The Coming Obama Thugocracy

The sky will rain frogs. Cats and dogs will live together. Liberals and conservatives will have unsafe sex. The Pope will get married and Sarah will get pregnant with Obama's love child.

Oh, Calamity, Calamity.
Obama ... Why are you so afraid of him? I just don't understand what is SO threatening about Obama.

Yeah, really, what's so threatening about a half-black man with the middle name "Hussein" who launched his political career from the home of an avowed terrorist and now seeks to bring down socialism on America?

Man, some people are paranoid.
You can only predict what Obama will do. We can list what George did and what his party under McCain will continue to do.

Broke the FISA law.

Spied on Americans above and beyond terrorists.

Broke the fucking economy

Started and un needed war

Fucked up a needed war.

I'm sure there is more, but it gets to depressing.

When will you switch from the socialism bullshit to the communism one?

Wait, wait, Bush wants to buy some of our banks. Fucking socialism

What a laugh riot, remind us WHO agreed with the war? Remind us who keeps trying to cut funds even to Afghanistan? Remind us who created and then enforced bad loans to people that could not pay? Who created more incentives to make those bad loans and threatened banks with law suits if they did NOT make said loans?

It wasn't republicans.

Remind us of the two men running for Presidnet which one sued banks to make them make more bad loans and worked to ensure illegal voters got registered?
Yeah Good little Stalinists, all. Behold The future if Obama gets elected.

One true measure of a free society is the "Town Square Test". Under Obama we would fail that test.

Great somebody else to make my party look bad.
That Michael Barone article is POWERFUL and I was going to post it, but you beat me to it, Gray. It hit all the major points of why we don't want Obama in the White House.

I'm glad you also highlighted the fact that the secret ballot would be done away with for union people. This is UNDEMOCRATIC. This will also mean that all businesses will have to be unionized. There has been a trend in this country of businesses not being unionized. Do away with the secret ballot means doing away with capitalism and killing businesses. Thanks democrats! You were responsible for the economic meltdown because you felt everyone should have their own homes and now you will create even further economic damage if Barack Hussein Obama is elected.
Yeah Good little Stalinists, all. Behold The future if Obama gets elected.

One true measure of a free society is the "Town Square Test". Under Obama we would fail that test.

Gray stands for Geriatric Republican Against Youth
The guy is a hired hack for the R party Im telling you.

They send them out to web sites as a last resort to try and spin all the bad news into something good.

It goes with either party. If Obama wasn't a Democrat and was Republican, he wouldn't be as popular to the Democrat party nor would he if he were an independent.
It goes with either party. If Obama wasn't a Democrat and was Republican, he wouldn't be as popular to the Democrat party nor would he if he were an independent.
Ok then try this on for size, not related to any party far as i know...
URGENT: Big story about to break, we are one step closer to Rezko giving Obama up to federal prosecutors HillBuzz

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