The Democrat Political Stars...????

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Well, now that Obama has proven to be a complete dud, who's left?

Pelosi.. Reid..Boxer.. Wasserman Schultz..Al Gore..Joe Biden..Mr. Sexual Harassment..

Who are the Democrat political stars that will impress us at the Democrat Convention?
Well, now that Obama has proven to be a complete dud, who's left?

Pelosi.. Reid..Boxer.. Wasserman Schultz..Al Gore..Joe Biden..Mr. Sexual Harassment..

Who are the Democrat political stars that will impress us at the Democrat Convention?

Conservative Dems like Julian Castro.
Well, now that Obama has proven to be a complete dud, who's left?

Pelosi.. Reid..Boxer.. Wasserman Schultz..Al Gore..Joe Biden..Mr. Sexual Harassment..

Who are the Democrat political stars that will impress us at the Democrat Convention?

I think they should get James Edwards to speak, he is a shining star for the Dems.
I could see Martin O'Malley running for POTUS in 2016.

I wonder if Biden will run. The Democrats have a big problem with 2016. Biden will be the VP and the presumptive nominee. I think there may be some serious in-fighting because I do not think Biden is electable. If he did; he would have got there on his own.

Nobody jumps out at me for a front runner. Patty Murray? Schumer? The mayor of NYC may be too old by that time.

Anyway; its a good problem to have if you're a Democrat.

The Governor is circling the drain.
Well, now that Obama has proven to be a complete dud, who's left?

Pelosi.. Reid..Boxer.. Wasserman Schultz..Al Gore..Joe Biden..Mr. Sexual Harassment..

Who are the Democrat political stars that will impress us at the Democrat Convention?

I think they should get James Edwards to speak, he is a shining star for the Dems.

duz you mean JOHN? as in the BRECK GIRL?
Cory Booker would probably be the only one that qualifies as a "rising star". I'm looking forward to his speech.

This may cause him some problems though..


It’s bye-bye, Beltway for Cory Booker.

Newark’s mayor, who was gunning for a spot in President Obama’s Cabinet, lost the chance after he shot his mouth off during a blunderingly honest TV appearance last month, sources told The Post.

“He’s dead to us,” one ranking administration official said of the prevailing feelings at the White House and Obama headquarters in Chicago.

Booker had been angling for the housing secretary gig in a second Obama term, according to sources in the administration and close to the mayor.

The job was certainly a possibility, given Booker’s work in New Jersey’s biggest city, according to administration and Democratic Party sources.

ON THE OUTS: The once-close relationship between President Obama and Cory Booker has turned cold after the Newark mayor angered the Obama camp by denouncing attempts to badmouth Mitt Romney’s record at Bain Capital.++++

Thinking highly of Booker, Obama’s campaign asked him to appear on “Meet the Press” on May 20 to act as a mouthpiece, but he proceeded to eviscerate one of the president’s key campaign themes.

Booker told a national TV audience the president’s attacks on Mitt Romney’s record at private-equity firm Bain Capital were “nauseating” and made him “very uncomfortable.”

“I have to just say from a very personal level, I’m not about to sit here and indict private equity,” said Booker, a rising Democratic star tapped by the president’s campaign as a “surrogate” speaker for Obama. “If you look at the totality of Bain Capital’s record, they’ve done a lot to support businesses.”

Almost immediately, top Obama aides were speed-dialing Booker, insisting he backpedal from his comments before returning to the Garden State. But the mayor wouldn’t do that.

Read more: EXCLUSIVE: Booker on outs with Obama after TV gaffe -

EXCLUSIVE: Booker on outs with Obama after TV gaffe -
I could see Martin O'Malley running for POTUS in 2016.

I wonder if Biden will run. The Democrats have a big problem with 2016. Biden will be the VP and the presumptive nominee. I think there may be some serious in-fighting because I do not think Biden is electable. If he did; he would have got there on his own.

Nobody jumps out at me for a front runner. Patty Murray? Schumer? The mayor of NYC may be too old by that time.

Anyway; its a good problem to have if you're a Democrat.

The Governor is circling the drain.

It's a "good problem to have?" How?

If Mitt wins then the field is wide open for the Dems (no rock stars yet but things could change) if Mitt fails, but only if he pulls an Obama and only if someone transformational emerges. Then again, Mitt could just say it's the mess he inherited. If Mitt loses then it's wide open for the GOP.
You almost gotta laugh when world class abuser of women, Bubba Clinton gives a speech. The secretary of state is a world class enabler for her husband's infidelity. The V.P. is a brain injured idiot. Barney Frank is on his honeymoon with another man. The Attorney General is accused of negligent homicide for his part in the fast/furious debacle. Who is the party of no family values going to call?
I could see Martin O'Malley running for POTUS in 2016.

I wonder if Biden will run. The Democrats have a big problem with 2016. Biden will be the VP and the presumptive nominee. I think there may be some serious in-fighting because I do not think Biden is electable. If he did; he would have got there on his own.

Nobody jumps out at me for a front runner. Patty Murray? Schumer? The mayor of NYC may be too old by that time.

Anyway; its a good problem to have if you're a Democrat.

The Governor is circling the drain.

:lmao: X 1million



I Like Obama
Whatever happened to Harold Ford jr.?

Was he too mentally stable and somewhat likeable to have any future in the Democrat Party?
He's a DINO.

And I don't think NY-ers trust him any more than TN people did.

I've never liked him, even when he was supporting Democratic values. Something about the guy. Kinda snake-like. I get pissed when he's on Scarborough's show, because it bestows legitimacy to his unelected, self-serving bullshit.
Whatever happened to Harold Ford jr.?

Was he too mentally stable and somewhat likeable to have any future in the Democrat Party?
He's a DINO.

And I don't think NY-ers trust him any more than TN people did.

I've never liked him, even when he was supporting Democratic values. Something about the guy. Kinda snake-like. I get pissed when he's on Scarborough's show, because it bestows legitimacy to his unelected, self-serving bullshit.
OK....So he's not communistic enough for ya....Gotcha. :thup:

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