The dangers of socialism: Peel police Chief Jennifer Evans named in $21M lawsuit alleging she inter


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
I've been posting the dangers of socialism, as I've personally experienced it in Canada. It is not just an economic system, it is far worse. In this case, a police officer fired his gun, it hit a woman who was in her home. Not only did the police deny it happened, but when it was confirmed it happened, they refused to name the police officer. The shooter has still not been I.D'ed

The chief of police, who resides just outside of Toronto, personally visits the woman who was hit while she is recovering in the hospital and promises her a career in policing. You see, that's how the police are can be recruited in Canada. Like the rest of the system, a hierarchy of loyalists, cronies and nepotism.

$21M lawsuit alleges Peel police chief interfered in police shooting probe

In the last few years, the RCMP and CSIS; our equivalent of the FBI and CIA, have relied on American intelligence in multiple cases of Canadians engaging in espionage and terror. The reason for this is simple, U.S agencies focus on legitimate threats and hire the best and brightest. Canadian agencies manufacture threats and chase rabbits, sometimes for years knowing full well no threat exists; while legitimate threats are either successful, or would have been successful without U.S assistance.

The dangers of socialism and the abuses within a system not only harms Canadians, but is a danger to it's neighbours.
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I've been posting the dangers of socialism, as I've personally experienced it in Canada. It is not just a economic system, it is far worse. In this case, a police officer fired his gun, it hit a woman who in her home. Not only did the police deny it happened, but when it was confirmed it happened, they refused to name the police officer. The shooter has still not been I.D'ed

The chief of police, who resides just outside of Toronto, personally visits the woman who was hit while she is recovering in the hospital and promises her a career in policing. You see, that's how the police are can be recruited in Canada. Like the rest of the system, a hierarchy of loyalists, cronies and nepotism.

$21M lawsuit alleges Peel police chief interfered in police shooting probe

In the last few years, the RCMP and CSIS; our equivalent of the FBI and CIA, have relied on American intelligence in multiple cases of Canadians engaging in espionage and terror. The reason for this is simple, U.S agencies focus on legitimate threats and hire the best and brightest. Canadian agencies manufacture threats and chase rabbits, sometimes for years knowing full well no threat exists; while legitimate threats are either successful, or would have been successful without U.S assistance.

The dangers of socialism and the abuses within a system not only harms Canadians, but is a danger to it's neighbours.
Dear shockedcanadian
The common problems we face in America
Is where people don't follow Constitutional process and principles, but abuse collective corporate or party power to bypass checks and abuse govt authority and resources to violate rights.

Police and FBI, courts, AG and law enforcement have all
Been corrupted and abused because of lack of direct checks by the public. If lawsuits are required, but lawyers and judges jut follow the money or politics, this offers no recourse but more of the same!

The key is setting up means to educate train and assist citizens in due process to report and correct abuses when first detected.

What systems do you have to complain of govt abuses, and how can these be improved for equal access and effective redress of grievances?

Thank you!
Emily Nghiem
What does this have to do with socialism.

Socialism embodies an unaccountable, nepotistic system in which you are only bestowed information, fair and equal justice only if the agency or government is benevolent. Friends and family are given positions within government as rewards for nothing other than their lineage, or as we see in this case, sometimes as "hush" payments of sorts. I could give multiple examples of egregious behaviours.

This ideology goes all the way to the top, such as when Bob Paulson Commissioner of the RCMP stated with a laugh about the surprise of a fellow RCMP officer who pulled him over for speeding. He didn't smile when asked to explain why he wasn't given a ticket. He knows very well that this hierarchy establishment has no checks and balances or even an obligation to address concerns. In a republic or even a free market capitalist system in which government is there to support, not impede the right of the individual, he would not get such a pass.

I have read multiple books on the FBI and CIA, some even critical of the agencies. I know of the good and bad. One element that is fair to state is that these abuses are in the past in the U.S for the most part and they have been exposed and become lessons to improve their forces. Furthermore there is a major difference between our systems. Police in America, especially at the federal level; take an oath to uphold your Constitution, in Canada they do not require such an oath, particularly the RCMP who are basically accountable to the agency itself, and God (in cases in which they believe in one).

Socialism is not just dependence on government or a centralised system of control, it also promotes and supports a near caste system within it's policing agencies.
What does this have to do with socialism.

Socialism embodies an unaccountable, nepotistic system in which you are only bestowed information, fair and equal justice only if the agency or government is benevolent. Friends and family are given positions within government as rewards for nothing other than their lineage, or as we see in this case, sometimes as "hush" payments of sorts. I could give multiple examples of egregious behaviours.

This ideology goes all the way to the top, such as when Bob Paulson Commissioner of the RCMP stated with a laugh about the surprise of a fellow RCMP officer who pulled him over for speeding. He didn't smile when asked to explain why he wasn't given a ticket. He knows very well that this hierarchy establishment has no checks and balances or even an obligation to address concerns. In a republic or even a free market capitalist system in which government is there to support, not impede the right of the individual, he would not get such a pass.

I have read multiple books on the FBI and CIA, some even critical of the agencies. I know of the good and bad. One element that is fair to state is that these abuses are in the past in the U.S for the most part and they have been exposed and become lessons to improve their forces. Furthermore there is a major difference between our systems. Police in America, especially at the federal level; take an oath to uphold your Constitution, in Canada they do not require such an oath, particularly the RCMP who are basically accountable to the agency itself, and God (in cases in which they believe in one).

Socialism is not just dependence on government or a centralised system of control, it also promotes and supports a near caste system within it's policing agencies.
You explanation is not a real explanation. What you describe is just as well suited for a capitalist system. Perhaps better suited.
What does this have to do with socialism.

Socialism embodies an unaccountable, nepotistic system in which you are only bestowed information, fair and equal justice only if the agency or government is benevolent. Friends and family are given positions within government as rewards for nothing other than their lineage, or as we see in this case, sometimes as "hush" payments of sorts. I could give multiple examples of egregious behaviours.

This ideology goes all the way to the top, such as when Bob Paulson Commissioner of the RCMP stated with a laugh about the surprise of a fellow RCMP officer who pulled him over for speeding. He didn't smile when asked to explain why he wasn't given a ticket. He knows very well that this hierarchy establishment has no checks and balances or even an obligation to address concerns. In a republic or even a free market capitalist system in which government is there to support, not impede the right of the individual, he would not get such a pass.

I have read multiple books on the FBI and CIA, some even critical of the agencies. I know of the good and bad. One element that is fair to state is that these abuses are in the past in the U.S for the most part and they have been exposed and become lessons to improve their forces. Furthermore there is a major difference between our systems. Police in America, especially at the federal level; take an oath to uphold your Constitution, in Canada they do not require such an oath, particularly the RCMP who are basically accountable to the agency itself, and God (in cases in which they believe in one).

Socialism is not just dependence on government or a centralised system of control, it also promotes and supports a near caste system within it's policing agencies.
You explanation is not a real explanation. What you describe is just as well suited for a capitalist system. Perhaps better suited.

Really? Well now YOU explain why that would be so. I certainly wholeheartedly disagree with you.

I could provide one point that would support this issue regarding socialism as much as any, Canadas largest news network in the country is state owned. Take that for what you will.
Socialism embodies an unaccountable, nepotistic system in which you are only bestowed information, fair and equal justice only if the agency or government is benevolent. Friends and family are given positions within government as rewards for nothing other than their lineage, or as we see in this case, sometimes as "hush" payments of sorts. I could give multiple examples of egregious behaviours.

This ideology goes all the way to the top, such as when Bob Paulson Commissioner of the RCMP stated with a laugh about the surprise of a fellow RCMP officer who pulled him over for speeding. He didn't smile when asked to explain why he wasn't given a ticket. He knows very well that this hierarchy establishment has no checks and balances or even an obligation to address concerns. In a republic or even a free market capitalist system in which government is there to support, not impede the right of the individual, he would not get such a pass.

I have read multiple books on the FBI and CIA, some even critical of the agencies. I know of the good and bad. One element that is fair to state is that these abuses are in the past in the U.S for the most part and they have been exposed and become lessons to improve their forces. Furthermore there is a major difference between our systems. Police in America, especially at the federal level; take an oath to uphold your Constitution, in Canada they do not require such an oath, particularly the RCMP who are basically accountable to the agency itself, and God (in cases in which they believe in one).

Socialism is not just dependence on government or a centralised system of control, it also promotes and supports a near caste system within it's policing agencies.

Have you seen Trump and all his appointees to his cabinet. Talk about buying your way in, and now we have a
Plutocracy government, worst than before. Now we will probably get the Exon CEO who has a deal with Russia as our new Secretary of State. They will take away healthcare, and do everything they can to cut wages and get rid of unions, privatize out schools systems and make them for profit. Trump is the worst thing that could of ever happened to the US, a man who didn't pay taxes, stiffed small companies and has put all his rich buddies in high places. His kids will be involved in the Presidency and his businesses. He will leave , if at all, with 10X's the money he came in with.
What does this have to do with socialism.

Socialism embodies an unaccountable, nepotistic system in which you are only bestowed information, fair and equal justice only if the agency or government is benevolent. Friends and family are given positions within government as rewards for nothing other than their lineage, or as we see in this case, sometimes as "hush" payments of sorts. I could give multiple examples of egregious behaviours.

This ideology goes all the way to the top, such as when Bob Paulson Commissioner of the RCMP stated with a laugh about the surprise of a fellow RCMP officer who pulled him over for speeding. He didn't smile when asked to explain why he wasn't given a ticket. He knows very well that this hierarchy establishment has no checks and balances or even an obligation to address concerns. In a republic or even a free market capitalist system in which government is there to support, not impede the right of the individual, he would not get such a pass.

I have read multiple books on the FBI and CIA, some even critical of the agencies. I know of the good and bad. One element that is fair to state is that these abuses are in the past in the U.S for the most part and they have been exposed and become lessons to improve their forces. Furthermore there is a major difference between our systems. Police in America, especially at the federal level; take an oath to uphold your Constitution, in Canada they do not require such an oath, particularly the RCMP who are basically accountable to the agency itself, and God (in cases in which they believe in one).

Socialism is not just dependence on government or a centralised system of control, it also promotes and supports a near caste system within it's policing agencies.
You explanation is not a real explanation. What you describe is just as well suited for a capitalist system. Perhaps better suited.

Really? Well now YOU explain why that would be so. I certainly wholeheartedly disagree with you.

I could provide one point that would support this issue regarding socialism as much as any, Canadas largest news network in the country is state owned. Take that for what you will.
In America, one of the top forms of corruption is the doling out of government jobs. This is prevalent in the private sector as well.
Socialism embodies an unaccountable, nepotistic system in which you are only bestowed information, fair and equal justice only if the agency or government is benevolent. Friends and family are given positions within government as rewards for nothing other than their lineage, or as we see in this case, sometimes as "hush" payments of sorts. I could give multiple examples of egregious behaviours.

This ideology goes all the way to the top, such as when Bob Paulson Commissioner of the RCMP stated with a laugh about the surprise of a fellow RCMP officer who pulled him over for speeding. He didn't smile when asked to explain why he wasn't given a ticket. He knows very well that this hierarchy establishment has no checks and balances or even an obligation to address concerns. In a republic or even a free market capitalist system in which government is there to support, not impede the right of the individual, he would not get such a pass.

I have read multiple books on the FBI and CIA, some even critical of the agencies. I know of the good and bad. One element that is fair to state is that these abuses are in the past in the U.S for the most part and they have been exposed and become lessons to improve their forces. Furthermore there is a major difference between our systems. Police in America, especially at the federal level; take an oath to uphold your Constitution, in Canada they do not require such an oath, particularly the RCMP who are basically accountable to the agency itself, and God (in cases in which they believe in one).

Socialism is not just dependence on government or a centralised system of control, it also promotes and supports a near caste system within it's policing agencies.

Have you seen Trump and all his appointees to his cabinet. Talk about buying your way in, and now we have a
Plutocracy government, worst than before. Now we will probably get the Exon CEO who has a deal with Russia as our new Secretary of State. They will take away healthcare, and do everything they can to cut wages and get rid of unions, privatize out schools systems and make them for profit. Trump is the worst thing that could of ever happened to the US, a man who didn't pay taxes, stiffed small companies and has put all his rich buddies in high places. His kids will be involved in the Presidency and his businesses. He will leave , if at all, with 10X's the money he came in with.
Dear Penelope
Which is why we should not depend on govt to dictate and control our health care choices.
Any vote through Congress could change the terms to things that don't represent what we agree to pay for.

If we set up our own systems that citizens can choose to fund, then we can choose to yank our money and membership and shop for a better plan that more effectively meets our standards in serving us and other members of the public.

This is why govt programs are a risk.
We have different beliefs and values,
And can't be guaranteed that "majority rule vote" is going to represent our beliefs.

This is why I believe in free choice and consensus, so policies are only changed where people paying in have rights to consent and dissent to ensure representation if there's going to be taxation. We need equal choice and direct voice when it comes to health care because our beliefs are so different that we need protection from imposition by others!

This is why Penelope
People should consent before changing their health care plans, Exactly! !!

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