The days of a majority-white United States are coming to an end

The country will remain Christian, just not hard right Protestant Christian, which is God's blessings on all of us.
Now we know why the howling, pants shitting, freaking out and total panic has set in

The data is there: This country is increasingly becoming more of color, more immigrant, more LGBT, more diverse, less Anglo-white. And we need historic change in our country. It's going to change us forever,

Why Maria Hinojosa Is 'Less Afraid' Of How The U.S. Will Deal With Demographic Change

Query: DO you consider this a change for the good or for the ill and please explain why.
For the best , my kids and grand kids won't have to put up with institutionalized racism as they will be one of many with not one group predominant
Now we know why the howling, pants shitting, freaking out and total panic has set in

The data is there: This country is increasingly becoming more of color, more immigrant, more LGBT, more diverse, less Anglo-white. And we need historic change in our country. It's going to change us forever,

Why Maria Hinojosa Is 'Less Afraid' Of How The U.S. Will Deal With Demographic Change
guno ole buddy a question if i you actually think because brown people will be the majority that violence and bigotry will decline so much that it will be a minor thing in society?....
Want to see what Hispanics think of negroes?
Visit any Federal prison.
If the Hispanics could they would kill every negro they could.
Watch what's happening in the inner city shit holes. Hispanic gangs against negro gangs.
Ever see a Hispanic eating or drinking in a negro restaurant or bar?
Once the Hispanics control local and State governments the negroes in the country had better pack up and move to Africa if they value their useless lives.
i lived in Anaheim Ca for the last 48 years,i know very well how many Mexicans view blacks and white people,i dont need no federal prison to tell me.....
Now we know why the howling, pants shitting, freaking out and total panic has set in

The data is there: This country is increasingly becoming more of color, more immigrant, more LGBT, more diverse, less Anglo-white. And we need historic change in our country. It's going to change us forever,

Why Maria Hinojosa Is 'Less Afraid' Of How The U.S. Will Deal With Demographic Change

Query: DO you consider this a change for the good or for the ill and please explain why.
For the best , my kids and grand kids won't have to put up with institutionalized racism as they will be one of many with not one group predominant
there will still be will just be coming mostly from a different shade of color......
Now we know why the howling, pants shitting, freaking out and total panic has set in

The data is there: This country is increasingly becoming more of color, more immigrant, more LGBT, more diverse, less Anglo-white. And we need historic change in our country. It's going to change us forever,

Why Maria Hinojosa Is 'Less Afraid' Of How The U.S. Will Deal With Demographic Change

Query: DO you consider this a change for the good or for the ill and please explain why.
For the best , my kids and grand kids won't have to put up with institutionalized racism as they will be one of many with not one group predominant
there will still be will just be coming mostly from a different shade of color......
Like it does right now? The vast most of the general racism in the US is perpetrated by black people, and 99% of violent racism is perpetrated by black people.
Did you ever play softball for the leagues at Lemon Park south of the tracks, Harry?
It is certainly being presented here, and has been else where as a change for the good.

Yet, celebrating the decline of a whole race as a good thing, how is that not racist?

And could you also tell US why you think it is a good thing?
I never said it was a change for good OR bad. I said it will be a change. How can you read into that something racist?

Your words.

".it's a fact that we blase' and privileged whites/caucasians will have to live with. I've been lucky to live among many different ethnic groups and the idea doesn't frighten me, but it will a lot of people."

YOu refer to whites in negative terms and state that WE may be frightened, but we have to live with it.

Your slant is obvious.

So, as I asked,

1. How is that not racist?

2. Why do you think it is a good thing?
Now we know why the howling, pants shitting, freaking out and total panic has set in

The data is there: This country is increasingly becoming more of color, more immigrant, more LGBT, more diverse, less Anglo-white. And we need historic change in our country. It's going to change us forever,

Why Maria Hinojosa Is 'Less Afraid' Of How The U.S. Will Deal With Demographic Change

Query: DO you consider this a change for the good or for the ill and please explain why.
For the best , my kids and grand kids won't have to put up with institutionalized racism as they will be one of many with not one group predominant

You are kidding yourself.

Disparate Impact Theory will require by law, massive discrimination against White People across the nation, in all walks of life.
I am white and not threatened in the slightest by a multi-ethnic community.

Anyone who is and refuses to learn is racist.

Anyone who believes Title VII will lead to "massive discrimination to White People" is either mentally feeble, woefully ignorant, malignantly motivated or is any combination of these defects.
The country will remain Christian, just not hard right Protestant Christian, which is God's blessings on all of us.
Christianity faces sharp decline as Americans are becoming even less affiliated with religion

Christianity faces sharp decline as Americans are becoming even less affiliated with religion
75% of the country is Christian and almost 90% believes in some form of spirituality.

And lefties like Guno will be doing all they can to marginalize them.

YOu remember how the Left smeared Romney for his religion?
I am white and not threatened in the slightest by a multi-ethnic community.

Anyone who is and refuses to learn is racist.

Once again you are using the term Racist to avoid a honest discussion on the issue.

But I will play.

Sooooo, WHAT exactly are those people refusing to "learn"?

Oh, and a preemptive.

Correll, we all know now you are yammering.

Title VII is not racist. You can't prove it is. Tis what is.
Guno is a Southern white male hahahahaha!!!!! What a god damn loser!!!
guno is not only a racist, he is also a piece of shit.

So that makes him a racist piece of shit.

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