The Democrats are "lost"


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
Ever notice that whenever the Democrats are embroiled in a major scandal that will take them down, everything suddenly and magically gets "lost"?

Hitlery Clinton somehow "lost" all of the emails on her illegal personal server

The Obama Administration somehow "lost" all of the data on Lois Lerner's hard drive

The Obama Administration also somehow "lost" all of the text between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page

So here is the thing - either these people are completely and egregiously corrupt (which we all know to be true) or they are completely and totally inept. Either way, it illustrates that they are not fit to govern in any capacity.

Found: DOJ recovers 50,000 missing text messages between Peter Strzok, Lisa Page
Nixon loses 15 minutes of tape and impeachment proceedings begin. Hillary deletes 33,000 emails and the FBI exonerates her before they even investigate. Democrats are the most corrupt people on the planet.
Ever notice that whenever the Democrats are embroiled in a major scandal that will take them down, everything suddenly and magically gets "lost"?

No. you just made that up. None of those emails were lost. So, the lesson here is that whenever Republicans get in trouble, they fake stories about Democrats. You're running cover for Trump's corruption by lying about Democrats.

And by the way, once you give a damn about the 22 million lost Bush emails, you'll look less like a butthurt hypocrite. The Bush admin was 100 times worse in this regard, and you've conveniently deleted that fact from history. The Trump admin is running their own private email servers to get around transparency, and you don't care.

Anyways, little shills, this is an old debunked conspiracy theory you're pushing. Even FOX News has moved on to something less dopey, that's how badly it's failed. Haven't your masters fed you some big new lie to repeat? You better check. You wouldn't want to be the last corrupt party hacks to be spouting the official party propaganda.
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I thought after Trump's win conservatives would stop throwing Jade Helm's and Pizzagates against the wall hoping they'd stick. Text messages now? What happened to your creativity?
And I thought that after the Dumbocrats took an ass-kicking coast-to-coast, they would reassess their denial of science, biology, gender, facts, and reality. But clearly I was wrong.

Yes - texts messages. The Obama Administration managed to “lose” them. But just the one’s during the investigation of President Trump. All the one’s between these two before and after are just fine! Kind of like the missing 18 minutes of Nixon audio.
I thought after Trump's win conservatives would stop throwing Jade Helm's and Pizzagates against the wall hoping they'd stick. Text messages now? What happened to your creativity?
And I thought that after the Dumbocrats took an ass-kicking coast-to-coast, they would reassess their denial of science, biology, gender, facts, and reality. But clearly I was wrong.

Yes - texts messages. The Obama Administration managed to “lose” them. But just the one’s during the investigation of President Trump. All the one’s between these two before and after are just fine! Kind of like the missing 18 minutes of Nixon audio.
Hey dum dum, they have the texts. IT'S IN YOUR OWN OP
But best of luck peddling your bullshit! :fu:
Mammaries is the only Dumbocrat I know who will look a link in the eye and claim it doesn’t exist. :laugh:

Good. I get to point out you're lying about the link. For example, the Democrats didn't delete the texts. You lied about that.

Why did you tell that lie? Why did you think you wouldn't be called out on it? Why do you think you won't burn in Hell for eternity for being such a willing servant of the Lord of Lies?

Now, those texts were recovered days ago. It only takes a couple hours to scan thousands of texts, being they're a few words each, not long emails. And ... nothing

So, your latest conspiracy theory has cratered hard. Again. Sucks to be you.

Do you feel any shame over pushing such a stupid, stupid conspiracy theory? Or do you feel joy over the humiliation, knowing that your cult leaders have taken note of your willingness to be humiliated for the cult, and awarded you a whole lot of cult brownie points?
Bushnesia strikes again...

George W. Bush's White House "lost" 22 million emails

Like Clinton, the Bush White House used a private email server—its was owned by the Republican National Committee. And the Bush administration failed to store its emails, as required by law, and then refused to comply with a congressional subpoena seeking some of those emails. [...]

Most troubling, researchers found a suspicious pattern in the White House email system blackouts, including periods when there were no emails available from the office of Vice President Dick Cheney. “That the vice president’s office, widely characterized as the most powerful vice president in history, should have no archived emails in its accounts for scores of days—especially days when there was discussion of whether to invade Iraq.[...]

In court in May 2008, administration lawyers contended that the White House had lost three months’ worth of email backups from the initial days of the Iraq War. Bush aides thus evaded a court-ordered deadline to describe the contents of digital backup believed to contain emails deletedin 2003 between March—when the U.S. invaded Iraq—and September. They also refused to give the NSA nonprofit any emails relating to the Iraq War, despite the PRA, blaming a system upgrade that had deleted up to 5 million emails. The plaintiffs eventually contended that the Bush administration knew about the problem in 2005 but did nothing to fix it.
I thought after Trump's win conservatives would stop throwing Jade Helm's and Pizzagates against the wall hoping they'd stick. Text messages now? What happened to your creativity?
And I thought that after the Dumbocrats took an ass-kicking coast-to-coast, they would reassess their denial of science, biology, gender, facts, and reality. But clearly I was wrong.

Yes - texts messages. The Obama Administration managed to “lose” them. But just the one’s during the investigation of President Trump. All the one’s between these two before and after are just fine! Kind of like the missing 18 minutes of Nixon audio.
Hey dum dum, they have the texts. IT'S IN YOUR OWN OP
But best of luck peddling your bullshit! :fu:
Uh...yeah...that’s because a Republican Administration took over and provided them, stupid. :lmao:
Both parties are lost....bought and paid for by corporatists and greed. Behind the scenes they ensure their wealth and power. Leave uber wealthy in charge and you get what we have had for many years. And they tell us we are not separated by class.....
I thought after Trump's win conservatives would stop throwing Jade Helm's and Pizzagates against the wall hoping they'd stick. Text messages now? What happened to your creativity?
And I thought that after the Dumbocrats took an ass-kicking coast-to-coast, they would reassess their denial of science, biology, gender, facts, and reality. But clearly I was wrong.

Yes - texts messages. The Obama Administration managed to “lose” them. But just the one’s during the investigation of President Trump. All the one’s between these two before and after are just fine! Kind of like the missing 18 minutes of Nixon audio.
Hey dum dum, they have the texts. IT'S IN YOUR OWN OP
But best of luck peddling your bullshit! :fu:
Uh...yeah...that’s because a Republican Administration took over and provided them, stupid. :lmao:
No the DOJ you despise so much got them.

Best stick to the Nunes memo. You can still squeeze a few conspiracies out of that before it fizzles out like these.. :laugh: these... :lmao: TEXT MESSAGES :rofl:
Mammaries is the only Dumbocrat I know who will look a link in the eye and claim it doesn’t exist. :laugh:
Good. I get to point out you're lying about the link. For example, the Democrats didn't delete the texts. You lied about that.
I made a grand total of three posts in this thread (#1, #5, and #7) before you made your post that I am now responding to. I didn’t use the word “delete” in any of those three posts. You just got caught in another lie.

:dance: :dance: :dance:
I thought after Trump's win conservatives would stop throwing Jade Helm's and Pizzagates against the wall hoping they'd stick. Text messages now? What happened to your creativity?
And I thought that after the Dumbocrats took an ass-kicking coast-to-coast, they would reassess their denial of science, biology, gender, facts, and reality. But clearly I was wrong.

Yes - texts messages. The Obama Administration managed to “lose” them. But just the one’s during the investigation of President Trump. All the one’s between these two before and after are just fine! Kind of like the missing 18 minutes of Nixon audio.
Hey dum dum, they have the texts. IT'S IN YOUR OWN OP
But best of luck peddling your bullshit! :fu:
Uh...yeah...that’s because a Republican Administration took over and provided them, stupid. :lmao:
No the DOJ you despise so much got them.
Snowflake...I don’t “despise” the DoJ. I despise the corruption of the Dumbocrats. They reported that the texts were “lost”. Oops...
I thought after Trump's win conservatives would stop throwing Jade Helm's and Pizzagates against the wall hoping they'd stick. Text messages now? What happened to your creativity?
And I thought that after the Dumbocrats took an ass-kicking coast-to-coast, they would reassess their denial of science, biology, gender, facts, and reality. But clearly I was wrong.

Yes - texts messages. The Obama Administration managed to “lose” them. But just the one’s during the investigation of President Trump. All the one’s between these two before and after are just fine! Kind of like the missing 18 minutes of Nixon audio.
Hey dum dum, they have the texts. IT'S IN YOUR OWN OP
But best of luck peddling your bullshit! :fu:
Uh...yeah...that’s because a Republican Administration took over and provided them, stupid. :lmao:
No the DOJ you despise so much got them.
Snowflake...I don’t “despise” the DoJ. I despise the corruption of the Dumbocrats. They reported that the texts were “lost”. Oops...
Yeah this is just too boring for me. Text messages... LOL!
Mammaries is the only Dumbocrat I know who will look a link in the eye and claim it doesn’t exist. :laugh:
Good. I get to point out you're lying about the link. For example, the Democrats didn't delete the texts. You lied about that.
I made a grand total of three posts in this thread (#1, #5, and #7) before you made your post that I am now responding to. I didn’t use the word “delete” in any of those three posts. You just got caught in another lie.

:dance: :dance: :dance:
I love catching the :ahole-1: known as Mammaries in lies. I literally catch her lying in every thread she enters.

:dance: :dance: :dance:
Yeah this is just too boring for me. Text messages... LOL!
That’s what desperate Dumbocrats always say about the facts. Don’t forget Hitlery Clinton’s email and Lois Lerner’s entire hard drive too, desperate little Dumbocrat!
Yeah that's why they're in jail right now
Whoah!!! Are you implying that the Dumbocrats engaged in illegal/corrupt behavior and got away with it? Sure sounds like it, ToS. That’s quite a bombshell!

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