The Complicated State Of Black America

It IS a minority, but if you consider that 40 of every 1,000 blacks are on welfare and 6 or 7 of 1,000 whites are on welfare, the difference is very significant.

I wholeheartedly agree but to be intellectually honest we can both agree that an overwhelming minority of both of the aforementioned groups are on Welfare. I guess it can be said that 98+ percent of whites are not on welfare and 96+ percent of blacks are not on welfare. My angst is with people who try to make it look like all or most of "the Blacks" are on Welfare, when that certainly is not the case.

Nowhere did I claim that most blacks are on welfare, only that they are over represented by 6 times, compared to whites.
If we accept that there are 230 million whites in the US and that for the sake of argument that their 38% representation on welfare roll equals 1.5 million, then we can see that approximately 0.6% of whites are on welfare.
So, while the number of blacks on welfare is low, (1 in 25) there is a very significant over representation by blacks. (about 6.7:1)

But these numbers come from the US Commerce Department which is currently run by a white devil. The poet will continue to claim every statistic that paints his race in a negative light is a result of fudged numbers by a Cabinet Secretary appointed by a black man.

I didn't state that you claimed that "most Black people are on welfare", I was referring to other people who try their best to make that claim.
right there.

you have identified reality in your ow closed loop.

I asked you for proof, as of yet you have not posted any, just inane ramblings. lets go back to the other thread where in I asked you to prove by surfacing a systemic platform sthat resulted in bills, legislation etc. floored, voted and enacted from the gop, driven by that supposed pack of southern democrats that moved to the gop, that ipso made the gop 'racist' in your fertile imagination.... ......well?

This bullshit here: GOP Platform | White House 2016

When you strip away the rhetoric, it amounts to anti-women, anti-minorities, anti-immigrants, anti-children, anti-elderly, anti-vets, and anti-poor. Prove that it doesn't...and I'll embarrass you again.

I see, so your rhetoric is what counts, got it.....forget trying to embarrass me, try not to embarrass yourself.

I'd ask you to be specific so we could discuss it specifically but thats a non starter, you cannot even figure out when you're being insulted by your own masters.:doubt:...... your a sheep, useful idiot etc etc etc ... totally and your grass, take your soma and vote the party line.......have a nice life:rolleyes:

Oh, not to worry...those thinking that I embarrass myself, are the very racists and bigots I expose, on a daily basis. I intimidate them, and they don't know what to do. And bitch, please. Can that "master" shit. I'm my own master, and have been, since I stopped working for "the man". Look at your retarded ass. "Trajan"???? I mean, really?

Roman emperor
Trajan, was Roman Emperor from 98 to 117. The Roman Empire reached its greatest territorial extent under Trajan through his conquests in the east. Wikipedia
Born: September 18, 53 AD, Italica
Died: August 8, 117 AD, Selinunte
Spouse: Pompeia Plotin
Place of burial: Trajan's Column
Parents: Marcus Ulpius Traianus, Marcia

You're dead, bitch. And for a zombie emperor, you're pretty stupid. Learn the difference between "your" and "you're". How to Use You're and Your (with Usage Chart) - wikiHow

And me, voting the party line, is what helped President Obama to a second term. Twirl on it. LOL
This is getting a little boring. Every thread 'poet' posts on, he gets made a fool of. Even by some of the biggest idiots on the site. Everyone likes to take a swat at the softest punching bag, but it's becoming so predictable it's pathetic.
This is getting a little boring. Every thread 'poet' posts on, he gets made a fool of. Even by some of the biggest idiots on the site. Everyone likes to take a swat at the softest punching bag, but it's becoming so predictable it's pathetic.
No shit! Even YOU put him in his place. He IS a loser!
An increase in welfare and food stamps will result in lower poverty rates, and preferential treatment will result in an increase in home ownership. The gap in income and unemployment reflect an unwillingness to take advantage of the opportunities offered to you. Looks like a motivation problem to me.

These people seem motivated.
[ame=]Chapter - It's Free Swipe Yo EBT (Explicit) - YouTube[/ame]

Why didn't you put up a video of your beloved "black conservatives"? I think it's because you have a problem with Black people in general. It would be like me putting up a video of sme KKK assholes and trying to make that represent the majority of white people. :lol:

Pretty weak analogy, the KKK are a joke and aren't accepted in any part of society.......I've lived in the South 34 of my 59 years and have never seen or heard of the KKK(never met anyone with anything to do with them or thought they were even relevant). The only time I have ever seen them was in Denver at the Capital steps getting laughed at twice a year when they rallied during MLK Day and Hitler's birthday.

I do have a problem with a number of things that some black people do, but I have problems with things every "race" does, including the one I'm pigeon holed in by most others ...... it's an opinion and taste ...... it has nothing to do with hatred for a particular skin color. For some reason that doesn't seem to be OK if you're someone that looks like they have a European ancestry.

Probably the most ridiculous thing is the hyphened bullshit. I'm an American, I don't care to be associated with my Great, Great, Great, Great, Great Grandfather's birthplace, if I was so attached I would live there. I have three friends who immigrated here from Africa........ Ghana, Liberia and Senegal......they are truly now African Americans and yet they don't refer to themselves that way....they are proud to call themselves Americans......ironic, isn't it?
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