The demise of Isreal is imminent!


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
Question: Does it look like Israel is winning or losing since Trump became president? Here are some clues....

Trump Recognizes Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital and Orders U.S. Embassy to Move

Trump threatens to cut off US aid to Palestinian Authority

Question: Does it look like Israel is winning or losing since Trump became president? Here are some clues....

Trump Recognizes Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital and Orders U.S. Embassy to Move

Trump threatens to cut off US aid to Palestinian Authority


I had posted a link about the number of times the Palestinians were offered their own State including most of E. Jerusalem in “ negotiation” but of course the Pro Palestinians ignored it.

They also get a small piece of Israel within the 67 Borders in which they are demanding FULL control, a passageway between Gaza and the W. Bank; something Israel is Not legally responsible for.
Trump is doing the right thing: Withold aid until the Palestinians are ready to sit with Israel and NEGOTIATE
Question: Does it look like Israel is winning or losing since Trump became president? Here are some clues....

Trump Recognizes Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital and Orders U.S. Embassy to Move

Trump threatens to cut off US aid to Palestinian Authority


I had posted a link about the number of times the Palestinians were offered their own State including most of E. Jerusalem in “ negotiation” but of course the Pro Palestinians ignored it.

They also get a small piece of Israel within the 67 Borders in which they are demanding FULL control, a passageway between Gaza and the W. Bank; something Israel is Not legally responsible for.
Trump is doing the right thing: Withold aid until the Palestinians are ready to sit with Israel and NEGOTIATE
Palestinians were offered their own State

Two words: Israeli settlements.
Surely you see the contrivance attendant to granting Palestinians "land of their own" that the grantor, Israel, has materially populated with people who consider themselves Israelis.
Question: Does it look like Israel is winning or losing since Trump became president? Here are some clues....

Trump Recognizes Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital and Orders U.S. Embassy to Move

Trump threatens to cut off US aid to Palestinian Authority


I had posted a link about the number of times the Palestinians were offered their own State including most of E. Jerusalem in “ negotiation” but of course the Pro Palestinians ignored it.

They also get a small piece of Israel within the 67 Borders in which they are demanding FULL control, a passageway between Gaza and the W. Bank; something Israel is Not legally responsible for.
Trump is doing the right thing: Withold aid until the Palestinians are ready to sit with Israel and NEGOTIATE

The Palestinians were never offered their own state for all their people. The only time they were offered a state with sovereignty, a third of their population was left under Jew rule.

The later "offers" were simply demands that they sign an agreement to accept permanent Israeli military occupation.
Trump the isolationist.

Which ever way, Trump will have his war. By proxy or otherwise.

NK was never on the 'war table' despite Trumps bleating.

Is better to talk shit and raise tensions in the ME.

The hypocrisy is blinding.

Iran and Israel ... Trump has different rules because of religion and the colour of skin.

2018 is not starting well in a world that needs peace and stability.
I had posted a link about the number of times the Palestinians were offered their own State including most of E. Jerusalem in “ negotiation” but of course the Pro Palestinians ignored it.

I steal all of your stuff and then offer to give you half of it back, you are really going to be grateful to me?

They also get a small piece of Israel within the 67 Borders in which they are demanding FULL control, a passageway between Gaza and the W. Bank; something Israel is Not legally responsible for.
Trump is doing the right thing: Withold aid until the Palestinians are ready to sit with Israel and NEGOTIATE

Trump isn't going to be withholding enough money to make a difference.
I am replying to the thread title that says that the demise of Israel is imminent.

I believe that its demise is NOT imminent.


But I do believe that its continued existence cannot be taken for granted, even if it does have nuclear weapons.


It is agreed by pro- and anti-Israel commentators that Israel's continued existence depends on the total support of the United States (no matter who the president is).

We all know that the United States is changing in terms of its population profile (ethnicity, religion, etc.).

In a hundred years' time, will the people who run the States still back Israel 100%?

I read an article recently in which a Jewish-American leader said that it is imperative that Israel make friends with other countries, not only the States.

Regardless of one's opinion regarding the Israeli-Palestinian issue, I think that leader's advice is right on target.
IIn a hundred years' time, will the people who run the States still back Israel 100%?
In a hundred years' time? WOW

One day Timur was in the mood for teasing Nasreddin Hodja.

`Hodja,’ he asked, `can you teach your donkey how to read?
`Yes I can Great Timur.’
`Come now Hodja! How can you teach a donkey to read?’
`If you give me twenty years time and 20000 gold coins, then I can teach my donkey how to read.’ the Hodja was adamant.
`But if in twenty years time, your donkey cannot read, then I will punish you most severely for trying to mock the Great Timur.’

Nasreddin Hodja and Timur agreed on the terms, the Hodja took the 20000 gold coins and left Timur’s luxurious tent. Hodja’s friends who witnessed the deal were incredulous.

`Hodja Effendi, what did you do? You know you can’t teach a donkey anything other than braying. Twenty years later Timur will have your head chopped off!’ However, Nasreddin Hodja was not worried.

`My dear fellows,’ he said calmly, `before twenty years are up, either I will die or Timur will die. Or, the donkey will die!’
Question: Does it look like Israel is winning or losing since Trump became president? Here are some clues....

Trump Recognizes Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital and Orders U.S. Embassy to Move

Trump threatens to cut off US aid to Palestinian Authority


I had posted a link about the number of times the Palestinians were offered their own State including most of E. Jerusalem in “ negotiation” but of course the Pro Palestinians ignored it.

They also get a small piece of Israel within the 67 Borders in which they are demanding FULL control, a passageway between Gaza and the W. Bank; something Israel is Not legally responsible for.
Trump is doing the right thing: Withold aid until the Palestinians are ready to sit with Israel and NEGOTIATE
Palestinians were offered their own State

Two words: Israeli settlements.
Surely you see the contrivance attendant to granting Palestinians "land of their own" that the grantor, Israel, has materially populated with people who consider themselves Israelis.

I love when “ International Law” is quoted. If the Arabs had won the ‘67 War would you be quoting “ International Law” and “ illegal settlements?” The Israelis offered the Palestinians almost everything they demanded and it still wasn’t enough. In addition, according to “ International Law” Israel is NOT obligated to create a Highway between Gaza and the W. Bank; something they agreed to do!
One more thing; Jordan was supposed to let Israelis have access to their Holy Sites after the 1948 War but didn’t . Israel appealed to the U.N. but of course they did nothing. Guess who else came out with a NJA at their Holy Sites. The Palestinian Authority. So much for “ freedom of religion” lol
Question: Does it look like Israel is winning or losing since Trump became president? Here are some clues....

Trump Recognizes Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital and Orders U.S. Embassy to Move

Trump threatens to cut off US aid to Palestinian Authority


I had posted a link about the number of times the Palestinians were offered their own State including most of E. Jerusalem in “ negotiation” but of course the Pro Palestinians ignored it.

They also get a small piece of Israel within the 67 Borders in which they are demanding FULL control, a passageway between Gaza and the W. Bank; something Israel is Not legally responsible for.
Trump is doing the right thing: Withold aid until the Palestinians are ready to sit with Israel and NEGOTIATE
Palestinians were offered their own State

Two words: Israeli settlements.
Surely you see the contrivance attendant to granting Palestinians "land of their own" that the grantor, Israel, has materially populated with people who consider themselves Israelis.

I love when “ International Law” is quoted. If the Arabs had won the ‘67 War would you be quoting “ International Law” and “ illegal settlements?” The Israelis offered the Palestinians almost everything they demanded and it still wasn’t enough. In addition, according to “ International Law” Israel is NOT obligated to create a Highway between Gaza and the W. Bank; something they agreed to do!
One more thing; Jordan was supposed to let Israelis have access to their Holy Sites after the 1948 War but didn’t . Israel appealed to the U.N. but of course they did nothing. Guess who else came out with a NJA at their Holy Sites. The Palestinian Authority. So much for “ freedom of religion” lol
If the Arabs had won the ‘67 War would you be quoting “ International Law” and “ illegal settlements?”
If frogs had wings, would I remark upon their bumping their asses when they land?

The Arabs didn't win that war and frogs don't have wings.
I am replying to the thread title that says that the demise of Israel is imminent.

I believe that its demise is NOT imminent.


But I do believe that its continued existence cannot be taken for granted, even if it does have nuclear weapons.


It is agreed by pro- and anti-Israel commentators that Israel's continued existence depends on the total support of the United States (no matter who the president is).

We all know that the United States is changing in terms of its population profile (ethnicity, religion, etc.).

In a hundred years' time, will the people who run the States still back Israel 100%?

I read an article recently in which a Jewish-American leader said that it is imperative that Israel make friends with other countries, not only the States.

Regardless of one's opinion regarding the Israeli-Palestinian issue, I think that leader's advice is right on target.
It has been in the news, and that Jewish leader and you seem to have missed the number of countries, besides the US, Israel has friendship and good relationships with.

Don't worry, Israel, which is one of the wealthiest and smartest countries in the world will still be around in 1000 years.
I had posted a link about the number of times the Palestinians were offered their own State including most of E. Jerusalem in “ negotiation” but of course the Pro Palestinians ignored it.

I steal all of your stuff and then offer to give you half of it back, you are really going to be grateful to me?

They also get a small piece of Israel within the 67 Borders in which they are demanding FULL control, a passageway between Gaza and the W. Bank; something Israel is Not legally responsible for.
Trump is doing the right thing: Withold aid until the Palestinians are ready to sit with Israel and NEGOTIATE

Trump isn't going to be withholding enough money to make a difference.
US is the biggest donor country to the Palestinian terrorists. Good news is if Trump follows through, (which he has a tendency to) we will no longer be funding a bunch of America hating, antisemitic, PaliNazi Islamo-terrorists. The 800 million stays here where we can spend it our own people and national security. That should make you happy!
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I am replying to the thread title that says that the demise of Israel is imminent.

I believe that its demise is NOT imminent.


But I do believe that its continued existence cannot be taken for granted, even if it does have nuclear weapons.


It is agreed by pro- and anti-Israel commentators that Israel's continued existence depends on the total support of the United States (no matter who the president is).

We all know that the United States is changing in terms of its population profile (ethnicity, religion, etc.).

In a hundred years' time, will the people who run the States still back Israel 100%?

I read an article recently in which a Jewish-American leader said that it is imperative that Israel make friends with other countries, not only the States.

Regardless of one's opinion regarding the Israeli-Palestinian issue, I think that leader's advice is right on target.
It's what we hear daily from the Palestinian terrorist worshippers and antisemites, that Israel is about to get destroyed, any day now. They conjure up different delusional scenarios and mentally masturbate to them five times a day. Meanwhile things keep getting worse for the Palestinians and better for the Israelis. Winning!
Question: Does it look like Israel is winning or losing since Trump became president? Here are some clues....

Trump Recognizes Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital and Orders U.S. Embassy to Move

Trump threatens to cut off US aid to Palestinian Authority


I had posted a link about the number of times the Palestinians were offered their own State including most of E. Jerusalem in “ negotiation” but of course the Pro Palestinians ignored it.

They also get a small piece of Israel within the 67 Borders in which they are demanding FULL control, a passageway between Gaza and the W. Bank; something Israel is Not legally responsible for.
Trump is doing the right thing: Withold aid until the Palestinians are ready to sit with Israel and NEGOTIATE
Exactly. We should have much better things to do with the 800 million a year than to send it to people who burn our flags, hate our country, and are led by terrorists.

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