The Difference Between Conservatives and Liberals

Are you pretending your bastardization of the OP is somehow original? :lol:

Well, the fact that he came up with it himself means that it's more original than the OP, which is copypasta from a conservo-spam mailing list....

But he didn't come up with it himself. He told a blond joke and used "brunette" instead.

It's not even a joke. It's stupid. You predicted people would disagree then when you did you were like "lolz look they disagreed I was right they're so predictable".

And you never posted a counter argument to their accusations.
This sums it up pretty well.
If a conservative doesn't like guns, he doesn't buy one.
If a liberal doesn't like guns, he wants all guns outlawed.

If a conservative is a vegetarian, he doesn't eat meat.
If a liberal is a vegetarian, he wants all meat products banned for everyone.

If a conservative is homosexual, he quietly leads his life.
If a liberal is homosexual, he demands legislated respect.

If a conservative is down-and-out, he thinks about how to better his situation.
A liberal wonders who is going to take care of him.

If a conservative doesn't like a talk show host, he switches channels.
Liberals demand that those they don't like be shut down.

If a conservative is a non-believer, he doesn't go to church.
A liberal non-believer wants any mention of God and religion silenced. (Unless it's a Muslim!!!)

If a conservative decides he needs health care, he goes about shopping for it, or may choose a job that provides it.
A liberal demands that the rest of us pay for his.

If a conservative reads this, he'll forward it so his friends can have a good laugh.
A liberal will cry like a bitch because he is "offended"

1. I own a gun and no one hear will claim I am a conservative. What we are against is felons able to get their hands on guns. Actually how about any violent criminal? But yes no gun control so that the a gang of criminals can legally buy AK-47s and three of them break into your house and you face off with them with your hunting rifle. But obviously, you will win. Riiiiiiight.

2. Extreme groups do. I actually like meat and graduated with an Agriculture degree. I believe in Animal Welfare because it is good business and makes better meat.

3. So someone should not be who they are, they should hide it. I am a Kansas City Royals fan, should I hide it? Alot of gay people already hide it. You could work with someone who is gay and not know. Why should people hide who they are?

4. Really? I doubt it. Many still filed for unemployment that they paid into. So why should they not claim it? A lot of my conservative friends filed for unemployment when they were laid off through no fault of their own. So big lie there.

5. Well when they produce lies, they are not helpful in the discussion. For instance, Glenn Beck called the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America COMMUNIST!!! Are u kidding me? These people are such liars and hypocrites. You can watch what you want, but just like conservatives try to shut down SEIU, Tides Foundation and ACORN. We can try to shut down Fox News. The problem is the former is actually helpful to society not the latter.

6. What about respect for other people's beliefs. We should approve any Christian Church but we must protest every Mosque because that is what a true patriot does? C'mon. Thomas Jefferson believed in separation of church and state. The government should be separate from Religion. That includes public schools. Respect to Jews, Muslims, Atheists, everybody. PERIOD. That's a non-starter in a free country.

7. So we should just pay whatever the insurance company tells us to pay, and take whatever care they decide to give us? You know with the new healthcare bill, people aren't stuck with just one expensive plan, they can actually have a marketplace to get the best deal to lower their costs. But that would be against your arguement that democrats don't help anyone.

So if you call being proven wrong "offended" well this might offend you.

This sums it up pretty well.
If a conservative doesn't like guns, he doesn't buy one.
If a liberal doesn't like guns, he wants all guns outlawed.

If a conservative is a vegetarian, he doesn't eat meat.
If a liberal is a vegetarian, he wants all meat products banned for everyone.

If a conservative is homosexual, he quietly leads his life.
If a liberal is homosexual, he demands legislated respect.

If a conservative is down-and-out, he thinks about how to better his situation.
A liberal wonders who is going to take care of him.

If a conservative doesn't like a talk show host, he switches channels.
Liberals demand that those they don't like be shut down.

If a conservative is a non-believer, he doesn't go to church.
A liberal non-believer wants any mention of God and religion silenced. (Unless it's a Muslim!!!)

If a conservative decides he needs health care, he goes about shopping for it, or may choose a job that provides it.
A liberal demands that the rest of us pay for his.

If a conservative reads this, he'll forward it so his friends can have a good laugh.
A liberal will cry like a bitch because he is "offended"

1. I own a gun and no one hear will claim I am a conservative. What we are against is felons able to get their hands on guns. Actually how about any violent criminal? But yes no gun control so that the a gang of criminals can legally buy AK-47s and three of them break into your house and you face off with them with your hunting rifle. But obviously, you will win. Riiiiiiight.
You are merely exercising your right as a human, as a citizen. Political leaning has zero to do with it.

2. Extreme groups do. I actually like meat and graduated with an Agriculture degree. I believe in Animal Welfare because it is good business and makes better meat.
So you are a member of PETA [People Eating Tasty Animals] Rightous, DUDE!
3. So someone should not be who they are, they should hide it. I am a Kansas City Royals fan, should I hide it? Alot of gay people already hide it. You could work with someone who is gay and not know. Why should people hide who they are?
That's the point. Many do because of their need to be accepted...and you missed it.
4. Really? I doubt it. Many still filed for unemployment that they paid into. So why should they not claim it? A lot of my conservative friends filed for unemployment when they were laid off through no fault of their own. So big lie there.
No lie there. Liberals use the power of government to get what they want no matter whom it affects. And speaking of effects... We see the fruits of their labour...unwilling to do for themselves...but quite willing to demand the imperial FED to do it for them.
5. Well when they produce lies, they are not helpful in the discussion. For instance, Glenn Beck called the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America COMMUNIST!!! Are u kidding me? These people are such liars and hypocrites. You can watch what you want, but just like conservatives try to shut down SEIU, Tides Foundation and ACORN. We can try to shut down Fox News. The problem is the former is actually helpful to society not the latter.
So you hate Glenn Beck. What else is new for a Statist as yourself that can't handle the truth of those you support?
6. What about respect for other people's beliefs. We should approve any Christian Church but we must protest every Mosque because that is what a true patriot does? C'mon. Thomas Jefferson believed in separation of church and state. The government should be separate from Religion. That includes public schools. Respect to Jews, Muslims, Atheists, everybody. PERIOD. That's a non-starter in a free country.
Thing is again *YOU DON'T* Therefore you use the power of the Imperial FED to force it on the unwilling.

7. So we should just pay whatever the insurance company tells us to pay, and take whatever care they decide to give us? You know with the new healthcare bill, people aren't stuck with just one expensive plan, they can actually have a marketplace to get the best deal to lower their costs. But that would be against your arguement that democrats don't help anyone.
No use the power of the FED to tell companies how they must conduct themselves instead of not patronizing companies you don't wish to do business with. So much for the free market place eh?

So if you call being proven wrong "offended" well this might offend you.

I personally am not offended as your post portends YOU to be...but then it's quite alright for you to offend with no consequence...and If *I* haven't been too offensive? Shame on me :asshole:
It's pretty hard to generalize between conservatives and liberals unless its over foreign policy or political parties, mainly because there are plenty of sell outs and hypocrites on all sides of the spectrum. The main thing I find that separates liberals is that many give themselves a moral high ground over civil or political rights, and conservatives give themselves a moral high ground over religion. It pisses me off when Michael Moore for example earns millions of dollars, calls himself a socialist and doesn't donate a cent to the people of flint (which he demeans in virtually every movie he has made) and others in need he claims to care about. If you were talk about a bad case on the right you can find plenty of wall street economists and politicians claiming to be be Christian and simultaneously taking advantage of people, putting money before the country and the people, as well as advocating a free market while building market monopolies and crushing small businesses.
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It's pretty hard to generalize between conservatives and liberals unless its over foreign policy or political parties, mainly because there are plenty of sell outs and hypocrites on all sides of the spectrum. The main thing I find that separates liberals is that many give themselves a moral high ground over civil or political rights, and conservatives give themselves a moral high ground over religion. It pisses me off when Michael Moore for example earns millions of dollars, calls himself a socialist and doesn't donate a cent to the people of flint (which he demeans in virtually every movie he has made) and others in need he claims to care about. If you were talk about a bad case on the right you can find plenty of wall street economists and politicians claiming to be be Christian and simultaneously taking advantage of people, putting money before the country and the people, as well as advocating a free market while building market monopolies and crushing small businesses.
I say the main thing that separates Libs from CON$ is CON$ will SHAMELESSLY lie about anyone.

Everything Roger & Me — Official Unofficial Roger & Me Museum

When the film began to generate buzz on the film festival circuit, people smelled something in the air, and it wasn’t the paint fumes from the GM Truck plant. Major studios began to make offers. A few grand, then a few hundred grand, then millions. For a documentary about laid-off autoworkers. In 1989.

Flint was no strange to history-making, from the Great Flint Sit-Down Strike, to appointing one of the very first black mayors in America, to the first open-housing ordinance. Flint had been on the national radar before but here was a blip that came at 24 frames per second and attracting sell-out crowds wherever it went.

When the bidding war ended, Roger & Me was sold to Warner Brothers for $3 million, and Moore immediately setup a foundation to help artists like himself get their first start. He’s since given over $750,000 to Flint-area charities and foundations.
It's pretty hard to generalize between conservatives and liberals unless its over foreign policy or political parties, mainly because there are plenty of sell outs and hypocrites on all sides of the spectrum. The main thing I find that separates liberals is that many give themselves a moral high ground over civil or political rights, and conservatives give themselves a moral high ground over religion. It pisses me off when Michael Moore for example earns millions of dollars, calls himself a socialist and doesn't donate a cent to the people of flint (which he demeans in virtually every movie he has made) and others in need he claims to care about. If you were talk about a bad case on the right you can find plenty of wall street economists and politicians claiming to be be Christian and simultaneously taking advantage of people, putting money before the country and the people, as well as advocating a free market while building market monopolies and crushing small businesses.
I say the main thing that separates Libs from CON$ is CON$ will SHAMELESSLY lie about anyone.

Everything Roger & Me — Official Unofficial Roger & Me Museum

When the film began to generate buzz on the film festival circuit, people smelled something in the air, and it wasn’t the paint fumes from the GM Truck plant. Major studios began to make offers. A few grand, then a few hundred grand, then millions. For a documentary about laid-off autoworkers. In 1989.

Flint was no strange to history-making, from the Great Flint Sit-Down Strike, to appointing one of the very first black mayors in America, to the first open-housing ordinance. Flint had been on the national radar before but here was a blip that came at 24 frames per second and attracting sell-out crowds wherever it went.

When the bidding war ended, Roger & Me was sold to Warner Brothers for $3 million, and Moore immediately setup a foundation to help artists like himself get their first start. He’s since given over $750,000 to Flint-area charities and foundations.
Only $750,000 and he has earned 10s of millions, I thought there would be no poverty there after all his ranting.

"I'm a millionaire, I'm a multi-millionaire. I'm filthy rich. You know why I'm a multi-millionaire? 'Cause multi-millions like what I do. That's pretty good, isn't it?"
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It's pretty hard to generalize between conservatives and liberals unless its over foreign policy or political parties, mainly because there are plenty of sell outs and hypocrites on all sides of the spectrum. The main thing I find that separates liberals is that many give themselves a moral high ground over civil or political rights, and conservatives give themselves a moral high ground over religion. It pisses me off when Michael Moore for example earns millions of dollars, calls himself a socialist and doesn't donate a cent to the people of flint (which he demeans in virtually every movie he has made) and others in need he claims to care about. If you were talk about a bad case on the right you can find plenty of wall street economists and politicians claiming to be be Christian and simultaneously taking advantage of people, putting money before the country and the people, as well as advocating a free market while building market monopolies and crushing small businesses.
I say the main thing that separates Libs from CON$ is CON$ will SHAMELESSLY lie about anyone.

Everything Roger & Me — Official Unofficial Roger & Me Museum

When the film began to generate buzz on the film festival circuit, people smelled something in the air, and it wasn’t the paint fumes from the GM Truck plant. Major studios began to make offers. A few grand, then a few hundred grand, then millions. For a documentary about laid-off autoworkers. In 1989.

Flint was no strange to history-making, from the Great Flint Sit-Down Strike, to appointing one of the very first black mayors in America, to the first open-housing ordinance. Flint had been on the national radar before but here was a blip that came at 24 frames per second and attracting sell-out crowds wherever it went.

When the bidding war ended, Roger & Me was sold to Warner Brothers for $3 million, and Moore immediately setup a foundation to help artists like himself get their first start. He’s since given over $750,000 to Flint-area charities and foundations.
Only $750,000 and he has earned 10s of millions, I thought there would be no poverty there after all his ranting.

"I'm a millionaire, I'm a multi-millionaire. I'm filthy rich. You know why I'm a multi-millionaire? 'Cause multi-millions like what I do. That's pretty good, isn't it?"
Michael Moore : EXPOSED!
"Only $750,000" is a hell of a lot more than "doesn't donate a cent," but as a CON$ervative you can't admit you were WRONG!

After discredditing yourself, why should anyone believe anything you now say about Moore, of whom you obviously are insanely jealous?
I say the main thing that separates Libs from CON$ is CON$ will SHAMELESSLY lie about anyone.

Everything Roger & Me — Official Unofficial Roger & Me Museum

When the film began to generate buzz on the film festival circuit, people smelled something in the air, and it wasn’t the paint fumes from the GM Truck plant. Major studios began to make offers. A few grand, then a few hundred grand, then millions. For a documentary about laid-off autoworkers. In 1989.

Flint was no strange to history-making, from the Great Flint Sit-Down Strike, to appointing one of the very first black mayors in America, to the first open-housing ordinance. Flint had been on the national radar before but here was a blip that came at 24 frames per second and attracting sell-out crowds wherever it went.

When the bidding war ended, Roger & Me was sold to Warner Brothers for $3 million, and Moore immediately setup a foundation to help artists like himself get their first start. He’s since given over $750,000 to Flint-area charities and foundations.
Only $750,000 and he has earned 10s of millions, I thought there would be no poverty there after all his ranting.

"I'm a millionaire, I'm a multi-millionaire. I'm filthy rich. You know why I'm a multi-millionaire? 'Cause multi-millions like what I do. That's pretty good, isn't it?"
Michael Moore : EXPOSED!
"Only $750,000" is a hell of a lot more than "doesn't donate a cent*," but as a CON$ervative you can't admit you were WRONG!

After discredditing yourself, why should anyone believe anything you now say about Moore, of whom you obviously are insanely jealous?
Let's have you explain the Cuban health system first, he's your idol after all.

*Oh no, one statistical error entirely discredits a person (which case every economist, politician, and writer in existence will have to leave their jobs and kill themselves for getting a math test question wrong). I am sure you believed in mistakes, you heard from other people. :rolleyes:


were nowhere to be found on the lists of Academy Awards nominees released last week. And despite his commercial success, the Writers Guild omitted Moore from consideration for its first list of documentary writing award nominees. The only award Moore received was from a gun rights group highlighting his hypocrisy after a bodyguard for this maker of the 2003 Academy Award-winning anti-gun Bowling for Columbine got arrested in New York City for carrying a handgun not licensed there.
Hypocrisy is nothing new for Michael Moore, nor the Hollywood Left. But Hollywood makes its money by anticipating which way the winds are blowing. By distancing itself from this self-aggrandizing egomaniac, Tinsel Town may be signaling that America’s cultural winds are shifting away from the Loony Left.

So who is Michael Moore, this multi-millionaire filmmaker and author of several books, who has been called “the Left’s only well-known shock jock,” compared by Christopher Hitchens to socialist Adolf Hitler’s film propagandist Leni Riefenstahl?

Michael Moore is his own fictional character, a self-written being who soon will require another rewrite if his lucrative fantasy career is to survive.

Moore’s production company, aptly named, is Dog Eat Dog Films. His agent Ariel “Ari” Emanuel is brother of Congressman Rahm Emanuel, D-IL, chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and a former White House operative for President Bill Clinton.

Michael Moore never was a “working class boy from Flint, Michigan,” as he pretends. He was born on April 23, 1954, in Davison, Michigan, a lily-white upper-middle class suburb 10 miles east of Flint, where his father Frank assembled AC spark plugs, and his mother was a clerk-secretary for General Motors (GM).

Discredit that bitch. :tongue:
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It's pretty hard to generalize between conservatives and liberals unless its over foreign policy or political parties, mainly because there are plenty of sell outs and hypocrites on all sides of the spectrum. The main thing I find that separates liberals is that many give themselves a moral high ground over civil or political rights, and conservatives give themselves a moral high ground over religion. It pisses me off when Michael Moore for example earns millions of dollars, calls himself a socialist and doesn't donate a cent to the people of flint (which he demeans in virtually every movie he has made) and others in need he claims to care about. If you were talk about a bad case on the right you can find plenty of wall street economists and politicians claiming to be be Christian and simultaneously taking advantage of people, putting money before the country and the people, as well as advocating a free market while building market monopolies and crushing small businesses.

You might not believe this, I kind of agree. He should create jobs with his money but he doesn't. He isn't against Capitalism per se, he is against manipulated capitalism in which the bankers all manipulate the market in their favor instead of letting the invisible hand of the market determine it.

But he does try to represent Michigan and stand up for the blue coller workers.
It's pretty hard to generalize between conservatives and liberals unless its over foreign policy or political parties, mainly because there are plenty of sell outs and hypocrites on all sides of the spectrum. The main thing I find that separates liberals is that many give themselves a moral high ground over civil or political rights, and conservatives give themselves a moral high ground over religion. It pisses me off when Michael Moore for example earns millions of dollars, calls himself a socialist and doesn't donate a cent to the people of flint (which he demeans in virtually every movie he has made) and others in need he claims to care about. If you were talk about a bad case on the right you can find plenty of wall street economists and politicians claiming to be be Christian and simultaneously taking advantage of people, putting money before the country and the people, as well as advocating a free market while building market monopolies and crushing small businesses.

You might not believe this, I kind of agree. He should create jobs with his money but he doesn't. He isn't against Capitalism per se, he is against manipulated capitalism in which the bankers all manipulate the market in their favor instead of letting the invisible hand of the market determine it.

But he does try to represent Michigan and stand up for the blue coller workers.
Doesn't mean he honestly makes a difference, he calls himself a socialist, and he is against capitalism. From his own mouth:
I prefer Stalin's Russia (it actually worked, it made everyone lower middle class) to Moore's vision of a new America (which will leave everyone bankrupt and destitute without jobs in Flint because there would be no weapons companies). :lol:
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Only $750,000 and he has earned 10s of millions, I thought there would be no poverty there after all his ranting.

"I'm a millionaire, I'm a multi-millionaire. I'm filthy rich. You know why I'm a multi-millionaire? 'Cause multi-millions like what I do. That's pretty good, isn't it?"
Michael Moore : EXPOSED!
"Only $750,000" is a hell of a lot more than "doesn't donate a cent*," but as a CON$ervative you can't admit you were WRONG!

After discredditing yourself, why should anyone believe anything you now say about Moore, of whom you obviously are insanely jealous?
Let's have you explain the Cuban health system first, he's your idol after all.

*Oh no, one statistical error entirely discredits a person (which case every economist, politician, and writer in existence will have to leave their jobs and kill themselves for getting a math test question wrong). I am sure you believed in mistakes, you heard from other people. :rolleyes:


were nowhere to be found on the lists of Academy Awards nominees released last week. And despite his commercial success, the Writers Guild omitted Moore from consideration for its first list of documentary writing award nominees. The only award Moore received was from a gun rights group highlighting his hypocrisy after a bodyguard for this maker of the 2003 Academy Award-winning anti-gun Bowling for Columbine got arrested in New York City for carrying a handgun not licensed there.
Hypocrisy is nothing new for Michael Moore, nor the Hollywood Left. But Hollywood makes its money by anticipating which way the winds are blowing. By distancing itself from this self-aggrandizing egomaniac, Tinsel Town may be signaling that America’s cultural winds are shifting away from the Loony Left.

So who is Michael Moore, this multi-millionaire filmmaker and author of several books, who has been called “the Left’s only well-known shock jock,” compared by Christopher Hitchens to socialist Adolf Hitler’s film propagandist Leni Riefenstahl?

Michael Moore is his own fictional character, a self-written being who soon will require another rewrite if his lucrative fantasy career is to survive.

Moore’s production company, aptly named, is Dog Eat Dog Films. His agent Ariel “Ari” Emanuel is brother of Congressman Rahm Emanuel, D-IL, chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and a former White House operative for President Bill Clinton.

Michael Moore never was a “working class boy from Flint, Michigan,” as he pretends. He was born on April 23, 1954, in Davison, Michigan, a lily-white upper-middle class suburb 10 miles east of Flint, where his father Frank assembled AC spark plugs, and his mother was a clerk-secretary for General Motors (GM).

FrontPage Magazine - The Fraud "From Flint"

Discredit that bitch. :tongue:

Alright this is where we won't agree. He said that Cuba has two different healthcare systems. One for the rich and one for everyone else right?

Thats America. Remember Cadillac plans? Yeah different care for different people. Healthcare is good in this country. BUT its terribly inefficient and expensive and one of the worst healthcare SYSTEMS. That is the problem. The problem that has led healthcare CEOs to make a HALF A BILLION dollars by not provding care, but to actually find statistics on what care they actually give? No thats not right. Statistics should be reported and judged. Every single one.

It's pretty hard to generalize between conservatives and liberals unless its over foreign policy or political parties, mainly because there are plenty of sell outs and hypocrites on all sides of the spectrum. The main thing I find that separates liberals is that many give themselves a moral high ground over civil or political rights, and conservatives give themselves a moral high ground over religion. It pisses me off when Michael Moore for example earns millions of dollars, calls himself a socialist and doesn't donate a cent to the people of flint (which he demeans in virtually every movie he has made) and others in need he claims to care about. If you were talk about a bad case on the right you can find plenty of wall street economists and politicians claiming to be be Christian and simultaneously taking advantage of people, putting money before the country and the people, as well as advocating a free market while building market monopolies and crushing small businesses.
I say the main thing that separates Libs from CON$ is CON$ will SHAMELESSLY lie about anyone.

Everything Roger & Me — Official Unofficial Roger & Me Museum

When the film began to generate buzz on the film festival circuit, people smelled something in the air, and it wasn’t the paint fumes from the GM Truck plant. Major studios began to make offers. A few grand, then a few hundred grand, then millions. For a documentary about laid-off autoworkers. In 1989.

Flint was no strange to history-making, from the Great Flint Sit-Down Strike, to appointing one of the very first black mayors in America, to the first open-housing ordinance. Flint had been on the national radar before but here was a blip that came at 24 frames per second and attracting sell-out crowds wherever it went.

When the bidding war ended, Roger & Me was sold to Warner Brothers for $3 million, and Moore immediately setup a foundation to help artists like himself get their first start. He’s since given over $750,000 to Flint-area charities and foundations.

Flint, I have been in Flint. 77-81, I remember when DOW chemical company got busted dumping tens of thousands of gallons of toxic waste in Swartz creek, of course General Motors had dumped toxic waste in Swartz creek for years.

At night the crime was out of control, literally. I managed no major incidents but as a teenager working with a couple hillbillies from Kentucky we would stand up to a lot of different people, white, black, and mexican. We reported some stuff to the police, they liked us, on one occasion they suggest we run some people off the road into a tree, a group we had repeated problems with.

Michigan is surprisingly Old School Democrat, at least then, now its Liberal green energy. I remember when General Motors tried to expand and everyone fought General Motor, lawyers, environmentalist, even the ordinary people.

Most people moved out of Flint and Detroit a long time ago. The neglect is affirmative action. The neglect is people with zero experience, false ideas of the USA, in the middle of the class war, so many tiny things to add up and make Detroit and Flint.

Maybe if the liberal democrats of Michigan cracked down on crime, serious penalties.

Detroit had the sixth largest economy in the world, the worlds largest heavy industry center.


Still people live outside Detroit and Flint, on nice pieces of land that were part of farms, nice old fashion american towns. People fled the crime of Flint and Detroit.

Blame who you like but the people who did this are young African Americans.


  • $detroit 1.JPG
    $detroit 1.JPG
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"Only $750,000" is a hell of a lot more than "doesn't donate a cent*," but as a CON$ervative you can't admit you were WRONG!

After discredditing yourself, why should anyone believe anything you now say about Moore, of whom you obviously are insanely jealous?
Let's have you explain the Cuban health system first, he's your idol after all.

*Oh no, one statistical error entirely discredits a person (which case every economist, politician, and writer in existence will have to leave their jobs and kill themselves for getting a math test question wrong). I am sure you believed in mistakes, you heard from other people. :rolleyes:


were nowhere to be found on the lists of Academy Awards nominees released last week. And despite his commercial success, the Writers Guild omitted Moore from consideration for its first list of documentary writing award nominees. The only award Moore received was from a gun rights group highlighting his hypocrisy after a bodyguard for this maker of the 2003 Academy Award-winning anti-gun Bowling for Columbine got arrested in New York City for carrying a handgun not licensed there.
Hypocrisy is nothing new for Michael Moore, nor the Hollywood Left. But Hollywood makes its money by anticipating which way the winds are blowing. By distancing itself from this self-aggrandizing egomaniac, Tinsel Town may be signaling that America’s cultural winds are shifting away from the Loony Left.

So who is Michael Moore, this multi-millionaire filmmaker and author of several books, who has been called “the Left’s only well-known shock jock,” compared by Christopher Hitchens to socialist Adolf Hitler’s film propagandist Leni Riefenstahl?

Michael Moore is his own fictional character, a self-written being who soon will require another rewrite if his lucrative fantasy career is to survive.

Moore’s production company, aptly named, is Dog Eat Dog Films. His agent Ariel “Ari” Emanuel is brother of Congressman Rahm Emanuel, D-IL, chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and a former White House operative for President Bill Clinton.

Michael Moore never was a “working class boy from Flint, Michigan,” as he pretends. He was born on April 23, 1954, in Davison, Michigan, a lily-white upper-middle class suburb 10 miles east of Flint, where his father Frank assembled AC spark plugs, and his mother was a clerk-secretary for General Motors (GM).

FrontPage Magazine - The Fraud "From Flint"

Discredit that bitch. :tongue:

Alright this is where we won't agree. He said that Cuba has two different healthcare systems. One for the rich and one for everyone else right?

Thats America. Remember Cadillac plans? Yeah different care for different people. Healthcare is good in this country. BUT its terribly inefficient and expensive and one of the worst healthcare SYSTEMS. That is the problem. The problem that has led healthcare CEOs to make a HALF A BILLION dollars by not provding care, but to actually find statistics on what care they actually give? No thats not right. Statistics should be reported and judged. Every single one.

That is the same for every nation with 'free healthcare', which itself is a fallacy. I still have to pay $35 to visit the doctor, I still have to pay large sums of money for medicine despite the subsidies, operations are free but there are large waiting lists in public hospitals especially for specialist services like cancer treatment as a result private hospitals are still better quality than public hospitals. People can still not afford medical treatment even under 'free healthcare'. As for statistics they are not 100% correct, you go to jail or get fined if you don't fill out statistics here, but despite all that statistical data released to the public the healthcare system is still having problems.
Well, the fact that he came up with it himself means that it's more original than the OP, which is copypasta from a conservo-spam mailing list....

But he didn't come up with it himself. He told a blond joke and used "brunette" instead.

It's not even a joke. It's stupid. You predicted people would disagree then when you did you were like "lolz look they disagreed I was right they're so predictable".

And you never posted a counter argument to their accusations.
Good Gaea, you're a whiner. :lol:
Only $750,000 and he has earned 10s of millions, I thought there would be no poverty there after all his ranting.

"I'm a millionaire, I'm a multi-millionaire. I'm filthy rich. You know why I'm a multi-millionaire? 'Cause multi-millions like what I do. That's pretty good, isn't it?"
Michael Moore : EXPOSED!
"Only $750,000" is a hell of a lot more than "doesn't donate a cent*," but as a CON$ervative you can't admit you were WRONG!

After discredditing yourself, why should anyone believe anything you now say about Moore, of whom you obviously are insanely jealous?
Let's have you explain the Cuban health system first, he's your idol after all.

*Oh no, one statistical error entirely discredits a person (which case every economist, politician, and writer in existence will have to leave their jobs and kill themselves for getting a math test question wrong). I am sure you believed in mistakes, you heard from other people. :rolleyes:


were nowhere to be found on the lists of Academy Awards nominees released last week. And despite his commercial success, the Writers Guild omitted Moore from consideration for its first list of documentary writing award nominees. The only award Moore received was from a gun rights group highlighting his hypocrisy after a bodyguard for this maker of the 2003 Academy Award-winning anti-gun Bowling for Columbine got arrested in New York City for carrying a handgun not licensed there.
Hypocrisy is nothing new for Michael Moore, nor the Hollywood Left. But Hollywood makes its money by anticipating which way the winds are blowing. By distancing itself from this self-aggrandizing egomaniac, Tinsel Town may be signaling that America’s cultural winds are shifting away from the Loony Left.

So who is Michael Moore, this multi-millionaire filmmaker and author of several books, who has been called “the Left’s only well-known shock jock,” compared by Christopher Hitchens to socialist Adolf Hitler’s film propagandist Leni Riefenstahl?

Michael Moore is his own fictional character, a self-written being who soon will require another rewrite if his lucrative fantasy career is to survive.

Moore’s production company, aptly named, is Dog Eat Dog Films. His agent Ariel “Ari” Emanuel is brother of Congressman Rahm Emanuel, D-IL, chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and a former White House operative for President Bill Clinton.

Michael Moore never was a “working class boy from Flint, Michigan,” as he pretends. He was born on April 23, 1954, in Davison, Michigan, a lily-white upper-middle class suburb 10 miles east of Flint, where his father Frank assembled AC spark plugs, and his mother was a clerk-secretary for General Motors (GM).

FrontPage Magazine - The Fraud "From Flint"

Discredit that bitch. :tongue:
You've already been discredited, and John "Greed is Good" Stoopnegal has less credibility than you.

So, there's nothing working class about an assembly line worker and a secretary. :cuckoo:,
It's pretty hard to generalize between conservatives and liberals unless its over foreign policy or political parties, mainly because there are plenty of sell outs and hypocrites on all sides of the spectrum. The main thing I find that separates liberals is that many give themselves a moral high ground over civil or political rights, and conservatives give themselves a moral high ground over religion. It pisses me off when Michael Moore for example earns millions of dollars, calls himself a socialist and doesn't donate a cent to the people of flint (which he demeans in virtually every movie he has made) and others in need he claims to care about. If you were talk about a bad case on the right you can find plenty of wall street economists and politicians claiming to be be Christian and simultaneously taking advantage of people, putting money before the country and the people, as well as advocating a free market while building market monopolies and crushing small businesses.

You might not believe this, I kind of agree. He should create jobs with his money but he doesn't. He isn't against Capitalism per se, he is against manipulated capitalism in which the bankers all manipulate the market in their favor instead of letting the invisible hand of the market determine it.

But he does try to represent Michigan and stand up for the blue coller workers.
Doesn't mean he honestly makes a difference, he calls himself a socialist, and he is against capitalism. From his own mouth:
I prefer Stalin's Russia (it actually worked, it made everyone lower middle class) to Moore's vision of a new America (which will leave everyone bankrupt and destitute without jobs in Flint because there would be no weapons companies). :lol:
As is now typical of you, nowhere in that clip does Moore say he's a Socialist!!! In fact, he specifically rejects both the Socialism and Capitalism systems. He says one is a 16th century and the other a 19th century economic system and he calls for a 21st century economic system, whatever you want to call it.

But thank you for admitting you are a Stalinist CON$ervative, probably the first honest thing you've posted.
And funny is it to come on here everyday and see the epic level of misery going on amongst the hard left k00ks that post in here? Every single thread these days is like a Romper Room session for conservatives. The level of frustration and they are sitting at their PC on a huge plastic boner shoved high up in the pooper.

All I gotta say is..........thanks for always being real...........always living up to the DNA code.........always over-reaching with fringe shit nobody else wants!!!

THATS why you assholes are 20%ers!!!:up::funnyface:

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