The Democratic Party: 'The Official Party Of....' Part 2


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
You can add 'COVER UPS' to the list that already includes 'Crime', 'Election Fraud', & 'Hypocrisy' ... or should I say 'ATTEMPTED Cover-ups', as everything they TRY to hide from the public eventually gets exposed...

"United States District Judge Royce Lamberth on Tuesday ordered multiple senior State Department officials under the Obama administration to answer Judicial Watch’s questions related to Hillary Clinton’s email scandal and the Sept. 11, 2012 attack in Benghazi."

Susan Rice, Ben Rhodes, Jacob Sullivan, and FBI official E.W. Priestap will face questions pertaining to:

1. Whether Clinton intentionally attempted to evade the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) by using a non-government email system;

2. Whether the State Department’s efforts to settle this case beginning in late 2014 amounted to bad faith; and

3. Whether the State Department adequately searched for records responsive to Judicial Watch’s FOIA request.

#1 - Whether Clinton intentionally attempted to evade the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) by using a non-government email system

What is the point of asking co-conspirators if the woman they all helped keep out of jail broke the law or now when the FBI has already, undeniably proven that she did so?

The FBI publicly announced they had found approx. 15,000 official work-related subpoenaed documents - all of which were evidence of violations of both the FOIA and Federal Records Act as they were required by law to be turned in for archiving but never were - that Hillary Clinton had tried to destroy so they would not be found, which is Obstruction of Justice...approx. 15,000 COUNTS of Obstruction of justice and 15,000 criminal counts each of violations of both the FOIA and Federal Records Act! (THAT, all together, is 45,000 CRIMINAL COUNTS that Hillary SHOULD HAVE been indicted for alone.)

The US IG rebuked Hillary, the State Department, and the FBI for their criminal secrecy:

Inspector general's report on FBI and Clinton's emails shows secrecy threatens democracy

The 500-page inspector general's report released Thursday reveals how unjustified secrecy and poor decisions helped ravage the credibility of both Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign and the FBI.

The FBI’s investigation of Clinton was spurred by her decision to set up a private server to handle her email during her four years as secretary of State. The server in her mansion in Chappaqua, N.Y., was insecure and exposed emails with classified information to detection by foreign sources and others.

Clinton effectively exempted herself from the federal Freedom of Information Act. The State Department ignored
17 FOIA requests for her emails before 2014 and insisted it required 75 years to disclose emails of Clinton's top aides.

The State Department IGNORED the law, meaning they BROKE the law, and when busted they claimed they needed 75 YEARS to COMPLY with the law.


From The FBI's own notes - they knew indicting her was justifiable / required, but they openly admitted the FBI was not going to od a thing to Hillary:

"FBI investigators shrugged off brazen deceit. An unnamed FBI agent on the case responded to a fellow FBI agent who asked how an interview went with a witness who worked with the Clintons at their Chappaqua residence: “Awesome. Lied his a-- off. ('Lying to the FBI') Went from never inside the scif (sensitive compartmented information facility) at res (residence), to looked in when it was being constructed, to removed the trash twice, to troubleshot the secure fax with HRC a couple times, to every time there was a secure fax i did it with HRC. Ridic.” When his colleague replied that “would be funny if he was the only guy charged n this deal,” he replied, “aint noone gonna do s--t” as far as filing charges."

Multiple Obama State Dept Officials Must Answer Judicial Watch's Questions About Clinton Emails, Benghazi

Inspector general's report on FBI and Clinton's emails shows secrecy threatens democracy

You can add 'COVER UPS' to the list that already includes 'Crime', 'Election Fraud', & 'Hypocrisy' ... or should I say 'ATTEMPTED Cover-ups', as everything they TRY to hide from the public eventually gets exposed...

"United States District Judge Royce Lamberth on Tuesday ordered multiple senior State Department officials under the Obama administration to answer Judicial Watch’s questions related to Hillary Clinton’s email scandal and the Sept. 11, 2012 attack in Benghazi."

Susan Rice, Ben Rhodes, Jacob Sullivan, and FBI official E.W. Priestap will face questions pertaining to:

1. Whether Clinton intentionally attempted to evade the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) by using a non-government email system;

2. Whether the State Department’s efforts to settle this case beginning in late 2014 amounted to bad faith; and

3. Whether the State Department adequately searched for records responsive to Judicial Watch’s FOIA request.

#1 - Whether Clinton intentionally attempted to evade the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) by using a non-government email system

What is the point of asking co-conspirators if the woman they all helped keep out of jail broke the law or now when the FBI has already, undeniably proven that she did so?

The FBI publicly announced they had found approx. 15,000 official work-related subpoenaed documents - all of which were evidence of violations of both the FOIA and Federal Records Act as they were required by law to be turned in for archiving but never were - that Hillary Clinton had tried to destroy so they would not be found, which is Obstruction of Justice...approx. 15,000 COUNTS of Obstruction of justice and 15,000 criminal counts each of violations of both the FOIA and Federal Records Act! (THAT, all together, is 45,000 CRIMINAL COUNTS that Hillary SHOULD HAVE been indicted for alone.)

The US IG rebuked Hillary, the State Department, and the FBI for their criminal secrecy:

Inspector general's report on FBI and Clinton's emails shows secrecy threatens democracy

The 500-page inspector general's report released Thursday reveals how unjustified secrecy and poor decisions helped ravage the credibility of both Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign and the FBI.

The FBI’s investigation of Clinton was spurred by her decision to set up a private server to handle her email during her four years as secretary of State. The server in her mansion in Chappaqua, N.Y., was insecure and exposed emails with classified information to detection by foreign sources and others.

Clinton effectively exempted herself from the federal Freedom of Information Act. The State Department ignored
17 FOIA requests for her emails before 2014 and insisted it required 75 years to disclose emails of Clinton's top aides.

The State Department IGNORED the law, meaning they BROKE the law, and when busted they claimed they needed 75 YEARS to COMPLY with the law.


From The FBI's own notes - they knew indicting her was justifiable / required, but they openly admitted the FBI was not going to od a thing to Hillary:

"FBI investigators shrugged off brazen deceit. An unnamed FBI agent on the case responded to a fellow FBI agent who asked how an interview went with a witness who worked with the Clintons at their Chappaqua residence: “Awesome. Lied his a-- off. ('Lying to the FBI') Went from never inside the scif (sensitive compartmented information facility) at res (residence), to looked in when it was being constructed, to removed the trash twice, to troubleshot the secure fax with HRC a couple times, to every time there was a secure fax i did it with HRC. Ridic.” When his colleague replied that “would be funny if he was the only guy charged n this deal,” he replied, “aint noone gonna do s--t” as far as filing charges."

Multiple Obama State Dept Officials Must Answer Judicial Watch's Questions About Clinton Emails, Benghazi

Inspector general's report on FBI and Clinton's emails shows secrecy threatens democracy


This good vs evil world you live in just doesn't exist.

Its like when baseball fans were cheering on their own PED cheats while throwing things at the cheats on the other team.
You can add 'COVER UPS' to the list that already includes 'Crime', 'Election Fraud', & 'Hypocrisy' ... or should I say 'ATTEMPTED Cover-ups', as everything they TRY to hide from the public eventually gets exposed...

"United States District Judge Royce Lamberth on Tuesday ordered multiple senior State Department officials under the Obama administration to answer Judicial Watch’s questions related to Hillary Clinton’s email scandal and the Sept. 11, 2012 attack in Benghazi."

Susan Rice, Ben Rhodes, Jacob Sullivan, and FBI official E.W. Priestap will face questions pertaining to:

1. Whether Clinton intentionally attempted to evade the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) by using a non-government email system;

2. Whether the State Department’s efforts to settle this case beginning in late 2014 amounted to bad faith; and

3. Whether the State Department adequately searched for records responsive to Judicial Watch’s FOIA request.

#1 - Whether Clinton intentionally attempted to evade the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) by using a non-government email system

What is the point of asking co-conspirators if the woman they all helped keep out of jail broke the law or now when the FBI has already, undeniably proven that she did so?

The FBI publicly announced they had found approx. 15,000 official work-related subpoenaed documents - all of which were evidence of violations of both the FOIA and Federal Records Act as they were required by law to be turned in for archiving but never were - that Hillary Clinton had tried to destroy so they would not be found, which is Obstruction of Justice...approx. 15,000 COUNTS of Obstruction of justice and 15,000 criminal counts each of violations of both the FOIA and Federal Records Act! (THAT, all together, is 45,000 CRIMINAL COUNTS that Hillary SHOULD HAVE been indicted for alone.)

The US IG rebuked Hillary, the State Department, and the FBI for their criminal secrecy:

Inspector general's report on FBI and Clinton's emails shows secrecy threatens democracy

The 500-page inspector general's report released Thursday reveals how unjustified secrecy and poor decisions helped ravage the credibility of both Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign and the FBI.

The FBI’s investigation of Clinton was spurred by her decision to set up a private server to handle her email during her four years as secretary of State. The server in her mansion in Chappaqua, N.Y., was insecure and exposed emails with classified information to detection by foreign sources and others.

Clinton effectively exempted herself from the federal Freedom of Information Act. The State Department ignored
17 FOIA requests for her emails before 2014 and insisted it required 75 years to disclose emails of Clinton's top aides.

The State Department IGNORED the law, meaning they BROKE the law, and when busted they claimed they needed 75 YEARS to COMPLY with the law.


From The FBI's own notes - they knew indicting her was justifiable / required, but they openly admitted the FBI was not going to od a thing to Hillary:

"FBI investigators shrugged off brazen deceit. An unnamed FBI agent on the case responded to a fellow FBI agent who asked how an interview went with a witness who worked with the Clintons at their Chappaqua residence: “Awesome. Lied his a-- off. ('Lying to the FBI') Went from never inside the scif (sensitive compartmented information facility) at res (residence), to looked in when it was being constructed, to removed the trash twice, to troubleshot the secure fax with HRC a couple times, to every time there was a secure fax i did it with HRC. Ridic.” When his colleague replied that “would be funny if he was the only guy charged n this deal,” he replied, “aint noone gonna do s--t” as far as filing charges."

Multiple Obama State Dept Officials Must Answer Judicial Watch's Questions About Clinton Emails, Benghazi

Inspector general's report on FBI and Clinton's emails shows secrecy threatens democracy


Was that smiley face an admittance you are a cheerleader for some side or party of your heroes? Kids have posters on their walls, I understand.
Was that smiley face an admittance you are a cheerleader for some side or party of your heroes?

':wtf:' is NOT a 'smiley face'. It is a reaction one gives when they hear / read something truly ignorant, near unbelievable ignorance, such as what you just demonstrated.

'Smiley Face'......:wtf:
Was that smiley face an admittance you are a cheerleader for some side or party of your heroes?

':wtf:' is NOT a 'smiley face'. It is a reaction one gives when they hear / read something truly ignorant, near unbelievable ignorance, such as what you just demonstrated.

'Smiley Face'......:wtf:

Calling that icon under funny anything but a smiley face seems very liberal to me lol. See, can't go around bashing liberals when you are one :)

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