The democratic immigration plan to destroy America


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
It’s called The New Way Forward Act. The legislation spearheaded by the squad and Illinois representative Jesus Garcia would have American taxpayers pay to have violent deported illegal aliens flown back into the interior of the United States. Foreign child molesters and murderers are VIPs to the Democratic party, subsidized by our hard-earned tax dollars. HR 5383 is an abomination and a complete insult to American citizens. American Taxpayers already shell out billions annually for public assistance and service programs as the Democratic candidates continue to pander to the illegals.

The Democratic Immigration Plan To Destroy America

the VIP of pigs who have been working on this for decades all the while teaching their a. holes how everything is a conspiracy. Had the plan not succeeded we wouldn't have American born morons hating their own country. Yes TARD SYNDROME is severe what's worse leftist asses pay 40.000 a yr just so their kid can become communist assholes taking away America you douches knew. Just think when they come for you social security and or retirements.........
I truly don't understand how any American can vote for democrat filth!

They are voting for their own destruction and the rape and murder of their own children.

How could ANYBODY really be that stupid? Yet...I see it all the time with my own eyes :(
It’s called The New Way Forward Act. The legislation spearheaded by the squad and Illinois representative Jesus Garcia would have American taxpayers pay to have violent deported illegal aliens flown back into the interior of the United States. Foreign child molesters and murderers are VIPs to the Democratic party, subsidized by our hard-earned tax dollars. HR 5383 is an abomination and a complete insult to American citizens. American Taxpayers already shell out billions annually for public assistance and service programs as the Democratic candidates continue to pander to the illegals.

The Democratic Immigration Plan To Destroy America

the VIP of pigs who have been working on this for decades all the while teaching their a. holes how everything is a conspiracy. Had the plan not succeeded we wouldn't have American born morons hating their own country. Yes TARD SYNDROME is severe what's worse leftist asses pay 40.000 a yr just so their kid can become communist assholes taking away America you douches knew. Just think when they come for you social security and or retirements.........
This post ^ is 100% fake news.
I truly don't understand how any American can vote for democrat filth!

They are voting for their own destruction and the rape and murder of their own children.

How could ANYBODY really be that stupid? Yet...I see it all the time with my own eyes :(
Because everybody but you knows that's not what is in the "new way forward", it's a bald faced lie for low information tRumplings.
Because everybody but you knows that's not what is in the "new way forward", it's a bald faced lie for low information tRumplings.

Democrats seek to use immigration to overthrow America. They know they can offer them citizenship and free stuff and in return get their votes. It's a form of treason.
Because everybody but you knows that's not what is in the "new way forward", it's a bald faced lie for low information tRumplings.

Yeah...and the USMCA is only a few minor changes from NAFTA.

Anybody who believes that...stand on your head!

There are none so blind as those who refuse to see.
Immigration isn't the ONLY way they are trying to destroy us!

While flooding America with violent criminals they also try to DISARM US.

They make piss poor trade deals in which we get screwed...Tax us into oblivion so we NEED gov't help...Accomplish a hostile take over the health care system, (didn't vote health care for you).

And then mock and ridicule us names because THEY are the ELITE!

Just the term "FLY OVER STATES" should tell you what our "representatives" think of us peons!
I wonder if Crapitus understands that once there is a GLOBAL GOVERNMENT...we have no way of voting them out :dunno:

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