The Donald Trump/GOP insidious plan to double or triple the great deficit they created


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Under Bush, when the GOP cuts taxes on the wealthy and ran two completely unnecessary wars, Republicans were able to create an enormous deficit where there weren't any before.

Then, when Obama became president, using the very instrument they created under Bush, the Bush Tax Cuts, they were able to create even more deficit and make the wealthy wealthier by blackmailing Obama into extending the Bush Tax cuts, thereby removing the way to create revenue which would keep the deficit from going up while blaming it all on Obama because he was president.

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says

Republicans cut taxes by trillions, blocked ways to bring in revenue, put two wars on credit card, and then handed the entire sordid mess to Obama and then for the next eight years, blamed it all on him.

And now, Republicans have another insidious plan to double or triple the deficit in the guise of "tax reform" which we all know really means "more tax cuts for the rich". Republicans had some idea of offsetting their tax cuts by taking away healthcare for tens of millions of Americans, except, for now, that has fallen through.

There other option is to just increase the deficit. Double or triple it. This is how it works:

First, give tax cuts to the super rich and corporations. Fool the GOP base into thinking it's all about creating jobs when there are 6 million unfilled jobs now.

U.S. has record 6 million job openings, even as 6.8 million Americans are looking for jobs

Then, go ahead and put the Harvey Hurricane of destruction and the wall on credit card. Then cut taxes, thereby removing the way to bring in revenue to pay at least a little for that stuff.

When the deficit doubles or triples, blame it all on Obama. That's how all works. Republicans don't have to fool everyone, only the GOP base. It worked before. They believe it will work again.
Under Bush, when the GOP cuts taxes on the wealthy and ran two completely unnecessary wars, Republicans were able to create an enormous deficit where there weren't any before.

Then, when Obama became president, using the very instrument they created under Bush, the Bush Tax Cuts, they were able to create even more deficit and make the wealthy wealthier by blackmailing Obama into extending the Bush Tax cuts, thereby removing the way to create revenue which would keep the deficit from going up while blaming it all on Obama because he was president.

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says

Republicans cut taxes by trillions, blocked ways to bring in revenue, put two wars on credit card, and then handed the entire sordid mess to Obama and then for the next eight years, blamed it all on him.

And now, Republicans have another insidious plan to double or triple the deficit in the guise of "tax reform" which we all know really means "more tax cuts for the rich". Republicans had some idea of offsetting their tax cuts by taking away healthcare for tens of millions of Americans, except, for now, that has fallen through.

There other option is to just increase the deficit. Double or triple it. This is how it works:

First, give tax cuts to the super rich and corporations. Fool the GOP base into thinking it's all about creating jobs when there are 6 million unfilled jobs now.

U.S. has record 6 million job openings, even as 6.8 million Americans are looking for jobs

Then, go ahead and put the Harvey Hurricane of destruction and the wall on credit card. Then cut taxes, thereby removing the way to bring in revenue to pay at least a little for that stuff.

When the deficit doubles or triples, blame it all on Obama. That's how all works. Republicans don't have to fool everyone, only the GOP base. It worked before. They believe it will work again.

The Bush "tax cuts", which are really just tax rates, were left alone by Obama and a super majority Demoncrat Congress.

The GOP "blackmailed" :rofl:

Then after Dems got their asses kicked in 2010, they decided to go along with extending them again.

"This bill, the president of the United States believes and I believe, will have a positive effect on the economy," said House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (D-Md.). "I will vote for this bill because I don't want to see middle-income working people in America get a tax increase, because I think that will be a depressant on an economy that needs to be lifted up."

Key lawmakers in both parties have embraced a deficit-reduction plan produced by Obama's fiscal commission, which includes a tax overhaul that would lower rates across the board but raise additional revenue by closing dozens of long-standing loopholes, such as the mortgage-interest deduction claimed by many homeowners.

Congress votes to extend Bush-era tax cuts until '12
Under Bush, when the GOP cuts taxes on the wealthy and ran two completely unnecessary wars, Republicans were able to create an enormous deficit where there weren't any before.

Then, when Obama became president, using the very instrument they created under Bush, the Bush Tax Cuts, they were able to create even more deficit and make the wealthy wealthier by blackmailing Obama into extending the Bush Tax cuts, thereby removing the way to create revenue which would keep the deficit from going up while blaming it all on Obama because he was president.

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says

Republicans cut taxes by trillions, blocked ways to bring in revenue, put two wars on credit card, and then handed the entire sordid mess to Obama and then for the next eight years, blamed it all on him.

And now, Republicans have another insidious plan to double or triple the deficit in the guise of "tax reform" which we all know really means "more tax cuts for the rich". Republicans had some idea of offsetting their tax cuts by taking away healthcare for tens of millions of Americans, except, for now, that has fallen through.

There other option is to just increase the deficit. Double or triple it. This is how it works:

First, give tax cuts to the super rich and corporations. Fool the GOP base into thinking it's all about creating jobs when there are 6 million unfilled jobs now.

U.S. has record 6 million job openings, even as 6.8 million Americans are looking for jobs

Then, go ahead and put the Harvey Hurricane of destruction and the wall on credit card. Then cut taxes, thereby removing the way to bring in revenue to pay at least a little for that stuff.

When the deficit doubles or triples, blame it all on Obama. That's how all works. Republicans don't have to fool everyone, only the GOP base. It worked before. They believe it will work again.
/----/ " blackmailing Obama into extending the Bush Tax cuts" I stopped reading at your first lie. How did they blackmail him? If they had that power whey didn't they blackmail him in halting Obozocare and his idiotic USSC nominees? Nah, you are just desperate to give Obozo a free pass no matter what he does. Always someone else's fault. Unless you're calling Obozo a liar, he was 100% on board.
Obama signs bill to extend Bush-era tax cuts for two more years
In remarks before signing the bill, Obama called it "a substantial victory for middle-class families across the country." He added: "They're the ones hardest hit by the recession we've endured. They're the ones who need relief right now."

Obama described the bill as "a package of tax relief that will protect the middle class, that will grow our economy and will create jobs for the American people."
Under Bush, when the GOP cuts taxes on the wealthy and ran two completely unnecessary wars, Republicans were able to create an enormous deficit where there weren't any before.

Then, when Obama became president, using the very instrument they created under Bush, the Bush Tax Cuts, they were able to create even more deficit and make the wealthy wealthier by blackmailing Obama into extending the Bush Tax cuts, thereby removing the way to create revenue which would keep the deficit from going up while blaming it all on Obama because he was president.

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says

Republicans cut taxes by trillions, blocked ways to bring in revenue, put two wars on credit card, and then handed the entire sordid mess to Obama and then for the next eight years, blamed it all on him.

And now, Republicans have another insidious plan to double or triple the deficit in the guise of "tax reform" which we all know really means "more tax cuts for the rich". Republicans had some idea of offsetting their tax cuts by taking away healthcare for tens of millions of Americans, except, for now, that has fallen through.

There other option is to just increase the deficit. Double or triple it. This is how it works:

First, give tax cuts to the super rich and corporations. Fool the GOP base into thinking it's all about creating jobs when there are 6 million unfilled jobs now.

U.S. has record 6 million job openings, even as 6.8 million Americans are looking for jobs

Then, go ahead and put the Harvey Hurricane of destruction and the wall on credit card. Then cut taxes, thereby removing the way to bring in revenue to pay at least a little for that stuff.

When the deficit doubles or triples, blame it all on Obama. That's how all works. Republicans don't have to fool everyone, only the GOP base. It worked before. They believe it will work again.
"Then, go ahead and put the Harvey Hurricane of destruction and the wall on credit card. " /----/ What kind of credit card is it, American Express, Visa, Mastercard? And who get the free air miles and 2% back? You drooling imbecile. DemocRATS invented deficit spending in 1965.
Bernie Sanders Voter.jpg
Under Bush, when the GOP cuts taxes on the wealthy and ran two completely unnecessary wars, Republicans were able to create an enormous deficit where there weren't any before.

Then, when Obama became president, using the very instrument they created under Bush, the Bush Tax Cuts, they were able to create even more deficit and make the wealthy wealthier by blackmailing Obama into extending the Bush Tax cuts, thereby removing the way to create revenue which would keep the deficit from going up while blaming it all on Obama because he was president.

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says

Republicans cut taxes by trillions, blocked ways to bring in revenue, put two wars on credit card, and then handed the entire sordid mess to Obama and then for the next eight years, blamed it all on him.

And now, Republicans have another insidious plan to double or triple the deficit in the guise of "tax reform" which we all know really means "more tax cuts for the rich". Republicans had some idea of offsetting their tax cuts by taking away healthcare for tens of millions of Americans, except, for now, that has fallen through.

There other option is to just increase the deficit. Double or triple it. This is how it works:

First, give tax cuts to the super rich and corporations. Fool the GOP base into thinking it's all about creating jobs when there are 6 million unfilled jobs now.

U.S. has record 6 million job openings, even as 6.8 million Americans are looking for jobs

Then, go ahead and put the Harvey Hurricane of destruction and the wall on credit card. Then cut taxes, thereby removing the way to bring in revenue to pay at least a little for that stuff.

When the deficit doubles or triples, blame it all on Obama. That's how all works. Republicans don't have to fool everyone, only the GOP base. It worked before. They believe it will work again.

Under Bush, when the GOP cuts taxes on the wealthy

Bush cut taxes on everyone.

they were able to create even more deficit and make the wealthy wealthier by blackmailing Obama into extending the Bush Tax cuts

Obama said tax cuts were good for the economy and jobs, but wanted to hike taxes in 2010? Stupid!

Republicans cut taxes by trillions

Yes, they let Americans keep trillions.
Barack "$10 Trillion in new debt" Obama must have switched sides and became a Republican. The parties are always switching side, yanno
If the left cared about the deficit, it wouldn't have seen such a massive increase under Obama. Save your fake outrage for when Donald Trump goes to play golf during a time of crisis.

Reagan tripled the debt as well , same as Bush Jr and now Trump.
If the left cared about the deficit, it wouldn't have seen such a massive increase under Obama. Save your fake outrage for when Donald Trump goes to play golf during a time of crisis.

Reagan tripled the debt as well , same as Bush Jr and now Trump.
Yet Obama was the worst offender. Your deflection also doesn't change the fact that the left is currently whining about debt, and this guy is even calling raising the deficit insidious, yet the 'hero' praised by the left is the worst offender in history. The hypocrisy of it all is... actually totally expected.
Under Bush, when the GOP cuts taxes on the wealthy and ran two completely unnecessary wars, Republicans were able to create an enormous deficit where there weren't any before.

Then, when Obama became president, using the very instrument they created under Bush, the Bush Tax Cuts, they were able to create even more deficit and make the wealthy wealthier by blackmailing Obama into extending the Bush Tax cuts, thereby removing the way to create revenue which would keep the deficit from going up while blaming it all on Obama because he was president.

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says

Republicans cut taxes by trillions, blocked ways to bring in revenue, put two wars on credit card, and then handed the entire sordid mess to Obama and then for the next eight years, blamed it all on him.

And now, Republicans have another insidious plan to double or triple the deficit in the guise of "tax reform" which we all know really means "more tax cuts for the rich". Republicans had some idea of offsetting their tax cuts by taking away healthcare for tens of millions of Americans, except, for now, that has fallen through.

There other option is to just increase the deficit. Double or triple it. This is how it works:

First, give tax cuts to the super rich and corporations. Fool the GOP base into thinking it's all about creating jobs when there are 6 million unfilled jobs now.

U.S. has record 6 million job openings, even as 6.8 million Americans are looking for jobs

Then, go ahead and put the Harvey Hurricane of destruction and the wall on credit card. Then cut taxes, thereby removing the way to bring in revenue to pay at least a little for that stuff.

When the deficit doubles or triples, blame it all on Obama. That's how all works. Republicans don't have to fool everyone, only the GOP base. It worked before. They believe it will work again.

The Bush "tax cuts", which are really just tax rates, were left alone by Obama and a super majority Demoncrat Congress.

The GOP "blackmailed" :rofl:

Then after Dems got their asses kicked in 2010, they decided to go along with extending them again.

"This bill, the president of the United States believes and I believe, will have a positive effect on the economy," said House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (D-Md.). "I will vote for this bill because I don't want to see middle-income working people in America get a tax increase, because I think that will be a depressant on an economy that needs to be lifted up."

Key lawmakers in both parties have embraced a deficit-reduction plan produced by Obama's fiscal commission, which includes a tax overhaul that would lower rates across the board but raise additional revenue by closing dozens of long-standing loopholes, such as the mortgage-interest deduction claimed by many homeowners.

Congress votes to extend Bush-era tax cuts until '12
Hmm, Obama not blackmailed.

GOP says extend the Bush tax cuts.

Obama says no.

GOP says they will block unemployment benefits for millions who lost their jobs under the GOP.

So Obama extends the Bush tax cuts to keep millions from suffering.

But that's NOT blackmail? OK, what is?
Under Bush, when the GOP cuts taxes on the wealthy and ran two completely unnecessary wars, Republicans were able to create an enormous deficit where there weren't any before.

Then, when Obama became president, using the very instrument they created under Bush, the Bush Tax Cuts, they were able to create even more deficit and make the wealthy wealthier by blackmailing Obama into extending the Bush Tax cuts, thereby removing the way to create revenue which would keep the deficit from going up while blaming it all on Obama because he was president.

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says

Republicans cut taxes by trillions, blocked ways to bring in revenue, put two wars on credit card, and then handed the entire sordid mess to Obama and then for the next eight years, blamed it all on him.

And now, Republicans have another insidious plan to double or triple the deficit in the guise of "tax reform" which we all know really means "more tax cuts for the rich". Republicans had some idea of offsetting their tax cuts by taking away healthcare for tens of millions of Americans, except, for now, that has fallen through.

There other option is to just increase the deficit. Double or triple it. This is how it works:

First, give tax cuts to the super rich and corporations. Fool the GOP base into thinking it's all about creating jobs when there are 6 million unfilled jobs now.

U.S. has record 6 million job openings, even as 6.8 million Americans are looking for jobs

Then, go ahead and put the Harvey Hurricane of destruction and the wall on credit card. Then cut taxes, thereby removing the way to bring in revenue to pay at least a little for that stuff.

When the deficit doubles or triples, blame it all on Obama. That's how all works. Republicans don't have to fool everyone, only the GOP base. It worked before. They believe it will work again.

The Bush "tax cuts", which are really just tax rates, were left alone by Obama and a super majority Demoncrat Congress.

The GOP "blackmailed" :rofl:

Then after Dems got their asses kicked in 2010, they decided to go along with extending them again.

"This bill, the president of the United States believes and I believe, will have a positive effect on the economy," said House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (D-Md.). "I will vote for this bill because I don't want to see middle-income working people in America get a tax increase, because I think that will be a depressant on an economy that needs to be lifted up."

Key lawmakers in both parties have embraced a deficit-reduction plan produced by Obama's fiscal commission, which includes a tax overhaul that would lower rates across the board but raise additional revenue by closing dozens of long-standing loopholes, such as the mortgage-interest deduction claimed by many homeowners.

Congress votes to extend Bush-era tax cuts until '12
Hmm, Obama not blackmailed.

GOP says extend the Bush tax cuts.

Obama says no.

GOP says they will block unemployment benefits for millions who lost their jobs under the GOP.

So Obama extends the Bush tax cuts to keep millions from suffering.

But that's NOT blackmail? OK, what is?

Your own party, and the Hussein said raising taxes would be bad for the economy.

Demoncrats had a super majority during the Hussein's first two years, they could had changed the tax rates if they wanted. They didn't because they knew it would train wreck the economy and they would get blamed.

Of course they have no issues trying to raise taxes and train wreck the economy when a Repub is President, that way they get a wrecked economy which is what they want, and they can just blame it on the Republican President.
Under Bush, when the GOP cuts taxes on the wealthy and ran two completely unnecessary wars, Republicans were able to create an enormous deficit where there weren't any before.

Then, when Obama became president, using the very instrument they created under Bush, the Bush Tax Cuts, they were able to create even more deficit and make the wealthy wealthier by blackmailing Obama into extending the Bush Tax cuts, thereby removing the way to create revenue which would keep the deficit from going up while blaming it all on Obama because he was president.

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says

Republicans cut taxes by trillions, blocked ways to bring in revenue, put two wars on credit card, and then handed the entire sordid mess to Obama and then for the next eight years, blamed it all on him.

And now, Republicans have another insidious plan to double or triple the deficit in the guise of "tax reform" which we all know really means "more tax cuts for the rich". Republicans had some idea of offsetting their tax cuts by taking away healthcare for tens of millions of Americans, except, for now, that has fallen through.

There other option is to just increase the deficit. Double or triple it. This is how it works:

First, give tax cuts to the super rich and corporations. Fool the GOP base into thinking it's all about creating jobs when there are 6 million unfilled jobs now.

U.S. has record 6 million job openings, even as 6.8 million Americans are looking for jobs

Then, go ahead and put the Harvey Hurricane of destruction and the wall on credit card. Then cut taxes, thereby removing the way to bring in revenue to pay at least a little for that stuff.

When the deficit doubles or triples, blame it all on Obama. That's how all works. Republicans don't have to fool everyone, only the GOP base. It worked before. They believe it will work again.

The Bush "tax cuts", which are really just tax rates, were left alone by Obama and a super majority Demoncrat Congress.

The GOP "blackmailed" :rofl:

Then after Dems got their asses kicked in 2010, they decided to go along with extending them again.

"This bill, the president of the United States believes and I believe, will have a positive effect on the economy," said House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (D-Md.). "I will vote for this bill because I don't want to see middle-income working people in America get a tax increase, because I think that will be a depressant on an economy that needs to be lifted up."

Key lawmakers in both parties have embraced a deficit-reduction plan produced by Obama's fiscal commission, which includes a tax overhaul that would lower rates across the board but raise additional revenue by closing dozens of long-standing loopholes, such as the mortgage-interest deduction claimed by many homeowners.

Congress votes to extend Bush-era tax cuts until '12
Hmm, Obama not blackmailed.

GOP says extend the Bush tax cuts.

Obama says no.

GOP says they will block unemployment benefits for millions who lost their jobs under the GOP.

So Obama extends the Bush tax cuts to keep millions from suffering.

But that's NOT blackmail? OK, what is?

Your own party, and the Hussein said raising taxes would be bad for the economy.

Demoncrats had a super majority during the Hussein's first two years, they could had changed the tax rates if they wanted. They didn't because they knew it would train wreck the economy and they would get blamed.

Of course they have no issues trying to raise taxes and train wreck the economy when a Repub is President, that way they get a wrecked economy which is what they want, and they can just blame it on the Republican President.
It took Bush 8 years to ruin the economy. We know that for a fact.

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