The Death of Keynesian Economics


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
The election results in 2010 did more than take the Speaker gavel from the hand of the most dangerous woman on the planet, it was the death knell of the Keynesian economic theory.

The track record of JM Keynes "Increased government spending to stimulate the economy" has been a total, utter failure here in the USA every time its been tried.

Presidents Hoover and FDR tried it and they took a recession and turned it into the greatest economic decline since Atlantis sunk under the waves. Increased government spending yielded a decade long decline and 20% average unemployment.

In 2008 Obama tried his version and the Stimulus and $1.3 Trillion deficits and the $3 trillion the Fed has pumped out have done nothing positive for the economy; they have only exacerbated the problem. Do you understand that we've poured out almost $5 trillion since the start of 2009 to help the economy and it's not done a single positive thing?

Progressive have lied to use for generation about how the New Deal saved America from Capitalism. Now that they've lost their media monopoly we see the truth: Government Spending = Epic Fail.

It cost the Democrats Congress, it should Krugman his Noble Prize and we should laugh hysterically next time someone suggest we need "more government stimulus" to help the economy.

We just need to get through this period with our nation still intact, then we can laugh.
Ell public seems to be waking up to the fallacies.

But governmnet just loves keynes too much, because he gives them power. Nothing will change as far as I am concerned. We will see series of keynesian remedies without doubt.
The election results in 2010 did more than take the Speaker gavel from the hand of the most dangerous woman on the planet, it was the death knell of the Keynesian economic theory.

LMAO! Did monetarism die as well? We only wish that deficit spending wasn't gonna continue till we all croak!

The tea partiers will be coopted into GOP thinking sooner than you expect and they will keep spending tomorrow's money the same way they have since Reagan.
The US government uses the Fisher and Hicks-Hanson models not Keynes. The general theory was a call to research what is now Evolutionary, Behavioral and Neurological economics. Although not viable as a political program: running up surpluses in good times and investing them so they can be spent on government projects in bad times? What politician is going to endorse that?
The problem is that the Kenyan still believes in Kynesian economics as do his radical left wing minions.

Obama is an idealogue.
The problem is that the Kenyan still believes in Kynesian economics as do his radical left wing minions.

Obama is an idealogue.

so are you. In fact you believe in things you can't even begin to understand.
The election results in 2010 did more than take the Speaker gavel from the hand of the most dangerous woman on the planet, it was the death knell of the Keynesian economic theory.

The track record of JM Keynes "Increased government spending to stimulate the economy" has been a total, utter failure here in the USA every time its been tried.

Presidents Hoover and FDR tried it and they took a recession and turned it into the greatest economic decline since Atlantis sunk under the waves. Increased government spending yielded a decade long decline and 20% average unemployment.

In 2008 Obama tried his version and the Stimulus and $1.3 Trillion deficits and the $3 trillion the Fed has pumped out have done nothing positive for the economy; they have only exacerbated the problem. Do you understand that we've poured out almost $5 trillion since the start of 2009 to help the economy and it's not done a single positive thing?

Progressive have lied to use for generation about how the New Deal saved America from Capitalism. Now that they've lost their media monopoly we see the truth: Government Spending = Epic Fail.

It cost the Democrats Congress, it should Krugman his Noble Prize and we should laugh hysterically next time someone suggest we need "more government stimulus" to help the economy.

We just need to get through this period with our nation still intact, then we can laugh.

I am not an expert on the great depression, but your statements are a gross oversimplification, and I believe you assert a cause and effect relationship between govt. spending and prolongation of the depression, that is not accurate.

My impression is that after the stock market crash and beginning of the depression in 1929, Hoover did not stimulate the economy. Things got much worse, and the public threw out the repubs and gave the govt. to Roosevelt in 1932, 3 years into the depression and near its bottom. I don't know exactly when the CCC and WPA works programs got up and running, but the voters hated that so much they elected Roosevelt 3 more times (sarchasm)!

What role did securities fraud play and bank over-leverage and subsequent bank failures. Remedies, we got the SEC out of this, and the FDIC, and there were limits on bank leverage set at 15:1 until the republican SEC relaxed the net capital rule for the 5 big investment banks in 2004, leading to their collapse in 2008.

Maybe you can post a scholarly article, like not from a republican shill site and we can all get educated.

Of course a huge problem in the depression was the deflation that took hold. If you bought a farm for $1,000 and planned to sell wheat for $1 a bushel to pay off the note, and wheat fell in price to .50 a bushel, you could not service your debt because you business model was shot, prices had fallen too far to service the debt you had. Nobody would buy anything because they thought if you waited a year you could buy it cheaper. Commerce came to a halt, then unemployment rose, and the economy was in a death spiral, a race to the bottom of economic activity where only commerce that was REQUIRED was conducted. You had to eat, dress minimally, and the dead were buried. Then you were at the bottom and things could begin to get better when there was no farther to go down.
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The election results in 2010 did more than take the Speaker gavel from the hand of the most dangerous woman on the planet, it was the death knell of the Keynesian economic theory.

The track record of JM Keynes "Increased government spending to stimulate the economy" has been a total, utter failure here in the USA every time its been tried.

Presidents Hoover and FDR tried it and they took a recession and turned it into the greatest economic decline since Atlantis sunk under the waves. Increased government spending yielded a decade long decline and 20% average unemployment.

In 2008 Obama tried his version and the Stimulus and $1.3 Trillion deficits and the $3 trillion the Fed has pumped out have done nothing positive for the economy; they have only exacerbated the problem. Do you understand that we've poured out almost $5 trillion since the start of 2009 to help the economy and it's not done a single positive thing?

Progressive have lied to use for generation about how the New Deal saved America from Capitalism. Now that they've lost their media monopoly we see the truth: Government Spending = Epic Fail.

It cost the Democrats Congress, it should Krugman his Noble Prize and we should laugh hysterically next time someone suggest we need "more government stimulus" to help the economy.

We just need to get through this period with our nation still intact, then we can laugh.

I am not an expert on the great depression, but your statements are a gross oversimplification, and I believe you assert a cause and effect relationship between govt. spending and prolongation of the depression, that is not accurate.

My impression is that after the stock market crash and beginning of the depression in 1929, Hoover did not stimulate the economy. Things got much worse, and the public threw out the repubs and gave the govt. to Roosevelt in 1932, 3 years into the depression and near its bottom. I don't know exactly when the CCC and WPA works programs got up and running, but the voters hated that so much they elected Roosevelt 3 more times (sarchasm)!

What role did securities fraud play and bank over-leverage and subsequent bank failures. Remedies, we got the SEC out of this, and the FDIC, and there were limits on bank leverage set at 15:1 until the republican SEC relaxed the net capital rule for the 5 big investment banks in 2004, leading to their collapse in 2008.

Maybe you can post a scholarly article, like not from a republican shill site and we can all get educated.

Of course a huge problem in the depression was the deflation that took hold. If you bought a farm for $1,000 and planned to sell wheat for $1 a bushel to pay off the note, and wheat fell in price to .50 a bushel, you could not service your debt because you business model was shot, prices had fallen too far to service the debt you had. Nobody would buy anything because they thought if you waited a year you could buy it cheaper. Commerce came to a halt, then unemployment rose, and the economy was in a death spiral, a race to the bottom of economic activity where only commerce that was REQUIRED was conducted. You had to eat, dress minimally, and the dead were buried. Then you were at the bottom and things could begin to get better when there was no farther to go down.

Not surprisingly, your "Impression" is the product of being lied to for a few generations.

Hoover and FDR took the same approach of Mo' Goverment spending and regulation to addressing the recession and each threw gasoline on the fire. That FDR kept getting reelected, his economic devastation notwithstanding is one of the Wonders of the Modern Age.

Unlike the shellacking handed to the Modern Keynesian BH Obama, Progressives had an absolute media monopoly during the reign of economic terror of FDR. Maybe people always thought "Happy Days Are Here Again" was jusssssssssssssst around the corner, 20% average unemployment notwithstanding.

As far as banking regulation, you might want to look up the culpability of the Federal Reserve in the decline following the Crash. The Lender of Last Resort was draining money OUT of the economy and forcing banks to close, and these were banks that were able to pay 90-95% of their deposits back.
The election results in 2010 did more than take the Speaker gavel from the hand of the most dangerous woman on the planet, it was the death knell of the Keynesian economic theory.

The track record of JM Keynes "Increased government spending to stimulate the economy" has been a total, utter failure here in the USA every time its been tried.

Presidents Hoover and FDR tried it and they took a recession and turned it into the greatest economic decline since Atlantis sunk under the waves. Increased government spending yielded a decade long decline and 20% average unemployment.

In 2008 Obama tried his version and the Stimulus and $1.3 Trillion deficits and the $3 trillion the Fed has pumped out have done nothing positive for the economy; they have only exacerbated the problem. Do you understand that we've poured out almost $5 trillion since the start of 2009 to help the economy and it's not done a single positive thing?

Progressive have lied to use for generation about how the New Deal saved America from Capitalism. Now that they've lost their media monopoly we see the truth: Government Spending = Epic Fail.

It cost the Democrats Congress, it should Krugman his Noble Prize and we should laugh hysterically next time someone suggest we need "more government stimulus" to help the economy.

We just need to get through this period with our nation still intact, then we can laugh.

I am not an expert on the great depression, but your statements are a gross oversimplification, and I believe you assert a cause and effect relationship between govt. spending and prolongation of the depression, that is not accurate.

My impression is that after the stock market crash and beginning of the depression in 1929, Hoover did not stimulate the economy. Things got much worse, and the public threw out the repubs and gave the govt. to Roosevelt in 1932, 3 years into the depression and near its bottom. I don't know exactly when the CCC and WPA works programs got up and running, but the voters hated that so much they elected Roosevelt 3 more times (sarchasm)!

What role did securities fraud play and bank over-leverage and subsequent bank failures. Remedies, we got the SEC out of this, and the FDIC, and there were limits on bank leverage set at 15:1 until the republican SEC relaxed the net capital rule for the 5 big investment banks in 2004, leading to their collapse in 2008.

Maybe you can post a scholarly article, like not from a republican shill site and we can all get educated.

Of course a huge problem in the depression was the deflation that took hold. If you bought a farm for $1,000 and planned to sell wheat for $1 a bushel to pay off the note, and wheat fell in price to .50 a bushel, you could not service your debt because you business model was shot, prices had fallen too far to service the debt you had. Nobody would buy anything because they thought if you waited a year you could buy it cheaper. Commerce came to a halt, then unemployment rose, and the economy was in a death spiral, a race to the bottom of economic activity where only commerce that was REQUIRED was conducted. You had to eat, dress minimally, and the dead were buried. Then you were at the bottom and things could begin to get better when there was no farther to go down.

Not surprisingly, your "Impression" is the product of being lied to for a few generations.

Hoover and FDR took the same approach of Mo' Goverment spending and regulation to addressing the recession and each threw gasoline on the fire. That FDR kept getting reelected, his economic devastation notwithstanding is one of the Wonders of the Modern Age.

Unlike the shellacking handed to the Modern Keynesian BH Obama, Progressives had an absolute media monopoly during the reign of economic terror of FDR. Maybe people always thought "Happy Days Are Here Again" was jusssssssssssssst around the corner, 20% average unemployment notwithstanding.

As far as banking regulation, you might want to look up the culpability of the Federal Reserve in the decline following the Crash. The Lender of Last Resort was draining money OUT of the economy and forcing banks to close, and these were banks that were able to pay 90-95% of their deposits back.

It's not a wonder that FDR kept getting re-elected. When you keep giving out taxpayer money to your supporters and using the force of government to help their businesses of course they're going to keep voting for you.
The election results in 2010 did more than take the Speaker gavel from the hand of the most dangerous woman on the planet, it was the death knell of the Keynesian economic theory.

The track record of JM Keynes "Increased government spending to stimulate the economy" has been a total, utter failure here in the USA every time its been tried.

Presidents Hoover and FDR tried it and they took a recession and turned it into the greatest economic decline since Atlantis sunk under the waves. Increased government spending yielded a decade long decline and 20% average unemployment.

In 2008 Obama tried his version and the Stimulus and $1.3 Trillion deficits and the $3 trillion the Fed has pumped out have done nothing positive for the economy; they have only exacerbated the problem. Do you understand that we've poured out almost $5 trillion since the start of 2009 to help the economy and it's not done a single positive thing?

Progressive have lied to use for generation about how the New Deal saved America from Capitalism. Now that they've lost their media monopoly we see the truth: Government Spending = Epic Fail.

It cost the Democrats Congress, it should Krugman his Noble Prize and we should laugh hysterically next time someone suggest we need "more government stimulus" to help the economy.

We just need to get through this period with our nation still intact, then we can laugh.

I am not an expert on the great depression, but your statements are a gross oversimplification, and I believe you assert a cause and effect relationship between govt. spending and prolongation of the depression, that is not accurate.

My impression is that after the stock market crash and beginning of the depression in 1929, Hoover did not stimulate the economy. Things got much worse, and the public threw out the repubs and gave the govt. to Roosevelt in 1932, 3 years into the depression and near its bottom. I don't know exactly when the CCC and WPA works programs got up and running, but the voters hated that so much they elected Roosevelt 3 more times (sarchasm)!

What role did securities fraud play and bank over-leverage and subsequent bank failures. Remedies, we got the SEC out of this, and the FDIC, and there were limits on bank leverage set at 15:1 until the republican SEC relaxed the net capital rule for the 5 big investment banks in 2004, leading to their collapse in 2008.

Maybe you can post a scholarly article, like not from a republican shill site and we can all get educated.

Of course a huge problem in the depression was the deflation that took hold. If you bought a farm for $1,000 and planned to sell wheat for $1 a bushel to pay off the note, and wheat fell in price to .50 a bushel, you could not service your debt because you business model was shot, prices had fallen too far to service the debt you had. Nobody would buy anything because they thought if you waited a year you could buy it cheaper. Commerce came to a halt, then unemployment rose, and the economy was in a death spiral, a race to the bottom of economic activity where only commerce that was REQUIRED was conducted. You had to eat, dress minimally, and the dead were buried. Then you were at the bottom and things could begin to get better when there was no farther to go down.

Your impression is wrong.

Hoover's dam folly: Why Keynesian New Deal policies failed -

Your lack of a proper understanding of history might indicate why you think you know something about economics.
The election results in 2010 did more than take the Speaker gavel from the hand of the most dangerous woman on the planet, it was the death knell of the Keynesian economic theory.

The track record of JM Keynes "Increased government spending to stimulate the economy" has been a total, utter failure here in the USA every time its been tried.

Presidents Hoover and FDR tried it and they took a recession and turned it into the greatest economic decline since Atlantis sunk under the waves. Increased government spending yielded a decade long decline and 20% average unemployment.

In 2008 Obama tried his version and the Stimulus and $1.3 Trillion deficits and the $3 trillion the Fed has pumped out have done nothing positive for the economy; they have only exacerbated the problem. Do you understand that we've poured out almost $5 trillion since the start of 2009 to help the economy and it's not done a single positive thing?

Progressive have lied to use for generation about how the New Deal saved America from Capitalism. Now that they've lost their media monopoly we see the truth: Government Spending = Epic Fail.

It cost the Democrats Congress, it should Krugman his Noble Prize and we should laugh hysterically next time someone suggest we need "more government stimulus" to help the economy.

We just need to get through this period with our nation still intact, then we can laugh.

Well, since you know so much, perhaps you could answer this:

How is Republican support for moving American jobs to China good for our economy?

And don't say the Republican leadership doesn't support such a move. We both know it would be a lie.
The election results in 2010 did more than take the Speaker gavel from the hand of the most dangerous woman on the planet, it was the death knell of the Keynesian economic theory.

The track record of JM Keynes "Increased government spending to stimulate the economy" has been a total, utter failure here in the USA every time its been tried.

Presidents Hoover and FDR tried it and they took a recession and turned it into the greatest economic decline since Atlantis sunk under the waves. Increased government spending yielded a decade long decline and 20% average unemployment.

In 2008 Obama tried his version and the Stimulus and $1.3 Trillion deficits and the $3 trillion the Fed has pumped out have done nothing positive for the economy; they have only exacerbated the problem. Do you understand that we've poured out almost $5 trillion since the start of 2009 to help the economy and it's not done a single positive thing?

Progressive have lied to use for generation about how the New Deal saved America from Capitalism. Now that they've lost their media monopoly we see the truth: Government Spending = Epic Fail.

It cost the Democrats Congress, it should Krugman his Noble Prize and we should laugh hysterically next time someone suggest we need "more government stimulus" to help the economy.

We just need to get through this period with our nation still intact, then we can laugh.

Well, since you know so much, perhaps you could answer this:

How is Republican support for moving American jobs to China good for our economy?

And don't say the Republican leadership doesn't support such a move. We both know it would be a lie.

I've said it before, if you want to slow Chinese economy send Obama and Geitner over there. ObamaCare and FinReg will grind it to a halt
The election results in 2010 did more than take the Speaker gavel from the hand of the most dangerous woman on the planet, it was the death knell of the Keynesian economic theory.

The track record of JM Keynes "Increased government spending to stimulate the economy" has been a total, utter failure here in the USA every time its been tried.

Presidents Hoover and FDR tried it and they took a recession and turned it into the greatest economic decline since Atlantis sunk under the waves. Increased government spending yielded a decade long decline and 20% average unemployment.

In 2008 Obama tried his version and the Stimulus and $1.3 Trillion deficits and the $3 trillion the Fed has pumped out have done nothing positive for the economy; they have only exacerbated the problem. Do you understand that we've poured out almost $5 trillion since the start of 2009 to help the economy and it's not done a single positive thing?

Progressive have lied to use for generation about how the New Deal saved America from Capitalism. Now that they've lost their media monopoly we see the truth: Government Spending = Epic Fail.

It cost the Democrats Congress, it should Krugman his Noble Prize and we should laugh hysterically next time someone suggest we need "more government stimulus" to help the economy.

We just need to get through this period with our nation still intact, then we can laugh.

Well, since you know so much, perhaps you could answer this:

How is Republican support for moving American jobs to China good for our economy?

And don't say the Republican leadership doesn't support such a move. We both know it would be a lie.

How is Obama's support for moving jobs to India good for our economy?

Because it is, and all the numbers prove it.
The election results in 2010 did more than take the Speaker gavel from the hand of the most dangerous woman on the planet, it was the death knell of the Keynesian economic theory.

The track record of JM Keynes "Increased government spending to stimulate the economy" has been a total, utter failure here in the USA every time its been tried.

Presidents Hoover and FDR tried it and they took a recession and turned it into the greatest economic decline since Atlantis sunk under the waves. Increased government spending yielded a decade long decline and 20% average unemployment.

In 2008 Obama tried his version and the Stimulus and $1.3 Trillion deficits and the $3 trillion the Fed has pumped out have done nothing positive for the economy; they have only exacerbated the problem. Do you understand that we've poured out almost $5 trillion since the start of 2009 to help the economy and it's not done a single positive thing?

Progressive have lied to use for generation about how the New Deal saved America from Capitalism. Now that they've lost their media monopoly we see the truth: Government Spending = Epic Fail.

It cost the Democrats Congress, it should Krugman his Noble Prize and we should laugh hysterically next time someone suggest we need "more government stimulus" to help the economy.

We just need to get through this period with our nation still intact, then we can laugh.

Well, since you know so much, perhaps you could answer this:

How is Republican support for moving American jobs to China good for our economy?

And don't say the Republican leadership doesn't support such a move. We both know it would be a lie.

2 things you need to cite:

1. Link to a Republican party Platform plank that spells out what you just said.
2. Demonstrate how the jobs stopped going to China effective with the control of Congress by the Dems in 2006.

If you can prove neither of these things, you are wrong. Period.

It doesn't matter how many scientist self identify as Republican.

Out of curiosity, how many Democrat Congressmen will self identify as unemployed in January?

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