The Dishonest Creationist Tactic of 'Quote Mining'

Yes PoliticalChick tried a whole ANTI-VAX/anti-science thread under the False Pretense of Eisenhower's famous anti-Military-Industrial complex speech!
With mixed and matched meaningless quotes and conspiracy websites.

Her Second ANTI-VAX (and anti-mask) attempt after he Failed First I busted

Was Eisenhower against Vaccines? (which came into Universal use in the 1950s)

But that's what the DISHONEST POS PoliticalChick tried to make it look like.

She's a DISHONEST and Dangerous anti-science, Right Wing, Creationist, ConspiracYst.

OUTED again.

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Yes PoliticalChick tried a whole ANTI-VAX/anti-science thread under the False Pretense of Eisenhower's famous anti-Military-Industrial complex speech!
With mixed and matched meaningless quotes and conspiracy websites.

Her Second ANTI-VAX (and anti-mask) attempt after he Failed First I busted

Was Eisenhower against Vaccines? (which came into Universal use in the 1950s)

But that's what the DISHONEST POS PoliticalChick tried to make it look like.

She's a DISHONEST and Dangerous anti-science, Right Wing, Creationist, ConspiracYst.

OUTED again.


I relish the fear I engender in this sort of poster.
The serial plagiarist should stick to topics it understands. These topics do not include any scientific topic or political science topic.
The serial plagiarist should stick to topics it understands. These topics do not include any scientific topic or political science topic.

I know your sort can't post without you can't find a single example of me ever plagiarizing.

But every Liberal poster lies incessantly: You quote Obama, MSNBC, the NYTimes, the DNC.....all of the talking points never giving credit to the source of the propaganda.
I know your sort can't post without you can't find a single example of me ever plagiarizing.

But every Liberal poster lies incessantly: You quote Obama, MSNBC, the NYTimes, the DNC.....all of the talking points never giving credit to the source of the propaganda.
And you try to debunk the most robust scientific theory in history by puking kweationist copypastas on a message board. What a clown.
I don't have to prove anything to anyone. Everyone here realized you are serial plagiarist after reading one or two posts. Now, nobody reads any of your posts.

Actually, what you have proven is that I never do as you claimed....lied about.

It's the technique of the Left, the Democrats......lie about opponents.

By challenging you to provide same......I pulverized you and yours.
Actually, what you have proven is that I never do as you claimed....lied about.
There you go. Stick to your whining and self-soothing. this whole 'trying to talk about science" thing isn't working out for you. I mean, seriously. You have embarrassed yourself off the planet with your moronic science posts. You don't even belong in this section.
There you go. Stick to your whining and self-soothing. this whole 'trying to talk about science" thing isn't working out for you. I mean, seriously. You have embarrassed yourself off the planet with your moronic science posts. You don't even belong in this section.

Any examples of plagiarizing yet????

Not yet?

Keep lookin'.....
Seymour Flops said:
I've been criticised on this forum for arguing with other posters about Darwinism while not taking a stance by stating some replacement for Darwinism. So here are my thoughts:

1) There is evidence of a designer in life on Earth. That evidence is what reknowned Darwinist Richard Dawkins calls ""appearance of design.""

Lying as usual. Flops Fraud #327.
This is just classic Quote mining, a way of Lying.
Short quoting or quoting out of context.

3 words is NOT a "quote," it's a snippet that obviously had surroundings, and even suggests the real quote is something contrary like "Despite the appearance of design, there is none."
and in fact that is what we have!!

“Biology is the study of complicated things that give the appearance of having been designed for a purpose.” {Richard Dawkins, The Blind Watchmaker, 1996, p. 1}
He even uses the word "overwhelming":
“Natural selection is the blind watchmaker, blind because it does Not see ahead, does Not plan consequences, has NO purpose in view. Yet the living results of Natural Selection overwhelmingly impress us with the ILLUSION of design and planning.” {Richard Dawkins, The Blind Watchmaker, 1996, p. 21.}


Lying as usual. Flops Fraud #327.
This is just classic Quote mining, a way of Lying.
Short quoting or quoting out of context.

3 words is NOT a "quote," it's a snippet that obviously had surroundings, and even suggests the real quote is something contrary like "Despite the appearance of design, there is none."
and in fact that is what we have!!

“Biology is the study of complicated things that give the appearance of having been designed for a purpose.” {Richard Dawkins, The Blind Watchmaker, 1996, p. 1}
He even uses the word "overwhelming":
“Natural selection is the blind watchmaker, blind because it does Not see ahead, does Not plan consequences, has NO purpose in view. Yet the living results of Natural Selection overwhelmingly impress us with the ILLUSION of design and planning.” {Richard Dawkins, The Blind Watchmaker, 1996, p. 21.}

You moved my quote over to your thread, that hasn't gotten as many replies in 18 months as one of mine gets in 18 days? Is this supposed to be some creative way to bump your lame thread?

You little sneak! :auiqs.jpg:

If you hate "quote mining," (otherwise known as "quoting someone,") so much, then tell your cult leaders like Dawkins to stop spouting off with quotes that support intelligent design theory.

Just answer the simple question: Is there appearance of design in life on Earth, or not?
“Biologists must constantly
keep in mind that what they
see was not designed, but
rather evolved.”
Francis Crick

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