The difference between antiwhite racism compared to anti-everything else racism including against blacks and Jews.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
OK criticizing whites on public television get praised often by the Hollywood and media elite . at worst an apology might be issued if the antiwhite racism goes to fire, but that’s about it.. But you won’t see people fired for saying that white homeless people are privileged or when a black anchor says “white people listen to us !”

Criticizing Jews loses people tons of money, example Kanye West literally losing hundreds of millions of dollars after criticizing Jews. The great American actress, Susan Sarandon not even making anti Jewish comments but getting dropped from her agency for criticizing Israel.

Criticizing blacks, or even the perception of criticizing blacks ie Jack Del Rio criticizing BLM riots results in him receiving tons of backlash from the media, and a fine from the nfl for 100,000 USD.

There is practically no racism in America that is legitimate or concerning that actually matters when it comes to racism/bigotry against Jews or blacks. The only thing you have wrt that is random anonymous people on the Internet and they’re powerless to do anything, and some of them could actually just be trolling or a false flag.

Most American people are good people, regardless of their background. And the problem is the media, the wealthy elite from Hollywood + politics that pump up this race division, and give us all sorts of “equity” nonsense. Like the Oscars, forcing Black people to get nominated. There is no equivalent for white folks.

There is no major company or sports organization that forces a certain number of whites to be hired. So anybody peddling BLM propaganda is either financially motivated to do so, or they are utterly brainwashed. And it’s sad because there is a small percentage of Black people who are not rich actually quite poor, and they believe that the white man is the problem.
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Hamas terrorists carried out a cowardly attack against innocent Israeli civilians today.
They killed an elderly man, an elderly woman, and a young woman who was pregnant.


And this is how the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM reports it --

Its all racism and it exists everywhere.

The left has figured out how to weaponize racism for political gain.


Who is the racist? The one who wants everyone to show IDs at the voting precincts, or the one who says blacks are too stupid and poor to obtain any sort of ID?

Its all racism and it exists everywhere.

The left has figured out how to weaponize racism for political gain.


Who is the racist? The one who wants everyone to show IDs at the voting precincts, or the one who says blacks are too stupid and poor to obtain any sort of ID?

It works for them. The proof is there to see. They won so much and frankly things needed to be done. Unfortunately, they did not stop and have gotten excessive to the max. Their Party is now turning Pro Islamic and that is on them. Also, we have set the stage for terrorist acts like we see around the world happening here. Real terrorism and insurrections that men like Schiff and Nadler enabled through their politics.
It works for them. The proof is there to see. They won so much and frankly things needed to be done. Unfortunately, they did not stop and have gotten excessive to the max. Their Party is now turning Pro Islamic and that is on them. Also, we have set the stage for terrorist acts like we see around the world happening here. Real terrorism and insurrections that men like Schiff and Nadler enabled through their politics.

Yes, they are the party of pedophiles.

I never see them criticize pedophilia, only profess that the left does not traffic in pedophilia.
Kanye West, who is black criticizes Jews in general and loses sponsorships, along with hundreds of millions of dollars, he gets criticized all over the media.

Otoh You have all these anchors on ESPN and CNN mostly black who openly criticize white people in general…. not only do they not get fire they get hell does heroes. What the heck is wrong with this country. And for the trolls out there who don’t even care about that stuff please change your ways.

You also have some number of Jews, who criticize Christians, they criticize Christian history, saying all sorts of propaganda ie “ the Jews always had it so bad and everyone should feel bad for us” What the is with that? These are mostly elitist blacks in the media and elite Jews in the media and Hollywood saying this kind of stuff. It’s not your every day working class black or Jew. So it’s an amazing situation. Unfortunate but it’s amazing how it works out. I think that all of these anti-American trends will be reversed, and we will return to common sense. And the whole world will be a better place.
Its all racism and it exists everywhere.

The left has figured out how to weaponize racism for political gain.


Who is the racist? The one who wants everyone to show IDs at the voting precincts, or the one who says blacks are too stupid and poor to obtain any sort of ID?

No one says blacks are too stupid to get IDs except racist fucktards like you. 😄
There is no such thing as a white man who gets in front of a television camera on a popular network and criticizes Jews, or blacks in general it simply doesn’t exist. If they did that they would be fired instantaneously. On the other hand of course you have the Jewish multi millionaire elite ie Ben Shapiro in front of a camera Right now he is mostly criticizing Palestine or whatever ……but there are plenty of videos of him making a bold insulting claim that the Jews always had it bad in Christian lands in history. That’s an insult. And it’s not nice it’s not appropriate.

It’s like imagine a white man saying, “the Jew was always conniving and destroying Christian lands”

So, as always the working class blacks, whites, and Jews are good people. They’re all cool. Otoh you see in the media and Hollywood elitists, including white folks who have no problem saying all sorts of terrible things about whites in general specifically white men. But also just whites in general. It’s totally undeniable, and in response to this some people troll people, they Cannot accept this fact….so for whatever reason maybe they’re on drugs or they just can’t accept it.

You know if I saw main stream White Christian men get in front of a television camera and claim that Jews were the monsters of history I would be as a white Christian man the first criticize it. So what’s going on here what is with the trolling from some fellow Americans? they will not criticize a Jew, or a black who gets on the camera and criticizes white Christians in general. Just asking for fairness here, and what is appropriate.
they will not criticize a Jew, or a black who gets on the camera and criticizes white Christians in general. Just asking for fairness here, and what is appropriate.

I criticize some Jews all the time. You're just pissed they're better organized than your pet feral Arabs, is all. I can also find Jewish sources exclusively that criticize Jews. Maybe you just need to develop a wider collections of news sources instead of the slanted rubbish you rely on now. Want to know some great sources of Jew bashing rants? Try the Israeli and Jewish papers. lol
But I think the most fascinating thing here is what’s going on and what happened to Kanye West. Here was a black man who lost hundreds of millions of dollars for making antisemitic remarks. He did support Hitler. Yes he did that but what if he said what he said about white people Or George Washington? I bet he wouldn’t have lost the money. So it’s a fascinating thing. What’s with that?

We have some bad social trends here in America but I think that people are seeing more and more the truth …and common sense is prevailing as time goes on. We’re gonna get back to what we had at least in the 1980s socially which was a much more equal country. You know respect everyone doesn’t matter if their Jewish, Christian, Muslim doesn’t matter what their skin color or religion is it’s all about equality + common sense.

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