Do We Need Tax Reform?


Gold Member
Jun 27, 2011
The average American family spent more money on taxes in 2016 than they did on food and clothing, according to a new analysis. cites a recent Bureau of Labor Statistics study that showed the following:
  • American households spent an average of $10,489 on local, state, and federal taxes last year.
  • They spent $7,203 on food and $1,803 on clothing in 2016.
  • The average tax bill increased from $7,423 in 2013 to $10,489 in 2016.
  • The only household expense higher than taxes last year was housing, which averaged $18,886. That figure includes mortgage and rent payments, utilities, and other related costs.
Any reason to believe their tax scheme will do anything for the average household, or will it all go to the rich guys?
The non-fascist left has never seen a dollar they didn't want the government to confiscate.
All these neo-cons demand tax reform while trying to increase funding for 800 bases in over 70 countries and 7 massive naval fleets floating around the world.
The average American family spent more money on taxes in 2016 than they did on food and clothing, according to a new analysis. cites a recent Bureau of Labor Statistics study that showed the following:
  • American households spent an average of $10,489 on local, state, and federal taxes last year.
  • They spent $7,203 on food and $1,803 on clothing in 2016.
  • The average tax bill increased from $7,423 in 2013 to $10,489 in 2016.
  • The only household expense higher than taxes last year was housing, which averaged $18,886. That figure includes mortgage and rent payments, utilities, and other related costs.

So the average tax bill increased by $3K...well, isn't that skewed upward because of taxes on the wealthy? How much did the average tax bill increase without factoring in the 1%?
Any reason to believe their tax scheme will do anything for the average household, or will it all go to the rich guys?

Since all Conservative tax reform proposals are the same, the goal is to shower the wealthy in tax breaks because Conservatives think they will "trickle down". Even though nothing has trickled down, ever. Even though the entire premise of their economic ideology is a load of fantastical horseshit that relies on faith. So "tax reform" is just another attempt at upward wealth redistribution.
I think it stinks that some big corps and the mega-rich get away with paying nothing or next to nothing. Taint right. Gotta be limits to deductions no matter what it's for, and also an overall limit to a certain % of your income. And one other thing, if you're going to provide healthcare for all then everybody needs to be paying for it.
The average American family spent more money on taxes in 2016 than they did on food and clothing, according to a new analysis. cites a recent Bureau of Labor Statistics study that showed the following:
  • American households spent an average of $10,489 on local, state, and federal taxes last year.
  • They spent $7,203 on food and $1,803 on clothing in 2016.
  • The average tax bill increased from $7,423 in 2013 to $10,489 in 2016.
  • The only household expense higher than taxes last year was housing, which averaged $18,886. That figure includes mortgage and rent payments, utilities, and other related costs.

So the average tax bill increased by $3K...well, isn't that skewed upward because of taxes on the wealthy? How much did the average tax bill increase without factoring in the 1%?
Sorry ---- you're discussing the "mean" tax bill --- not the "average" tax bill.
All these neo-cons demand tax reform while trying to increase funding for 800 bases in over 70 countries and 7 massive naval fleets floating around the world.
yep who needs a military to defend against
North Korea. The world is basically a peaceful place anyway!! See why we are positive that liberalism is based in pure ignorance? Is any other conclusion possible?

Since all Conservative tax reform proposals are the same, the goal is to shower the wealthy in tax breaks.

goofy lie typical of the liberal IQ. Top 1% pay 42% of taxes not 1% as they should. Giving them a tax break down to 39% is not showering them with tax breaks. The tax breaks have gone to the bottom 50% who pay negative taxes ie they get more money than they are taxed . 1+1=2
Even though the entire premise of their economic ideology is a load of fantastical horseshit that relies on faith.
faith??? A child can understand that in a free country everyone pays the same in supermarket or for govt. Constitution does not allow discrimination against blacks or rich

moreover, a child can understand that when violent liberals steal money at gunpoint they are stealing money from the exact people who know how to invest it best for societies benefit. Jeff Bezos said the most important $50,000 of his life was the $50,000 he didn't have to start Amazon!
So "tax reform" is just another attempt at upward wealth redistribution.

reforming corporate tax from 42% to 12% is about bring back 20 million jobs that went to China. Do you know they do most of the world's manufacturing now? Ts been in all
the papers.
????how did 100 million Americans get smart phone super computer toys in their pockets at $140/month if they didn't trickle down?

Not because of trickle-down. Because of credit.

you don't give that kind of credit to someone unless he has a good job to make the payments. If 100 million Americans have credit for phones cars houses etc a ton is trickling down. Brainless liberal defeated himself!!
????how did 100 million Americans get smart phone super computer toys in their pockets at $140/month if they didn't trickle down?

Not because of trickle-down. Because of credit.

you don't give that kind of credit to someone unless he has a good job to make the payments. If 100 million Americans have credit for phones cars houses etc a ton is trickling down. Brainless liberal defeated himself!!
- ask Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac how giving credit to those who can't afford it works out.
????how did 100 million Americans get smart phone super computer toys in their pockets at $140/month if they didn't trickle down?

Not because of trickle-down. Because of credit.

you don't give that kind of credit to someone unless he has a good job to make the payments. If 100 million Americans have credit for phones cars houses etc a ton is trickling down. Brainless liberal defeated himself!!
- ask Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac how giving credit to those who can't afford it works out.
If you're gse like fan/Fred it works out fine if you're private it means bankruptcy. Republican capitalism is self correcting.
goofy lie typical of the liberal IQ. Top 1% pay 42% of taxes not 1% as they should. Giving them a tax break down to 39% is not showering them with tax breaks. The tax breaks have gone to the bottom 50% who pay negative taxes ie they get more money than they are taxed . 1+1=2

How is it you know so much but are still so ignorant? The people with "negative taxes" have kids and are predominately single parents. Without kids, no negative taxes. Without kids, lower-income workers often pay a higher percentage to the feds than the mega-rich do, once you factor in the effective income tax rate for the mega-rich and the super-regressive payroll taxes on income.

Yeah, the poor pay a greater percentage of their income to the feds than billionaires. So, f1ck you and the Tea Pparty idiots who run around demanding tax cuts for the rich, while whining about the tax burden on the rich who are forced down to only six mansions instead of seven because of the their tax hardship.
All these neo-cons demand tax reform while trying to increase funding for 800 bases in over 70 countries and 7 massive naval fleets floating around the world.

If we limited our government spending to the things outlined by the constitution, we could triple the number of bases, double our military, and still have money left over to pay down debt, and cut taxes at the same time.

First you stop wasting money on programs that harm more than help, are not constitutional anyway.... then we'll talk about the military.
Any reason to believe their tax scheme will do anything for the average household, or will it all go to the rich guys?

Since all Conservative tax reform proposals are the same, the goal is to shower the wealthy in tax breaks because Conservatives think they will "trickle down". Even though nothing has trickled down, ever. Even though the entire premise of their economic ideology is a load of fantastical horseshit that relies on faith. So "tax reform" is just another attempt at upward wealth redistribution.

First off, I think income tax should be illegal. Rich or poor, I'm against an income tax. It's wrong to take from the people who earn. Period.

Second, everything does trickle down. Every single job in existence in this entire country, is due to trickle down.

Every single thing you own of value, every service you get that you use and enjoy, is wealth that trickled down to you from the rich and wealthy.

Trickle down is how the entire world works.

There is no need at "upward wealth redistribution". The wealthy already pay more tax than all other groups combined.

Moreover, it's not redistribution. A tax cut, isn't a redistribution of wealth, anymore than a mugger stealing your wallet, but leaving you $5 to get a taxi home, means the mugger was redistributing wealth to you.

Spouting mindless stupidity, is dumb. Cut it out.

If a tax cut is 'redistribution" then the standard deduction for the lowest income earners is the biggest redistribution of wealth to the poor in the entire world. Think before you speak. Use your brain.

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