any person condemned by God who gets dimwits like you to defy the law of God and whore after false gods like the edible triune mangod that you profess to believe in yet does not correspond to any real living being ever in existence.

Whoever murdered your mind is a direct descendant of that talking serpent of old, Satan.
It does not say so in the Bible or you would have posted it here. And have you met this "god" who is so big he can fill the universe yet so small he can dwell in your heart? Talk about nonsense. I'd say Satan has you by the balls.

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