The days of a majority-white United States are coming to an end

It is certainly being presented here, and has been else where as a change for the good.

Yet, celebrating the decline of a whole race as a good thing, how is that not racist?

And could you also tell US why you think it is a good thing?
I never said it was a change for good OR bad. I said it will be a change. How can you read into that something racist?

Your words.

".it's a fact that we blase' and privileged whites/caucasians will have to live with. I've been lucky to live among many different ethnic groups and the idea doesn't frighten me, but it will a lot of people."

YOu refer to whites in negative terms and state that WE may be frightened, but we have to live with it.

Your slant is obvious.

So, as I asked,

1. How is that not racist?

2. Why do you think it is a good thing?
Have we not been the privileged group? Have we not been blase' about how other ethnic groups cope with being discriminated against? Show me where I think it's a "good thing".

No, we have not been the privileged group, not in my lifetime.

No, we have not been blase' about how other ethnic groups cope with being discriminated against. Fighting against such discrimination has been the consensus of this nation, and it's white population for generations.

And your negative opinion about whites in this context shows that you think it is a good thing.

Now that we are past that.

So, as I asked,

1. How is that not racist?

2. Why do you think it is a good thing?
You are determined to start an argument where there is none. If you can't see that whites have been privileged to live their lives without harassment due to skin color then that's your problem. Stating facts is not's stating facts. I don't think anyone with one eye and half sense would quibble about whites being privileged. It's not my "opinion", it's a fact. Ever since this country was settled by mostly white Europeans, we have been the privileged ethnic group. Native Americans, blacks and Hispanics have not been so privileged. I have no "slant". But I have been lucky enough to be immersed in other cultures long enough to see a different perspective than others do and therefore I don't always have that knee-jerk reaction to 'Murica, right or wrong.
It is certainly being presented here, and has been else where as a change for the good.

Yet, celebrating the decline of a whole race as a good thing, how is that not racist?

And could you also tell US why you think it is a good thing?
I never said it was a change for good OR bad. I said it will be a change. How can you read into that something racist?

Your words.

".it's a fact that we blase' and privileged whites/caucasians will have to live with. I've been lucky to live among many different ethnic groups and the idea doesn't frighten me, but it will a lot of people."

YOu refer to whites in negative terms and state that WE may be frightened, but we have to live with it.

Your slant is obvious.

So, as I asked,

1. How is that not racist?

2. Why do you think it is a good thing?
Have we not been the privileged group? Have we not been blase' about how other ethnic groups cope with being discriminated against? Show me where I think it's a "good thing".

No, we have not been the privileged group, not in my lifetime.

No, we have not been blase' about how other ethnic groups cope with being discriminated against. Fighting against such discrimination has been the consensus of this nation, and it's white population for generations.

And your negative opinion about whites in this context shows that you think it is a good thing.

Now that we are past that.

So, as I asked,

1. How is that not racist?

2. Why do you think it is a good thing?
You are determined to start an argument where there is none. If you can't see that whites have been privileged to live their lives without harassment due to skin color then that's your problem. Stating facts is not's stating facts. I don't think anyone with one eye and half sense would quibble about whites being privileged. It's not my "opinion", it's a fact. Ever since this country was settled by mostly white Europeans, we have been the privileged ethnic group. Native Americans, blacks and Hispanics have not been so privileged. I have no "slant". But I have been lucky enough to be immersed in other cultures long enough to see a different perspective than others do and therefore I don't always have that knee-jerk reaction to 'Murica, right or wrong.

1. Your opinion that "whites are privileged" is an opinion, one you have not supported except with empty assertions.

2. If you go back to the days of slavery, then yes, it WAS true. Those days are long gone and are not relevant in discussion of current events and issues. That you feel you have to go there, shows that inside you know your position is weak.

3. Everyone has a slant. It is par of the Human Condition.

4. Correct. YOu do not have the Knee Jerk "Murica right or wrong" reaction. YOu have the opposite reaction. This is not better.

Now that we are past that.

Your negative opinion about whites in this context shows that you think it is a good thing.

So, as I asked,

1. How is that not racist?

2. Why do you think it is a good thing?
It is certainly being presented here, and has been else where as a change for the good.

Yet, celebrating the decline of a whole race as a good thing, how is that not racist?

And could you also tell US why you think it is a good thing?
I never said it was a change for good OR bad. I said it will be a change. How can you read into that something racist?

Your words.

".it's a fact that we blase' and privileged whites/caucasians will have to live with. I've been lucky to live among many different ethnic groups and the idea doesn't frighten me, but it will a lot of people."

YOu refer to whites in negative terms and state that WE may be frightened, but we have to live with it.

Your slant is obvious.

So, as I asked,

1. How is that not racist?

2. Why do you think it is a good thing?
Have we not been the privileged group? Have we not been blase' about how other ethnic groups cope with being discriminated against? Show me where I think it's a "good thing".

No, we have not been the privileged group, not in my lifetime.

No, we have not been blase' about how other ethnic groups cope with being discriminated against. Fighting against such discrimination has been the consensus of this nation, and it's white population for generations.

And your negative opinion about whites in this context shows that you think it is a good thing.

Now that we are past that.

So, as I asked,

1. How is that not racist?

2. Why do you think it is a good thing?
You are determined to start an argument where there is none. If you can't see that whites have been privileged to live their lives without harassment due to skin color then that's your problem. Stating facts is not's stating facts. I don't think anyone with one eye and half sense would quibble about whites being privileged. It's not my "opinion", it's a fact. Ever since this country was settled by mostly white Europeans, we have been the privileged ethnic group. Native Americans, blacks and Hispanics have not been so privileged. I have no "slant". But I have been lucky enough to be immersed in other cultures long enough to see a different perspective than others do and therefore I don't always have that knee-jerk reaction to 'Murica, right or wrong.
I have no problem with agreeing that Whites world wide have been and still are generally living more 'privileged' lives.
So fucking what?
'Whites' have generally invented the technology from before the Industrial Revolution to today which has led to the 'privileges' we enjoy.
My grandpa told me "the harder I work the better my luck becomes".
YES YES apparently there were incredible long lost scientifically advanced cultures hidden deep in darkest Africa thousands of years ago, which we have yet to stumble onto.
Humans are no different than any other animal. The strong survive and they dominate the weak. That's basic Darwinism 101.
All this LIB bullshit that "everyone deserves a trophy" is just that.
In this world the 'Makers' dominate the 'takers'. No matter what their respective skin color.
Don't 'like it'? It's 'not fair'? Fucking leave.
Now we know why the howling, pants shitting, freaking out and total panic has set in

The data is there: This country is increasingly becoming more of color, more immigrant, more LGBT, more diverse, less Anglo-white. And we need historic change in our country. It's going to change us forever,

Why Maria Hinojosa Is 'Less Afraid' Of How The U.S. Will Deal With Demographic Change
The "white-majority" has been gone in this area (LA County) for quite a while. Around here, it's the Latino's that have the political power now. But here's the kicker, the Latino leadership in this area, acts (and votes) like old white people too!

The skin color might have changed, but nothing else has.
Now we know why the howling, pants shitting, freaking out and total panic has set in

The data is there: This country is increasingly becoming more of color, more immigrant, more LGBT, more diverse, less Anglo-white. And we need historic change in our country. It's going to change us forever,

Why Maria Hinojosa Is 'Less Afraid' Of How The U.S. Will Deal With Demographic Change
The "white-majority" has been gone in this area (LA County) for quite a while. Around here, it's the Latino's that have the political power now. But here's the kicker, the Latino leadership in this area, acts (and votes) like old white people too!

The skin color might have changed, but nothing else has.
Every predominately Hispanic community in the country which has it's own leaders is full of hard working peaceful law abiding successful men and women. These communities do not tolerate what goes on in the inner city negro shitholes.
And guess what? These communities are very anti illegal immigrant AND they are predominantly REPs.
Can you say Nevada?
Every predominately Hispanic community in the country which has it's own leaders is full of hard working peaceful law abiding successful men and women. These communities do not tolerate what goes on in the inner city negro shitholes.
And guess what? These communities are very anti illegal immigrant AND they are predominantly REPs.
Can you say Nevada?
I agree with everything but Nevada.

My father lived (and is buried) in Nevada. And he was a racist. But he did, on his death bed, admit to me he liked Magic Johnson. And then he said, "But don't tell anybody!" I told him, "That's okay dad, everybody likes Magic Johnson!"

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