The Complicated State Of Black America

Smart decent whites are already in the minority... most of them are Liberals!
While I know this is not true.
Oh its true alright, all one has to do is review the past two Presidential elections to see the parade of Republican idiots who tried to run for president against the brilliance of Obama! SInce a majority of Republican constituents were composed of dummies like you, ( angry white RW aging males) they actually believed they could win without the votes of minorities, women and young progressive white males. The Republican circus needed more elephants but all they had was a bunch of clowns!

I am sure the reverse is: smart and decent blacks, though an extreme minority, are conservative.

Oh STFU, "Black Conservative" is just another euphemism for "My kind of nigra." Lets not play games here. Where were these"conservatives" when Dr King was marching down in Selma?

Brilliant. And the God's honest truth. Instead of being beyond embarrassed, they are defiant and arrogant, and continue to lie. Well-said.
The lengths some of you will go to when you can't deal with the truth. I post government statistics that you don't like so that makes me a psychopath. Brilliant.

And who is the fucking government? White folks, who have, decidedly, forged data to make blacks look bad. And you are sitting up here, reposting them, and expecting us (black forum members) to accept them, because they are "government stats". BS. The self-same government, at one time, condoned slavery, and turned a blind eye to lynching, rape and murder happening to blacks. The "government", not too long ago, turned firehoses and dogs on American citizens, who were protesting "peacefully", I'm not all that enamored with their statistics.

if black america is doing so well then quit your constant whining and bitching

Uh, what you're categorizing as whining and bitching is me, countering the lies being told about us, just as JQPublic just did.
And who is the fucking government? White folks, who have, decidedly, forged data to make blacks look bad. And you are sitting up here, reposting them, and expecting us (black forum members) to accept them, because they are "government stats". BS. The self-same government, at one time, condoned slavery, and turned a blind eye to lynching, rape and murder happening to blacks. The "government", not too long ago, turned firehoses and dogs on American citizens, who were protesting "peacefully", I'm not all that enamored with their statistics.

if black america is doing so well then quit your constant whining and bitching

Uh, what you're categorizing as whining and bitching is me, countering the lies being told about us, just as JQPublic just did.
No, it's just whining and bitching. There was no nuance.

I find it hard to believe that intelligent blacks who do not tow the tow the line are so reviled by other black Americans. All you do is relegate yourselves to the servitude and second-class citizenship which so outrages you.

These expressions of abject stupidity and intolerance do far more harm than any government statistics.
if black america is doing so well then quit your constant whining and bitching

Uh, what you're categorizing as whining and bitching is me, countering the lies being told about us, just as JQPublic just did.
No, it's just whining and bitching. There was no nuance.

I find it hard to believe that intelligent blacks who do not tow the tow the line are so reviled by other black Americans. All you do is relegate yourselves to the servitude and second-class citizenship which so outrages you.

These expressions of abject stupidity and intolerance do far more harm than any government statistics.

And that would be your opinion, which you've confused for truth. Tow the line? If anyone with half a brain checked the Republican platform and what it stands for, then there would be no question of objection to those who refuse to "tow the line"...the line of tolerance and inclusivity.
If anyone with half a brain checked the Republican platform and what it stands for, .

I guess YOU haven't checked it then, since you don't have nearly that much of a brain.

I'm an intellectual, bitch....something you wouldn't know about. Smarts recognizes "smarts". You don't have that ability. You're just a white female dog...go fetch.
Uh, what you're categorizing as whining and bitching is me, countering the lies being told about us, just as JQPublic just did.
No, it's just whining and bitching. There was no nuance.

I find it hard to believe that intelligent blacks who do not tow the tow the line are so reviled by other black Americans. All you do is relegate yourselves to the servitude and second-class citizenship which so outrages you.

These expressions of abject stupidity and intolerance do far more harm than any government statistics.

And that would be your opinion, which you've confused for truth. Tow the line? If anyone with half a brain checked the Republican platform and what it stands for, then there would be no question of objection to those who refuse to "tow the line"...the line of tolerance and inclusivity.
Of course it's my opinion! I'm not a presumptuous prick like you who feel they're spreading gospel.

You obviously can't handle the truth. Instead you build yourself a ludicrous fantasy world of good and evil, black and white.
No, it's just whining and bitching. There was no nuance.

I find it hard to believe that intelligent blacks who do not tow the tow the line are so reviled by other black Americans. All you do is relegate yourselves to the servitude and second-class citizenship which so outrages you.

These expressions of abject stupidity and intolerance do far more harm than any government statistics.

And that would be your opinion, which you've confused for truth. Tow the line? If anyone with half a brain checked the Republican platform and what it stands for, then there would be no question of objection to those who refuse to "tow the line"...the line of tolerance and inclusivity.
Of course it's my opinion! I'm not a presumptuous prick like you who feel they're spreading gospel.

You obviously can't handle the truth. Instead you build yourself a ludicrous fantasy world of good and evil, black and white.

No,'re confused. I get my news from various sources, which keeps me "in the loop" and well-informed. I'm grounded by my partner and friends. And I have no agenda which serves to demonize another group at the group's expense. I believe in "live and let live".....which conflicts with those of you on the right.
I wholeheartedly agree but to be intellectually honest we can both agree that an overwhelming minority of both of the aforementioned groups are on Welfare. I guess it can be said that 98+ percent of whites are not on welfare and 96+ percent of blacks are not on welfare. My angst is with people who try to make it look like all or most of "the Blacks" are on Welfare, when that certainly is not the case.

Nowhere did I claim that most blacks are on welfare, only that they are over represented by 6 times, compared to whites.
If we accept that there are 230 million whites in the US and that for the sake of argument that their 38% representation on welfare roll equals 1.5 million, then we can see that approximately 0.6% of whites are on welfare.
So, while the number of blacks on welfare is low, (1 in 25) there is a very significant over representation by blacks. (about 6.7:1)

But these numbers come from the US Commerce Department which is currently run by a white devil. The poet will continue to claim every statistic that paints his race in a negative light is a result of fudged numbers by a Cabinet Secretary appointed by a black man.

The Back man in the white house probably has more pressing things to focus on than miniscule numbers. However, I question the reason for those numbers in the first place! Why collect numbers on AFDC or TANF recipients when nothing is ever done with those numbers except to provide fodder for bigots to throw around message boards? Collecting such data is useless and that time could be better spent doing something more worthy of our tax dollars!

Sociologists love data like that.
The numbers can be used for what ever agenda you promote. poet will chime in and say, "Look! Data shows that there are just as many white devils on welfare as blacks!"
I will state that the data shows that blacks are overwhelmingly over represented.
We are both right, of course, but did either of us learn anything?
Not really.

But, the sociologists look at the data and know where they should focus their efforts to remedy another social problem. All data are valuable.
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No, it's just whining and bitching. There was no nuance.

I find it hard to believe that intelligent blacks who do not tow the tow the line are so reviled by other black Americans. All you do is relegate yourselves to the servitude and second-class citizenship which so outrages you.

These expressions of abject stupidity and intolerance do far more harm than any government statistics.

And that would be your opinion, which you've confused for truth. Tow the line? If anyone with half a brain checked the Republican platform and what it stands for, then there would be no question of objection to those who refuse to "tow the line"...the line of tolerance and inclusivity.
Of course it's my opinion! I'm not a presumptuous prick like you who feel they're spreading gospel.

You obviously can't handle the truth. Instead you build yourself a ludicrous fantasy world of good and evil, black and white.

And again, you think your opinion represents truth. It does not. And based on my life experiences, in which, I have keen insight on "being black in America", I can tell you that the statistics are a lie...because from what I've seen, black folks "work", however they can get it...because they know that Mr. Man, and Mr. Charlie care nothing for them. And so we do it for ourselves...whether it's a beauty pageant, celebrating "black beauty" or television, with us, as the center of attention, or magazines, in which we are featured. We learned to make do, in spite of the obstacles whites present. We've had a lot of practice.
I guess YOU haven't checked it then, since you don't have nearly that much of a brain.

I'm an intellectual, bitch.....

It's clear that you desperately want to believe that, but it is painfully obvious that you are just a delusional clown.

Based on what...and you need to be detailed. Personally, I don't think you have it in you to elaborate on any given topic.
Do you consider facts like that there are more black males in college than in prisons a vindication of the state of black America?

Sure I do, considering the trap people like you have attempted to make America into for Black males! That particular statistic is is a tribute to the perseverance of decent liberal and conservative Black Democrats! My thanks also goes to the White people who had the courage to stand up for human rights no matter what color the oppressed American was! Your kind is not included in that mix!

Meathead said:
! I have no idea of what you're trying to prove with the statistics you provided from a link.
Naturally! You are clueless! Each of the facts can be verified by paying a little attention to details like footnotes and other notations writers use to cite their sources! BTW, many of your posts are not cited at all but I rarely bitch about that. WHY? Because we KNOW where most of your drivel comes from. The government might provide your basic statistics but the spin added to them is straight out of the RW propaganda machine! That machine has been regurgitating the same old racist vomit for years... its nothing new... we have all heard it time and time again!
Do you consider facts like that there are more black males in college than in prisons a vindication of the state of black America?

Sure I do, considering the trap people like you have attempted to make America into for Black males! That particular statistic is is a tribute to the perseverance of decent liberal and conservative Black Democrats! My thanks also goes to the White people who had the courage to stand up for human rights no matter what color the oppressed American was! Your kind is not included in that mix!

Meathead said:
! I have no idea of what you're trying to prove with the statistics you provided from a link.
Naturally! You are clueless! Each of the facts can be verified by paying a little attention to details like footnotes and other notations writers use to cite their sources! BTW, many of your posts are not cited at all but I rarely bitch about that. WHY? Because we KNOW where most of your drivel comes from. The government might provide your basic statistics but the spin added to them is straight out of the RW propaganda machine! That machine has been regurgitating the same old racist vomit for years... its nothing new... we have all heard it time and time again!

Worse, he expects us to accept that propaganda as "gospel". I was born at night, but not last night. "You people are bad...just accept it." BS.
And that would be your opinion, which you've confused for truth. Tow the line? If anyone with half a brain checked the Republican platform and what it stands for, then there would be no question of objection to those who refuse to "tow the line"...the line of tolerance and inclusivity.
Of course it's my opinion! I'm not a presumptuous prick like you who feel they're spreading gospel.

You obviously can't handle the truth. Instead you build yourself a ludicrous fantasy world of good and evil, black and white.

No,'re confused. I get my news from various sources, which keeps me "in the loop" and well-informed. I'm grounded by my partner and friends. And I have no agenda which serves to demonize another group at the group's expense. I believe in "live and let live".....which conflicts with those of you on the right.

I'm certain you are grounded by your partner and friends. Face down.
your base is too stupid to know what to do in a voting booth. It's not hard yet you can't follow simple written and verbal directions. Then hypocritically blame someone else for your own incompetence.

Your side lost the election due to incompetence. You know... that Sarah Palin kind of incompetence... that RW incompetence that counted on a White vote that never came...
that Romney kind of incompetence...
Did you vote for Romney? Apparently you did. If so, I wonder if you knew what YOU were doing in that voting booth!

"That side" lost the election due to being out of touch and insensitive to the self interests of young first time voters, minorities(including Asians and Hispanics, as well as females.

As far as Sqeezo goes, I doubt that he could provide a short list of what he thinks made the other candidate any better than the one who won, except that he is not half black.

did you see your great preident lose his cool yesterday?

what a disgrace. A shameless whiner
Oh its true alright, all one has to do is review the past two Presidential elections to see the parade of Republican idiots who tried to run for president against the brilliance of Obama! SInce a majority of Republican constituents were composed of dummies like you, ( angry white RW aging males) they actually believed they could win without the votes of minorities, women and young progressive white males. The Republican circus needed more elephants but all they had was a bunch of clowns!

Oh STFU, "Black Conservative" is just another euphemism for "My kind of nigra." Lets not play games here. Where were these"conservatives" when Dr King was marching down in Selma?
I have no idea why Obama didn't get 70% of the vote since you seem to believe only older straight white male voted for Romney.

Anyway, look to government statistics for the state of Black America in pretty much any category you want and get back to me. Like you said, let's not play games. I am not going to bother with IQ results by race, even though it would be fair to contrast our differing claims of smart Blacks/Whites. You've got one hell of an uphill battle regardless.

You mean statistics like these:

In closing, here are some verified African American Male statistics on education, economics and employment. Statistics you probably have never heard. Statistics I would challenge you to try discussing on your next visit to the local stylist, academic setting, or community activist meeting. What will sadden you most is to watch the debate, watch the resistance, and watch the denial from people who desire most to hold on to false claims about us… myths, stereotypes and misinformation that only perpetuates the denigration of us all.

· There are more Black Males in College[1] than in Jails, Prisons, Private Corrections, Military Jails and Institutions for the Criminally Insane combined[2] (1,236,443 in College/841,000 Incarcerates – regardless of age)

· 4 to 1: The ratio of 18-24 year old Black Males in College[3] vs. Jails, Prisons, Private Corrections, Military Jails and Institutions for the Criminally Insane[4].

(674,000 in College/164,400 Incarcerates)

32.3% (1 in 3) Black Males ages 18-24 are enrolled in College[5]
(674,000 in College/2,082,000 Total)

1.37 to 1: The ratio of 18-24 year old Black Females enrolled in College to Black Males[6].
(930,000 Black Females Enrolled/674,000 Black Males Enrolled)

6.3%: Black Males (age 18-55+) enroll in College at a higher rate by sex than White Males and Hispanic Males and are surpassed only by Asian Males[7].
(Black Males is 6.3%, White Males is 5.8%, Hispanic Males is 4.7%, and Asian Males is 9.7%)

25.1% of Black Males (age 25 or over) have either an Associates, Bachelors, Masters, Professional, or Doctoral Degree[8].
(2,519,000 with Degrees/10,018,000 Total)

82.1% of Black Males (age 18 or over) have at least a High School Diploma or GED[9] .
(9,897,000 with HS Diploma or GED/12,044,000 Total)

12.1%: The Black Male Dropout Rate[10] (ages 16-24) for 2008.
(301,000 Dropouts/2,583,000 Total)[11]

5.1%: Percent of married Black Men who marry White Women[12]
(279,000 Black Husband-White Wife/5,654,000 Married Black Men)

88.8%: Percent of Black Males earning income[13] ages 25-64 (employment)
(7,899,000 Employed/8,893,000 Total)

$23,738: Average Income for Black Males[14] 15 and older
$19,470 Average Income Black Females

1,812,000 The number of Black Men making $50,000/year or more[15]
71.6% of Black Men pay their agreed to or Court Awarded Child Support[16]
(855,000 Payers/1,194,000 Recipients)

$253 Billion: Total Income earned by Black Males[17] (15 and over)
($262 Billion earned by Black Females)

13,104,000 Total Black Men age 15 or over[18]
(15,816,000 Total Black Females age 15 or over)
Hood-Winked | Black Men In America

What is the college enrollment vs incarceration rate for white males?

I can make statistics say what I want them to as well.

More African American men are in prison or jail, on probation or parole than were enslaved in 1850, before the Civil War began.

What that doesn't say is that there were just 342,000 slaves in 1850 and today the US black population is nearly 100 times that.

In 2010 black non-Hispanic males were incarcerated at the rate of 4,347 inmates per 100,000 U.S. residents of the same race and gender. White males were incarcerated at the rate of 678 inmates per 100,000 U.S. residents. Hispanic males were incarcerated at the rate of 1,755 inmates per 100,000 U.S. residents.

Well gee! There we are with that 6:1 over-representation again.
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And who is the fucking government? White folks, who have, decidedly, forged data to make blacks look bad. And you are sitting up here, reposting them, and expecting us (black forum members) to accept them, because they are "government stats". BS. The self-same government, at one time, condoned slavery, and turned a blind eye to lynching, rape and murder happening to blacks. The "government", not too long ago, turned firehoses and dogs on American citizens, who were protesting "peacefully", I'm not all that enamored with their statistics.

if black america is doing so well then quit your constant whining and bitching

Uh, what you're categorizing as whining and bitching is me, countering the lies being told about us, just as JQPublic just did.

there are good and bad in each ethnicity, but................

You are a whing little black asshole of a bitch that takes it deep
If anyone with half a brain checked the Republican platform and what it stands for, .

I guess YOU haven't checked it then, since you don't have nearly that much of a brain.

I'm an intellectual, bitch....something you wouldn't know about. Smarts recognizes "smarts". You don't have that ability. You're just a white female dog...go fetch.

People who actually claim to be intellectuals, rarely are, but always are petty egomaniacs with little to be proud of.

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