The Dow Is Exactly Where It Was A Year Ago

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It's so weird he didn't even bother to think of that before he posted it, guess he was counting on we wouldn't remember the doom and gloom predictions of the left last year.

I don't remember that either.
Personally what I said was that I restructured my investments as I knew Orange Mood Swing would bring volatility. And he has.

I posted a link in this thread, do you want more?

You posted a link to --------- what?

Can't you read?

You sure talk about Trump a lot you maxed out USMB search engine at 17

PogoDiamond Member
>> The barrage of crude suggestions about me — “ignorant, alcoholic and token black on Fox that needs to go,” — was interspersed with cheerleading: “Trump Will Win,” “TRUMP, TRUMP, TRUMP…” and “Juan, you are a piece of … just wait till TRUMP wins by landslide.”

But there was one serious line of criticism of my journalism in the anonymous text messages. The Trump supporters took my email to Podesta as proof that I am a “liberal stooge,” who is guilty of “continued deceit.”

“Now we know you are as corrupt as all the rest,” one Trump-backer wrote.

Another concluded: “You are a sell-out, Criminal Clinton-crony.” A more poetic version read: “How’s it feel being in Podesta’s pocket? Dark in there? If journalists have to kiss ass to get in, that’s ridiculous. In three weeks we will see that those polls were cooked.”

And one nasty note screamed: “Hey, you little bitch, I’m so glad we found out today you are paid for by Hillary and now I will never listen to you again.”

The note to Podesta that led people to this condemnation of how I practice journalism was pretty straightforward.

It came after we had a brief talk at an April 2015 political event in Washington. He was heading out of town to look at organizing efforts in a few states and would be back in ten days.

My note read: “Love to have a chance to speak with you when you get back from your travels.” I gave him the cell number and asked that we set a date. I wanted to talk to the chairman of a leading candidate’s political operation at the beginning of the campaign. That was all.

At that point I was similarly talking with the people running Jeb Bush’s effort on the Republican side and having lunch with Ed Rollins, who later became head of the Great America super-PAC, a pro-Trump group. I was also guilty of sitting down with other Washington journalists to talk with Ben Carson, Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio. I went to Nevada to attend a Bernie Sandersrally and briefly chat with him.

To me, this is the business of journalism: putting in the time to work the phones, develop ties to people — also known as ‘sources’ — at the heart of politics to better inform readers and viewers about the gears moving to drive daily headlines.

But to my Trump critics, the note to Podesta is evidence that this journalist has a hidden political agenda — pumping up Clinton’s candidacy. <<
What started all this: WikiLeaks had published a simple e-mail from Williams to Podesta requesting interview time, leaving his (Williams) phone number. Apparently any actual journalism reporting on candidates for President of the United States is strictly verboten unless it's the candidate of which the fascisti "approve".

Story here.

Also appearing in the encyclopedia next to the question "what is meant by the phrase 'I love the poorly educated

That's not my post, nor is it my link.

Now you're getting reported.
Aw the CHILD IS UPSET!...Grow a pair

I don't remember that either.
Personally what I said was that I restructured my investments as I knew Orange Mood Swing would bring volatility. And he has.

I posted a link in this thread, do you want more?

You posted a link to --------- what?

Can't you read?

You sure talk about Trump a lot you maxed out USMB search engine at 17

PogoDiamond Member
>> The barrage of crude suggestions about me — “ignorant, alcoholic and token black on Fox that needs to go,” — was interspersed with cheerleading: “Trump Will Win,” “TRUMP, TRUMP, TRUMP…” and “Juan, you are a piece of … just wait till TRUMP wins by landslide.”

But there was one serious line of criticism of my journalism in the anonymous text messages. The Trump supporters took my email to Podesta as proof that I am a “liberal stooge,” who is guilty of “continued deceit.”

“Now we know you are as corrupt as all the rest,” one Trump-backer wrote.

Another concluded: “You are a sell-out, Criminal Clinton-crony.” A more poetic version read: “How’s it feel being in Podesta’s pocket? Dark in there? If journalists have to kiss ass to get in, that’s ridiculous. In three weeks we will see that those polls were cooked.”

And one nasty note screamed: “Hey, you little bitch, I’m so glad we found out today you are paid for by Hillary and now I will never listen to you again.”

The note to Podesta that led people to this condemnation of how I practice journalism was pretty straightforward.

It came after we had a brief talk at an April 2015 political event in Washington. He was heading out of town to look at organizing efforts in a few states and would be back in ten days.

My note read: “Love to have a chance to speak with you when you get back from your travels.” I gave him the cell number and asked that we set a date. I wanted to talk to the chairman of a leading candidate’s political operation at the beginning of the campaign. That was all.

At that point I was similarly talking with the people running Jeb Bush’s effort on the Republican side and having lunch with Ed Rollins, who later became head of the Great America super-PAC, a pro-Trump group. I was also guilty of sitting down with other Washington journalists to talk with Ben Carson, Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio. I went to Nevada to attend a Bernie Sandersrally and briefly chat with him.

To me, this is the business of journalism: putting in the time to work the phones, develop ties to people — also known as ‘sources’ — at the heart of politics to better inform readers and viewers about the gears moving to drive daily headlines.

But to my Trump critics, the note to Podesta is evidence that this journalist has a hidden political agenda — pumping up Clinton’s candidacy. <<
What started all this: WikiLeaks had published a simple e-mail from Williams to Podesta requesting interview time, leaving his (Williams) phone number. Apparently any actual journalism reporting on candidates for President of the United States is strictly verboten unless it's the candidate of which the fascisti "approve".

Story here.

Also appearing in the encyclopedia next to the question "what is meant by the phrase 'I love the poorly educated

That's not my post, nor is it my link.

Now you're getting reported.
Aw the CHILD IS UPSET!...Grow a pair


Ah, so you think counterfeit posts are OK too.

Why am I not surprised.

Rank dishonesty and Rumpbots. Symbiotic relationship.
I posted a link in this thread, do you want more?

You posted a link to --------- what?

Can't you read?

You sure talk about Trump a lot you maxed out USMB search engine at 17

PogoDiamond Member
>> The barrage of crude suggestions about me — “ignorant, alcoholic and token black on Fox that needs to go,” — was interspersed with cheerleading: “Trump Will Win,” “TRUMP, TRUMP, TRUMP…” and “Juan, you are a piece of … just wait till TRUMP wins by landslide.”

But there was one serious line of criticism of my journalism in the anonymous text messages. The Trump supporters took my email to Podesta as proof that I am a “liberal stooge,” who is guilty of “continued deceit.”

“Now we know you are as corrupt as all the rest,” one Trump-backer wrote.

Another concluded: “You are a sell-out, Criminal Clinton-crony.” A more poetic version read: “How’s it feel being in Podesta’s pocket? Dark in there? If journalists have to kiss ass to get in, that’s ridiculous. In three weeks we will see that those polls were cooked.”

And one nasty note screamed: “Hey, you little bitch, I’m so glad we found out today you are paid for by Hillary and now I will never listen to you again.”

The note to Podesta that led people to this condemnation of how I practice journalism was pretty straightforward.

It came after we had a brief talk at an April 2015 political event in Washington. He was heading out of town to look at organizing efforts in a few states and would be back in ten days.

My note read: “Love to have a chance to speak with you when you get back from your travels.” I gave him the cell number and asked that we set a date. I wanted to talk to the chairman of a leading candidate’s political operation at the beginning of the campaign. That was all.

At that point I was similarly talking with the people running Jeb Bush’s effort on the Republican side and having lunch with Ed Rollins, who later became head of the Great America super-PAC, a pro-Trump group. I was also guilty of sitting down with other Washington journalists to talk with Ben Carson, Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio. I went to Nevada to attend a Bernie Sandersrally and briefly chat with him.

To me, this is the business of journalism: putting in the time to work the phones, develop ties to people — also known as ‘sources’ — at the heart of politics to better inform readers and viewers about the gears moving to drive daily headlines.

But to my Trump critics, the note to Podesta is evidence that this journalist has a hidden political agenda — pumping up Clinton’s candidacy. <<
What started all this: WikiLeaks had published a simple e-mail from Williams to Podesta requesting interview time, leaving his (Williams) phone number. Apparently any actual journalism reporting on candidates for President of the United States is strictly verboten unless it's the candidate of which the fascisti "approve".

Story here.

Also appearing in the encyclopedia next to the question "what is meant by the phrase 'I love the poorly educated

That's not my post, nor is it my link.

Now you're getting reported.
Aw the CHILD IS UPSET!...Grow a pair


Ah, so you think counterfeit posts are OK too.

Why am I not surprised.
It is a billsjit forum....grow a pair or go to the underwater basket weaving forum!
When the Surrender Monkey left the Dow was at 19732 points as of today Dow is up 5000 points in 2 years 5 months....

Which translates to a much lower rise in percentage than Obama.

Trumps tariffs work watch the Dow at 30000!
Trump's tariffs have resulted in nearly doubling our trade deficit with China, and a record trade deficit with Mexico. Along with a completely flat stock market, you delusional fool.

Trump was elected on third base and the fat fuck is trying to steal second!
Ask them what the DOW was when President Obama took office! And, the unemployment rate?

That should be a winner.
OMG, Trump is trying to fix the mess left by 8-years of mis-management, and the dems just don't get it.
Here are a few of the leftover messes Trump needed to deal with:

1. Syria & ISIS
2. NK nukes and ICBMs
3. China's global ambitions and unfair trade practices (even Schumer & Pelosi cheer Trump on for handling China)
4. Bad trade deals all around the world (they tariff us, we don't tariff them)
5. NATO countries taking advantage of the US
6. The healthcare mess (high premiums and deductibles)
7. The immigration mess (invasion from the south)
8. Corporations moving overseas due to high taxes
9. An underfunded US military
10. Over-regulated industries, such as energy & pipelines
11. Unfunded infrastructure needs
12. Iranian nuclear ambitions
June 4, 2018: 24,813.69


May 31, 2019: 24,815.04

You, sir are an idiot.
Last year, I had to take my first mandatory withdrawal form my 401K. it amounted to 1/30 of the total in my account.
Guess what dipshit?
As of today, my account balance is HIGHER than prior to my withdrawal.
Face facts...the Party of INFANTICIDE and ILLEGAL INVADERS is HOPING to tank our economy in order to use it to garner votes for an ECONOMIC POLICY THEY DO NOT HAVE....anyone with a 3 digit IQ can see that....Proving, once again, just how low on the IQ scale ABNORMALS truly are!!!

Oh, ABNORMALS...anyone of you socialists want to tell us what your economic policy is and prove me wrong???
you will PROBABLY be ok G5000 !!
Tell that to your 401k account.

Trump and his lickspittles were happy to take credit for the Dow before. Strangely, neither he nor his lickspittles want to take credit now...
The Dow Jones Industrial Average is only calculated with only 30 companies

There are literally thousands of different companies who trade stock publicly and thousands more mutual funds and exchange traded funds

So what 30 companies are doing is pretty irrelevant
you will PROBABLY be ok G5000 !!
Tell that to your 401k account.

Trump and his lickspittles were happy to take credit for the Dow before. Strangely, neither he nor his lickspittles want to take credit now...
The Dow Jones Industrial Average is only calculated with only 30 companies

There are literally thousands of different companies who trade stock publicly and thousands more mutual funds and exchange traded funds

So what 30 companies are doing is pretty irrelevant
How's the Russell 2000 ?
Inflation is under control, prices have not gone up , unemployment is at a historic low and the DOW hovers around 26,000 but the crazy angry left continues to be willing tools of foreign agents bent on undermining the political system. No surprises here.
Inflation is under control, prices have not gone up , unemployment is at a historic low and the DOW hovers around 26,000 but the crazy angry left continues to be willing tools of foreign agents bent on undermining the political system. No surprises here.
Trumps 2nd year was a bust Not the worst ,but not good Wonder what his first year would look like if he didn't give trillions away to the 1% while giving scraps to all others
you will PROBABLY be ok G5000 !!
Tell that to your 401k account.

Trump and his lickspittles were happy to take credit for the Dow before. Strangely, neither he nor his lickspittles want to take credit now...
The Dow Jones Industrial Average is only calculated with only 30 companies

There are literally thousands of different companies who trade stock publicly and thousands more mutual funds and exchange traded funds

So what 30 companies are doing is pretty irrelevant
How's the Russell 2000 ?

Down more than 200 points from a year ago, which is about 15%. It has done far worse than the DJI.
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