The Coronavirus and how China’s Communist Party rules in the United States


Gold Member
May 24, 2009
The Coronavirus and how China’s Communist Party rules in the United States

The experts have told us many things, and even encouraged irrational actions which add to our nation’s confusion and dilemma. And some of the things, which are announced by the experts, are selected by our Fifth Column media and their Yellow Journalists, and regurgitated to the public in nefarious ways generating hysteria in the public’s mind, rather than providing facts which can be used by the general public to arrive at a common sense strategy which is most conducive to promoting the public’s general welfare.

As early as March, 6th, 2020, we were told,

(CNN) "Amid a coronavirus outbreak in the United States, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is encouraging older people and people with severe chronic medical conditions to “stay at home as much as possible.”

“This advice is on a CDC website that was posted Thursday, according to a CDC spokeswoman”.

"Early data suggests older people are twice as likely to have serious illness from the novel coronavirus, according to the CDC. LINK

And by March 18th, we find:

“… new data show that up to one-fifth of infected people ages 20-44 have been hospitalized, including 2%-4% who required treatment in an intensive care unit.

Still, the most severe cases, and the highest rates of death, are among the elderly. Although 17% of the U.S. population is 65 or older, 31% of cases were in that age group, CDC experts concluded in the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report."

From these statistics, sound reasoning indicates that focusing on and protecting the elderly and those with underlying medical conditions, would be a logical course of action, since the remaining portion of the population would not suffer significant casualties if it practiced common sense hygiene.

Now, with the above facts having been reported as of March 18th, what action is encouraged the following day? Behold:

Shut us down already, Mr. President!

By Gene Marks, Opinion Contributor — 03/19/20

“Today it was reported that Wuhan, China, the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak, reported zero new cases. Zero! Why? Because they were shut down. Totally and completely shut down.

In a totalitarian society like China, this was possible. For weeks, no one was allowed in and out of the city except for deliveries. People were confined to their homes. After making many awful mistakes, the Chinese government pivoted, quarantined the region and then enforced these rules with a heavy hand. You can argue with their tactics, but you can’t argue with their results. It worked. Which is why I say to President Trump: Shut us down, sir. Please, just shut us down.

I mean the whole country. Not just New York or San Francisco, but Louisville, Denver, Harrisburg, Clearwater and Madison. Every small town, whether there’s a case or not. I’m talking martial law. Do it. You said you’re now a “wartime president.” So act like one.”

And from that day on, even to the present, our Fifth Column Media and their Yellow Journalists, have been browbeating and fearmongering the general public into adopting the advice of a totalitarian Communist Party’s course of action ___ that the United States must shut America’s economy down, rather than using a common sense approach to promote the general welfare of the United States.

It is a sad day in America when our general public can be encouraged and bamboozled, by Fifth Column journalists, to adopt a Communist Party’s advice, which predictably, and has, set the United States on a path to economic suicide.


Our country is infested with a Fifth Column movement at MSNBC, NEW YORK TIMES, CNN, WASHINGTON POST, ATLANTIC MAGAZINE, New York Daily News, Time, ETC., and their countless Yellow Journalists, who work hand in hand with the Democrat Party socialist/communist leadership to undermine and destroy our free market, free enterprise system.
Huh? I have no idea how your post applies to the OP.


Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.___ Benjamin Franklin, 1755
Huh? I have no idea how your post applies to the OP.


Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.___ Benjamin Franklin, 1755
Guess you need to read OP Title.
"China’s Communist Party rules in the United States"
14.9 was not the Great Douche fault, China did it with the key MAGA'16 gave them.
The Coronavirus and how China’s Communist Party rules in the United States

The experts have told us many things, and even encouraged irrational actions which add to our nation’s confusion and dilemma. And some of the things, which are announced by the experts, are selected by our Fifth Column media and their Yellow Journalists, and regurgitated to the public in nefarious ways generating hysteria in the public’s mind, rather than providing facts which can be used by the general public to arrive at a common sense strategy which is most conducive to promoting the public’s general welfare.

As early as March, 6th, 2020, we were told,

(CNN) "Amid a coronavirus outbreak in the United States, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is encouraging older people and people with severe chronic medical conditions to “stay at home as much as possible.”

“This advice is on a CDC website that was posted Thursday, according to a CDC spokeswoman”.

"Early data suggests older people are twice as likely to have serious illness from the novel coronavirus, according to the CDC. LINK

And by March 18th, we find:

“… new data show that up to one-fifth of infected people ages 20-44 have been hospitalized, including 2%-4% who required treatment in an intensive care unit.

Still, the most severe cases, and the highest rates of death, are among the elderly. Although 17% of the U.S. population is 65 or older, 31% of cases were in that age group, CDC experts concluded in the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report."

From these statistics, sound reasoning indicates that focusing on and protecting the elderly and those with underlying medical conditions, would be a logical course of action, since the remaining portion of the population would not suffer significant casualties if it practiced common sense hygiene.

Now, with the above facts having been reported as of March 18th, what action is encouraged the following day? Behold:

Shut us down already, Mr. President!

By Gene Marks, Opinion Contributor — 03/19/20

“Today it was reported that Wuhan, China, the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak, reported zero new cases. Zero! Why? Because they were shut down. Totally and completely shut down.

In a totalitarian society like China, this was possible. For weeks, no one was allowed in and out of the city except for deliveries. People were confined to their homes. After making many awful mistakes, the Chinese government pivoted, quarantined the region and then enforced these rules with a heavy hand. You can argue with their tactics, but you can’t argue with their results. It worked. Which is why I say to President Trump: Shut us down, sir. Please, just shut us down.

I mean the whole country. Not just New York or San Francisco, but Louisville, Denver, Harrisburg, Clearwater and Madison. Every small town, whether there’s a case or not. I’m talking martial law. Do it. You said you’re now a “wartime president.” So act like one.”

And from that day on, even to the present, our Fifth Column Media and their Yellow Journalists, have been browbeating and fearmongering the general public into adopting the advice of a totalitarian Communist Party’s course of action ___ that the United States must shut America’s economy down, rather than using a common sense approach to promote the general welfare of the United States.

It is a sad day in America when our general public can be encouraged and bamboozled, by Fifth Column journalists, to adopt a Communist Party’s advice, which predictably, and has, set the United States on a path to economic suicide.


Our country is infested with a Fifth Column movement at MSNBC, NEW YORK TIMES, CNN, WASHINGTON POST, ATLANTIC MAGAZINE, New York Daily News, Time, ETC., and their countless Yellow Journalists, who work hand in hand with the Democrat Party socialist/communist leadership to undermine and destroy our free market, free enterprise system.

Socialims/marxism/communism is their true love and ultimate goal. You'll often hear them say that the murderous regimes in the past "just didn't have the right people in power.....if we can just get our own people in power, everything will be perfect". Its frightening to contemplate such barbarism.
The Coronavirus and how China’s Communist Party rules in the United States

The experts have told us many things, and even encouraged irrational actions which add to our nation’s confusion and dilemma. And some of the things, which are announced by the experts, are selected by our Fifth Column media and their Yellow Journalists, and regurgitated to the public in nefarious ways generating hysteria in the public’s mind, rather than providing facts which can be used by the general public to arrive at a common sense strategy which is most conducive to promoting the public’s general welfare.

As early as March, 6th, 2020, we were told,

(CNN) "Amid a coronavirus outbreak in the United States, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is encouraging older people and people with severe chronic medical conditions to “stay at home as much as possible.”

“This advice is on a CDC website that was posted Thursday, according to a CDC spokeswoman”.

"Early data suggests older people are twice as likely to have serious illness from the novel coronavirus, according to the CDC. LINK

And by March 18th, we find:

“… new data show that up to one-fifth of infected people ages 20-44 have been hospitalized, including 2%-4% who required treatment in an intensive care unit.

Still, the most severe cases, and the highest rates of death, are among the elderly. Although 17% of the U.S. population is 65 or older, 31% of cases were in that age group, CDC experts concluded in the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report."

From these statistics, sound reasoning indicates that focusing on and protecting the elderly and those with underlying medical conditions, would be a logical course of action, since the remaining portion of the population would not suffer significant casualties if it practiced common sense hygiene.

Now, with the above facts having been reported as of March 18th, what action is encouraged the following day? Behold:

Shut us down already, Mr. President!

By Gene Marks, Opinion Contributor — 03/19/20

“Today it was reported that Wuhan, China, the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak, reported zero new cases. Zero! Why? Because they were shut down. Totally and completely shut down.

In a totalitarian society like China, this was possible. For weeks, no one was allowed in and out of the city except for deliveries. People were confined to their homes. After making many awful mistakes, the Chinese government pivoted, quarantined the region and then enforced these rules with a heavy hand. You can argue with their tactics, but you can’t argue with their results. It worked. Which is why I say to President Trump: Shut us down, sir. Please, just shut us down.

I mean the whole country. Not just New York or San Francisco, but Louisville, Denver, Harrisburg, Clearwater and Madison. Every small town, whether there’s a case or not. I’m talking martial law. Do it. You said you’re now a “wartime president.” So act like one.”

And from that day on, even to the present, our Fifth Column Media and their Yellow Journalists, have been browbeating and fearmongering the general public into adopting the advice of a totalitarian Communist Party’s course of action ___ that the United States must shut America’s economy down, rather than using a common sense approach to promote the general welfare of the United States.

It is a sad day in America when our general public can be encouraged and bamboozled, by Fifth Column journalists, to adopt a Communist Party’s advice, which predictably, and has, set the United States on a path to economic suicide.


Our country is infested with a Fifth Column movement at MSNBC, NEW YORK TIMES, CNN, WASHINGTON POST, ATLANTIC MAGAZINE, New York Daily News, Time, ETC., and their countless Yellow Journalists, who work hand in hand with the Democrat Party socialist/communist leadership to undermine and destroy our free market, free enterprise system.

Socialims/marxism/communism is their true love and ultimate goal. You'll often hear them say that the murderous regimes in the past "just didn't have the right people in power.....if we can just get our own people in power, everything will be perfect". Its frightening to contemplate such barbarism.
So why do you take the Socialism provided by the USA? Why are you still here?

View attachment 334790

You and all your MAGA family need to return all monies and don't take new
So to be pure to your MAGA'16 BS and giving us the MAGA COVID-19 Lifestyle in America.

View attachment 334789

Ah yes...those are all govt programs that I pay for. No bud, we're not a socialist country even though most weak minded use that argument that you just did. BTW, I didn't a bailout check nor do want or need one.
The Coronavirus and how China’s Communist Party rules in the United States

The experts have told us many things, and even encouraged irrational actions which add to our nation’s confusion and dilemma. And some of the things, which are announced by the experts, are selected by our Fifth Column media and their Yellow Journalists, and regurgitated to the public in nefarious ways generating hysteria in the public’s mind, rather than providing facts which can be used by the general public to arrive at a common sense strategy which is most conducive to promoting the public’s general welfare.

As early as March, 6th, 2020, we were told,

(CNN) "Amid a coronavirus outbreak in the United States, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is encouraging older people and people with severe chronic medical conditions to “stay at home as much as possible.”

“This advice is on a CDC website that was posted Thursday, according to a CDC spokeswoman”.

"Early data suggests older people are twice as likely to have serious illness from the novel coronavirus, according to the CDC. LINK

And by March 18th, we find:

“… new data show that up to one-fifth of infected people ages 20-44 have been hospitalized, including 2%-4% who required treatment in an intensive care unit.

Still, the most severe cases, and the highest rates of death, are among the elderly. Although 17% of the U.S. population is 65 or older, 31% of cases were in that age group, CDC experts concluded in the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report."

From these statistics, sound reasoning indicates that focusing on and protecting the elderly and those with underlying medical conditions, would be a logical course of action, since the remaining portion of the population would not suffer significant casualties if it practiced common sense hygiene.

Now, with the above facts having been reported as of March 18th, what action is encouraged the following day? Behold:

Shut us down already, Mr. President!

By Gene Marks, Opinion Contributor — 03/19/20

“Today it was reported that Wuhan, China, the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak, reported zero new cases. Zero! Why? Because they were shut down. Totally and completely shut down.

In a totalitarian society like China, this was possible. For weeks, no one was allowed in and out of the city except for deliveries. People were confined to their homes. After making many awful mistakes, the Chinese government pivoted, quarantined the region and then enforced these rules with a heavy hand. You can argue with their tactics, but you can’t argue with their results. It worked. Which is why I say to President Trump: Shut us down, sir. Please, just shut us down.

I mean the whole country. Not just New York or San Francisco, but Louisville, Denver, Harrisburg, Clearwater and Madison. Every small town, whether there’s a case or not. I’m talking martial law. Do it. You said you’re now a “wartime president.” So act like one.”

And from that day on, even to the present, our Fifth Column Media and their Yellow Journalists, have been browbeating and fearmongering the general public into adopting the advice of a totalitarian Communist Party’s course of action ___ that the United States must shut America’s economy down, rather than using a common sense approach to promote the general welfare of the United States.

It is a sad day in America when our general public can be encouraged and bamboozled, by Fifth Column journalists, to adopt a Communist Party’s advice, which predictably, and has, set the United States on a path to economic suicide.


Our country is infested with a Fifth Column movement at MSNBC, NEW YORK TIMES, CNN, WASHINGTON POST, ATLANTIC MAGAZINE, New York Daily News, Time, ETC., and their countless Yellow Journalists, who work hand in hand with the Democrat Party socialist/communist leadership to undermine and destroy our free market, free enterprise system.

Socialims/marxism/communism is their true love and ultimate goal. You'll often hear them say that the murderous regimes in the past "just didn't have the right people in power.....if we can just get our own people in power, everything will be perfect". Its frightening to contemplate such barbarism.
So why do you take the Socialism provided by the USA? Why are you still here?

View attachment 334790

You and all your MAGA family need to return all monies and don't take new
So to be pure to your MAGA'16 BS and giving us the MAGA COVID-19 Lifestyle in America.

View attachment 334789

Ah yes...those are all govt programs that I pay for. No bud, we're not a socialist country even though most weak minded use that argument that you just did. BTW, I didn't a bailout check nor do want or need one.
So maga dumb one, how again are these programs funded?
You mean you were taxed, and they spent it on that stuff. American Socialist country stuff.
Well, yes you did provide some money. Any, all Gobmint Programs are socialist country programs for public use, betterment etc.
Your BS is deflecting they are not, as whining how the money is spent. So get of the socialist BS stupid spew.

Btw. The list is not even close to being complete. Right now we raise some 5.2T plus local states 2T/federal 3.2T to fund this national socialist country needs.
Last edited:
Guess you need to read OP Title.
"China’s Communist Party rules in the United States"
14.9 was not the Great Douche fault, China did it with the key MAGA'16 gave them.

Your Trump Derangement Syndrome is interfering with a productive discussion.

And, the OP title is "The Coronavirus and how China’s Communist Party rules in the United States" and not your edited version!


The Democrat Party Leadership's offer for free government cheese is really not free. It first addicts and then enslaves participants on an iron fisted socialist run plantation.
Disney China is open to sold out capacity!
The Coronavirus and how China’s Communist Party rules in the United States

The experts have told us many things, and even encouraged irrational actions which add to our nation’s confusion and dilemma. And some of the things, which are announced by the experts, are selected by our Fifth Column media and their Yellow Journalists, and regurgitated to the public in nefarious ways generating hysteria in the public’s mind, rather than providing facts which can be used by the general public to arrive at a common sense strategy which is most conducive to promoting the public’s general welfare.

As early as March, 6th, 2020, we were told,

(CNN) "Amid a coronavirus outbreak in the United States, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is encouraging older people and people with severe chronic medical conditions to “stay at home as much as possible.”

“This advice is on a CDC website that was posted Thursday, according to a CDC spokeswoman”.

"Early data suggests older people are twice as likely to have serious illness from the novel coronavirus, according to the CDC. LINK

And by March 18th, we find:

“… new data show that up to one-fifth of infected people ages 20-44 have been hospitalized, including 2%-4% who required treatment in an intensive care unit.

Still, the most severe cases, and the highest rates of death, are among the elderly. Although 17% of the U.S. population is 65 or older, 31% of cases were in that age group, CDC experts concluded in the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report."

From these statistics, sound reasoning indicates that focusing on and protecting the elderly and those with underlying medical conditions, would be a logical course of action, since the remaining portion of the population would not suffer significant casualties if it practiced common sense hygiene.

Now, with the above facts having been reported as of March 18th, what action is encouraged the following day? Behold:

Shut us down already, Mr. President!

By Gene Marks, Opinion Contributor — 03/19/20

“Today it was reported that Wuhan, China, the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak, reported zero new cases. Zero! Why? Because they were shut down. Totally and completely shut down.

In a totalitarian society like China, this was possible. For weeks, no one was allowed in and out of the city except for deliveries. People were confined to their homes. After making many awful mistakes, the Chinese government pivoted, quarantined the region and then enforced these rules with a heavy hand. You can argue with their tactics, but you can’t argue with their results. It worked. Which is why I say to President Trump: Shut us down, sir. Please, just shut us down.

I mean the whole country. Not just New York or San Francisco, but Louisville, Denver, Harrisburg, Clearwater and Madison. Every small town, whether there’s a case or not. I’m talking martial law. Do it. You said you’re now a “wartime president.” So act like one.”

And from that day on, even to the present, our Fifth Column Media and their Yellow Journalists, have been browbeating and fearmongering the general public into adopting the advice of a totalitarian Communist Party’s course of action ___ that the United States must shut America’s economy down, rather than using a common sense approach to promote the general welfare of the United States.

It is a sad day in America when our general public can be encouraged and bamboozled, by Fifth Column journalists, to adopt a Communist Party’s advice, which predictably, and has, set the United States on a path to economic suicide.


Our country is infested with a Fifth Column movement at MSNBC, NEW YORK TIMES, CNN, WASHINGTON POST, ATLANTIC MAGAZINE, New York Daily News, Time, ETC., and their countless Yellow Journalists, who work hand in hand with the Democrat Party socialist/communist leadership to undermine and destroy our free market, free enterprise system.

Socialims/marxism/communism is their true love and ultimate goal. You'll often hear them say that the murderous regimes in the past "just didn't have the right people in power.....if we can just get our own people in power, everything will be perfect". Its frightening to contemplate such barbarism.
So why do you take the Socialism provided by the USA? Why are you still here?

View attachment 334790

You and all your MAGA family need to return all monies and don't take new
So to be pure to your MAGA'16 BS and giving us the MAGA COVID-19 Lifestyle in America.

View attachment 334789

Ah yes...those are all govt programs that I pay for. No bud, we're not a socialist country even though most weak minded use that argument that you just did. BTW, I didn't a bailout check nor do want or need one.
So maga dumb one, how again are these programs funded?
You mean you were taxed, and they spent it on that stuff. American Socialist country stuff.
Well, yes you did provide some money. Any, all Gobmint Programs are socialist country programs for public use, betterment etc.
Your BS is deflecting they are not, as whining how the money is spent. So get of the socialist BS stupid spew.

Btw. The list is not even close to being complete. Right now we raise some 5.2T plus local states 2T/federal 3.2T to fund this national socialist country needs.

We can see that you yearn for to be pounded and manhandled into submission. You don't deserve liberty or freedom.
The Coronavirus and how China’s Communist Party rules in the United States

The experts have told us many things, and even encouraged irrational actions which add to our nation’s confusion and dilemma. And some of the things, which are announced by the experts, are selected by our Fifth Column media and their Yellow Journalists, and regurgitated to the public in nefarious ways generating hysteria in the public’s mind, rather than providing facts which can be used by the general public to arrive at a common sense strategy which is most conducive to promoting the public’s general welfare.

As early as March, 6th, 2020, we were told,

(CNN) "Amid a coronavirus outbreak in the United States, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is encouraging older people and people with severe chronic medical conditions to “stay at home as much as possible.”

“This advice is on a CDC website that was posted Thursday, according to a CDC spokeswoman”.

"Early data suggests older people are twice as likely to have serious illness from the novel coronavirus, according to the CDC. LINK

And by March 18th, we find:

“… new data show that up to one-fifth of infected people ages 20-44 have been hospitalized, including 2%-4% who required treatment in an intensive care unit.

Still, the most severe cases, and the highest rates of death, are among the elderly. Although 17% of the U.S. population is 65 or older, 31% of cases were in that age group, CDC experts concluded in the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report."

From these statistics, sound reasoning indicates that focusing on and protecting the elderly and those with underlying medical conditions, would be a logical course of action, since the remaining portion of the population would not suffer significant casualties if it practiced common sense hygiene.

Now, with the above facts having been reported as of March 18th, what action is encouraged the following day? Behold:

Shut us down already, Mr. President!

By Gene Marks, Opinion Contributor — 03/19/20

“Today it was reported that Wuhan, China, the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak, reported zero new cases. Zero! Why? Because they were shut down. Totally and completely shut down.

In a totalitarian society like China, this was possible. For weeks, no one was allowed in and out of the city except for deliveries. People were confined to their homes. After making many awful mistakes, the Chinese government pivoted, quarantined the region and then enforced these rules with a heavy hand. You can argue with their tactics, but you can’t argue with their results. It worked. Which is why I say to President Trump: Shut us down, sir. Please, just shut us down.

I mean the whole country. Not just New York or San Francisco, but Louisville, Denver, Harrisburg, Clearwater and Madison. Every small town, whether there’s a case or not. I’m talking martial law. Do it. You said you’re now a “wartime president.” So act like one.”

And from that day on, even to the present, our Fifth Column Media and their Yellow Journalists, have been browbeating and fearmongering the general public into adopting the advice of a totalitarian Communist Party’s course of action ___ that the United States must shut America’s economy down, rather than using a common sense approach to promote the general welfare of the United States.

It is a sad day in America when our general public can be encouraged and bamboozled, by Fifth Column journalists, to adopt a Communist Party’s advice, which predictably, and has, set the United States on a path to economic suicide.


Our country is infested with a Fifth Column movement at MSNBC, NEW YORK TIMES, CNN, WASHINGTON POST, ATLANTIC MAGAZINE, New York Daily News, Time, ETC., and their countless Yellow Journalists, who work hand in hand with the Democrat Party socialist/communist leadership to undermine and destroy our free market, free enterprise system.

Socialims/marxism/communism is their true love and ultimate goal. You'll often hear them say that the murderous regimes in the past "just didn't have the right people in power.....if we can just get our own people in power, everything will be perfect". Its frightening to contemplate such barbarism.
So why do you take the Socialism provided by the USA? Why are you still here?

View attachment 334790

You and all your MAGA family need to return all monies and don't take new
So to be pure to your MAGA'16 BS and giving us the MAGA COVID-19 Lifestyle in America.

View attachment 334789

Ah yes...those are all govt programs that I pay for. No bud, we're not a socialist country even though most weak minded use that argument that you just did. BTW, I didn't a bailout check nor do want or need one.
So maga dumb one, how again are these programs funded?
You mean you were taxed, and they spent it on that stuff. American Socialist country stuff.
Well, yes you did provide some money. Any, all Gobmint Programs are socialist country programs for public use, betterment etc.
Your BS is deflecting they are not, as whining how the money is spent. So get of the socialist BS stupid spew.

Btw. The list is not even close to being complete. Right now we raise some 5.2T plus local states 2T/federal 3.2T to fund this national socialist country needs.

We can see that you yearn for to be pounded and manhandled into submission. You don't deserve liberty or freedom.
Still can't address the 5.3T socialism spending in the USA. More deflections.
No socialism, no military welfare programs, that's dear to your MAGA Hearts, right?
No 2nd ANAL Amendment protection laws to protect your needs of an AR with 30 rounds to hunt deer.
Or to allow kids in schools to be mass murdered sponsored by the NRA.
The Coronavirus and how China’s Communist Party rules in the United States

The experts have told us many things, and even encouraged irrational actions which add to our nation’s confusion and dilemma. And some of the things, which are announced by the experts, are selected by our Fifth Column media and their Yellow Journalists, and regurgitated to the public in nefarious ways generating hysteria in the public’s mind, rather than providing facts which can be used by the general public to arrive at a common sense strategy which is most conducive to promoting the public’s general welfare.

As early as March, 6th, 2020, we were told,

(CNN) "Amid a coronavirus outbreak in the United States, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is encouraging older people and people with severe chronic medical conditions to “stay at home as much as possible.”

“This advice is on a CDC website that was posted Thursday, according to a CDC spokeswoman”.

"Early data suggests older people are twice as likely to have serious illness from the novel coronavirus, according to the CDC. LINK

And by March 18th, we find:

“… new data show that up to one-fifth of infected people ages 20-44 have been hospitalized, including 2%-4% who required treatment in an intensive care unit.

Still, the most severe cases, and the highest rates of death, are among the elderly. Although 17% of the U.S. population is 65 or older, 31% of cases were in that age group, CDC experts concluded in the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report."

From these statistics, sound reasoning indicates that focusing on and protecting the elderly and those with underlying medical conditions, would be a logical course of action, since the remaining portion of the population would not suffer significant casualties if it practiced common sense hygiene.

Now, with the above facts having been reported as of March 18th, what action is encouraged the following day? Behold:

Shut us down already, Mr. President!

By Gene Marks, Opinion Contributor — 03/19/20

“Today it was reported that Wuhan, China, the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak, reported zero new cases. Zero! Why? Because they were shut down. Totally and completely shut down.

In a totalitarian society like China, this was possible. For weeks, no one was allowed in and out of the city except for deliveries. People were confined to their homes. After making many awful mistakes, the Chinese government pivoted, quarantined the region and then enforced these rules with a heavy hand. You can argue with their tactics, but you can’t argue with their results. It worked. Which is why I say to President Trump: Shut us down, sir. Please, just shut us down.

I mean the whole country. Not just New York or San Francisco, but Louisville, Denver, Harrisburg, Clearwater and Madison. Every small town, whether there’s a case or not. I’m talking martial law. Do it. You said you’re now a “wartime president.” So act like one.”

And from that day on, even to the present, our Fifth Column Media and their Yellow Journalists, have been browbeating and fearmongering the general public into adopting the advice of a totalitarian Communist Party’s course of action ___ that the United States must shut America’s economy down, rather than using a common sense approach to promote the general welfare of the United States.

It is a sad day in America when our general public can be encouraged and bamboozled, by Fifth Column journalists, to adopt a Communist Party’s advice, which predictably, and has, set the United States on a path to economic suicide.


Our country is infested with a Fifth Column movement at MSNBC, NEW YORK TIMES, CNN, WASHINGTON POST, ATLANTIC MAGAZINE, New York Daily News, Time, ETC., and their countless Yellow Journalists, who work hand in hand with the Democrat Party socialist/communist leadership to undermine and destroy our free market, free enterprise system.

Socialims/marxism/communism is their true love and ultimate goal. You'll often hear them say that the murderous regimes in the past "just didn't have the right people in power.....if we can just get our own people in power, everything will be perfect". Its frightening to contemplate such barbarism.
So why do you take the Socialism provided by the USA? Why are you still here?

View attachment 334790

You and all your MAGA family need to return all monies and don't take new
So to be pure to your MAGA'16 BS and giving us the MAGA COVID-19 Lifestyle in America.

View attachment 334789

Ah yes...those are all govt programs that I pay for. No bud, we're not a socialist country even though most weak minded use that argument that you just did. BTW, I didn't a bailout check nor do want or need one.
So maga dumb one, how again are these programs funded?
You mean you were taxed, and they spent it on that stuff. American Socialist country stuff.
Well, yes you did provide some money. Any, all Gobmint Programs are socialist country programs for public use, betterment etc.
Your BS is deflecting they are not, as whining how the money is spent. So get of the socialist BS stupid spew.

Btw. The list is not even close to being complete. Right now we raise some 5.2T plus local states 2T/federal 3.2T to fund this national socialist country needs.

We can see that you yearn for to be pounded and manhandled into submission. You don't deserve liberty or freedom.
Still can't address the 5.3T socialism spending in the USA. More deflections.
No socialism, no military welfare programs, that's dear to your MAGA Hearts, right?
No 2nd ANAL Amendment protection laws to protect your needs of an AR with 30 rounds to hunt deer.
Or to allow kids in schools to be mass murdered sponsored by the NRA.

You just played your hand. Just another radical leftist that dreams of communism and marxism. A parasite to this country.
The Coronavirus and how China’s Communist Party rules in the United States

The experts have told us many things, and even encouraged irrational actions which add to our nation’s confusion and dilemma. And some of the things, which are announced by the experts, are selected by our Fifth Column media and their Yellow Journalists, and regurgitated to the public in nefarious ways generating hysteria in the public’s mind, rather than providing facts which can be used by the general public to arrive at a common sense strategy which is most conducive to promoting the public’s general welfare.

As early as March, 6th, 2020, we were told,

(CNN) "Amid a coronavirus outbreak in the United States, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is encouraging older people and people with severe chronic medical conditions to “stay at home as much as possible.”

“This advice is on a CDC website that was posted Thursday, according to a CDC spokeswoman”.

"Early data suggests older people are twice as likely to have serious illness from the novel coronavirus, according to the CDC. LINK

And by March 18th, we find:

“… new data show that up to one-fifth of infected people ages 20-44 have been hospitalized, including 2%-4% who required treatment in an intensive care unit.

Still, the most severe cases, and the highest rates of death, are among the elderly. Although 17% of the U.S. population is 65 or older, 31% of cases were in that age group, CDC experts concluded in the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report."

From these statistics, sound reasoning indicates that focusing on and protecting the elderly and those with underlying medical conditions, would be a logical course of action, since the remaining portion of the population would not suffer significant casualties if it practiced common sense hygiene.

Now, with the above facts having been reported as of March 18th, what action is encouraged the following day? Behold:

Shut us down already, Mr. President!

By Gene Marks, Opinion Contributor — 03/19/20

“Today it was reported that Wuhan, China, the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak, reported zero new cases. Zero! Why? Because they were shut down. Totally and completely shut down.

In a totalitarian society like China, this was possible. For weeks, no one was allowed in and out of the city except for deliveries. People were confined to their homes. After making many awful mistakes, the Chinese government pivoted, quarantined the region and then enforced these rules with a heavy hand. You can argue with their tactics, but you can’t argue with their results. It worked. Which is why I say to President Trump: Shut us down, sir. Please, just shut us down.

I mean the whole country. Not just New York or San Francisco, but Louisville, Denver, Harrisburg, Clearwater and Madison. Every small town, whether there’s a case or not. I’m talking martial law. Do it. You said you’re now a “wartime president.” So act like one.”

And from that day on, even to the present, our Fifth Column Media and their Yellow Journalists, have been browbeating and fearmongering the general public into adopting the advice of a totalitarian Communist Party’s course of action ___ that the United States must shut America’s economy down, rather than using a common sense approach to promote the general welfare of the United States.

It is a sad day in America when our general public can be encouraged and bamboozled, by Fifth Column journalists, to adopt a Communist Party’s advice, which predictably, and has, set the United States on a path to economic suicide.


Our country is infested with a Fifth Column movement at MSNBC, NEW YORK TIMES, CNN, WASHINGTON POST, ATLANTIC MAGAZINE, New York Daily News, Time, ETC., and their countless Yellow Journalists, who work hand in hand with the Democrat Party socialist/communist leadership to undermine and destroy our free market, free enterprise system.

Socialims/marxism/communism is their true love and ultimate goal. You'll often hear them say that the murderous regimes in the past "just didn't have the right people in power.....if we can just get our own people in power, everything will be perfect". Its frightening to contemplate such barbarism.
So why do you take the Socialism provided by the USA? Why are you still here?

View attachment 334790

You and all your MAGA family need to return all monies and don't take new
So to be pure to your MAGA'16 BS and giving us the MAGA COVID-19 Lifestyle in America.

View attachment 334789

Ah yes...those are all govt programs that I pay for. No bud, we're not a socialist country even though most weak minded use that argument that you just did. BTW, I didn't a bailout check nor do want or need one.
So maga dumb one, how again are these programs funded?
You mean you were taxed, and they spent it on that stuff. American Socialist country stuff.
Well, yes you did provide some money. Any, all Gobmint Programs are socialist country programs for public use, betterment etc.
Your BS is deflecting they are not, as whining how the money is spent. So get of the socialist BS stupid spew.

Btw. The list is not even close to being complete. Right now we raise some 5.2T plus local states 2T/federal 3.2T to fund this national socialist country needs.

We can see that you yearn for to be pounded and manhandled into submission. You don't deserve liberty or freedom.
Still can't address the 5.3T socialism spending in the USA. More deflections.
No socialism, no military welfare programs, that's dear to your MAGA Hearts, right?
No 2nd ANAL Amendment protection laws to protect your needs of an AR with 30 rounds to hunt deer.
Or to allow kids in schools to be mass murdered sponsored by the NRA.

You just played your hand. Just another radical leftist that dreams of communism and marxism. A parasite to this country.
Still can't address the 5.3T in U.S. socialism spending, Why?
Well, I do know why. One day you will as well.
The Coronavirus and how China’s Communist Party rules in the United States

The experts have told us many things, and even encouraged irrational actions which add to our nation’s confusion and dilemma. And some of the things, which are announced by the experts, are selected by our Fifth Column media and their Yellow Journalists, and regurgitated to the public in nefarious ways generating hysteria in the public’s mind, rather than providing facts which can be used by the general public to arrive at a common sense strategy which is most conducive to promoting the public’s general welfare.

As early as March, 6th, 2020, we were told,

(CNN) "Amid a coronavirus outbreak in the United States, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is encouraging older people and people with severe chronic medical conditions to “stay at home as much as possible.”

“This advice is on a CDC website that was posted Thursday, according to a CDC spokeswoman”.

"Early data suggests older people are twice as likely to have serious illness from the novel coronavirus, according to the CDC. LINK

And by March 18th, we find:

“… new data show that up to one-fifth of infected people ages 20-44 have been hospitalized, including 2%-4% who required treatment in an intensive care unit.

Still, the most severe cases, and the highest rates of death, are among the elderly. Although 17% of the U.S. population is 65 or older, 31% of cases were in that age group, CDC experts concluded in the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report."

From these statistics, sound reasoning indicates that focusing on and protecting the elderly and those with underlying medical conditions, would be a logical course of action, since the remaining portion of the population would not suffer significant casualties if it practiced common sense hygiene.

Now, with the above facts having been reported as of March 18th, what action is encouraged the following day? Behold:

Shut us down already, Mr. President!

By Gene Marks, Opinion Contributor — 03/19/20

“Today it was reported that Wuhan, China, the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak, reported zero new cases. Zero! Why? Because they were shut down. Totally and completely shut down.

In a totalitarian society like China, this was possible. For weeks, no one was allowed in and out of the city except for deliveries. People were confined to their homes. After making many awful mistakes, the Chinese government pivoted, quarantined the region and then enforced these rules with a heavy hand. You can argue with their tactics, but you can’t argue with their results. It worked. Which is why I say to President Trump: Shut us down, sir. Please, just shut us down.

I mean the whole country. Not just New York or San Francisco, but Louisville, Denver, Harrisburg, Clearwater and Madison. Every small town, whether there’s a case or not. I’m talking martial law. Do it. You said you’re now a “wartime president.” So act like one.”

And from that day on, even to the present, our Fifth Column Media and their Yellow Journalists, have been browbeating and fearmongering the general public into adopting the advice of a totalitarian Communist Party’s course of action ___ that the United States must shut America’s economy down, rather than using a common sense approach to promote the general welfare of the United States.

It is a sad day in America when our general public can be encouraged and bamboozled, by Fifth Column journalists, to adopt a Communist Party’s advice, which predictably, and has, set the United States on a path to economic suicide.


Our country is infested with a Fifth Column movement at MSNBC, NEW YORK TIMES, CNN, WASHINGTON POST, ATLANTIC MAGAZINE, New York Daily News, Time, ETC., and their countless Yellow Journalists, who work hand in hand with the Democrat Party socialist/communist leadership to undermine and destroy our free market, free enterprise system.

Socialims/marxism/communism is their true love and ultimate goal. You'll often hear them say that the murderous regimes in the past "just didn't have the right people in power.....if we can just get our own people in power, everything will be perfect". Its frightening to contemplate such barbarism.
So why do you take the Socialism provided by the USA? Why are you still here?

View attachment 334790

You and all your MAGA family need to return all monies and don't take new
So to be pure to your MAGA'16 BS and giving us the MAGA COVID-19 Lifestyle in America.

View attachment 334789

Ah yes...those are all govt programs that I pay for. No bud, we're not a socialist country even though most weak minded use that argument that you just did. BTW, I didn't a bailout check nor do want or need one.
So maga dumb one, how again are these programs funded?
You mean you were taxed, and they spent it on that stuff. American Socialist country stuff.
Well, yes you did provide some money. Any, all Gobmint Programs are socialist country programs for public use, betterment etc.
Your BS is deflecting they are not, as whining how the money is spent. So get of the socialist BS stupid spew.

Btw. The list is not even close to being complete. Right now we raise some 5.2T plus local states 2T/federal 3.2T to fund this national socialist country needs.

We can see that you yearn for to be pounded and manhandled into submission. You don't deserve liberty or freedom.
Still can't address the 5.3T socialism spending in the USA. More deflections.
No socialism, no military welfare programs, that's dear to your MAGA Hearts, right?
No 2nd ANAL Amendment protection laws to protect your needs of an AR with 30 rounds to hunt deer.
Or to allow kids in schools to be mass murdered sponsored by the NRA.

You just played your hand. Just another radical leftist that dreams of communism and marxism. A parasite to this country.
Still can't address the 5.3T in socialism spend, Why

Oh yeah I can. That money has to be paid back. It's not socialism. We know you love free stuff though. You're ignorant and should educate yourself before you open your mouth and remove all doubt.
The Coronavirus and how China’s Communist Party rules in the United States

The experts have told us many things, and even encouraged irrational actions which add to our nation’s confusion and dilemma. And some of the things, which are announced by the experts, are selected by our Fifth Column media and their Yellow Journalists, and regurgitated to the public in nefarious ways generating hysteria in the public’s mind, rather than providing facts which can be used by the general public to arrive at a common sense strategy which is most conducive to promoting the public’s general welfare.

As early as March, 6th, 2020, we were told,

(CNN) "Amid a coronavirus outbreak in the United States, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is encouraging older people and people with severe chronic medical conditions to “stay at home as much as possible.”

“This advice is on a CDC website that was posted Thursday, according to a CDC spokeswoman”.

"Early data suggests older people are twice as likely to have serious illness from the novel coronavirus, according to the CDC. LINK

And by March 18th, we find:

“… new data show that up to one-fifth of infected people ages 20-44 have been hospitalized, including 2%-4% who required treatment in an intensive care unit.

Still, the most severe cases, and the highest rates of death, are among the elderly. Although 17% of the U.S. population is 65 or older, 31% of cases were in that age group, CDC experts concluded in the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report."

From these statistics, sound reasoning indicates that focusing on and protecting the elderly and those with underlying medical conditions, would be a logical course of action, since the remaining portion of the population would not suffer significant casualties if it practiced common sense hygiene.

Now, with the above facts having been reported as of March 18th, what action is encouraged the following day? Behold:

Shut us down already, Mr. President!

By Gene Marks, Opinion Contributor — 03/19/20

“Today it was reported that Wuhan, China, the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak, reported zero new cases. Zero! Why? Because they were shut down. Totally and completely shut down.

In a totalitarian society like China, this was possible. For weeks, no one was allowed in and out of the city except for deliveries. People were confined to their homes. After making many awful mistakes, the Chinese government pivoted, quarantined the region and then enforced these rules with a heavy hand. You can argue with their tactics, but you can’t argue with their results. It worked. Which is why I say to President Trump: Shut us down, sir. Please, just shut us down.

I mean the whole country. Not just New York or San Francisco, but Louisville, Denver, Harrisburg, Clearwater and Madison. Every small town, whether there’s a case or not. I’m talking martial law. Do it. You said you’re now a “wartime president.” So act like one.”

And from that day on, even to the present, our Fifth Column Media and their Yellow Journalists, have been browbeating and fearmongering the general public into adopting the advice of a totalitarian Communist Party’s course of action ___ that the United States must shut America’s economy down, rather than using a common sense approach to promote the general welfare of the United States.

It is a sad day in America when our general public can be encouraged and bamboozled, by Fifth Column journalists, to adopt a Communist Party’s advice, which predictably, and has, set the United States on a path to economic suicide.


Our country is infested with a Fifth Column movement at MSNBC, NEW YORK TIMES, CNN, WASHINGTON POST, ATLANTIC MAGAZINE, New York Daily News, Time, ETC., and their countless Yellow Journalists, who work hand in hand with the Democrat Party socialist/communist leadership to undermine and destroy our free market, free enterprise system.

Socialims/marxism/communism is their true love and ultimate goal. You'll often hear them say that the murderous regimes in the past "just didn't have the right people in power.....if we can just get our own people in power, everything will be perfect". Its frightening to contemplate such barbarism.
So why do you take the Socialism provided by the USA? Why are you still here?

View attachment 334790

You and all your MAGA family need to return all monies and don't take new
So to be pure to your MAGA'16 BS and giving us the MAGA COVID-19 Lifestyle in America.

View attachment 334789

Ah yes...those are all govt programs that I pay for. No bud, we're not a socialist country even though most weak minded use that argument that you just did. BTW, I didn't a bailout check nor do want or need one.
So maga dumb one, how again are these programs funded?
You mean you were taxed, and they spent it on that stuff. American Socialist country stuff.
Well, yes you did provide some money. Any, all Gobmint Programs are socialist country programs for public use, betterment etc.
Your BS is deflecting they are not, as whining how the money is spent. So get of the socialist BS stupid spew.

Btw. The list is not even close to being complete. Right now we raise some 5.2T plus local states 2T/federal 3.2T to fund this national socialist country needs.

We can see that you yearn for to be pounded and manhandled into submission. You don't deserve liberty or freedom.
Still can't address the 5.3T socialism spending in the USA. More deflections.
No socialism, no military welfare programs, that's dear to your MAGA Hearts, right?
No 2nd ANAL Amendment protection laws to protect your needs of an AR with 30 rounds to hunt deer.
Or to allow kids in schools to be mass murdered sponsored by the NRA.

You just played your hand. Just another radical leftist that dreams of communism and marxism. A parasite to this country.
Still can't address the 5.3T in socialism spend, Why

Oh yeah I can. That money has to be paid back. It's not socialism. We know you love free stuff though. You're ignorant and should educate yourself before you open your mouth and remove all doubt.
That's right and the money will be raised by Socialism taxes to run the yearly nation social programs.
And to pay off credit debt. That how it works. Guess you have no credit cards to feel the pain of overspending.
As spending on credit makess it cost more to run these socialism programs. Please try again to make a point that is sane.
Still can't address the 5.3T socialism spending in the USA. More deflections.


Well, I see you are intent on derailing the topic of the thread and polluting it with your Trump Derangement Syndrome


Our country is infested with a Fifth Column movement at MSNBC, NEW YORK TIMES, CNN, WASHINGTON POST, ATLANTIC MAGAZINE, New York Daily News, Time, ETC., and their countless Yellow Journalists, who work hand in hand with the Democrat Party socialist/communist leadership to undermine and destroy our free market, free enterprise system.
The Coronavirus and how China’s Communist Party rules in the United States

The experts have told us many things, and even encouraged irrational actions which add to our nation’s confusion and dilemma. And some of the things, which are announced by the experts, are selected by our Fifth Column media and their Yellow Journalists, and regurgitated to the public in nefarious ways generating hysteria in the public’s mind, rather than providing facts which can be used by the general public to arrive at a common sense strategy which is most conducive to promoting the public’s general welfare.

As early as March, 6th, 2020, we were told,

(CNN) "Amid a coronavirus outbreak in the United States, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is encouraging older people and people with severe chronic medical conditions to “stay at home as much as possible.”

“This advice is on a CDC website that was posted Thursday, according to a CDC spokeswoman”.

"Early data suggests older people are twice as likely to have serious illness from the novel coronavirus, according to the CDC. LINK

And by March 18th, we find:

“… new data show that up to one-fifth of infected people ages 20-44 have been hospitalized, including 2%-4% who required treatment in an intensive care unit.

Still, the most severe cases, and the highest rates of death, are among the elderly. Although 17% of the U.S. population is 65 or older, 31% of cases were in that age group, CDC experts concluded in the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report."

From these statistics, sound reasoning indicates that focusing on and protecting the elderly and those with underlying medical conditions, would be a logical course of action, since the remaining portion of the population would not suffer significant casualties if it practiced common sense hygiene.

Now, with the above facts having been reported as of March 18th, what action is encouraged the following day? Behold:

Shut us down already, Mr. President!

By Gene Marks, Opinion Contributor — 03/19/20

“Today it was reported that Wuhan, China, the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak, reported zero new cases. Zero! Why? Because they were shut down. Totally and completely shut down.

In a totalitarian society like China, this was possible. For weeks, no one was allowed in and out of the city except for deliveries. People were confined to their homes. After making many awful mistakes, the Chinese government pivoted, quarantined the region and then enforced these rules with a heavy hand. You can argue with their tactics, but you can’t argue with their results. It worked. Which is why I say to President Trump: Shut us down, sir. Please, just shut us down.

I mean the whole country. Not just New York or San Francisco, but Louisville, Denver, Harrisburg, Clearwater and Madison. Every small town, whether there’s a case or not. I’m talking martial law. Do it. You said you’re now a “wartime president.” So act like one.”

And from that day on, even to the present, our Fifth Column Media and their Yellow Journalists, have been browbeating and fearmongering the general public into adopting the advice of a totalitarian Communist Party’s course of action ___ that the United States must shut America’s economy down, rather than using a common sense approach to promote the general welfare of the United States.

It is a sad day in America when our general public can be encouraged and bamboozled, by Fifth Column journalists, to adopt a Communist Party’s advice, which predictably, and has, set the United States on a path to economic suicide.


Our country is infested with a Fifth Column movement at MSNBC, NEW YORK TIMES, CNN, WASHINGTON POST, ATLANTIC MAGAZINE, New York Daily News, Time, ETC., and their countless Yellow Journalists, who work hand in hand with the Democrat Party socialist/communist leadership to undermine and destroy our free market, free enterprise system.

When we want the opinion of a Russian troll we'll ask for it comrade!

Otherwise STFU!
The Coronavirus and how China’s Communist Party rules in the United States

The experts have told us many things, and even encouraged irrational actions which add to our nation’s confusion and dilemma. And some of the things, which are announced by the experts, are selected by our Fifth Column media and their Yellow Journalists, and regurgitated to the public in nefarious ways generating hysteria in the public’s mind, rather than providing facts which can be used by the general public to arrive at a common sense strategy which is most conducive to promoting the public’s general welfare.

As early as March, 6th, 2020, we were told,

(CNN) "Amid a coronavirus outbreak in the United States, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is encouraging older people and people with severe chronic medical conditions to “stay at home as much as possible.”

“This advice is on a CDC website that was posted Thursday, according to a CDC spokeswoman”.

"Early data suggests older people are twice as likely to have serious illness from the novel coronavirus, according to the CDC. LINK

And by March 18th, we find:

“… new data show that up to one-fifth of infected people ages 20-44 have been hospitalized, including 2%-4% who required treatment in an intensive care unit.

Still, the most severe cases, and the highest rates of death, are among the elderly. Although 17% of the U.S. population is 65 or older, 31% of cases were in that age group, CDC experts concluded in the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report."

From these statistics, sound reasoning indicates that focusing on and protecting the elderly and those with underlying medical conditions, would be a logical course of action, since the remaining portion of the population would not suffer significant casualties if it practiced common sense hygiene.

Now, with the above facts having been reported as of March 18th, what action is encouraged the following day? Behold:

Shut us down already, Mr. President!

By Gene Marks, Opinion Contributor — 03/19/20

“Today it was reported that Wuhan, China, the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak, reported zero new cases. Zero! Why? Because they were shut down. Totally and completely shut down.

In a totalitarian society like China, this was possible. For weeks, no one was allowed in and out of the city except for deliveries. People were confined to their homes. After making many awful mistakes, the Chinese government pivoted, quarantined the region and then enforced these rules with a heavy hand. You can argue with their tactics, but you can’t argue with their results. It worked. Which is why I say to President Trump: Shut us down, sir. Please, just shut us down.

I mean the whole country. Not just New York or San Francisco, but Louisville, Denver, Harrisburg, Clearwater and Madison. Every small town, whether there’s a case or not. I’m talking martial law. Do it. You said you’re now a “wartime president.” So act like one.”

And from that day on, even to the present, our Fifth Column Media and their Yellow Journalists, have been browbeating and fearmongering the general public into adopting the advice of a totalitarian Communist Party’s course of action ___ that the United States must shut America’s economy down, rather than using a common sense approach to promote the general welfare of the United States.

It is a sad day in America when our general public can be encouraged and bamboozled, by Fifth Column journalists, to adopt a Communist Party’s advice, which predictably, and has, set the United States on a path to economic suicide.


Our country is infested with a Fifth Column movement at MSNBC, NEW YORK TIMES, CNN, WASHINGTON POST, ATLANTIC MAGAZINE, New York Daily News, Time, ETC., and their countless Yellow Journalists, who work hand in hand with the Democrat Party socialist/communist leadership to undermine and destroy our free market, free enterprise system.

Socialims/marxism/communism is their true love and ultimate goal. You'll often hear them say that the murderous regimes in the past "just didn't have the right people in power.....if we can just get our own people in power, everything will be perfect". Its frightening to contemplate such barbarism.
So why do you take the Socialism provided by the USA? Why are you still here?

View attachment 334790

You and all your MAGA family need to return all monies and don't take new
So to be pure to your MAGA'16 BS and giving us the MAGA COVID-19 Lifestyle in America.

View attachment 334789

Ah yes...those are all govt programs that I pay for. No bud, we're not a socialist country even though most weak minded use that argument that you just did. BTW, I didn't a bailout check nor do want or need one.
So maga dumb one, how again are these programs funded?
You mean you were taxed, and they spent it on that stuff. American Socialist country stuff.
Well, yes you did provide some money. Any, all Gobmint Programs are socialist country programs for public use, betterment etc.
Your BS is deflecting they are not, as whining how the money is spent. So get of the socialist BS stupid spew.

Btw. The list is not even close to being complete. Right now we raise some 5.2T plus local states 2T/federal 3.2T to fund this national socialist country needs.

We can see that you yearn for to be pounded and manhandled into submission. You don't deserve liberty or freedom.
Still can't address the 5.3T socialism spending in the USA. More deflections.
No socialism, no military welfare programs, that's dear to your MAGA Hearts, right?
No 2nd ANAL Amendment protection laws to protect your needs of an AR with 30 rounds to hunt deer.
Or to allow kids in schools to be mass murdered sponsored by the NRA.

You just played your hand. Just another radical leftist that dreams of communism and marxism. A parasite to this country.
Still can't address the 5.3T in socialism spend, Why

Oh yeah I can. That money has to be paid back. It's not socialism. We know you love free stuff though. You're ignorant and should educate yourself before you open your mouth and remove all doubt.
That's right and the money will be raised by Socialism taxes to run the yearly nation social programs.
And to pay off credit debt. That how it works. Guess you have no credit cards to feel the pain of overspending.
As spending on credit makess it cost more to run these socialism programs. Please try again to make a point that is sane.

Taxes aren't soclialism.
When we want the opinion of a Russian troll we'll ask for it comrade!

Otherwise STFU!


Is that your absurd comment for today, or is there more to come?


They are not "liberals" or "progressives". The Democrat Party Leadership is infested with notoriously evil communists and socialists who delude, lure and addict our nations needy with free government cheese used to buy votes while keeping the needy enslaved and dependent.
The Coronavirus and how China’s Communist Party rules in the United States

The experts have told us many things, and even encouraged irrational actions which add to our nation’s confusion and dilemma. And some of the things, which are announced by the experts, are selected by our Fifth Column media and their Yellow Journalists, and regurgitated to the public in nefarious ways generating hysteria in the public’s mind, rather than providing facts which can be used by the general public to arrive at a common sense strategy which is most conducive to promoting the public’s general welfare.

As early as March, 6th, 2020, we were told,

(CNN) "Amid a coronavirus outbreak in the United States, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is encouraging older people and people with severe chronic medical conditions to “stay at home as much as possible.”

“This advice is on a CDC website that was posted Thursday, according to a CDC spokeswoman”.

"Early data suggests older people are twice as likely to have serious illness from the novel coronavirus, according to the CDC. LINK

And by March 18th, we find:

“… new data show that up to one-fifth of infected people ages 20-44 have been hospitalized, including 2%-4% who required treatment in an intensive care unit.

Still, the most severe cases, and the highest rates of death, are among the elderly. Although 17% of the U.S. population is 65 or older, 31% of cases were in that age group, CDC experts concluded in the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report."

From these statistics, sound reasoning indicates that focusing on and protecting the elderly and those with underlying medical conditions, would be a logical course of action, since the remaining portion of the population would not suffer significant casualties if it practiced common sense hygiene.

Now, with the above facts having been reported as of March 18th, what action is encouraged the following day? Behold:

Shut us down already, Mr. President!

By Gene Marks, Opinion Contributor — 03/19/20

“Today it was reported that Wuhan, China, the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak, reported zero new cases. Zero! Why? Because they were shut down. Totally and completely shut down.

In a totalitarian society like China, this was possible. For weeks, no one was allowed in and out of the city except for deliveries. People were confined to their homes. After making many awful mistakes, the Chinese government pivoted, quarantined the region and then enforced these rules with a heavy hand. You can argue with their tactics, but you can’t argue with their results. It worked. Which is why I say to President Trump: Shut us down, sir. Please, just shut us down.

I mean the whole country. Not just New York or San Francisco, but Louisville, Denver, Harrisburg, Clearwater and Madison. Every small town, whether there’s a case or not. I’m talking martial law. Do it. You said you’re now a “wartime president.” So act like one.”

And from that day on, even to the present, our Fifth Column Media and their Yellow Journalists, have been browbeating and fearmongering the general public into adopting the advice of a totalitarian Communist Party’s course of action ___ that the United States must shut America’s economy down, rather than using a common sense approach to promote the general welfare of the United States.

It is a sad day in America when our general public can be encouraged and bamboozled, by Fifth Column journalists, to adopt a Communist Party’s advice, which predictably, and has, set the United States on a path to economic suicide.


Our country is infested with a Fifth Column movement at MSNBC, NEW YORK TIMES, CNN, WASHINGTON POST, ATLANTIC MAGAZINE, New York Daily News, Time, ETC., and their countless Yellow Journalists, who work hand in hand with the Democrat Party socialist/communist leadership to undermine and destroy our free market, free enterprise system.

Socialims/marxism/communism is their true love and ultimate goal. You'll often hear them say that the murderous regimes in the past "just didn't have the right people in power.....if we can just get our own people in power, everything will be perfect". Its frightening to contemplate such barbarism.
So why do you take the Socialism provided by the USA? Why are you still here?

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You and all your MAGA family need to return all monies and don't take new
So to be pure to your MAGA'16 BS and giving us the MAGA COVID-19 Lifestyle in America.

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Ah yes...those are all govt programs that I pay for. No bud, we're not a socialist country even though most weak minded use that argument that you just did. BTW, I didn't a bailout check nor do want or need one.
So maga dumb one, how again are these programs funded?
You mean you were taxed, and they spent it on that stuff. American Socialist country stuff.
Well, yes you did provide some money. Any, all Gobmint Programs are socialist country programs for public use, betterment etc.
Your BS is deflecting they are not, as whining how the money is spent. So get of the socialist BS stupid spew.

Btw. The list is not even close to being complete. Right now we raise some 5.2T plus local states 2T/federal 3.2T to fund this national socialist country needs.

We can see that you yearn for to be pounded and manhandled into submission. You don't deserve liberty or freedom.
Still can't address the 5.3T socialism spending in the USA. More deflections.
No socialism, no military welfare programs, that's dear to your MAGA Hearts, right?
No 2nd ANAL Amendment protection laws to protect your needs of an AR with 30 rounds to hunt deer.
Or to allow kids in schools to be mass murdered sponsored by the NRA.

You just played your hand. Just another radical leftist that dreams of communism and marxism. A parasite to this country.
Still can't address the 5.3T in socialism spend, Why

Oh yeah I can. That money has to be paid back. It's not socialism. We know you love free stuff though. You're ignorant and should educate yourself before you open your mouth and remove all doubt.
That's right and the money will be raised by Socialism taxes to run the yearly nation social programs.
And to pay off credit debt. That how it works. Guess you have no credit cards to feel the pain of overspending.
As spending on credit makess it cost more to run these socialism programs. Please try again to make a point that is sane.

Taxes aren't soclialism.
"Taxes are involuntary fees levied on individuals or corporations and enforced by a government entity. Guns or not"
That's is how Socialism works. Paid in some form of taking value from you and spreading it around to run a nation for the masses..

Socialism economic which advocates that the means of production (the value you produced, in this case, your cash from working),
distribution (spent all over to run the nation), and exchange (Your Cash gets goods here and from other places)

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